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Political escorts

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You know, I was sitting here this evening warming my brandy next to the fire (which is quite risky, because I do not have a fireplace.), and a thought popped into my head. A bubble-like thought, pretty, transluscent, delicate... . When escorts take part on this message board, especially ones who have very extreme or outspoken views, does it affect your opinion on whether you'd hire them? I mean, knowing that "Boy X" is extremely conservative, or "Guy Q" extremely liberal, would you still hire them, if you were of a very different mindset? And would it affect the sexual "role"? For instance, if you were an arch-conservative client (no, of course I have no one in particular in mind!) would you hire a known liberal just to plow him up the Monroe? If you were the liberal escort, and knew the client's motivation, would you let him?

I am curious how politics might color such decisions among the folks on this board.


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I can think of 4 escorts over the past 2 years that I have NOT hired because of their behavior in the message center. It's gotten to the point that I don't waste a few seconds of my time reading their posts and I certainly wouldn't pay for the "privilege" of getting intimate with them.


On the other hand, I've hired 5 other escorts because I've enjoyed their contribution here. At least one of the guys has political views different from mine. But he always treats people with respect and I had a great time with him.

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Guest fukamarine

>On the other hand, I've hired 5 other escorts because I've

>enjoyed their contribution here. At least one of the guys has

>political views different from mine.


How could an escort's political views influence whether you'd like to suck his dick or not??????



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Unfortunately, I must admit that it does affect me and there is one escort who posts on here that I would not hire. His views are so opposite of what I believe and feel that I don not even care to meet the man much less have any contact with him. Regardless of the size of his penis.

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All Escorts Is Local


I think this is one of those hypothetical questions that is more interesting in the abstract than in the reality. For example, there are some topics which I feel only lend themselves to problematic conversations, particularly in initial conversations, than religion, politics or ones family.


I also would assume that most people on here, at least those who read and post on the political and sociological threads, would assume I am a democrat. I am not. I also assume they would think I am a liberal and, by definiton, while I am very progressive, this is not accurate.


For example, I am very much an environmentalist but I am not anti-business and I think it is possible to have strong, multi-national corporations who practice sensible, even-handed stewardship of natural resources. They exist. They are simply few and far between.


As another example, I am against the death penalty because I believe that human life is sacrosanct. I also believe that simply because a majority of people may express a desire for state sanctioned death is not sufficient cause for it. On this same level, because of the advances in technology and medical science, I have believed for some time that abortion in nearly every instance, is also the taking of a human life, albeit often a highly unformed one. However, in this respect, I am not against choice but rather I am in favor of prevention and education. On a moral level, I am against the concept of abortion as contraception for those who are financial and physically able to practice contraception and who are informed and knowledgable and yet simply, due to poor planning and poor choices on their part, did not practice contraception. To be clear, I believe contraception is and should be the responsibility of two parties, not just one.


This is a very nuanced opinion and one which does not qualify me as either liberal or conservative. It is as nuanced as many of my other opinions, most of which I do not volunteer. I do not think a client is engaging me to discuss social issues or politics and it frankly, rarely comes up.


Were I a client, I am not sure how this might impact a hire situation. I would base any choice on physical attraction and, were I hiring for longer than one hour, it would also be based on a personal attraction and mutual meeting of minds perspective. I was hired by a public during one of my several trips in Washington, D.C. who might be viewed by many as highly conservative and this gentlemen certainly holds some opinions which are not my own. He was very pleasant, very concerned that I enjoy myself when we went out to dinner, and we spent much of the conversation talking about business, in particular internet taxation and several other issues, on which we found we had a great deal of agreement. We did not discuss social issues, something which I felt this man was aware would not be to the benefit of anyone to bring up.


From the escort perspective, I think my responsibility is to respect a clients privacy and provide him with an opportunity to release some stress and tension and have relaxation and intimacy he might not be able to find elsewhere. I do not think I am ever being hired to voice my opinions or to try to change my clients mind. I also am not certain what I might benefit as a client in limiting myself only to escort in lock step with a certain train of thought, although in all honesty, there are a wealth of escorts to pick from and I see no reason to begrudge any client the right to use any rationale in making his hiring determinations.

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RE: All Escorts Is Loco? Discuss.


Franco, you are coming up on your 2000th post. We are all here looking forward to it because we know that you will give it great thought and express yourself very carefully. On the other hand, we could be wrong as not all individuals view such a milestone as an opportunity to make a statement beyond the broader reach of the typical daily interchange. Sometimes, it depends on whether the person even is aware of the opportunity, which might also present itself in more subtle ways. Nonetheless, and taking the literal approach here, this is an opportunity of which you might seriously want to avail yourself, for no other than you can pronounce forth on a subject with greater intent as to what you as an individual want to say. With that in mind, and, as you search the archives for posts which may, or may not, set precedent for you in reaching this bridge to the future, consider that sometimes the opportunity appears to offer more than in fact the reality allows. Do not be reluctant, however, to take a chance in an opening with such enormous potential. Okay?

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The fella I have seen most in LA is a "reagan republican" which is about as far away from my political views as possible.However,we have very pleasant times together and discuss many things.We do not however discuss politics.

Likewise,I would not hesitate hiring EthanDC.He has all of the physical traits that are a turn on for me.If I found him to be tiresome in conversation I doubt I would hire him again.If he proved to be fun and charming than I would consider it.

On the other hand,I think twice about dealing with corporations that support ultra-conservative right wing or fundie causes-if there is another choice I will take it.

It used to be quite common for folks "on the hill"to socialize with the "oposing"side both in California and national politics.More was done to sway opinion in each camp in this fashion than hours of debate in chambers.But in the dumbing down of Amirika,Black and white are the only thing presented now,and often writ large for"the public's"sake.In my opinion this has caused a bottleneck in government that is abhorrant.All smoke and mirrors and no action.

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>How could an escort's political views influence whether you'd like to suck his dick or not??????


When I hire an escort it's for an all encompassing, enjoyable evening. In addition to the sex I like to converse with them and actually carry on a conversation. Most of the guys I've hired are charming, intelligent, and fun to be with.


When I only want to "suck dick" (as you put it), I grab a guy off the street, from a bar, or call up a fuck buddy. Why hire an escort if I'm only looking for sex? And why hire an escort when I don't think I'll like them as a person?

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>instance, if you were an arch-conservative client (no, of

>course I have no one in particular in mind!) would you hire a

>known liberal just to plow him up the Monroe?


Is "Monroe" (sic) being used here as another word for ass (I like that), or as a cute way to refer to me as a "liberal"? I don't consider myself liberal or conservative or whatever the other choices are. I don't choose to label myself and don't like when others do it for me. My ancestors were Jewish but I don't follow any religion or custom; however, I've met Jewish people who insisted that I was Jewish and that I must refer to myself as such. I know what I believe in and I'm also open to learning new things and changing my opinions (it's actually happened to me here a few times, when the debate has been rational). Now, what was the point...?


Oh, yeah. To answer the question from an escort's perspective: I have many clients whom one would label "conservative," I guess, and ones that are "liberal." I'm not really sure, though, because I rarely discuss politics with clients. Our mouths are usually too busy doing other stuff.


I respect who my clients are, whether it's closeted, Christian, or clueless (I needed a 3rd "c" word) and as long as we respect each other and just want to have a good time, I don't think that the way we vote has anything to do with it. All I ask for is that they use mouthwash. ;)

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Talk The Talk


It is well said. However, even though I am hired for a great deal of evening situations and there are some things it is clearly understood (albeit not previously arranged) that we will not discuss, such as a wife or the business the client is in, politics has rarely entered the conversation.


The question was not would you hire escorts with whom you could not converse intelligently, but would you hire them (or not hire them) based on stated political views? I would hope that any viewpoint stated herein by an escort would not preclude him from being considered by any client.


Otherwise, there is no advantage for an escort to do anything on this site other than make jokes, present sexual inuendo, flirt and otherwise be as "furniture-like as possible" (look presentable and be ready to serve in whatever capacity needed - i.e., a sofa over here or a extra chair over there).

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RE: Talk The Talk


>The question was not would you hire escorts with whom you could not converse intelligently, but would you hire them (or not hire them) based on stated political views? ... Otherwise, there is no advantage for an escort to do anything on this site other than make jokes, present sexual inuendo, flirt and otherwise be as "furniture-like as possible"


You bring up a very good point. I'm certainly not drawn to the escorts that are "furniture-like" and hope the escorts don't feel that is their place on this site. I really like seeing the breadth and depth of their thinking (or lack of it in some cases).


I have hired an escort with differing political views, but, I knew that we had other things in common based on their postings here. You're also correct that there are some topics that are best not discussed during a session. But, I'm an opinionated old man with a very strong personality. Some guys on this site have given me the impression that our personalities would clash so I just don't hire them.


Unfortunately, many of the issues that bring out strong emotions on this site are political in nature. It just happens to be those issues which have changed my opinion of some escorts.

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If I only hired guys that shared my political views I'd be close to celibate. I'm certainly not an arch-conservative, but I'm a moderate who swerves more to the conservative side at times.


The only thing that has bothered me on this board is when some of the rhetoric gets heated (especially in the politics section) and posters have such contempt for someone who has a particular opposing view. There have been quite a few posters who have done this. Most of them aren't escorts (so I don't have to worry about ever interacting with them), but some of them are. I have to say that this kind of attitude would make me less likely to hire that person. It would always be there in the back of my mind.


I might be skewered for saying this, but Barbra Streisand is a good example of this. I love her voice, and I used to listen to her CDs all the time (loved "Classical Barbra") but she has gotten so over the top and strident in her hatred of our current administration that I can't listen to her music anymore without being reminded of her public comments. As a result I can't enjoy listening to it the way I used to. That's probably my downfall in not being able to separate the two (and I'm sure she wouldn't give a flying fuck or lose a wink of sleep over not having me as a fan), but it's the way my mind works.


It's possible to have wildly different views and not be judgmental of others who disagree with you. I don't like being told how I'm supposed to think, and I can't help but resent it when someone does.

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Guest fukamarine

RE: Talk The Talk


>Otherwise, there is no advantage for an escort to do anything

>on this site other than make jokes, present sexual inuendo,

>flirt and otherwise be as "furniture-like as possible"


Are you referring to those escorts who have Louis XVth legs?



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>That's probably my downfall in not being able to separate the two

>(and I'm sure she wouldn't give a flying fuck or lose a wink

>of sleep over not having me as a fan), but it's the way my

>mind works.


We're on opposite ends of the political spectrum but I feel this way also. Not about her but many other people. Rabid conservatives drive me crazy.



the Cajun

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This is a little bit like asking whether or not I'd hire an escort because he's hairy or has a big dick, without saying that he stinks, or is an axe-murderer, or has green-coated teeth. The question is really about the relationship between erotic attraction and the atmosphere in which two people can act on that attraction.


I happen to believe that all political ideas rest on a series of assumptions about what -- and who -- human beings are. After all, politics is fundamentally the complex of negotiations that people go through in order to arrive at some kind of settlement regarding all sorts of social procedures and interactions from the merely convenient to the economic to the legal. Nobody, I think, can adopt a firm political position that does not imply an attitude about means and ends. And as the means always, or almost always, includes people and their own self-interests, I would say: yes, political values matter a great deal to me.


What matters on the day-to-day basis, and this includes a few hours with an escort, however, is the manner in which a person reaches and expresses his political views. Rational people may rationally disagree about political ideas, even ideas that seem incompatible. Similarly, hostile, irrational behavior is revolting whether I happen to agree with someone's pricniples or not.


Therefore, I can't say that I wouldn't hire an escort because his political views differ from mine. But if he has expressed those views in ways that suggest that he has an attitude towards human beings that I find intolerable and implicitly hostile to myself, I wouldn't hire him, no matter what he looked like.

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Wow, you say it really "nice." I was just gonna say "my dick and it's arrousal is directly related to my partner's way of seeing things and other people (this would definitely include politics)" but I read yours first and now I'm just gonna say: "what he said!" :)

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