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What's happening with Devon of San Francisco (Pittsburgh?)

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>Folks, a very dear friend of mine was and may still be in

>trouble. To read the sissy-fit squabbling in this thread makes

>me want to vomit.


I seldom suffer from nausea myself, but I understand there are a number of very effective remedies available over the counter.


It might also help to remember that the person you're talking about has spent a huge amount of time and effort making his life into a topic of conversation on this website and elsewhere, all for his own personal gain. It would seem odd to me if he or anyone else now started complaining because people are talking about him.


>But then, why would I think anyone would care? When I was in

>trouble you coughed up less than $100.


I'm not sure what trouble you refer to, but I would like to point out something that you may have overlooked. For quite a long time now, whenever any of the regulars complains about an action taken by you or the moderators, the response (usually from deej, sometimes from you) is, "This is our website and we can do whatever the fuck we want so go fuck yourself," or words to that effect. It doesn't seem to have occurred to you that asking people to support the site with donations is not compatible with the attitude that the site belongs exclusively to you and that it's none of their business what you do with it.


>Of course, we know better than to attribute a positive spin to

>what they mean to say because "mean" is the spirit so obvious

>in much of their writing.


As someone who has often been the target of insults and namecalling from Devon, I find that pretty amusing.

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> I have

>never spread any rumors about Devon. I simply . . .


. . . rushed over here to post the unsubstantiated rumor that he was being "held" in a mental hospital for the benefit of anyone who had not already seen it on Devon's website because I was having a "Christiane Amanpour moment" and was so excited about it!


> This topic is for those of us

>who want to discuss it to contribute to it and not get

>attacked everytime we want to share new information we

>discover and want to pass along.


That's right, Hawk, old boy. Just remember that it's the "Positive Posters" who have been indulging in speculation in this thread that Devon has changed his writing style because he's been taking drugs or has wigged out and been committed to a mental hospital. Nasty old "Negative Posters" like you should not dream of questioning the good intentions of those people! They don't spread rumors, of course. They just "share" and "pass along" unsubstantiated posts from anonymous, unknown sources of the most derogatory and scandalous information about Devon they can find. Surely you see the distinction! :)

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>> I have

>>never spread any rumors about Devon. I simply . . .


>. . . rushed over here to post the unsubstantiated rumor that

>he was being "held" in a mental hospital for the benefit of

>anyone who had not already seen it on Devon's website because

>I was having a "Christiane Amanpour moment" and was so excited

>about it!


- Almost right! Replace the word "rumor" with "unsubstantiated new information from his website" and you have gotten in right! your finally learning! good for you! Oh, and the information I rushed over hear to share was for the concerned folks that were asking for any recent news and have posted here several times to try and find out and not really intended for folks like you and VaHawk who have let us all know you don't care about Devon or his Journal or any of us that do.



Nasty old "Negative Posters" (like VaHawk and Woodlawn)

>should not dream of questioning the good intentions of those

>people! They don't spread rumors, of course. They just

>"share" and "pass along" unsubstantiated posts from anonymous,

>unknown sources of the most derogatory and scandalous

>information about Devon they can find. Surely you see the

>distinction! :)


Well finally you got something right, all on your own, without being corrected!! Congratulations!!!!



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> Nasty old "Negative Posters" (like VaHawk and Woodlawn)

>>should not dream of questioning the good intentions of those

>>people! They don't spread rumors, of course. They just

>>"share" and "pass along" unsubstantiated posts from


>>unknown sources of the most derogatory and scandalous

>>information about Devon they can find. Surely you see the

>>distinction! :)


>Well finally you got something right, all on your own, without

>being corrected!! Congratulations!!!!




OOps, well after rereading my post, it seems you were wrong about one more thing and still need to be corrected. Sorry, I will have to take back my congratulations. I guess you have never gotten anything right after all except that you are a nasty old "negative poster"




"the unknown sources of the most derogatory and scanadalous information about Devon they can find"- The "source" was always devon's journal and his harmlessdevon website, so it wasn't "unknown", it was the "posts" on that source that were anonymous and unknown and unsubstantiated. "

So,"Don't kill the messenger"



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>>> I have

>>>never spread any rumors about Devon. I simply . . .


>>. . . rushed over here to post the unsubstantiated rumor


>>he was being "held" in a mental hospital for the benefit of

>>anyone who had not already seen it on Devon's website


>>I was having a "Christiane Amanpour moment" and was so


>>about it!


>- Almost right! Replace the word "rumor" with "unsubstantiated

>new information from his website" and you have . . .


. . . not changed the meaning one iota.



>your finally learning!


I wish I could say the same about you. Someday, perhaps, you will master the difficult skill of forming contractions. It's obvious that it won't happen today.



> Oh, and the

>information I rushed over hear to share was for the concerned

>folks that were asking for any recent news and have posted

>here several times to try and find out and . . .


. . . whose fingers are paralyzed so as to make them incapable of going to Devon's website themselves.

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>"the unknown sources of the most derogatory and scanadalous

>information about Devon they can find"- The "source" was

>always devon's journal and his harmlessdevon website, so it

>wasn't "unknown", it was the "posts" on that source that were

>anonymous and unknown and unsubstantiated. "

>So,"Don't kill the messenger"


Do you have some source of information on Devon's situation OTHER THAN rumors posted on a website where anyone can post by people you've never met and of whose identities, backgrounds and credibility you have no knowledge whatsoever? If so, let's hear it. If not, the only thing you can do by continuing to deny that you're a gossipmonger is to make yourself look even more foolish than you already have. Ever hear the old saying, "When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is to stop digging"? Apparently not.


You're not a messenger, Cury, old thing. No one gave you a message to deliver. You know nothing about what is happening in this situation except some rumors whose veracity you have absolutely no means of checking. I have to agree with Doug here. If you and the other gossipy old hens really cared about Devon, spreading scandalous stories about him when you haven't the faintest idea whether they are true is the very last thing you'd do. I've never pretended to be his friend, but I've treated him a good deal better in this situation than you have.

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>>"the unknown sources of the most derogatory and scanadalous

>>information about Devon they can find"- The "source" was

>>always devon's journal and his harmlessdevon website, so it

>>wasn't "unknown", it was the "posts" on that source that


>>anonymous and unknown and unsubstantiated. "

>>So,"Don't kill the messenger"


>Do you have some source of information on Devon's situation

>OTHER THAN rumors posted on a website where anyone can post by

>people you've never met and of whose identities, backgrounds

>and credibility you have no knowledge whatsoever? If so,

>let's hear it. If not, the only thing you can do by

>continuing to deny that you're a gossipmonger is to make

>yourself look even more foolish than you already have. Ever

>hear the old saying, "When you find yourself in a hole, the

>first thing to do is to stop digging"? Apparently not.


>You're not a messenger, Cury, old thing. No one gave you a

>message to deliver. You know nothing about what is happening

>in this situation except some rumors whose veracity you have

>absolutely no means of checking. I have to agree with Doug

>here. If you and the other gossipy old hens really cared

>about Devon, spreading scandalous stories about him when you

>haven't the faintest idea whether they are true is the very

>last thing you'd do. I've never pretended to be his friend,

>but I've treated him a good deal better in this situation than

>you have.



Well, funny you should ask, Madame Woody. In case your decrepit old hands are too tired and paralized from typing endless critiques of other peoples messeges to click over on a new topic about Devon, I just read Rick Monroe's new post and he spoke directly to the "source" himself. Or, are you going to ridicule for me for spreading more of what YOU define of as "rumor's" that YOU have not approved of, for pointing out other messeges within this board?


It's beginning to sound more and more each day that the one's who ARE concerned,including myself, and did NOT post here for the sheer AMUSEMENT of it, are proving to be right and Devon was and is indeed in trouble and in need of some kindness and consideration. I do not take enjoyment out of pointing this out, it is just what unfortunately is turning out to be some of what we ( that being the ones who are concerned, not YOU) had speculated and feared to be true. So, Dear Woody, swallow the tattered piece of you shriveled pride and eat some crow, if you have any teeth left to chew with, and take your shaking hands off the splintery old shovel and stop digging YOURSELF deeper into the hole of messege board semantics you have fallen into, so we can bury your toxic, and now apparently weak, foolish, and very UNperspicacious arguments! Or, are you going to further embarass yourself by showing us all how you are always and forever the messege board school marm, pestilential hall monitor, and uptight,sour pussed, linguistical police woman?


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>Woody, if we found you carjacked, robbed, etc. in a ditch

>some place, would you want us to do something or just let you

>rot in the gutter. Or does that sort of thing make you feel

>even more special...



"Would you want us to do something"? What the fuck are you talking about? The only thing you characters are "doing" is spreading the most scandalous and derogatory rumors you can possibly think of. You, Bucky my dear, posted a long, long disquisition in this thread full of speculation on such interesting topics as whether Devon is suffering from schizophrenia, is in some sort of pathological "manic" state, or is a "borderline" personality. With "friends" like you, Devon sure doesn't need enemies! If anything serious ever happens to me, I sure hope no one gives me the same kind of "help" you're giving your pal Devon.

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>>You're not a messenger, Cury, old thing. No one gave you a

>>message to deliver. You know nothing about what is


>>in this situation except some rumors whose veracity you have

>>absolutely no means of checking. I have to agree with Doug

>>here. If you and the other gossipy old hens really cared

>>about Devon, spreading scandalous stories about him when you

>>haven't the faintest idea whether they are true is the very

>>last thing you'd do. I've never pretended to be his friend,

>>but I've treated him a good deal better in this situation


>>you have.



> I just read Rick Monroe's new post and

>he spoke directly to the "source" himself. Or, are you going

>to ridicule for me for spreading more of what YOU define of as

>"rumor's" that YOU have not approved of, for pointing out

>other messeges within this board?


I'm going to continue ridiculing you because you continue to do the same stupid things for which I've ridiculed you in the past, namely spreading rumors given to you by anonymous strangers whose veracity you have no means of checking. So some hooker who posts here under a fake name claims to have spoken to the "source." How exactly is that different from all the other anonymous posts that have made various claims about what is happening? Well?



>It's beginning to sound more and more each day that the one's

>who ARE concerned,including myself, and did NOT post here for

>the sheer AMUSEMENT of it, are proving to be right


Right. The more often a thing is repeated by anonymous strangers who post on message boards under fake names, the more likely it is to be true. The scary thing is that you don't even seem to realize the absurdity of what you're saying.


> I do not take enjoyment out of pointing this



No, you just keep doing it, contrary to your pledge of a couple of days ago that you would stop participating in this thread, out of a sense of duty. LOL!


> Or, are you

>going to further embarass yourself by showing us all how you

>are always and forever the messege board school marm,

>pestilential hall monitor, and uptight,sour pussed,

>linguistical police woman?


So long as it amuses me to do so, I'll keep holding up to well deserved ridicule the pretentious nonsense posted by silly old biddies like you and your "postive" friends, who use "concern" about others as a flimsy excuse to chew over every tidbit of scandalous gossip you can get your talons on long after you have vowed never to discuss the matter again. I find it a lot of fun, and so long as dolts like you are around I'll never lack for material. :)

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>some hooker who posts here under a fake name claims to have

>spoken to the "source." How exactly is that different from

>all the other anonymous posts that have made various claims

>about what is happening?


I don't want to get involved in this silliness but I just wanted to clarify that while you and most of the others here post "under a fake name," many of the escorts do not. This is my work name, just like an actor or other celebrity has their stage name and their real name, if they never legally change it. So, unlike you and most others here, I have never posted here anonymously. OK, carry on with your...whatever it is you were doing here. :7

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RE: With Friends Like These . . .


>I don't want to get involved in this silliness but . . .


. . . I have to because someone is holding a gun to my head and forcing me to type this post against my will. Otherwise I would never, ever, ever, do this.


Yeah, right.



>I just

>wanted to clarify that while you and most of the others here

>post "under a fake name," many of the escorts do not. This is

>my work name, just like an actor or other celebrity has their

>stage name and their real name,


So even though the name you use isn't the name you were given at birth and isn't your current legal name, and even though it's a name you invented in order to conceal your connection with prostitution, it is somehow NOT the same as the fake names that other posters here have invented in order to conceal their connection with prostitution. Thanks for clearing that up. LOL!


> OK, carry on with your...whatever it is you

>were doing here.


I was just ridiculing some of the silly clods here who toss around the most scandalous and inflammatory theories about what happened to their "friend" Devon while pretending a "concern" for his well-being that obviously takes a back seat to the enjoyment they get from speculating on his deteriorated mental condition. So far they've speculated that he is wacked out on drugs, bipolar, schizophrenic, manic, a borderline personality and has multiple personality disorder. The only mental illness they haven't discussed as yet is post-traumatic stress disorder.


Speaking of Devon's "friends," which "friend" is it that changed the caption on his new website to read that "the dead ####" has "made it to the loony bin"? Or do the mental hospital folks still let Devon run his own prostitution website even while he's being "held" for observation?

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RE: With Friends Like These . . .


>>I don't want to get involved in this silliness . . .


. . . because I'm too busy with serious stuff like telling the board about how I get an erection whenever I see some guy with big hands at the supermarket. Nothing silly about that. :)

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"If anything serious ever happens to me, I sure hope no one gives me the same kind of "help" you're giving your pal Devon."


Doesn't it just "slay you" that all of these posters who DON'T know Devon, have NEVER met Devon, and only PRETEND to know Devon thru his daily diary, CONSIDER themselves as his friend and in turn, think he considers them as a friend? Did it ever occur to them, even if by perchance they hired him in his escort function, that if he was a True Friend, that they would have a MEANS to contact him and if they did so that he would REPLY?


Of course NOT! They live in a world of fantasy. As such they can't FATHOM that their fan obsessed observations are anything OTHER than SPECULATION and that such speculation, despite their "concern" can be damaging, no matter HOW real such concern seems in their self-delusional fantasies. :( But then again, for those people the fantasy is what is real!


IMHO, we don't have to EVER be concerned about YOU! You are one of the real people here, and hopefully you will continue to be so!

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I dunno about the whole real person vs. fake person or the good posters vs the bad posters thing, but it seems to me when a person is in obvious trouble, you pitch in. Now you can do that privately, or you can do that publicly. You can say that the motivation to express concern is part of some fantasy, or alternate reality, or whatever. But the upside is that regardless of the motivation, something good can come from it.


I guess it's the glass half full/ half empty kind of thing. For me, I believe in the power of prayer. I also believe that even people with the wrong motives, CAN DO a good thing.


Devon/Doug is in trouble. Is there anyone who has read his posts during the past month that can doubt that? The few who have spoken to him personally, have indicated that he has made certain facts and requests known. No one has to believe any of that, sure. And in spite of the point that some of this information can be verified with a phone call, more emphasis seems to be placed on arguing about the question of motives of posters than on the subject of the concern. Because that's fun. That's easy and face it, when it comes to the stereotype that the world at large has of gay men, it's what they think we do best . Be Bitchy.


There is a guy, he is in some trouble. He is someone that has a public persona and a private life. his private life is now very public, and still there is so much talk about stuff that isn't important rather than what is important;




And before anyone jumps on the bandwagon about me preaching or being self righteous, NO, I don't know the human being personally, I have never met him, I have never talked to him, and I haven't sent any money yet. But I am thinking about this human being and I am praying for him, and if you can knock me for that, then have at it.

But fer Cripe sakes, stop being bitchy gay human beings, and start being human beings.

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"But fer Cripe sakes, stop being bitchy gay human beings, and start being human beings."


BITCH and LIFE, the only thing in common is "I".


And that is what the whole point of this "pity me thread" is all about isn't it???? If the "I" is some escort, that is known here on this site, and one who has admittedly treated clients on a sliding scale, based on monetary compensation/personal attractiveness, and one who charges "$200/hr or more", and has outside income due to his artistic/other efforts, runs into the "shit" that LIFE deals out, then we should ALL pour out our hearts in sympathy and open our wallets, no questions asked!


Do ANY of you EXPRESS the same concern towards a poster, who is not an escort? Don't bother replying, as anyone with a modicum of intelligence, who is a regular on this site, already knows the answer! Do I need to look any further back than your own comments to woodlawn being in need?


Gee, $200/hr or more, plus OUTSIDE income from other pursuits, and the POOR guy has NOTHING in reserve! Yeah, let me get out my PITY stick! So much more worthy of my compassion than some stupid dude who busted tables getting a college education and has lost his job after years of slaving for his company and has a wife and children to support and can only find a job flipping burgers for minimum wage!



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>Do ANY of you EXPRESS the same concern towards a poster, who

>is not an escort? Don't bother replying, as anyone with a

>modicum of intelligence, who is a regular on this site,

>already knows the answer! Do I need to look any further back

>than your own comments to woodlawn being in need?


thanks for letting me off the hook about not replying, but ...

Using my response to woodlawn isn't the same thing....

You see Woodlawn specifically asked for NO HELP.

And if you need evidence of people being supportive to a non escort, I myself have benefited from an outpouring of goodwill from members of this site when I was in all kinds of need.


the worthiness of the person in need SHOULDN'T be the issue. I would feel badly for the kid who bussed tables and lost his job and were he to ask, I would as likely try to offer some assistance as well.


But as with all things human, there are as many points of view on a subject as there are humans. Sometimes they agree, sometimes they don't. That's also part of what life dishes out.

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>Of course NOT! They live in a world of fantasy. As such they

>can't FATHOM that their fan obsessed observations are anything

>OTHER than SPECULATION and that such speculation, despite

>their "concern" can be damaging, no matter HOW real such

>concern seems in their self-delusional fantasies. :( But then

>again, for those people the fantasy is what is real!


I am not sure what world they live in, but it seems to be a world in which being someone's "friend" is quite compatible with spreading derogatory rumors about his mental condition and in which such behavior is considered "positive" and "helpful." In other words, they live in a world whose values are exactly the opposite of those held by most people on Planet Earth.


>IMHO, we don't have to EVER be concerned about YOU! You are

>one of the real people here, and hopefully you will continue

>to be so!


Thanks. The reason I keep coming to this message board is that I have never found any other forum on or off the Web in which almost everything people say is utterly absurd. Here we have men old enough for retirement who giggle and gossip about the charms of young hookers in exactly the same way that 13 year old girls giggle and gossip about the members of their favorite boy band. We have people who think that deceiving and betraying one's spouse or partner is cause for congratulation rather than condemnation. And we have people who think that the way to express their "concern" for someone who may have suffered a mental breakdown is to speculate at length about all the serious mental illnesses from which he may be suffering and to spread every rumor that they find about his trouble as quickly as they get their hands on it. For someone who enjoys absurdity, this place is truly the mother lode!

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