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Nervous Newbie of Jaded Superstar?

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RE: Good luck with your encounter!


>SO, when you get me on the couch, would you mind if I take off

>you shoes and socks and play with your feet?



And how vould you veel about that?


Sometimes, y'know, a cigar really is just a phallic symbol.

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RE: Ridiculous


This is one of the most ridiculous threads I have seen in all the years I have been reading this board, and that's saying quite a lot.


Going on trial in a case that could cost you millions or send you to prison is a reason to be very anxious. Winning a Nobel Prize and having to travel to Stockholm to give your acceptance speech in front of some of the most eminent people in the world is a reason to be very anxious. So is taking the bar exam or the medical boards. If you can't appreciate the difference between experiences like that, in which one has something of great importance at stake, and hiring a hooker, in which one has little or nothing at stake, then you need to make an appointment with a psychiatrist, not a prostitute.


Sex for its own sake is nothing but a meaningless pastime, like a game of golf. If you made an appointment for a golf lesson with the club pro, would you be consumed with anxiety about it for weeks beforehand? If not, why on earth should you be consumed with anxiety because you are paying some hooker to get you off?


What happens if your session goes bad in some way and you have to leave without accomplishing what you wanted? Will you be sent to jail? Will you go bankrupt? Will you lose anything of any real importance? Of course not. You can simply hire one of the dozens and dozens of other hookers who have positive reviews here. It's not as though there is a shortage, right?


I don't mean to insult you, but in all seriousness if you can't see how little sense you are making then you really do need the help of a mental health professional.

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RE: Ridiculous


>I don't mean to insult you, but in all seriousness if you

>can't see how little sense you are making then you really do

>need the help of a mental health professional.


Turn it over and a case could also be made that your complete lack of empathy or human care, open malice even, towards fellow man indicates YOU may need to seek the help of a mental health professional.







One who is affected with a personality disorder marked by antisocial behavior


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RE: Ridiculous


>Turn it over and a case could also be made that your complete

>lack of empathy or human care, open malice even, towards

>fellow man indicates YOU may need to seek the help of a mental

>health professional.


It sounds to me as though you are describing yourself. A fair reading of your posts here suggests that you have contempt for just about everyone -- except escorts. Doug69 really nailed you when he described you as a perpetually grouchy traffic cop who gets off on telling anyone and everyone to go to hell.






>One who is affected with a personality disorder marked by

>antisocial behavior


I suppose the application of the word "antisocial" depends on what society you are referring to. I live in a society in which prostitutes and those who patronize them are considered deviant, even perverse. What society do YOU live in?

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RE: Ridiculous


>What society do YOU live in?



Presumably, we're in the same one you're in ... the USA where you're free to look around, gather facts, use your intelligence and judgment, and form opinions and express yourself without having those decisions made by someone else and forced down your throat. It's not unique to us, but it's far from universal, and it is a great thing about living here.


Why do you ask? Do you live in a different society?

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RE: Ridiculous


Not everyone on here is a bitter, cynical queen who can barely control the contempt he feels for the escorts (and those who enjoy them) that he compulsively reads and writes about. Novice is still ingenuous enough to be excited, and therefore anxious, about his first experience with an escort, whom he still sees as a potentially likeable human being with whom he hopes to establish a rapport. Good for him!

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RE: Ridiculous


>Doug69 really nailed

>you when he described you as a perpetually grouchy traffic cop

>who gets off on telling anyone and everyone to go to hell.


Actually, this is only part of the description. He certainly is, as you said, like "a perpetually grouchy traffic cop who gets off on telling anyone and everyone to go to hell" - but this same abusive, hateful cop then (and this is the part you forgot) goes around screaming and yelling at everyone to be nice and polite and threatens them with tickets if they aren't sufficiently sweet and kind to others.


I'm trying to think of a good example that's analagous to this . . . let's see. . . i'm thinking . . . oh! I thought of one:


It would be like criticizing someone for not being nice and understanding to the viewpoints of others while simultaneously calling that person a "sociopath."


That would be a good example of this behavior.


Oh! I just thought of another example: It would be like preaching against "personal attacks," and giving out tickets and even arresting people who engage in them, and then going and writing a post calling someone a "troll" (that was his descriptive term for you last week, before he evolved to "sociopath" today - wonder what it will be next week - "child molester"?).


I hope those those illustrative examples, chosen randomly, help you not to forget that critical part of the grouchy-angry-hateful-preachy-niceness-enforcer-cop description the next time you recite it.


>I suppose the application of the word "antisocial" depends on

>what society you are referring to. I live in a society in

>which prostitutes and those who patronize them are considered

>deviant, even perverse. What society do YOU live in?


Oh, that's easy - he lives in one where the level of respect and adulation you receive from others is directly proportional to the number of years between your age and the boys whom you pay to let you fuck them; where prostitutes are regarded as High Priests of Love and Intimacy whose contributions to society are to be honored and praised by any sane person; and where being nice to others is the paramount value, which you demonstrate by telling other people whom you don't like that they are "bitter queens" who are disgusting and evil.


I hope that's all clear now.


And oh, by the way, did I mention that I donated money to the victims of the tsunami? Did I mention that? I gave A LOT!!!!! Pretty good, huh??

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RE: Nervous Jaded Superstar?




>This is not the first time that "traveller" has come to the

>defense of "woodlawn." These guys are like peas in a pod!


One can only imagine the number of words comprising the op's "fairly comprehensive email" or how it is that he spoke with the escort for an hour and yet came away with none of the information he wanted.


However much sympathy one may have for someone in his shoes, and one can only applaud him for taking what has to be a big step in his life, this has got to be dithering of the highest order. Since he doesn't seem to know what his own expectations are, and that he has likely freighted this engagement with portent beyond reason, it seems to me that Woodlawn's advice was as good as any other here.


Anyhow, it's all academic at this point. It will be interesting to read the post-coital tome.

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RE: Ridiculous


>Not everyone on here is a bitter, cynical queen who can

>barely control the contempt he feels for the escorts (and

>those who enjoy them) that he compulsively reads and writes



Is calling someone a "bitter, cynical queen" an example of "barely control(ling) the contempt you feel" for other people who post here?


Or are the insults and name-calling that you just spewed at Woodlawn somehow mysteriously different than the insults you angrily claim that he spews at others?


Novice is still ingenuous enough to be excited, and

>therefore anxious, about his first experience with an escort,

>whom he still sees as a potentially likeable human being with

>whom he hopes to establish a rapport. Good for him!


Oh, yeah - it's totally healthy and wonderful and worthy of oozing praise for an adult "male" to drive himself into a state of extreme incapacitating anxiety and months-long neurotic emotional paralysis over something as petty and inconsequential as hiring a prostitute.


For those who believe that prostitutes are quasi-dieities and that prostitution is the Ultimate Good, I suppose that this sort of reaction makes sense, since nothing could be more important than the Judgment that a hooker forms of you, rendering it perfectly natural and understandable to be so petrified over your imminent summit with such an important, towering personage.


But to a sane, functional human being, treating such a frivolous event as some sort of monumental occurrence of great import is truly quite a sad spectacle to behold.


And it is only on this Board - unique in the world - that the person making that self-evident observation would be roundly condemend as some sort of miscreant, while the person who weeps and shakes and prances with excruciating angst all over some prostitute that he doesn't even know is celebrated as a sensitive and unusually kind soul whose only failing is that he just hasn't hired enough hookers yet.


Go look at what this guy wrote - he has spent MONTHS engaged in endless analysis and plotting and has made himself sick with worry over this prostitute. Anyone who tells this guy that his behavior is normal and healthy should really be ashamed of themselves.


Telling someone engaged in sick, unhealthy behavior that what they are doing is fine may make you feel good about yourselves and look nice in the eyes of others - but you are actually doing great harm to the person whose interests you are disregarding in order to make yourselves look good.


The originator of this thread should thank Woodlawn for urging him to seek the help he needs. Those of you who tried to enable the destructive behavior of the original poster by being "nice" to him - and, worse, those of you who so viciously attacked Woodlawn, who magnanimously sought to help him - are engaged in real evil.

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RE: Ridiculous


>Go look at what this guy wrote - he has spent MONTHS engaged

>in endless analysis and plotting and has made himself sick

>with worry over this prostitute. Anyone who tells this guy

>that his behavior is normal and healthy should really be

>ashamed of themselves.


This is getting out of hand. So many kids are sick with worrying that they may be gay. And you sound like their parents that his behavior is not normal or healthy. And for somone to support him should be ashamed? I am not advocating for (or against) legal (or illegal) sex but I don't think you have the right to condemn him. Sex is so illogical that each person has to find out what works for him. You were not put on this planet to make his decision. Remember, in even some states here, we are still illegal if we have sex with a member of the same sex.

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RE: Oh, I Almost Forgot


I see four people having a good time in a silly looking boat.


I have never imagined woodlawn (or his sourpuss buddies who post here in support) having a good time doing anything. woodlawm et al. are back at the dock arguing the morality of wearing a life jacket on a boat shaped in the image of a giraffe. They decide to forgo the river rafting and show up at the nearest straight bar and play darts, drink beer and try to pick up chicks (all clearly within the moral range of the average American). Of course, they have no real interest in doing any of these things, but how would society judge them if they did some of the things they really want to do, it is just not worth it.

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RE: Oh, I Almost Forgot


Looks like to me a few people are a little jealous, maybe because they are not getting the attention that they are looking for, and seem to think that they will get their gratification by attacking someone new on the board....Talk about adult male maturity!!!!

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I guess everything has been said Pro & Con about this guys situation.BUT it is alot of Soul Searching, just for a few hours of what will probably be much Conversation, if there is any Chemistry at all.. And probably very little Sex, if the guy isn't that experienced,in the first place..BUT I wish him well. God knows he has enuff advice on the subject...:9

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RE: Nervous Jaded Superstar?




>This is not the first time that "traveller" has come to the

>defense of "woodlawn." These guys are like peas in a pod!


It's been almost a year since I was last accvused of being Woody. I feel like Hugh Jackman when he recently said that he knew he'd arrived because the gay rumors had started. Too bad I look like Brad Pitt.




PS. I originally posted to this thread in response to Luv2play's concerns about escorts talking about their clients with other clients. I posted that a lot of escorts have told me about clients asking about me (Traveller) and then proceeding to tell me that client's screen name, physical appearance and ability in the rack; all of which I promptly forget. Then I felt that this info may cause some concern for some posters here and I edited it out. Coming back from Million Dollar Baby (which was great), I find that the ridiculousity factor has gone of the charts on this thread; and that momentary bout of kindness has subsided. Thus, fuck it.


PPS. Bluenix, love the badger. I'm looking at one underneath a lamp on a end table right now. Damn hard critters to kill.

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RE: Ridiculous


I mean this respectfully, but I'd like to offer a different point of view here. I don't find the initial post "ridiculous" at all. Quite the contrary - it seems very reasonable to me.


>Going on trial in a case that could cost you millions or send

>you to prison is a reason to be very anxious. Winning a Nobel

>Prize and having to travel to Stockholm to give your

>acceptance speech in front of some of the most eminent people

>in the world is a reason to be very anxious. So is taking the

>bar exam or the medical boards. If you can't appreciate the

>difference between experiences like that, in which one has

>something of great importance at stake, and hiring a hooker,

>in which one has little or nothing at stake, then you need to

>make an appointment with a psychiatrist, not a prostitute.


Huh? Last I checked, this message center (and particularly the deli) wasn't a place to discuss big trials or Nobel Peace Prizes. It's a place to discuss escorts. Nobody's arguing that those things can't or shouldn't cause anxiety, but good grief... If there's any place to safely ask something like this, I'd think it'd be here.


Additionally, what causes one person anxiety doesn't necessarily cause another person anxiety. For some, a sexual experience (especially if you're inexperienced) can be nerve-wracking. It's something one's not used to, very personal, and just an intimate part of oneself that's being newly explored. Just because it's not some public, global issue doesn't mean it's not VERY important to the person experiencing it. I know I was nervous my first few times having sex. I still get a little nervous, but experience helps with that. Sex is a very big thing for a lot of people! (Don't believe me? Look at the market for ED drugs. LOL.)


>Sex for its own sake is nothing but a meaningless pastime,

>like a game of golf. If you made an appointment for a golf

>lesson with the club pro, would you be consumed with anxiety

>about it for weeks beforehand? If not, why on earth should

>you be consumed with anxiety because you are paying some

>hooker to get you off?


That's a completely subjective statement and depends on the person and his or her beliefs. There are people who consider sex sacred and extremely meaningful, others who consider it casual and nothing special, and EVERYTHING in between these two extremes. Not everybody sees it meaningless.


To me and a lot of people I think, sex is also a lot more personal than golf! (And additionally, some people who were unsure of their skill might INDEED be nervous about a lesson with a gold pro - that wouldn't surprise me a bit. But they do it because they think the benefits outweigh the anxiety.)


>What happens if your session goes bad in some way and you have

>to leave without accomplishing what you wanted? Will you be

>sent to jail? Will you go bankrupt? Will you lose anything

>of any real importance? Of course not. You can simply hire

>one of the dozens and dozens of other hookers who have

>positive reviews here. It's not as though there is a

>shortage, right?


Again, subjective. No, for most of us, a bad session isn't earth-shattering. But it generally ends with disappointment, perhaps a bad taste for seeing escorts (or even sex), and a loss of money and time. Is it the end of the world? Probably not, but it's still certainly not desirable. And because sex can tie in with emotions for a lot of us (and I believe this CAN happily healthily with escorts without it being dangerous...but that too is subjective), it can also be a little hurtful if a session goes badly.


>I don't mean to insult you, but in all seriousness if you

>can't see how little sense you are making then you really do

>need the help of a mental health professional.


His post makes perfect sense to me. And I'll even agree with you that if someone is prone to a lot of anxiety, seeing a mental health professional isn't a bad idea. (I do because I have anxiety problems with the "little things", so I can relate here.)


Again, just providing an alternate viewpoint. I just think it's important to understand what's a little, tiny detail to some people is a BIG SCARY MONSTER to other people. It all depends on the person. And there's nothing WRONG with that even though it might not be desirable. Just human idiosynchrasies, some addressable, some possibly not. And people who have anxiety with some things probably have gifts elsewhere.


Just my two cents.

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RE: Ridiculous


Excellent post, guptasa1.


Regardless of how sappy the original post might have seemed to some,the fact is, this guy is and was conflicted.


I am VERY glad that a good deal of us opted to give advice and usher this "newbie" along.


Sex is not a game, whether you're paying or not, and maybe I'm unlke others, but I still feel some nervousness and trepidation when I hire. AND I HAVE done this many times before.



I, of course, wish only the best for the newbie in question and look forward to a comprehensive review, when the deed is done.





hd NYC

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