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Vincent Michael Comes Back!

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RE: He's Back??


Oliver, I also received a similar e-mail from VM. I told him he should talk to and apologize to the person he had trashed not me. I also advised him I had met that person and thought very well of him. But we did have a very short conversation where he said he would call me after he had talked to and resolved the issue with that person. He has yet to call me again. It still doesn't make sense to me that he e-mailed several of us and apologized on this site BEFORE he actually tried to apologize to the person he had hurt and that had trusted him.

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> Don't let 'em get to you. The

>"moral majority" is baiting you to explode into a nasty rage.


As a person that hires a great deal I respectfully disagree. To me it is a matter of trust. I think what if I was that client (no we don't have the same profession) Hopefully you won't be his next trusting client to be hurt.

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RE: He's Back??


>You know some of you are wondering why I haven’t explained my

>self to you in private or for that matter in public and are

>making a big fuss over it. The simple answer is I honestly

>don’t care anymore what any of you think about what I did

>because, One I said I was sorry and you men (though not all)

>cant seem to forgive me for a damn thing and if you cant do a

>simple thing as forgiving me then I don’t give a rats ass

>about your opinion. Two it is none of your business as to why

>I did certain things all you need to know is I have made an

>apology to those who it matters most.


If you didn't care why bother sending a private email? Personally, I was surprised to receive it but was interested in what you had to say. Once again, you have demonstrated your character and maturity. Furthermore, I don't have anything to forgive you for...I was not the one you betrayed, I am just the one who sadly has lost interest in ever meeting you. As far as my opinion and your caring, I could care less about your rat's ass as well.....By the way, I see your spelling has improved!

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RE: He's Back??


>I am not saying I am not sorry for mentioning his M4M name on

>the other site I am just clarifying what you have all deemed

>as me OUTING someone to not be true and I have said sorry four

>times now including this time. Yet I am sure you will give a

>pass to any other escort when not a one has ever publicly said

>they are sorry for anything and yet I have the balls to do



But why continue to apologize here when we are not the ones that have been harmed? Could it be because you are concerned about mending your business more than sincerely mending your actions with those actually involved?


Sincere apologies are very commendable when directed to the proper people with a true explanation for ones failings or actions.


You were very well thought of before your retirement and your rambling blasts directed at some escorts and clients. Maybe that is also part of the problem for many. They thought highly of you and respected you, that made the shock factor higher and yes some disappointment on their part.


I do wish you well and hope you can get past this by trying to make amends with those you hurt.


As for me, trust is very important and yes I never know for sure I can trust anyone I hire or meet. But you now have a history and sadly we will now never meet.


Take Care.

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Whoa to much Drama Guy! First of all VM is not my Type..Anyone who reads my many "Reviews" knows that. Those who are offended by what Transpired definitely shouldn't hookup with him.

BUT don't make it sound like he was the "First or will be the Last" to divulge "whatever" at some point in time. It is unfortunate for those "Involved" THAT THIS DID HAPPEN!

His Returning to the "Working" Scene might be short lived. IF that is the case, I suggest he doesn't "Announce It" Just quietly fade away. :+

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>> Don't let 'em get to you. The

>>"moral majority" is baiting you to explode into a nasty



>As a person that hires a great deal I respectfully disagree.

>To me it is a matter of trust. I think what if I was that

>client (no we don't have the same profession) Hopefully you

>won't be his next trusting client to be hurt.


Thanks KY for the concern, but I'm not a "trusting" client. I have hired VM before and plan to do so again. Trust is only an issue for these guys (or gals) who talk incessantly about themselves revealing personal info. That's not me; it's all about companionship and fun. I don't need a therapist or a biographer. I have never divulged personal info about myself to any escort, even though I would say that most of them have been decent guys who could probably keep their mouths shut. I've done OK at this for five years, and never had a problem. I'm sure VM and I will do just fine.;)

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I guess that you're just a ramblin' wreck, huh?, perhaps looking for a pileup on the interstate of the information highway?????


Perhaps, VM should contain his latest escorting adventures to you and the other clients who have previously hired him (at least those whose confidences he has not YET violated), as I can't fathom why any potentially new client would risk the exposure during one of his "I'm in love and retiring, so it is okay to expose all the clients that I hated" episodes!


So, just out of curiosity, JUST HOW (unless shacking up in a hotel in the escort's base town), can you spend a weekend with someone, and not reveal anything "personal" about yourself, or totally hide all "personal" data about yourself, if he is visiting you in your home???? And in return, JUST HOW, does he conceal all his "personal" info, as if the client is buying a ticket to fly the escort to him, then DUH, the escort has to give his legal name in order to pick up the ticket???? My guess: you and his defenders have never hired him

for anything longer than overnight, and most likely have only hired him on a hourly basis.


I wish VM or is that MV all the best, but really, he went WAY over the bounds of client/escort confidentiality, and imo, certainly does not deserve all the praise and excuses that his previous clients are extolling on this board!


PT Barnum observed it best, "one born every minute" and Doug69 restated it best in this whole LOOOOOONNNNNG thread! x(


Just re-read VM's postings on that other site! JESUS! get a CLUE, people! This has got to be the SORRIEST individual who has ever escorted, so bypass his good looks, his big cock, and READ his postings over there! and ASK yourselves if you want to be his NEXT victim? x( x( x( x( x( x( And his VICTIMS! include both fellow escorts and clients!


And to all the bashers of other escorts, EXPLAIN, why this guy deserved his recent Escort of the Day designation, since you ALL are conspiracy experts that would SHAME Oliver Stone! ;(

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All of these posts, which express moral outrage about failures, sins, transgressions, blah, blah, blah....continue to amuse me. I love a good laugh, and this message board has always met the need. I read these posts espousing virtues and decrying certain evils, and I have to remind myself that this is a website for tricking and hooking among gay men. Heaven forbid something untoward occurs among the participants of this board.


Oh and thanks Hawk for your interest in my well-being. But fret not, my confidentiality is protected. No worries there. I'll be seeing VM in another month or so, and I'm sure we will have another great time together. :9

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>All of these posts, which express moral outrage about

>failures, sins, transgressions, blah, blah, blah....continue

>to amuse me. I love a good laugh,


I love a good laugh as well. I'm right there with you buddy. I just hope that you'll still be a member here under your current screen name when I'm reading about you on escort speak. That way we can have a big laugh together.


Amused To Death. eh?

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>I am not sure, but is reading and responding to a VaHawk post

>at 3:52 in the morning the sign of a real tweaker?




Clean your bifocals. The post was made at 7:52 am, and the only one tweaking was that liberal bitch Couric who I was watching while making it. She was complaining about not being in Houston, missing her second big hurricane in a row. She certainly can grate on the nerves.



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I can say I hired VM for a two night stay in my city. I do not think I have enjoyed the company of an escort more. I found him perfect for the longer periods I usually hire for. I like spending time with the escort because I look for something more than just sex. Which would put me a greater risk for privacy problems because it is easy to divulge things once you get comfortable with someone. Given my "secret" life discretion and privacy are always a priority. VM has never been given my real name as everything was done in his name. I have done 10 overnights with 10 different escorts all of which run the risk of privacy issues but can truly say it has been the escort who has been at more risk of personal information being divulged. VM was about my fourth overnight, I found him trustworthy and respectful given the fact that he had the hotel room to himself for the two nights and there were no additional billings on the bill (in his name but I paid for it) as other escorts have done to me.


What VM did on the other line is an indescretion I am sure he honestly regrets and it is an important issue some of us want to consider when hiring. But while VaHawk rants on the issue I wonder that if some this has something to do with his support of another escort who VM has had issues with and VaHawk supports. Funny thing is I believe VaHawk was one of those supporters who pointed out that the constant attention the escort was getting was building significant curiosity about his favorite guy. I guess the knife cuts both ways.


However, this plays out I hope VM stays in the game because I would like to hire him again because I can trust him on the important issues. Again I enjoy his input on this line. A good lesson for us all is that if you want something kept private than keep it private. Some of us want to treat escorts like a confessional. I really do not know what is different about this then blabbing about who you were with the night before at the water cooler, if you do not think it is going to be around the office before you leave for the day you do live in "LaLa" land. I would be more worried about the stuff you can not control such as does the escort/client have a STD or not or something more serious. Condoms can only control so much. Privacy is much more easily controlled with common sense and keeping what you want private...private.


I can say from personal experience what is more troubling to me are escorts who pass along an STD and do not have the decency to tell you. Especially since it was something I was showing no symptoms of and only by pure chance of checking something else out did it show up. So I am sure I am not the last word, but what more can be said.

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I am virtually certain that I am going to regret becoming involved in this thread but what the hell here goes.

I never hired an escort until I retired from my long time teaching position. I simply could NOT afford to have the fact that I hired escorts become public. It would have been a personal and professional disaster. Generally speaking I believed then and still believe now that it is NEVER in ones best interest to behave, even in private, in a manner that one cannot afford to have made public. Always expect and prepare for the worst and if one can’t stand the worst DO NOT DO IT.

Now when I retired 3½ years ago I began hiring, damn near, at once. Granted exposure of the fact that I do so would be personally embarrassing, upsetting to my family and some friends but my income would NOT be in jeopardy. That chance I am obviously willing to take.

I am very open with the escorts I hire. I use my real name and many of these guys have my home address and my various telephone numbers. Trying to keep all personal information secret is, as far as I concerned, simply too much work and trouble. Might I get burned down the road – of course but I am aware of that and won’t have anybody, but MYSELF, to blame if it should happen. I know the danger, understand the consequences and am willing to take the chance.

Now would I hire Vincent Michael in the future -- possibly?????

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>Generally speaking I

>believed then and still believe now that it is NEVER in ones

>best interest to behave, even in private, in a manner that one

>cannot afford to have made public. Always expect and prepare

>for the worst and if one can’t stand the worst DO NOT DO IT.


This is the smartest thing that I've seen posted on this site in a long time and one that I've preached forever. If you can get away with murder, fine. If you can't, don't bitch and moan and complain about someone else's behaviour because in your own case it would possibly result in your own ruin.



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Guest timgetrum

I hired VM, twice, both overnights, the only overnights I've had with excorts. They were hugely positive experiences for me, and I wrote my first escort review, of him, for HB, a very positive review.

I have been lucky to have hired other great escorts.


VM made a judgment error in posting what he did at the other site. He was impulsive, but I think what he did has been mischaracterized regarding how specific he was. He regrets what he did, apologized and is OK with taking the consequenses.


I've never had the slightest concern VM will cause me grief concerning confidentiality. He knows everything about me, and I have placed trust in a good guy. Outing would change my life significantly. I think if I were "outed" to the degree VM's client was "outed" it would not change my life at all. I don't think VM "outed" anyone. He did talk much more openly about a client than he should.


One of the things a client will enjoy about VM is the disconnect between the grammar-poor, spelling-awful guy, who posts here and the articulate, in-person guy, who has a large knowledge base. I am certain he has dylexia of some form. He is very, very open about himself. He says he knows people who read him must think he is a "babbling idiot". [his words] He and I keep up with each other by phone and email. He is a friend.


BTW, I enjoy ALL the the posts here.

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