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When Two Worlds Collide...

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It has been 2½ years since I discovered the joys of escorts, and the things that I have learned could almost be enough to fill a book. I am confident that escorts too have enough thoughts that could fill a book. I have experienced things that I would have never imagined, some good, some bad and some just down right unbelievable.

When I felt it necessary to post my first escort review, I was saddened that it had to be a negative review of an escort that had been beyond wonderful to me. My first escort review was of Aiden of Tampa Florida (review #8, 1-6-04). Although it is 100% accurate, I was taken back when he asked me to e-mail this site and request that it be removed cause it was “creating problems” for his business. Since that wasn’t possible, and the rules here are that the escort gets the last say in these matters, he decided to write in and claim that my review was “bogus”. I believe that this was my first experience of this collision of two separate worlds. Many on here looked at my review and figured that maybe it was bogus since I was a first time reviewer.


Some of the wildest things I have experienced with escorts include:

**Having an escort steal a corporate credit card from my wallet when I was in the restroom at my home. He managed to charge about $125 by noon of the following day. I wasn’t held liable for any of the charges. I decided to not to inform the card company that I knew who had the card and was making the charges. Some things are best left alone. Never hired him again.

**Having another escort call me to say he was in route to my house and should be there within an hour for a date and a dinner I had prepared only to not show up, or call. At that point I had hired him about 8-10 times. He never responded to my e-mails...just disappeared. It was almost 8 months before he re-appeared, but I would not hire him again. Damn hot guy.

**Another escort, I broke the rule of making a partial pre-pay, but this escort is well reviewed here and we had seen each other more times than I should admit. We had agreed on doing an overnight but he had no dependable transportation at that time, so I deposited $300 into his checking account so he would have funds to rent a car. Two days later he calls and tells me that he will be getting the car the next day and should be at my house around 4 PM. He never appeared and never called me. I had even bought him a pre-paid calling card since his cell phone was broken so he could call me if something happened. The following day I saw him on AOL and sent him an IM, the person at the other end told me it was his roommate and that the escort had to leave town suddenly to go to Washington DC for some legal matters and told me that he had left the calling card info there and therefore unable to call me. At that point, I sent an email to the escort saying “where are you and when will I hear from you”. In his response, he told me that he had to leave town for a family emergency and travel to New York...huh? It appeared that they couldn’t even get their stories straight, although, I still believe that the guy on the other end of the IM was really the escort, not his roommate. A few days later I was working on plans for a trip to Boston for a short vacation and decided to check out some of the local talent on Erodas.com and was shocked to find that escort with a new posting that he was currently in Boston and taking appointments. Guess my $300 was used for a plane ticket to go to Boston. I finally called the escort a couple of weeks later and he answered the phone, only reason he answered my call was because it was a new phone and he hadn’t yet programed my number into it. He told me that he couldn’t speak right then but would call back, but I could hear a TV in the background and knew he was laying around the house. In the meantime, he never called me back or sent an e-mail, but he did have a new glowing review posted of him for that time frame from a man who had used his services in New York City. Never expected so many to reap the benefits of the $300 I had pre-paid the escort. I will have to give him credit that he did finally appear unannounced a few weeks later at my front doorstep to visit and he was prepared to pay me back the $300. When I questioned him about Boston, and his Erados.com listing he told me that he had actually gone to Boston with another one of his clients and got to attend the Democratic National Convention, but stayed in town after his client returned home. Mixing this new fact with the rest, I decided to just drop it, cause I knew he wouldn’t tell me the truth anyway. Damn hot guy.

Those are some of my most eventful dealings with escorts, along with my first review that I posted.

I have recently become more uncomfortable with the collision of my world and the escorts world. I know there are both good and bad escorts and clients alike, but by hiring escorts, I feel that I am in some way facilitating a life style that I just don’t approve of. The most recent event with an well reviewed escort happened yesterday, it is so unbelievable that the preceding events I mentioned are nothing compared to what happened. Maybe I have been expecting too much, but I am a kind, honest, forthright and dependable man and have begun to have a difficult time when it isn’t returned by an escort, whom I have given my hard earned money to.

I have given it serious thought that maybe it is time for me to say good bye to this world of escorting. My first review was of a guy who was the hottest thing around and I think my last review might be of Bruno Gaucho. I have arranged to have an overnight with him when he visits Florida in a few weeks. Why not go out with a guy I have had on my list since I first saw his pictures

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You've definitely seemed to have had your share of bad luck in the past few years. Since you mention some have been reviewed here, like the $300 guy, did you review all these guys to warn the rest of us?


If you no longer feel comforable hiring, I understand your decision and wish you the best. Hope the last guy(s) you see will be positive experiences.

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Take a sabbatical instead! SF is turning out to be a more difficult venue to find an escort I want to hire at the $ I can pay, so I'm taking one right now since my luck with hiring has been spotty (and the money hasn't always been available when the luck has).


Or join/start a Hooville group where you live (this sounds evangelistic, doesn't it?). Maybe you'll meet an escort with a reliable or more professional demeanor that bodes for a better outcome.


Or not. Just my 2 cents.

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Excuse me, you say that though this escort had been more than wonderful to you in the past, you were forced to write a negative review of him as your first review you ever wrote? What happened to the one about how wonderful he was in the first place? This site does not just exist for negative reviews, ya know. Makes me wonder if you are one of those guys who zooms in on the negative and focuses on it? Might explain why a guy who had been wonderful to you changed so dramatically in front of your very eyes, mightn't it? Well, we've all seen on Trek that when postive matter and anti (or negative) matter collide, there usually is an explosion. }(

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I find this posting very interesting. Although I understand where the comment regarding "facilitating" this lifestyle may have come from, I have chosen to look at my participation as a client in the opposite manner. I hope I can give support to men who have chosen this either as a stepping stone onto other ends or as a long-term career. I have found unfortunately that many of the guys I meet with are many times ostracized from the gay community for being immoral or a drag on gay political stream that wants recognition viable lifestyle. And this type of activity is treated as being almost anti-gay. Want gets so often ignored is that many, I can't say most because I have not met most, but from whom I have met are human.


I almost feel the comment as condescending because are we not both, client and escort most of the time trying to hide what we are doing. This is why I do look for something more than sex. Yes it can be emotional like my review today of VM; it was an emotional experience with someone who offered companionship. Yes there was sex and included those details too, but I never once felt I was facilitating a bad choice. Now hiring a guy, who is a known drug user, I believe that is facilitating a bad thing. But I do not hire those types of guys. That is why I invest time in getting to know the escort. It is time consuming and some guys do not like that. But usually we do not meet then. I find it fascinating to hear about what the person is doing in his life and most of the time they are interested or try to be interested in my opinion as well.


This may very well sound naive but it is how I feel and I think most of the guys I have been with feel this is a fair exchange.


By the way good luck your last escort of choice. Bruno is a nice looking young man, very polite, tries to communicate but I found him distant in bed. Yes you can yell at me I should have written the review, at the time last August, and I have no good excuse.

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>Excuse me, you say that though this escort had been more than

>wonderful to you in the past, you were forced to write a

>negative review of him as your first review you ever wrote?

>What happened to the one about how wonderful he was in the

>first place? This site does not just exist for negative

>reviews, ya know. Makes me wonder if you are one of those guys

>who zooms in on the negative and focuses on it?


Yes, He had been more than wonderful to me, and that fact will never change, however, prior to that I was just one of those who lurked and used the reviews for reference, and actually didn't plan on posting any reviews. But things changed, for whatever reason, and I came to the conclusion that it would be best to post that review.

Now that I have elvolved into a more active user I think you will find that I have been posting reviews. I believe that I currently have five reviews posted and two currently pending; of those seven reviews, only one is negative. I hope that will support my disagreement with you in questioning my use of reviews.

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Your observations are interesting, to me at least. I've hired many escorts but have never really had a bad time and have never really been ripped off. There have been marginal times but none that really made me mad and most have been at least okay and many have been very good. Sorry you've run into what seems like a fair number of bad apples in a relatively short time.


In my recent reply to Vincent Michael, I advised him not to think of clients as friends but rather to remember that the relationship between escort and client is more like the relationship between a professional businessman and his clients. Clients can be demanding, flaky, unpredictable and downright hard to work with -- or terrific, cordial, friendly, trustworthy and worth every minute and every dime we invest in them.


Turned about, my advice would be the same to you. When we hire people to do work for us, we hope and expect that they will be professional in their approach to the job, pleasant and honest to work with, that they will deliver real value for the price they charge, and that there will be fairly large overlap between our expectations and what is actually delivered. Unfortunately, that's not always the case in business and it's certainly not always the case when hiring escorts.


If you find yourself constantly disappointed, or even frequently so, perhaps you are setting your expectations too high or perhaps you are even looking for something that is not likely to be provided. For example, if you find yourself looking for real friendship with the young men you hire, you are likely to be disappointed most of the time. Paying for friendship is not generally the way most of make our friends. Similarly, if you're looking for real romance or anything along that line, you will probably be disappointed again. There are exceptions to every rule, but real romance, real friendship, honest companionship with people who spend time with us because they like spending time with us -- these are things that we are likely to find in more traditional places than at the side of an escort.


Good escorts are expert at the art of making us feel like they're a buddy or a boyfriend or a lover and that we are a special person in their lives. But we all do well to remember that this is, in most instances, an act, a special performance for an audience of one. Taken at face value and enjoyed for the moment, it's harmless. Taken more seriously, it can lead to places where guys can become seriously screwed up.


I'm sorry you've been disappointed recently and I hope things take a better turn for you. Unlike some of the other posters in this thread, I don't see a lot of ego in your post. Instead, I see hurt and disappointment. You sound a lot like a little boy who just discovered that the candy in the candy store isn't very good for him.




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Navigating Crocodile waters



It's been some time since I was roundly criticized for using this message forum as a place to vent. I have been accused of all sorts of things, Drama King being one. It used to bother me until I realized that the benefits from participating here were much more important than the negative raps that I got in the process.


As you wade through these waters, there will always be some really good folk who offer sound advice and relate on a level that extends past a monitor screen. This is why I have so enjoyed meeting in person people like duke37, KyTop, Lucky, Cooper, Foxy, Hijinx, Axiom, Tomcal, Gulliver, FLaRob, Spida, Rapaz7, funseeker, Trilingual, Deej, Beguiled Traveler, Oliver, John Pela, and last weekend Charlie, not to mention the escorts I have met (some as a client and some as a friend). I have met alot of other guys who play here but have misplaced their names in my memory banks.


What I think is important in regard to your post is that maybe this is a time to step back and recharge your batteries, re-evaluate what you want and expect, and then decide what you are going to do. don't be bothered by the name calling. You were simply reaching out for feedback and those who see drama in everything outside their own direct lives may simply be too bored or too superficial to offer any real feedback other than criticism.


Keep looking for what makes you happy and just do it.

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>Your observations are interesting, to me at least. I've hired

>many escorts but have never really had a bad time and have

>never really been ripped off. There have been marginal times

>but none that really made me mad and most have been at least

>okay and many have been very good. Sorry you've run into what

>seems like a fair number of bad apples in a relatively short



>In my recent reply to Vincent Michael, I advised him not to

>think of clients as friends but rather to remember that the

>relationship between escort and client is more like the

>relationship between a professional businessman and his

>clients. Clients can be demanding, flaky, unpredictable and

>downright hard to work with -- or terrific, cordial, friendly,

>trustworthy and worth every minute and every dime we invest in



>Turned about, my advice would be the same to you. When we

>hire people to do work for us, we hope and expect that they

>will be professional in their approach to the job, pleasant

>and honest to work with, that they will deliver real value for

>the price they charge, and that there will be fairly large

>overlap between our expectations and what is actually

>delivered. Unfortunately, that's not always the case in

>business and it's certainly not always the case when hiring



>If you find yourself constantly disappointed, or even

>frequently so, perhaps you are setting your expectations too

>high or perhaps you are even looking for something that is not

>likely to be provided. For example, if you find yourself

>looking for real friendship with the young men you hire, you

>are likely to be disappointed most of the time. Paying for

>friendship is not generally the way most of make our friends.

>Similarly, if you're looking for real romance or anything

>along that line, you will probably be disappointed again.

>There are exceptions to every rule, but real romance, real

>friendship, honest companionship with people who spend time

>with us because they like spending time with us -- these are

>things that we are likely to find in more traditional places

>than at the side of an escort.


>Good escorts are expert at the art of making us feel like

>they're a buddy or a boyfriend or a lover and that we are a

>special person in their lives. But we all do well to remember

>that this is, in most instances, an act, a special performance

>for an audience of one. Taken at face value and enjoyed for

>the moment, it's harmless. Taken more seriously, it can lead

>to places where guys can become seriously screwed up.


>I'm sorry you've been disappointed recently and I hope things

>take a better turn for you. Unlike some of the other posters

>in this thread, I don't see a lot of ego in your post.

>Instead, I see hurt and disappointment. You sound a lot like

>a little boy who just discovered that the candy in the candy

>store isn't very good for him.






THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!! We get to suffer thru YET ANOTHER!!!!! lecture from BG about the etiquette of client/escort interactions! I could not even fathom trying to live without his guidance! :(


But then AGAIN, he must have the secret, as he has NEVER engaged in an escort encounter that was "disappointing", and as such I "bow" to his SUPERIOR knowledge and expertise.

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"Good escorts are expert at the art of making us feel like they're a "Good escorts are expert at the art of making us feel like they're a buddy or a boyfriend or a lover and that we are a special person in their lives. But we all do well to remember that this is, in most instances, an act, a special performance for an audience of one. Taken at face value and enjoyed for the moment, it's harmless. Taken more seriously, it can lead to places where guys can become seriously screwed up."


That has to be most accurate quote about this profession that I have come across since it my interest spun years ago. Great job mate.



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> My first review was of a guy who was the hottest thing around and >I think my last review might be of Bruno Gaucho. I have arranged to >have an overnight with him when he visits Florida in a few weeks.


How serious can anyone take your post when you've stopped hiring and hired for the future all in the same paragraph?


Doctor I'll start on my diet tomorrow.

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Cougar, thanks for an interesting and thoughtful post.


I suggest you ignore the idiots who accuse you of being a drama queen. In my book, that description fits someone who creates a thread about the angst involved in changing hair stylists. Or someone who creates a thread to announce to the board that he is so distressed about the negativity here that he will stop posting -- only to come crawling back a few days later. It doesn't fit someone like you, who simply relates several experiences he has had in which he was ripped off, lied to or disrespected by escorts. That's the sort of conversation this board was created for.


I think the title of your thread is very apt. If you have lived a life in which you place drugs, theft and other crimes on the other side of your moral boundary, then by hiring prostitutes you are involving yourself in a world that is different to the one with which you are familiar. I've had occasion to speak with a good many people involved in crimes of various sorts, and while they come from many different places and backgrounds they all seem to have one thing in common. They are all extremely self-centered, to the point that they can always find some reason why their needs outweigh the risk (or certainty) of harming others if that is what it takes to get what they want. If you had the opportunity for a frank talk with any of the escorts you described in your post, I suspect that that is how they would explain their behavior -- they had some need that was more important than doing what they had promised.


Avoiding those who engage in crime for a living is not, of course, a guarantee that you will never encounter people like that. But by seeking out those who engage in crime for a living you greatly increase your chances of encountering such people. It really isn't more complicated than that.

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I had a number of different reactions to your post, some overlap with other posters, some not....


You don't mention if the credit card thief was someone who'd been reviewed or someone you did review. A review would have helped the rest of us, regardless. Ditto the advance payment guy. As for the guy you did review, I hope you mentioned the 8-10 appointments that did well. Part of decoding negative reviews is to get past the understandable anger that comes with a now show or a negative experience and see if there was more going on than a flaky, sociopathic or incompetent escort....


OTOH, I think you have needs and expectations that are pretty out of line with successful hiring. Something relatively intimate like making dinner sends the wrong message to a guy you've seen multiple times. Going out to dinner, where you're on neutral territory and the event is time-limited sends a more business-like message. The escort probably saw you going in a direction, intended or not, that went beyond the boundaries of "business". He probably regretted it the moment he said "yes" but lacked the wherewithall to politely remove himself. By not returning your emails, he set the limit that may have been needed. Think of dates or other social (or even business) engagements to which you said "yes" but soon after thought "oh, no". I suspect, we've all done it. It would have helped if he were more upcfront or at least more socially imaginative, but he may have done the right things and it still appears that you need to learn from it (and not just blame him).


One of the things that this board is about is precautions....like not having a credit card handy for someone you don't know to take it. Or giving someone bucks in advance. Less often, and in less concrete ways, the board has been about expectations. VaHawk (with whom I often disagree) hit the nail on the head. I'll hit a different way. In 99.9999% of the escort interactions, things always will be about a special and somewhat odd kind of companionship and definitely all about business. The occasional exception is just that--almost as rare as a dodo bird or a passenger pigeon. You have to be able to get beyond your own feelings of need and want to see if there's anything from the escort that even shows a glimmer of the same (and don't mistake the glimmer for something more). In other words, you shouldn't assume that you're the extraordinarily rare case, no matter how much money you have....which brings me to the next point.


Given your many hires, I'm guessing that you're doing very well financially, probably more so than most posters. Maybe even for the first time in your life. I suspect that my financial circumstances are closer to the norm for the board, maybe even a little below average, but I do well enough to say that having money is certainly better than not having it. Money buys security (a safer place to live, a car that runs, health insurance, bills that are paid, etc.) and nice material things. It may buy companionship, but it's not going to buy anything that's really intimate. Trying to make it do so will just result in the opposite...people taking advantage of you. Which clearly is what's happened to you. I've seen it time and again and the well-off person just winds up lonely, sad, and a bit bitter.


So, go out with a bang (Bruno is too rich for my blood), but stay out until you've had a chance to learn the things that money won't buy.

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I'm sorry you've had so many disappointments, and I think the positive advice you've recevied is information you should probably take to heart. I would ignore the angry and mean-spirited responses. But you should make sure your wallet is not in sight when you have escorts at your home--even if it's someone you feel you've known for a long time and can trust. The guy who scammed you for the $300 is trash. Cut your losses and your communicatiosn with this guy. Someone who steals from you isn't hot.


You should immediately report on this board if you have any of the experiences like you've detailed in your message. And you should also ask yourself what your expectations are. Someone here said you shouldn't offer dinner. I don't agree. But you should make sure that person is someone who is on your wavelength. I've made many meals for escorts, taken them to dinner, etc. I'm interested in friendship, especially when we've made a good erotic and friendly connection. I wouldn't necessarily ask a stranger. Again, you sound like you'd like to make a friendly connection but you need to be clear that you're motives are friendly and not needy. Crossing that line can only lead to disappointment, and it's not at all fair to the escort.


I've had plenty of wonderful experiences with escorts over the years. Nobody has stolen from me, nor have I been ripped off. Nobody has ever asked me to pay up front. That's probably a combination of dumb luck and homework. I really try to get to know the escort--after all I'm inviting them into my home, or hotel.


I've also had disappointing encounters. The reasons have always been clear. Either I wasn't paying enough attention, or the escort and I lacked chemistry--and it's simple as that. I would never post a bad review of an encounter with someone where we simply didn't have any chemistry. I made that mistake once, never again. Sometimes that connection just doesn't happen. I prefer to move on. I was particularly saddened that a very sexy guy I used to see was not able to deliver his usual performance. I didn't blame him at all. But I was disappointed that he simply never returned a phone call and after three tries, I gave up. Move on.


I have a number of long-term friendships with escorts and they provide me plenty of hot times. You have find that balance.


As others have said, do let us hear about your upcoming meeting with Bruno Gaucho. He has a rafter to superb reviews and I'm sure you should have a good time.

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>VaHawk (with whom I often disagree) hit the nail on the head.


Hmmm... interesting comment, since VaHawk's only contribution to this thread was to (once again) criticize remarks I made. He seems to take great pleasure in doing so and, if it adds joy to his small world to comment snidely on my posts, well, then, it's ok with me. Anything to help a fellow M4M'er.


But I do wonder exactly what nail you were referring to. :-)



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I agree with almost everything already posted by Boston Guy and buckguy. Over the years I have hired some of the best reviewed escorts in the country, sometimes the same escort many times. You always have to keep in mind that it is a business transaction, no matter how close the relationship may appear to be. That is not always easy, because many escorts are socially isolated and turn to regular clients for personal advice or comfort when ill which gives the illusion of a "friendship." Always remember that the "friendship"

will almost certainly stop (if gradually) once the hiring stops. Yes, there are rare exceptions.


That does not mean that you can not have some wonderful times within the boundaries of the "relationship." I just wish that cougar had posted more about some of his good experiences, clearly there were many.


BG, didn't you post one time years ago about the relatively low maximum hourly fee you were willing to pay? That may explain why you have not had some of the unpleasant experiences cougar has had. Escorts who charge $100 an hour probably aren't into pretending to be your best friend. (Just joking, your limit was at least $150 an hour.)

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>I have found unfortunately that

>many of the guys I meet with are many times ostracized from

>the gay community for being immoral or a drag on gay political

>stream that wants recognition viable lifestyle. And this type

>of activity is treated as being almost anti-gay.


Interesting comment.


Among those gay men I know who are politically active, the problem they have with escorts is not that their activity is "anti-gay" but that there are times when they or others seem to be claiming that they somehow represent the gay community. One escort who used to post here quite often, for example, once wrote that escorts and strippers play an important role in the sexual development of most gay men, or words to that effect. Making that assertion may have made him feel better about himself, but to say that paying for sex or sexual titillation is an important part of being or becoming gay simply reinforces the negative stereotypes that homophobes use to block progress toward equal rights for gays and lesbians.


Politically active gays I know have the same problem with the notion that escorts or strippers are representative of the gay community that African-Americans have with the notion that "gangsta rap" artists represent their community. I think that no minority group in America wants to be represented in the public mind by its most flamboyant or extreme members, for the simple reason that this presents a very inaccurate picture of the community.

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I decided a long time ago to not pay more than $200 per hour and I stick to that almost all of the time. Sometimes that leads to simple negotiations. For example, I might hire someone for $400 for two hours who I wouldn't hire at $300 for one hour. In that kind of scenario, I think we both win since the escort makes more money and I stick to a rate I'm happy paying.


You may be right, though: I may be self-selecting out some guys who might be more trouble than others. I tend to like guys who are regular, boy-next-door types in their low to mid 20s, but sometimes hire older guys as well (but never younger). I don't like attitude and generally steer clear of "name" escorts, having found that they are often too much trouble to be worth the effort. I also don't hire the guys who are charging exhorbitant rates and get insulted when a question about rates is even asked. I don't need to spend time with someone who is so full of himself; there are plenty of nice, sexy, ordinary guys who are fun to be with.


When I do hire someone, it's almost always while traveling on business. Anyone who travels a lot has discovered that hotel rooms can quickly lose their charm; hiring an escort is a good way to relieve the boredom and have some fun. I don't take it more seriously than that and definitely don't try to turn it into a "date". If I did, I think I'd feel a bit like I was "using" the escort, and not in a good way. I prefer to just keep it on a friendly, "let's have some fun" level. And I don't pay in advance. This approach works for me but might not be satisfying at all to someone else; we're all different.


But I may have just been lucky over the years. Cougar seems like a good guy and one who knows what he's doing. It could just as easily have been me or anyone else who got ripped off by the guys who ripped him off and I appreciate that he posted his experiences here. I'm surprised that others felt that he had underlying motives or that his post was full of drama. I didn't read it that way at all.



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What strikes me most about your post, Cougar, is that you have had at least three very bad experiences of being, essentially, robbed by escorts, but you don't reveal who they are. That kind of experience is the most important reason this site exists, and we need to know who the dishonest ones are.

When I started hiring a couple of years ago, that was the kind of thing that concerned me most. And although I have had some less than fulfilling experiences in the 12-15 escorts I've hired (and some great ones too), I have not had a single instance of outright theft.

Do you feel uncomfortable giving us the names of the dishonest escorts? Do you feel they may try to retaliate so it's not worth it you?

Unless you have a reason like that, it would be a great service to let us know who these guys are.

Perhaps you wouldn't have had these experiences if someone had posted the truth about these guys earlier. If we all withhold info like this, the site looses much of its purpose.

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