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OK, so I'll admit it. I was away in Florida for a month and I didn't keep as up to date on some of the threads while I was gone. Also, I never got a chance to meet the guy when he met the other local Hooligans in L.A.. I also have never hired him and confess a lessening of some interest after his ass was no longer available.


Having said all of that, WHO the F___ is this new guy? The last day or so I have read some postings under Devon's handle and am now so confused, that I have even gone back to try and catch up with his diary, figuring that it would reveal details of his lobotomy, or at the least, a Doctor's diagnosis for multiple personality disorder. Geesh, the last few entries of his diary are harmful to one's health and the FDA should act quickly and decisively. It is giving me a headache.


In light of recent world events and acts of terrorism, I am now convinced that some outrageous group has kidnapped our beloved Devon and substituted an out of control crack head in his place. It is some fiendish plot to subvert life as we know it, and change forever the way mankind treats one another. Please tell me the truth. I am a big boy and I can handle the truth. I just can't handle the rantings of this new guy. It's too easy to say he is trying to alienate people. That's a cop out. Please tell me where he is so I can contribute to the ransom instead of this new guy's Paypal account.


And Devon, if you can hear me where ever you are, we are coming to rescue you, (that is of course, unless this whole thing is a clever ruse to build a groundswell of attention for your new site; In which case, my question would be... When do we get some readable content? :7

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Totally agree Jack...maybe this is what happens when you move from San Francisco to Providence. (Ugh..shudder):7

We want our Devon back!

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> Please tell me the truth. I am a big boy and I can

>handle the truth.


Okay. The truth is that the person you think of as "Devon" is merely what Devon himself would call a "persona" that he created in order to persuade silly old poofs to give him money. The actual Devon seems to have become weary of keeping within the rather narrow boundaries of this ingratiating "persona" in his writing and has begun to let some of his real feelings and opinions be known. Is that really so hard to understand?


> unless this whole

>thing is a clever ruse to build a groundswell of attention for

>your new site;


An escort making things up in order to draw attention to himself? Unheard of! What can you be thinking?

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>Okay. The truth is that the person you think of as "Devon" is

>merely what Devon himself would call a "persona" that he

>created in order to persuade silly old poofs to give him

>money. The actual Devon seems to have become weary of keeping

>within the rather narrow boundaries of this ingratiating

>"persona" in his writing and has begun to let some of his real

>feelings and opinions be known. Is that really so hard to



You are undoubtedly correct that many escorts who post here - I'd say most - do so under the guise of a contrived, nauseatingly ingratiating persona which has no purpose other than to - as you so concisely put it - "persuade silly old poofs to give (them) money."


I do not, however, believe that Devon was an example of an escort who did this. To the contrary, he was one of the few escorts who posted here who was willing to express the opinions he actually held even if doing so alienated others. Indeed, that is precisely why posters like you and VaHawk have such hostility towards him - because he frequently posted in order to disagree or argue with the political and escort-related points you made.


The escorts who are guilty of masquerading under fake personas - which are really nothing more than running ads for their prostitution services disguised as "polite young men" personalities- would never engage in those sorts of debates. You can easily recognize those escorts by, among othe things, the pretensious formality, giggly banter, frequent use of smiley faces for no reason whatsoever, and incessant complimenting of the "silly old poofs" on this Board whom they perceive to be sources of business. Devon did none of that.


The reason his recent postings and writings are so notable isn't because they reveal some unmaking of his true thoughts. It's because the postings and writings are truly deranged (in an extremely fascinating way), and would prompt commentary when coming from anyone, escorts or otherwise.


Despite all the rank gossip and speculation, nobody that I know of who has commented actually has any idea why this change has occurred. But the change is truly fundamental and striking. I previously skimmed Devon's blog from time to time and generally found his postings here to be far more interesting and worthwhile than the pedestrian daily chatter he posted there. But ever since his transformation, I have become an AVID reader of his blog - EAGERLY awaiting the next installment, because you just can't witnes what is going on over there anywhere else that I know of. Devon's blog has become an intense and fascinating venue ever since whatever has occurred began to occur. I recommend it highly.

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>I do not, however, believe that Devon was an example of an

>escort who did this. To the contrary, he was one of the few

>escorts who posted here who was willing to express the

>opinions he actually held even if doing so alienated others.

>Indeed, that is precisely why posters like you and VaHawk have

>such hostility towards him - because he frequently posted in

>order to disagree or argue with the political and

>escort-related points you made.


>the pretensious formality, giggly banter, frequent use of

>smiley faces for no reason whatsoever, and incessant

>complimenting of the "silly old poofs" on this Board whom they

>perceive to be sources of business. Devon did none of that.


Sorry, but I can't go along with what you write above. The fact is that with very few exceptions -- few enough to be counted on the fingers of one hand -- Devon addressed clients on this board in pretty much the manner that you attribute to the escorts who use fake personas. While he did not always express agreement with everyone, when expressing disagreement he was careful to do so in a respectful, even admiring manner appropriate to one who is conversing with a group of revered sages, rather than with the gaggle of silly gay gossipmongers he was actually addressing.


The few exceptions I mentioned are those of us of whom he must have known there was never any possibility that we would consider hiring or "paypalling" (i.e., giving handouts to) him.


As for the "hostility" you mention, as you must know that derives (on my part) solely from his inability to express disagreement with me without throwing feces in the process. I've had more than enough disagreements with escorts on this board in which both parties remained civil to demonstrate that I don't insult people merely because they disagree with something I've said. And I can name names if necessary.

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"I do not, however, believe that Devon was an example of an escort who did this. To the contrary, he was one of the few escorts who posted here who was willing to express the opinions he actually held even if doing so alienated others. Indeed, that is precisely why posters like you and VaHawk have such hostility towards him - because he frequently posted in order to disagree or argue with the political and escort-related points you made."


The only hostility, if any, I feel towards Devon, resulted in his inability to disagree without hurling filth and name calling. I still want to know why his doing so, is fine, but when Ethan (now that is an escort who meets your "criteria") did the same he was banned from this board? I never felt any hostility towards Ethan, and in fact, think it SUCKS that he isn't allowed to post.


And just why is a poster, who supports an escort who is pleasant, guilty of pom pom shaking? Why is such an escort, guilty of "shaking down old poofs" and worthy of scorn? YET it is PERFECTLY kosher of you to wave pom poms to escorts who are nasty now, and previously guilty of the same "marketing personas" that you accuse other escorts of being?

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Hee, hee, hee! All of those branded as "old trolls" by Devon, drank a magic potion and turned into an army of Orcs! They took Devon hostage and are determined to throw him into the fires of Mordor unless you all give up the Brass Ring! :)

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>The only hostility, if any, I feel towards Devon, resulted in

>his inability to disagree without hurling filth and name



Woodlawn said the same thing, and I just don't agree. I've disagreed with Devon plenty of times about lots of things and it was always respectful, and we were usually able to disagree without any personal invective being exchanged.


You and Woodlawn are trying to paint this dichotomous picture that there are some posters who can disagree without being nasty and other posters who can't do so, and then claim that Devon falls into the class of posters who can't disagree without being nasty. Things aren't that clear-cut and simple. As I'm sure you know, many people would consider you and Woodlawn (and me) to be members of the class of posters who can't express disagreement without making personal attacks.


The reality is, just about everyone on this Board, at one time or another, engages in personal attacks on someone with whom they are having a disagreement. Nobody is pure one way or the other - meaing there is nobody who NEVER engages in such attacks when disagreeing, and there is nobody who ALWAYS engages in personal attacks when disagreeing. Everyone here falls in the middle of those two extremes.


More often than not, whether a disagreement degenerates into personal attacks is a function of how the personalities of the two individual posters mix. In Devon's case, his personality didn't mix with yours or Woodlawn's very well, so the disagreements the two of you had usually degenerated into personal attacks. In my case and in the case of many other people, the opposite was true: we could disagree with Devon without it turning personal.


Both you and Woodlawn engage in disgareements with people that turn personal. If Devon were the only one with whom the two of you do so, then I would agree that it would be logical to blame Devon. But since Devon is by no means the only one with whom the two of you end up engaged in such disputes - and since there were people with whom Devon could disagree without personally attacking -- I think it's unfair to try to paint Devon as being uniquely incapable of engaging in disagreements without engaging in personal attacks.


I still want to know why his doing so, is fine, but

>when Ethan (now that is an escort who meets your "criteria")

>did the same he was banned from this board? I never felt any

>hostility towards Ethan, and in fact, think it SUCKS that he

>isn't allowed to post.


I agree completely. I think Ethan's contributions always made this place more vibrant and interesting. I don't see what this has to do with Devon.


>And just why is a poster, who supports an escort who is

>pleasant, guilty of pom pom shaking? Why is such an escort,

>guilty of "shaking down old poofs" and worthy of scorn? YET

>it is PERFECTLY kosher of you to wave pom poms to escorts who

>are nasty now, and previously guilty of the same "marketing

>personas" that you accuse other escorts of being?


I didn't agree with everything Devon said. To the contrary, when he and I posted to each other, it was, more often than not, to express disagreement with what one another thought. So I don't see how you can compare that to the practice of some posters here of following around escorts on their hands and knees and bowing down in praise, agreemeent and reverence every time the escort opens his mouth.

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>Sorry, but I can't go along with what you write above. The

>fact is that with very few exceptions -- few enough to be

>counted on the fingers of one hand -- Devon addressed clients

>on this board in pretty much the manner that you attribute to

>the escorts who use fake personas. While he did not always

>express agreement with everyone, when expressing disagreement

>he was careful to do so in a respectful, even admiring manner

>appropriate to one who is conversing with a group of revered

>sages, rather than with the gaggle of silly gay gossipmongers

>he was actually addressing.


There were people whom he addressed with what I thought was an absurdly excessive degree of reverence. But I think that was because - absurd as it was - he actually did find reason to revere those silly characters as sages. Since he treated only a handful of people this way - rather than most of the posters here that way, as the advertising-escorts do - I never assumed that it was to generate business.


Besides, Devon was clear that his clientele was never the old borderline-pedophile codgers who tend to populate this board and who deliberately become the target of escort ass-kissing here. He had a much more niche clientele and thus had much less motive to try to drum up business here by turning himself into a giggly, flirtatious high school cliche.


>As for the "hostility" you mention, as you must know that

>derives (on my part) solely from his inability to express

>disagreement with me without throwing feces in the process.

>I've had more than enough disagreements with escorts on this

>board in which both parties remained civil to demonstrate that

>I don't insult people merely because they disagree with

>something I've said. And I can name names if necessary.


I will refer you to my response to VaHawk for my views on what you have said here. But I will also add that the mere fact that someone can point to a few people with whom they can have respectful disagreements doesn't mean that, in other instances, that person isn't at least partially responsible for certain disagreements degenerating into personal attacks.


After all, there were many posters - myself included - with whom Devon could and often did have disagreements without those disagreements entailing the hurling of personal invective. I doubt that you think that this fact absolves Devon of blame for those times when your disagreements with him dissolved into personal attacks. Identically, the mere fact that there are some posters with whom you can have respectful disagreements doesn't absolve you of blame for those times when you and Devon were unable to do so.


I think that when disagreements around here degenerate into bitter personal attacks, it tends to be a function of how the personalities involve mix, rather than because one party is just inherently prone to hurl personal attacks at the other party, who is pure and innocent. I think you and Devon (and Devon and VaHawk) ended up attacking each other when you had disagreements becuase your personalities simply mixed poorly, not because Devon was some uniquely hostile and aggressive creature and you were his innocent victim.

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>and thus had much

>less motive to try to drum up business here by turning himself

>into a giggly, flirtatious high school cliche.


Hey, some of us enjoy being giggly, flirtatious high school clichés. :+

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>You and Woodlawn are trying to paint this dichotomous picture

>that there are some posters who can disagree without being

>nasty and other posters who can't do so, and then claim that

>Devon falls into the class of posters who can't disagree

>without being nasty.


Sorry, I have to respectfully disagree. I never said that Devon

couldn't disagree with other posters, such as you, without being nasty. I can't speak for woodlawn, but for me, he has ALWAYS been nasty and nothing any one can say, including you, will change my perceptions of that.


> As I'm sure you know, many people would consider you and

>Woodlawn (and me) to be members of the class of posters who

>can't express disagreement without making personal attacks.


Well, we all know that! But I'm pretty damn sure, that all 3 of us have expressed disagreements without making personal attacks. IMO, speaking only for myself, I don't launch personal attacks unless I have "perceived" a personal attack first, which I did most times with Devon. But as you state, I'm SURE there are MANY who would disagree with my views on that issue!


>More often than not, whether a disagreement degenerates into

>personal attacks is a function of how the personalities of the

>two individual posters mix. In Devon's case, his personality

>didn't mix with yours or Woodlawn's very well, so the

>disagreements the two of you had usually degenerated into

>personal attacks. In my case and in the case of many other

>people, the opposite was true: we could disagree with Devon

>without it turning personal.


Once again, speaking only for myself, and not woodlawn, I agree that D's and my personalities don't mix, but I feel I NEVER attacked him except in response to an attack on me first. I only have to look at his "constant" nasty comments about me on any subject of any thread, especially recently, but certainly not limited to his recent posts, to verify that. I especially love how he attacks BN, in some kind of indirect attack at me, because he knows how much I respect/admire BN!


>Both you and Woodlawn engage in disgareements with people that

>turn personal.


Unlike you?



>If Devon were the only one with whom the two

>of you do so, then I would agree that it would be logical to

>blame Devon.


I'm not blaming Devon for ANYTHING! Jesus F. Christ, Devon should feel free to disagree in whatever means he feels to do so, but he should not be free of criticism for his tactics!


>But since Devon is by no means the only one with

>whom the two of you end up engaged in such disputes - and

>since there were people with whom Devon could disagree without

>personally attacking -- I think it's unfair to try to paint

>Devon as being uniquely incapable of engaging in disagreements

>without engaging in personal attacks.


Who EVER attributed such "uniquely incapable" traits to Devon! Can I LMFAO? What about your ridiculing of other escorts here? or your castigations of pom pom waving towards clients who praise other escorts?


>>I agree completely. I think Ethan's contributions always made

>this place more vibrant and interesting. I don't see what

>this has to do with Devon.


The connection to Devon and Ethan, has to do with Ethan's rants being worthy of banishment and not Devon's! But then again, Ethan doesn't have a link to his diary, does he?


>I didn't agree with everything Devon said. To the contrary,

>when he and I posted to each other, it was, more often than

>not, to express disagreement with what one another thought.

>So I don't see how you can compare that to the practice of

>some posters here of following around escorts on their hands

>and knees and bowing down in praise, agreemeent and reverence

>every time the escort opens his mouth.


Nor do I or others agree with everything other escorts post, but when we do so and comment as such, YOU brand us as pom pom pushers, who are worshippers of that escort. When you encounter an escort who you "like" and "praise", you aren't guilty of worship, are you?

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To all the posters who laughed at us "concerned" posters for thinking that Devon was in trouble and something was indeed wrong: I just read on his hamrlesssdevon.com website that finally a former client called came forward with not good news( "biggest fan")He posted a note on the home page that Devon is indeed in big trouble and is hospitalized in Mass. The posted claimed his car was stolen, money and paintings stolen, and ID stolen and the landlady he prepaid rent to in Providence screwed him over. I can't confirm any of this, this is just what I read 5 minutes ago.I still don't know if that explains the hi=jacking of his diary, if whoever did him harm has access to his computer and the journal and is writing it and not Devon. But it makes more sense now and is the beginning of some kind of explination of this bizarre saga and very distressing. Wow, I hope we can now sincerely hope he gets better now and not LOL at his expense and question the sincerity of others who expressed concern and were not just entertaining each other with gossip.

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> To all the posters who laughed at us "concerned" posters for

>thinking that Devon was in trouble and something was indeed



I don't think that anyone laughed at any posters for being concerned about Devon. I think that some posters expressed bewilderment that the people pretending to be concerned would express that concern by publicly accusing him of all sorts of misdeeds without having any fucking clue whether what they were saying was true. Surely you see that distinction.


I just read on his hamrlesssdevon.com website that

>finally a former client called came forward with not good

>news( "biggest fan")He posted a note on the home page that

>Devon is indeed in big trouble and is hospitalized in Mass.

>The posted claimed his car was stolen, money and paintings

>stolen, and ID stolen and the landlady he prepaid rent to in

>Providence screwed him over.


So some person comes on to a site that anyone can post on, and makes all sorts of unverified claims about Devon, and then urges everyone to send Devon money, and so you consider the case closed. Are you sure you're not Matt Drudge?


>I can't confirm any of this, . . .


Very good. That's correct; you can't confirm any of that.

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>I don't think that anyone laughed at any posters for being

>concerned about Devon.


I can't remember who, but someone definitely posted a "LOL" at people who expressed "concern" about this.




>So some person comes on to a site that anyone can post on, and

>makes all sorts of unverified claims about Devon, and then

>urges everyone to send Devon money, and so you consider the

>case closed. Are you sure you're not Matt Drudge?


You are right, I shouldn't have jumped so fast. Well, at least I should have added "developing..." at the end of my post like Drudge does! It could be just made up to add even more confusion to all of this. I just read it and reacted emotionally and quickly to post it,and if it is NOT true then I regret adding even more speculation to all this so soon before we know the facts. but if it IS true, or some of it is true, then it's the beggining of answering so many questions about Devon's radical change and why other's are questioning it.And we can all go back to are regularly scheduled programming


>>I can't confirm any of this, . . .


>Very good. That's correct; you can't confirm any of that.


well thanks, glad something I said you agreed to.

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Actually, it would probably be sufficient to rip off his computer or laptop to produce the results I've just checked out. How many of you have the Hooboy forums set to remember you and log you in automatically? Web site editing programs can also be set to remember passwords, allowing anybody with your computer to post anything they want to your site in your name.


I'm going to post this, then I'm going to turn my cookies for this site back off again.

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>Must be one of those pod invaders! :7




Or one of those "blog invaders" that took over Devon's Blog




sorry, not to make light of this. It really would be awful it's true and he's in serious trouble. I have never met him, just feel like I have ( or did through his "old" daily journal). I am not entertained by all this but I am fascinated by it all. I even googled hospitals in Mass. and there is a Taunton State hospital between Providence and Boston as stated by supposedly or allegedly his "biggest fan" on harmlessdevon.com. I sort of had a Christian Amanpour moment and felt like I was addiing breaking news on CNN and got caught up in the drama of it all


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> To all the posters who laughed at us "concerned" posters for

>thinking that Devon was in trouble and something was indeed

>wrong: I just read on his hamrlesssdevon.com website that

>finally a former client called came forward with not good

>news( "biggest fan")He posted a note on the home page that

>Devon is indeed in big trouble and is hospitalized in Mass.


Actually, the post you're referring to doesn't say "hospitalized," it says he's being "held" at that hospital. That has a rather ominous ring to it, for those who give a damn. The same post also suggests that people send Devon money because he will need help getting back on his feet after he is released. Riiiiiiight.


>The posted claimed his car was stolen, money and paintings

>stolen, and ID stolen and the landlady he prepaid rent to in

>Providence screwed him over. I can't confirm any of this, this

>is just what I read 5 minutes ago.I still don't know if that

>explains the hi=jacking of his diary, if whoever did him harm

>has access to his computer and the journal and is writing it

>and not Devon. But it makes more sense now


Makes more sense? It's pretty obvious that the most recent posts by "Devon" on this message board are by the same person who has previously posted under the name "Devon." How "Devon" can be (a)posting on a message board about prostitution while (b) confined to a mental hospital and © after having had all his possessions stolen would be rather difficult to explain. Do mental hospitals give patients the unsupervised use of computers so that they can participate in websites that are all about facilitating illegal business transactions? If so, psychiatry must have changed a lot since Freud wrote his "New Lectures on Psychoanalysis."


Another poster at the URL you provided suggests that this "breakdown" is all just a scam engineered by Devon to enable him to collect money to support his art without the bother of doing anything in return for the dough. What a cynical world we live in, eh?



>Wow, I hope we can now sincerely hope he

>gets better now and not LOL at his expense and question the

>sincerity of others who expressed concern and were not just

>entertaining each other with gossip.


I hope we will all now realize that there is no way anyone on this message board, including Devon, can present any evidence showing that any one of the stories about him is any more accurate than any of the other stories. For all you know he had a perfectly uneventful trip to Providence or wherever and is now happily painting away in his new apartment, occasionally entertaining himself with the consternation his new posting style has caused among credulous, gullible fellows like you. My advice: grow up and stop believing everything you hear. After all, everything you are hearing on this subject is coming from a group of people who are involved in crime on a regular basis and who therefore are not likely to be paragons of honesty and integrity.

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>How "Devon"

>can be (a)posting on a message board about prostitution while

>(b) confined to a mental hospital and © after having had all

>his possessions stolen would be rather difficult to explain.

>Do mental hospitals give patients the unsupervised use of

>computers so that they can participate in websites that are

>all about facilitating illegal business transactions? If so,

>psychiatry must have changed a lot since Freud wrote his "New

>Lectures on Psychoanalysis."


But that scenario would be assuming that he was admitted to a hospital (if he was) before his most recent posts...wouldn't it?



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>> To all the posters who laughed at us "concerned" posters


>>thinking that Devon was in trouble and something was indeed

>>wrong: I just read on his hamrlesssdevon.com website that

>>finally a former client called came forward with not good

>>news( "biggest fan")He posted a note on the home page that

>>Devon is indeed in big trouble and is hospitalized in Mass.


>Actually, the post you're referring to doesn't say

>"hospitalized," it says he's being "held" at that hospital.

>That has a rather ominous ring to it, for those who give a

>damn. The same post also suggests that people send Devon

>money because he will need help getting back on his feet after

>he is released. Riiiiiiight.


>>The posted claimed his car was stolen, money and paintings

>>stolen, and ID stolen and the landlady he prepaid rent to in

>>Providence screwed him over. I can't confirm any of this,


>>is just what I read 5 minutes ago.I still don't know if that

>>explains the hi=jacking of his diary, if whoever did him


>>has access to his computer and the journal and is writing it

>>and not Devon. But it makes more sense now


>Makes more sense? It's pretty obvious that the most recent

>posts by "Devon" on this message board are by the same person

>who has previously posted under the name "Devon."


OK,--it makes more sense now, IF IT IS TRUE! If it turns out to be true, then, yes it makes sense! Also, once again, the topic is more about the radical change in HIS DAILY JOURNAL/BLOG/DIARY! We all know he lashed out here at certain posters, but his JOURNAL was consistent in style and content for 2 YEARS, then suddenly changes into a litany of violent ramblings,obscenities,and references to death! that is what I and the other's are so baffeled and concerned about and think something bad has happened to him!


How "Devon"

>can be (a)posting on a message board about prostitution while

>(b) confined to a mental hospital and © after having had all

>his possessions stolen would be rather difficult to explain.

>Do mental hospitals give patients the unsupervised use of

>computers so that they can participate in websites that are

>all about facilitating illegal business transactions? If so,

>psychiatry must have changed a lot since Freud wrote his "New

>Lectures on Psychoanalysis."


>Another poster at the URL you provided suggests that this

>"breakdown" is all just a scam engineered by Devon to enable

>him to collect money to support his art without the bother of

>doing anything in return for the dough. What a cynical world

>we live in, eh?



>>Wow, I hope we can now sincerely hope he

>>gets better now and not LOL at his expense and question the

>>sincerity of others who expressed concern and were not just

>>entertaining each other with gossip.


>I hope we will all now realize that there is no way anyone on

>this message board, including Devon, can present any evidence

>showing that any one of the stories about him is any more

>accurate than any of the other stories. For all you know he

>had a perfectly uneventful trip to Providence or wherever and

>is now happily painting away in his new apartment,

>occasionally entertaining himself with the consternation his

>new posting style has caused among credulous, gullible fellows

>like you. My advice: grow up and stop believing everything

>you hear


----Excuse me? now "I" am gullible for thinking there might be some truth to his being in trouble and instead you now "postulate" that he might be sitting back leisurly painting and entertaining himself and this is some sort of eloborate scheme to just leave SF and all his clients and friends, destroy his blog,his crediblity, and then set up a paypal scam at the expense of everyone who has ever known him? He would really be a sick f-ck, and the most dispicable human being to ever have fooled every client,friend,reader of his two year journal, and a complete fraud! Sorry, I just don't believe that theory! I will wait and see.


After all, everything you are hearing on this

>subject is coming from a group of people who are involved in

>crime on a regular basis and who therefore are not likely to

>be paragons of honesty and integrity.


---I am not sure what you mean by that one. If you mean both escorts, and clients who hire them are all criminals and therfore most likely incapable of being honest or to have integrity? I don't agree with that at all. we are all different ( some honest, others not) and part of the reason of this website is to find out and discuss which escorts are more honest and have integrity so we can all have a better,more enjoyable experience in life.That's a very cynical attitude. You may have opened a whole new can of worms on that statement and that's a whole new topic.






With all due respect Woodlawn, this post is about discussing what may have happened the an escort named Devon. I rarely post messeges here and when I do, it's for an answer to the specific topic and I don't need a lecture from you or a disection of every part of the messeges I submit and then advise to the person submiting the messege to "grow up and stop believing everything you read". That is an extreme leap. I stated in that post (and others) that the info on his site was alarming but may or may NOT be true and stated that if it were NOT true I was sorry for having posted it! Beleive me, I knew the regular handful of negative posters would jump all over me if I continued to keep asking about this topic, but decided to jump in and join in the discussion, because I think it is worth it until we find out what really is going on because this is a fascinating topic of personal interest to me, and despite other's who question my "concern", I really do care about what's happening to Devon (since I have invested 2 years of my internet life reading someone's journal who "seems" to have recently taken a turn for the worse-- either in reality, or in his journal content).


I won't speculate anymore on what "may or may not" have happened to him, so as to not piss off you the other's that are so offended by those of us who are trying to figure it out. And I don't plan on a debating it anymore with you.


Hopefully other's who know Devon and can shed some light on the subject, or Devon himself will explain it all. I am no longer going to waste my time debating the way I construct my responses with you or the other's that are into deconstruting them just to win some sort of messege center "good point,bad point" game. I just want some real answers to the real original question. thanks. It was fun and it was real, but it wasn't real fun!

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