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What's happening with Devon of San Francisco (Pittsburgh?)

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Having been a reader of Devin's journal, nearly from its inception, I am concerned that he is "BIG" trouble! His latest journal entries have moved from wittiness to bitterness, and lately they have been a jumble of seemingly unrelated ramblings. Even his replies in the Message Center are showing these same characteristics. This all began when he decided to move eastward. Has anyone been in touch with him? What's happening? I am concerned for his well-being.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Obviously his posts have taken a turn... as has his writing palette -- more colors, more vivid. On your note I visited the website and journal and I must say that (with the bigger picture) I haven't seen such exceptional writing of this sort since the 60's. I'm not sure what the story is or where he is going with it but it is a vivid trip with words as images and images as words. I hope it has a happy destination.

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RE: Devon Implodes


I'm not too concerned about Devon's well being, since he's always been so nasty and insulting to me and several other people I know who frequent this board. But someone emailed me a note stating that Devon is retiring, at least temporarily, from escorting thanks to a wealthy sugar daddy who is supporting him so that he can devote himself entirely to his artistic pursuits. I'm not sure how "devoting himself entirely to his artistic pursuits" squares with posting weird, disjointed ramblings on this message board every five minutes. But such profound and seemingly unresolvable contradictions are part of the incredible mystery of being an escort, aren't they? At any rate, perhaps the fact that he no longer has to maintain what he calls a "persona" that attracts clients is responsible for his most recent behavior. Perhaps we are finally, at long last, seeing the real Devon. Interesting. :)

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I was glad to see this post questioning Devon's extreme departure in writing styles on his diaries. I was going to post the same thing and ask if any of his friends or clients know the inside scoop on what has happened to him.


I can understand him wanting to experiement and express himself in his artwork , and perhaps he is using his daily journal as a kind of performance artwork now. But, it seems so dark and mean-spirited and such a complete departure from a factual, fascinating, and entertaining day-to-day slice of life diary. It's like he has turned into a hostile,bitter, and a complete personality transformation. I am sure readers of this messege board notice how over-the-top insulting some of his reponses have become and now have taken over on his daily journal, with a threat by him that the "wrath of words" is just beginning.


I went back and re-read some entries and the last one that sounded like the old, user friendly Devon we all have come to know and love was on June 3rd on an enrty titled " Safe from harm". He was about to leave SF and start his road trip and the whole thing was peppered with references of death, like how he wanted to be remembered, and had a forboding sad tone to it, but it was coherant and readable, and in Devon's style. a few days later, when he was traveling and started this "on the road" Jack Keroac style entries, even he admitted he was having a hard time keeping up with his own journal. Now it reads as a full blown incoherant novel, as if you pick up a book you have never read, by and author you have never heard of and started reading it in the middle of a book. Not my idea of entertaining, or even interesting, just boring and making me, like other's here, very concerned for his mental state of being.


He mentioned he was starting his new website called "harmlessdevon.com" and that it was a work in progress and even he was not sure what it would be, other than a salon for art,writing,sex,adventure, and readers participation, etc.

I can understand this new kind of renagade, edgy writing style on his new website, but thought his "Devon's Diaries" would be more reality based and keep the reader's up to date on his life in same style we are acustomed to.I also wonder how long Hooboy will keep a link promoting Devon's site on the top of the banner. Actully, now that I think about it , that was how I learned of Devon's diaries and became a regular reader a couple of years ago. I am not sure if Devon will answer any of these questions directly and honestly like he would have in the past on this messege board. Or if he does it will be in the hostile, sarcastic, "keep 'em guessing" style of response.


It has left me, a regular reader and concerned person, with the impression that something very unpleasant has happened to him to make him change so drastically. Maybe drugs, or alcohol? ( he once blamed and justified his bizarre ramblings "one" time months ago in his journal on "Count Drunkula" for being drunk on a airlplane flight when he wrote a more "colorful" entry than usual, then went back to his usual personality the next day) or perhaps he is serously ill with some disease that he is not ready to deal with publicly. Or he is just snapped and lost his sanity.Or someone has royally screwed him over that he trusted and drained his savings and he is momentarily lost and angry and lashing out through his journal?. Perhaps he is none of these things and doing just fine and having fun and just bored with his diary and thinks he is clever and brilliant and creating some new art piece that is above the heads of his loyal and regular readers.The point is we are all confused and it's being lost on his readers.


Sorry this is so long, but I was glad to see others' wondering what in the world is happening to Devon. I guess when he is ready he will fill us all in. Until then, he is off on some kind of "Devonna/Reinvention" tour and hope he reveals what's really going on.

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I too, am concerned; the most plausible explanation I can think of is that someone with a grudge against has gained access to his apartment in his absence, and that he unfortunately left himself logged in (possibly via stored passwords on his computer) granting access to his websites.


Anybody (regular client?) know of a cell phone number for him?

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That is an interesting angle, and would explain that huge change in personality. It doesnt' seem like it's really Devon writing the journal or posting messeges today on the messege board ( they are really nonsensical,and many of them attack Benjamin Nicholas for now apparent reason) However, it's hard to believe Devon would be able to afford to keep both his apartment in SF and one in Providence ( which he claimed was cheaper and bigger than his one in sf). Also, I think he mentioned he used a laptop and would assume he had that with him to keep writing in his journal while on the road. Unless, someone stole it and is hijacking his journal and persona while he is scrambling to get his life back in order unseen to all of us who are concerned and was ripped off or harmed in some way. But then if that's the case there are internet cafes. or other ways to log on and explain what's happened. Oh, I could go on and on, will the real Devon please stand up and tell us what happened?

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RE: Devon Implodes


I don't know. It really sounds like something is terribly wrong. His entry for his travels, posted today sometime, said that he would be in Pooler, Georgia (where in the hell is Pooler, GA?) on APRIL 1st-- an April Fool's joke? He also indicates where he would be staying. It sounds like he is in trouble-- at least from the gleanings of his diary that I can follow. Anyone seen him since he began his trek eastward? He is supposed to be headed to Pittsburgh. He had an apartment paid in advance for a year by one of his art patrons. Sounds like something has gone terribly wrong in his plans. Guess we will have to wait for a response from him. I hope that it is intelligible! Glad that others are concerned, and that even those angry with him have felt the need to add to the blog. I did not know him well but wish him well.

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Stitched Together from The Clues


I'm concerned for him, too. From the clues he has been dropping, it would seem to this Miss Marple that:


1. He did close up his apartment in San Francisco before leaving there for Providence.


2. When he left he was really looking forward to visiting Dan Savage and meeting his family for dinner. It would be his first visit with a gay couple with children, a couple likely to get married if given the chance. It would seem that this meeting went poorly. (I would love, if Mr. Savage ever attends our threads, to hear his side of it.) It sounds like Mr. Savage, whom Devon expected to be open minded and support Devon's life style as well as his own instead savaged him verbally about it.


3. Things went fairly well for him financially at first on this trip. He even planned to extend it, going a longer route than he had expected to. However, when he got into New Orleans, the clients there didn't like him, and didn't like the hotel he was staying in, etc. etc. It was not a happy blending of personalities, him and that city, except, perhaps, for an older woman he met by a soda pop machine, who was understanding about his plight.


4. Even then, the financial picture might have worked out for him, but he was driving a rental jeep which broke down major league. I don't know why he couldn't just get a replacement from the rental company, but it seems that they may have blamed him instead and insisted that he repair the jeep and he was stuck in a very unfriendly town while he did that. Of course, he may have been renting/borrowing it from a friend.


5. It would seem that someone, a client whom he had trusted perhaps, perhaps even had had some nice experiences with while he was safely across the country in San Francisco, turned on him when he was camped on the man's doorstep, so to speak, in a nearby town with a broken down car. To the point of threatening to have him arrested. Or perhaps we are somehow back to Mr. Saveage here.


6. He did get his other site opened, but it quickly went under because he had underestimated the amount of bandwidth he would need and so was under financed. Also, it lead to him being flamed by some of the visitors and/or some of the contributors.


Devon is a lot like Woody, and will respond to being gently and respectfully approached. Or so I hope. However, it is possible that he might not be able to get this out of his system until he actually gets into a major flame war, or, and I like this idea better, he actually gets to his new home where his landlady has let him know already that his lifestyle does not bother her. And where he has already paid his rent far in advance, so is a bit safer from economic exigencies than he is on the road.

He has also mentioned that it would help him if we were to consider PayPalling him, perhaps to pay him back for the many good times on his diaries before all of this happened. I am of two minds about this as it might turn out to be a bit like enabling.

And, no, Woody, I do not claim to be a psychiatrist, merely an amateur Miss Marple who tries to keep his eyes open.

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RE: Stitched Together from The Clues


>I'm concerned for him, too. From the clues he has been

>dropping, it would seem to this Miss Marple that:


It's so interesting how many people are claiming to be oh-so-concerned about Devon and his plight and then proceed to express that "concern" by sitting around and publicly kicking around all sorts of baseless innuendo and gossip and speculation about what is happening to him, as though he is some sort of reality game show where we all get to guess as to what's going on with the "Devon character" until we find out on next week's episode when it gets revealed.


Funny - but if I were actually concerned about someone and what was happening to them, I wouldn't come to an Internet board and start posting all sorts of wild guesses when I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about -- is he on drugs? has he had a mental breakdown? Is he now being supported by a sugar daddy, etc. etc.


If you were really concerned about Devon's welfare - rather than amused by the mystery which his behavior has created -- I think you would be writing TO Devon, rather than ABOUT him.


It sounds a lot like all of this oh-so-sincere "concern" about Devon's welfare (Woodlawn was the only one honest enough to admit that he had no such concern) is really just a means of masquerading rank Internet gossip and base innuendo as something more noble and decent than it is really is.


Maybe Devon's been kidnapped by aliens! Maybe he was molested by his father growing up and it's all starting to come out now! Maybe he's been taking heroin and posting while he shoots up! Maybe he's homeless now and angry about it and spewing irrational rantings. That was fun - whose turn is it next?


And oh, did I mention - I'm really worried about him?

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RE: Stitched Together from The Clues


Doug - My post here comes after my posting to him twice on his own diary site. I'm probably going to PayPal him a little tomorrow or later tonight. As a blogger, he has already opened his life to scrutiny and comment. So don't get upset at me for scrutinizing it and commenting on it. At least I did my best to follow what he was taling about and not just hazily blathering, on either side of any fence. And am not just ignoring the elephant in the corner after his many posts on the message center today. As I mentioned, I think that he might feel better after a flame war, and he has mentioned several times that he is just about to get really angry in print. He's mentioned that several times and seems a bit constipated about it. You have often made me feel like having a good flame war with you. Hell, we may have already done it together once or twice. Why don't you write to him in private? You may be just the enema he needs. }(

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RE: Stitched Together from The Clues


>Funny - but if I were actually concerned about someone and

>what was happening to them, I wouldn't come to an Internet

>board and start posting all sorts of wild guesses when I have

>no idea what the fuck I'm talking about -- is he on drugs?

>has he had a mental breakdown? Is he now being supported by a

>sugar daddy, etc. etc.


>If you were really concerned about Devon's welfare - rather

>than amused by the mystery which his behavior has created -- I

>think you would be writing TO Devon, rather than ABOUT him.


Well, this board is excactly designed to find out and discuss escorts, so it's a logical starting point to express some "concern" about him.I don't know why this upsetting you to ask here. Surely you can see the radical change in his personality both on his journal and his nasty, out- of- character, hostile quips on this very Internet board that you don't think is appropriate for some of us to discuss our concern and theories about what has happening to him. We are just expressing our opnions and it doesn't mean we don't really care and don't know what we are talking about. That is the point, we don't really know and are trying to find out either from a reader on this board or Devon himself. Excuse us for getting in your way.


It is a much quicker and broader audience to ask here on this forum first to wonder if anyone might know some insight about his radical journal departure. Can I not care about why the style and content is so much darker and scarier now and then not conclude that maybe there is a reason for that, and that Devon ,as a real person, might be in trouble and express concern here? I do plan on on e-mailing him directly. I used to corraspond with him last year and he was kind and caring in his responses, even though it took him a long time to write back. this was just a starting point in asking here first since he contributes here almost every day and has a direct link that looms over what you are reading here(on top of the page on the title banner!)


To further illustrate the bizarre,negative,hostile tone of of his diary, I invite you to read this interview I found today that seems to have been given only a few months ago. After you read this from Devon and see how together,articulate,sensitive, and candid and real his is it makes it even more strange how different Devon comes across here and in his diary that he now refers to as Some DeadWhore's journal!




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RE: Stitched Together from The Clues


"Surely you can see the radical change in his personality both on his journal and his nasty, out- of- character, hostile quips on this very Internet board that you don't think is appropriate for some of us to discuss our concern and theories about what has happening to him. We are just expressing our opnions and it doesn't mean we don't really care and don't know what we are talking about. That is the point, we don't really know and are trying to find out either from a reader on this board or Devon himself. Excuse us for getting in your way."


Is it just me, or did you ENTIRELY miss the whole point of Doug69's post? You DON'T KNOW, but instead of waiting for more input from the protagonist or directly inquiring, all the "do-goodies" express concern and then postulate theories!


As far as the "radical change in his personality", excuse me, but I don't see it, as I agree with woodlawn about his nastiness towards specific posters on this site on several occasions. Like woodlawn, I ponder if his present circumstances have allowed him to throw off the cape of pretension and reveal his true persona, one that was only glimpsed in snippets before in his nastiness towards certain posters. Whatever, none of my business, nor do I even REMOTELY care.


As far as his journal goes, I wouldn't know, as I never had any desire to peruse it's contents previously, and still don't.


Everyone has had to deal with disappointments and total shit in life, but then again, that doesn't grant them carte blanche to zone out, at least on this site, without repercussions. Why is this guy allowed to go wild, when others like ad rian and ethan were banned from participating on this mc for doing much less offensive, rule violating behavior?


BTW: Did I mention how concerned I am about Devon? Did I forget to say how I find his recent posts MUCH more entertaining? :) And above all did I forget to DROOL over the absolutely most WONDEROUSLY, literary talent I've encountered since JD Salinger? :o

If so, PLEEAASSEEEE forgive me, as all the letters of the alphabet are forming themselves into images of CREATURES of VAST contortions and colors, and all the pictures in my Crayola coloring book are melting into an awesomely undecipherable series of letters. :7

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Ok, off and on since early this morning I have been wrestling with this very subject and trying to catch up on his diary . I had opened a window to start a post on the subject as I didn't see this one this morning. Oh well, sorry. didn't mean to start a second thread, it just took me 8 hours to finish my post and by that time , this one was up and going full tilt. I am ready for my meds now Doctor.;(

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>People generally do not change so radically overnight. My

>feeling is Devon is experimenting with this new attitude; he

>is using drugs; someone is using his ID.


Great guesses! And if turns out that you're wrong, hey: what's the big deal? At least you had fun playing the game, and isn't that what really matters?


So you just publicy accused him, hiding behind your anonymity, of using drugs, without the slightest idea of whether it's true. If you're wrong and you've unfairly maligned him, you'll just slink away and leave the slime that you shot at him where it is.


Coming on the Internet and publicy accusing people of having mental breakdowns and taking drugs sure is fun, isn't it? It's even more fun when we have no fucking clue if the innuendo we're spewing is true!


>Whichever the case I do hope all is well with him.


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, I fucking love how people come here and slime Devon and his reputation and them make sure to add the cursory bit about how they're doing it out of concern for his welfare. LOL!!!!!


Yes, you are such a compassionate soul, and you make sure everyone knows it. You are so concerned about Devon that you come to an Internet Board and start casually tossing around rumors that would damage his reputation without having any fucking clue if what you are saying is true. That sure does show true concern. I know that when I'm concerned about what's happening with someone, that's what I do, too: I come to an Internet board and start publicly kicking around disparaging gossip about the person. That's how truly concerned people show their concern.

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For all those really interested: Devon was driving a new candy apple red Mustang when a swarm of angry butterflys swooped down upon him and took him to their home in the forest. They thought he was so handsome and fit in so well with all their beauty that they decided to keep him. They set him up with a computer and an internet connection and there he be!

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Unlike your useless ramblings I simply stated how I feel. Unlike you I have hired Devon and have a little more insight than you do.


I did not need to de-construct a post line by line, unlike you I don't have that much time as my life is a little more fuller than your life appears to be. And unlike you not once did I have to refer to a thesaurus to try to sound intelligent.


Your posts do not impress or concern me. I'm only responding to you tonight because I am bored.



Devon whatever is happening ... bless you child.



RT :)

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"Coming on the Internet and publicy accusing people of having mental breakdowns and taking drugs sure is fun, isn't it? It's even more fun when we have no fucking clue if the innuendo we're spewing is true!"


Yeah, but when has that stopped anyone? Isn't that one of the FACTS of internet life? Why is it more odious when such accusations are spewed at a known "entity", such as Devon, rather than an anonymous poster, ESPECIALLY, when the object of your defense is GUILTY AS CHARGED of the same infractions?


Don't BOTHER! If you are a public figure, then you are ENTITLED to more respect and rights than an unknown, and as such are ABOVE the rules the commoners have to abide by. :(

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>"Coming on the Internet and publicy accusing people of having

>mental breakdowns and taking drugs sure is fun, isn't it? It's

>even more fun when we have no fucking clue if the innuendo

>we're spewing is true!"


>Yeah, but when has that stopped anyone? Isn't that one of the

>FACTS of internet life?


Yes, anonymous spreading of false and baseless rumors about people is certainly a widespread practice on the Internet. But the fact that it's widespread doesn't make it any less vile.


Many people, for instance, hate Matt Drudge because he has built a career on publishing extremely disparaging rumors about people without having any idea whether those rumors are true - his publication of the false rumors of John Kerry's affair with an intern being the latest example.


But at least Matt Drudge - unlike the people in this thread - doesn't pretend to be engaging in this vicious rumor-mongering because he is "concerned" about the people who are the target of his gossip. So at least in this regard, what he does is one small level above what is going on here with Devon.


Why is it more odious when such

>accusations are spewed at a known "entity", such as Devon,

>rather than an anonymous poster, ESPECIALLY, when the object

>of your defense is GUILTY AS CHARGED of the same infractions?


I don't recall Devon ever engaging in baselses rumor-mongering, but I have no reason to doubt your claim that he did. If he did that, it was just as wrong for him to have done it as it is for the people in this thread to be doing it to him.


>Don't BOTHER! If you are a public figure, then you are

>ENTITLED to more respect and rights than an unknown, and as

>such are ABOVE the rules the commoners have to abide by.


My problem with what is taking place here is not so much that people are running around spouting all sorts of baseless innuendo about Devon. As you point out, that is a common occurrence on the Internet generally and on this Board.


What is making me particularly sick is that the people who are engaging in the rumor-mongering are doing it and then pretending that they're doing it because they're "concerned" for Devon's well-being. This does not apply to you and Woodlawn - who are honest enough to admit that you don't care for Devon and aren't concerned about what is happening to him.


But to watch these people enjoying themselves engaging in the sport of trying to guess what is plaguing Devon by freely and publicly trashing his reputation and accusing him of all sorts of misdeeds - and then justify that reputation-smearing under the guise of "concern" -- is really quite sickening to behold.


The fact is that there is a literally infinite amount of possible explanations as to why Devon has been writing what he has been writing. None of the people who have opined on the reasons has any fucking clue as to whether or not what they are saying is true. But that doesn't stop these petty gossips from saying it anyway, nor does it stop them from ridiculously holding themselves out as Good Compassionate Citizens who are motivated by concern for Devon's well-being when their behavior reflects that they couldn't give less of a fuck about Devon or his well-being.

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RE: Stitched Together from The Clues!!


>"Surely you can see the radical change in his personality

>both on his journal and his nasty, out- of- character, hostile

>quips on this very Internet board that you don't think is

>appropriate for some of us to discuss our concern and theories

>about what has happening to him. We are just expressing our

>opnions and it doesn't mean we don't really care and don't

>know what we are talking about. That is the point, we don't

>really know and are trying to find out either from a reader on

>this board or Devon himself. Excuse us for getting in your



>Is it just me, or did you ENTIRELY miss the whole point of

>Doug69's post?


Yes, it's mostly JUST YOU. did you ENTIRELY miss my point that there is a sudden and radical change to the personality and flavor of his JOURNAL?


You DON'T KNOW, but instead of waiting for

>more input from the protagonist or directly inquiring, all the

>"do-goodies" express concern and then postulate theories!


do-goodies? lol


you DON'T KNOW EITHER, that is why I and other's were asking if anyone else might know and UNTIL DEVON LET'S US KNOW, when and if he ever does. and yes I can wait for him to answer. But you couldn't wait to chime in on a subject that you think is "none of your business and could not remotely care" about?


>As far as the "radical change in his personality", excuse me,

>but I don't see it, as I agree with woodlawn about his

>nastiness towards specific posters on this site on several

>occasions. Like woodlawn, I ponder if his present

>circumstances have allowed him to throw off the cape of

>pretension and reveal his true persona, one that was only

>glimpsed in snippets before in his nastiness towards certain

>posters. Whatever, none of my business, nor do I even



>As far as his journal goes, I wouldn't know, as I never had

>any desire to peruse it's contents previously, and still



TALK ABOUT MISSING THE POINT! the JOURNAL departure is what we are most questioning!!!! You are right, you DON'T know, since you have not even kept up with his journal unlike the rest of us who have noticed the drastic change and want to know what's going on. Since you don't care ( and aren't "concerned", but guess it's ok to "ponder"), don't bother addressing this issue and let the rest of us who do care discuss it. Please stop responding to subjects you know nothing about or remotely care about. thanks.

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Don't know about whatever self righteous stuff your talking about Doug. My posts simply reflect I like the old Devon better.


Whatever is going on with him, he is a big boy and will work it out. He is also smart enough to ask for help if he feels he needs it .


I just liked the other version better. If I can't read the posts of the former incarnation, at least I can hope this new one will start composing in full thoughts and sentences so even a dumb old homo like me can understand what the F--- he is saying.


Bottom line is, he gets to be whoever he wants, but when anyone starts posting in the shotgun, stream of conscience method he has used today, he leaves himself open to this kind of response.

And it isn't a stretch to think that people might be concerned even as they list possible causes. It seems like you may be trying a bit too hard to be the hall monitor.

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Um,I hate to be the contrarian here-but I like Devons new stream of concious style.He is a fan of Dennis Cooper who has done this sort of thing.I have only visited Devons site a feww times and find the new style much more engaging then his older one-he is evolving.It is a roadmand traveling down it is imperative to his becoming.

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