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Looking for the Next Benjamin Nicholas

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>You cannot really review

>a movie if you have not seen it, and that is why people get

>upset when BN is attacked.


You can't be serious about this. Obviously, everyone - including you - makes assessments about escorts before they meet them. That's how you decide which escorts you will call and which ones you won't.


All of us see an escort's picture - or read reviews about them - or observe their behavior on this Message Board, and form judgments about the escort. Those judgments form without meeting the escort.


So I may see an escort's picture and think: "that escort is way too queeny and girly for me to hire" or I may think "his dick is too small" or just "he is ugly and looks older than he says."


Or I may observe an escort's behavior in this forum and think: "he is so fucking pretensious it makes me want to puke" or "he is really insecure and chatty and self-absorbed and I'd sooner stick needles in my eyes than pay money to be with him."


All of those comments are perfectly legitimate and even appropriate to make in a forum which is, after all, devoted to the DISCUSSION OF ESCORTS and whether or not they are desirable prostitutes.


It would be no different than someone saying, in a movie forum: "oh, I wouldn't see that movie because I find Julia Roberts to be an annoying cunt" or "that movie looks horrible because the director is a pretensious self-important prick" or "I know I'd hate that movie because I hate horror films."


The comments made about Benjamin here are no different. The originator of the thread doesnt' find Benjamin to be attractive because he's too used up and too much of a glittery princess. He wants someone more innocent and fresh and not as self-consciously self-promoting.


Given that this is a place to DISCUSS ESCORTS, how could anyone possibly consider those comments to be inappropriate or out of place??? And yet, he has been attacked, his motives have been questioned, etc. etc., by a swarming mob of Benjmain worshippers.


I think the reason for this bizarre behavior is obvious: Benjamin has tricked the guys who hire him into believing that he's their friend (hence his stupid insistence on calling his johns "my guys," as though you've been selected for your personality compatibility, rather than the $100 bills in your eager hands).


And so, when you read negative comments about Benjamnin's desirability about a prostitute, you react as you would react when a friend of yours is being cricitized - angrily, with offense, and a need to defend him.


With a real friend, that behavior may be commendable. When it's a prostitute you've hired, and the venue for those comments is a site that is devoted to the discussion of escorts, such reactions are just dumb - irrational, sad, and dumb.


All the people who attacked the originator of this thread for commiting the sin of saying that he doesn't find Benjmain attractive owe him an apology. But since you're operating under the sickness of obssession, rather than the clarity of reason, nobody should expect any apology to be forthcoming.


These individuals probably would

>be upset if other Escorts were attacked and the attack is not

>justified through a factual well-reasoned review.


I see LOTS of other escorts criticized here all the time - for being old, ugly, boring, used up, too expensive, etc. etc. I NEVER see any of these Benjmain worshippers objecting when escorts they don't know are attacked that way. I wonder why.


>Since this is a review site I ask you to look at the reviews

>posted for Benjamin in the Escort Reviews Section. They are

>all positive reflecting the fun times individuals have

>experienced with Benjamin. Everyone recommends him and he has

>not one negative review from those who know him well.


Has is it ever occurred to you that the only people who hire Benjamin are ones who have bought into his "musical theater superstar prostitue" shtick? Those of us who aren't attracted to used-up, self-promoting, professionalized prostitutes aren't likely to hire him.


>BN has been attacked repeatedly on the Message Center, and his

>response has generally been understanding and taken an

>approach of doing an even better job for his guys.


PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS POINT: When you promote yourself on a site devoted to a discussion of escorts, and the purpose of the forum is to discuss escorts, it is NOT a personal attack for someone to say that they don't find a particular prostitute to be desirable, or to say that they are too pretensious, or used, or recycled, or whatever. That's the whole fucking point of the site!!!!

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First let me say that I am prepared to take a verbal whipping for what I am about to say but what the hell -- go for it.


1. I have never met, talked to or spent any time with Benjamin

Nicholas. He isn't a physical type I would EVER hire so I

don't expect to EVER meet him. Thus I am definitely NOT a

Benjamin Nicholas worshipper.


2. What exactly do you mean by the term "used up" when referring

to an escort? To the best of my knowledge repeated sexual

experiences don't wear out or destroy the human body.


3. What is wrong with self promoting escorts? People in other

fields have made fortunes doing it -- just look at Madonna.


4. What the hell is a "professionalized prostitute"? Why is it

that every profession and occupation, known to man, except

prostitution values experience? What exactly is wrong with a

professional escort, or prostitute if you prefer that term?

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I guess we have a difference of opinion and we will never really agree. I understand your point about opinions on escorts and this is the place for opinions to be expressed. I thought we were talking about "reviews" that is why I stated you really have to see the movie to do a good review of it. An opinion is different and I agree that we form opinions based upon what we see, hear or read about a person. I have opinions about policitians, world leaders and others whom I have never met or been with.


I do try to make sure people know it is only my opinion and not based upon facts or actual knowledge. Since Benjamin is such a well known and well reviewed escort he naturally will have opinions expressed about him. I actually did not view the initial posting to be negative. I thought it was somewhat of a complement that the initial poster was looking for someone who had the capablity to rise to the stature that Benjamin has attained. I did not attack the intitial poster on the site. At least I do not believe I did. I just wanted to make sure the subsequent posting which appear to have gotten twisted from the original posters intent were addressed.


I think Benjamin should be treated fairly and those of us who find him to be attractive, having a great attitude, a warm heart, and view him as a friend are entitled to our view and space to express our opinion. The negative attacks in my opinion seem to attack his character. Having spent time with him I found him to be honest, caring, warm and interested in others. I did not see him as a self- promoting, materialistic individual. I really enjoyed my time with him and it is difficult to explain how special Benjamin makes you feel. You really feel like a friend. While I know it is about the money, when I am with Benjamin he does not make you feel that way. He really knows how to treat others well.


I do not think I need to apologize to the original poster as I do not believe I have offended him or attacked him, but if I did it was not my intention. I did not mean to attack him for the original post. I was only replying to the attacks on Benjamin.


As you can see from my posts I am new to the MC and the only other attacks on Escorts I have seen have been on those asking for money up front and then not showing up afterwards. If other escorts have been unfairly attacked they would deserve a defense and I hope those who know them will offer their opinions.


When I hired Benjamin I did not hire him because I bought into his "musical theater superstar prostitue shtick," I do not really like the theater and have not gotten into plays or movies much. I generally prefer the news, a documentary or the History Channel. (I know I'm boring by most standards.) I generally have no idea who he is talking about in his Blogs when he is discussing celebrities and I generally skip over that part of the Blog. I hired Benjamin because I found him refreashing and different. He seemed to care about others and had a playful adventurous attitude. He was interesting to talk to and provided me with a different prespective. He was really intelligent and picked up on what I was saying quickly. He was anything but used-up in my opinion. He seemed very excited about our meeting and making sure I had a great time. He was a knowledgable tour guide of Vegas and knew how to make me happy. I found him very interesting and was extremely glad to have been with him.


My experience appears to be the complete opposite of the views that were expressed here and I wanted others to know what my view was from personal experience.


From the postings I have seen Benjamin does seem to be attacked more than others. It seems the attacks are by individuals who have not met him or been with him. I have not seen a posting from someone who was with him that is totally negative. That is why I wanted to defend him. Everyone should be treated fairly on the MC even if you do not agree with the person or what they are saying.


Maybe I am getting to liberal or soft hearted but I feel everyone should be treated with a minimum amount of respect. If Benjamin is doing well, has made it to the top of this business and has a large following, why should others want to tear him down. With his postings, website, groupsite, reviews and work he is doing, it may be viewed as self-promotion. I saw it as his wanting to keep those interested informed and a more efficient way of communicating than individual e-mails. He appeared to be a good business man with a well reasoned approach.


He must be doing something right and must be doing a good job or he would not be so successful.


Finally I do understand this is a place to discuss escorts. I did not think I attacked the person who started the post and I was only trying to offer my opinion on Benjamin from my experience and make sure he is treated fairly. I wanted to offer some facts to the thread and not have it be an attack on Benjamin based only on opinion or feelings.


Sorry about the length of the post but you really made me think things through again and while I don't think we'll agree, I thank you for making me think this through. Diversity is what makes life interesting.

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Carryover...nice post


Doug69...let's just say we will agree to disagree...and if my 2cents offended, oh well....I'm sure the poster will get over it....because I do not feel I need to apologize for my opinion.


For the record...I do not worship BN nor have I ever procured his services. I have based my opinions on what reviews I have read and his blog as well as his responses on these boards.

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Carryover...nice post


Doug69...let's just say we will agree to disagree...and if my 2cents offended, oh well....I'm sure the poster will get over it....because I do not feel I need to apologize for my opinion.


For the record...I do not worship BN nor have I ever procured his services. I have based my opinions on what reviews I have read and his blog as well as his responses on these boards.

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>Rick and Benjamin are two of the very few escorts who post

>here frequently, always have something interesting to say and

>add much to this site. It is a high wire act, naturally one of

>them will say something to offend someone once in a while. Or,

>they will attract someone who is a lighting rod of negativity

>for others like Truth Teller (Rick) or VaHawk (Benjamin).



I agree that both Rick and Benjamin often have a lot to post here, BUT I question how interesting those posts are.


Rick usually responds, for the most part, with some humorous thread and I often times find it laughable, but for the most part, it adds nothing of value to the thread in question. His sense of humor, however, is definitely welcome in some of the threads which are a bit "dicey."


Benjamin responds to a lot of threads, but from my perspective, he is often trying to paint a more positive view of himself OR indulge in some self-gratifying correction of what has already been posted.


For the record, I've been with neither Rick nor Benjamin and have no intention of doing so.


I am ONLY responding to what was posted here and what I've read during the last age of postings.


Happy holidays,


hd NYC

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>Taylorky.... I believe a hooker is what you find on a street

>corner! I would never use the words "sloppy" or "less abused

>merchandise" to describe Benjamin Nicholas.



whoa slick...why so afraid of the word?


hooker,prostitute,ho,etc:,etc:,if you allow anyone to buttfuck you in exchange for a few bucks then i think the previous words would describe you far better than the word escort. calling a garbage man a sanitation engineer does not make him any less of a garbage man...calling a hooker an escort does not make him any less of a hooker.

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>I personally found cardholders comment and question to be a

>good one. Who are the new "rising stars" that are still easy

>to arrange to met and not so expensive as to be out of many's

>price range?

>There are many Great Escorts reviewed here that will never

>become "stars" because they do not show their faces in

>pictures and do not travel with clients, both a must for the

>Escort Star. The best Escort I ever met, Ethan/ Nashville (now

>retired), never showed is face in pictures and refused to

>travel with clients. If he had been willing to, he could have

>easily become a "star". He was also one of the least expensive

>Escorts I ever hired.


>>I also wonder who the new rising "stars" are before they

>attain the Throne. Who knows who will pop up tomorrow. :9



well i REALLY wanted to stay out of this one...but any time ETHAN is mentioned...well....I have to chime in

I think the ETHAN replacement.... and yes I have taken that as my quest..to find his replacement :) .... isn't going to be The current STAR... I bet BN is propablly great but I think I would be uncomfortable around him....i remember the first time with ETHAN we were together for like 6 hours (suppose to be 1!) I couldn't get him to leave (not that I wanted to)...and at the end told him i didn't have enough money to pay for all this time he spent and i would have to make it up to him next time...and he just gave me this look...smiled...took the money and started making out with me again....it was then i realised that

1) it wasn't TOTALLY about the money with ETHAN

..and more important..

2) you couldn't have a quickie with ETHAN..I was more prepared the second time...

I don't think "stars" are going to have this attitude...I agree with KY...it may be the ones that don't show their face or promote themselves that may be the unfound stars...

I guess it is ultimately, what you are looking for when you hire an escort... for me...I am still not sure what that is..but I know for me ETHAN fulfilled that....and a few other have come close...all NOT "STARS"


It is fun to keep looking though

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