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Would You Hire Him?

Guest Utopia
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We are fortnuate to have a group of escorts who post in the message center on a regular basis. Some of these posts are informative and others tend to be a waste of bandwidth, probably costing HooBoy money that could be spent on better resources. In any case I am curious would you hire some of the regular posting escorts after seeing their true colors through their posts in the message center .. or does it not matter to you?


For me as an example only an escort like Rod Hagen or Smalltown John have always posted something of interest and that has peaked my interest in them. On the other hand an escort like Ethan or Benjammin have turned me off completely by their overzealous posts.



"You realize that life goes fast

It's hard to make the good things last"

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For my money, if I were closer to him I would like to meet Franco di Santis. Now there's a guy that combines sex appeal and brains (and I understand he's a terrific cook to boot). OMG, does that sound like husband material or what:7


And to your point specifically, I find Franco's posts always interesting and informative. He shows excellent judgement IMO on most questions that he comments on and even where I might differ with him on a matter of opinion, he at least puts forward a well reasoned position. And I find him respectful of others, even when he differs with them. I guess you would say he is a gentleman.

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Luv2play I agree with you about him, I just can't get past his looks, not my type but his posts are usually reasonable and balanced. Plus he seems to have a link for everything :D

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This is a really good question. I hired SmallTownJohn after several months of seeing his post even though we are both tops, had a great time. 2 Southern guys that love sweet tea. Rick Munroe and I actually bumped heads in a Thread when I first appeared here and he actually didn't seem my type. But, curiosity got the best of me and I met him and Derek both. Really great guys. I met Houseboy after he came here and asked a few questions. Sometimes a quote can be misconstrued and cause an Escort a few flames. This did happen to John a few months back and resulted in him limiting his future comments. I very much want to meet Devon when I get to SF from some of his contributions to the Board and I am a nipple lover anyway.


As for the Escorts you mentioned that have made comments that have apparently turned you off to them. For me there is a curiosity factor. Not so much a sexual attraction as much as, what can the real guy be like behind those post? Short personal attacks and name calling of someone you have never met, do turn me off. So it depends if my curiosity over comes my distaste of some comments made. Of course, you can also turn this around, there is a certain Escort that now has apparently decided the doesn't want to meet me. Of course that doesn't take an money out of MY pocket

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i like both rick and ben nichols from their posts and would hire boyh; their reviews support that they would be a good time. in the past, i tried to set up an appointment with matt from vancouver when he was traveling (he was too busy) based on his posts and good reviews.

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I like to see the escorts post on topics of interest. Benjamin Nicholas and Devon would be two of my favorites in that respect. Rick Munroe as well. Some of the pom pom posts meant to drum up business are interesting and most are not.


As for an escort making the posts that inflame and insult, well, why not? It does add for some interest on occasion. It also seems to cause too many threads to get locked.


The only two people I wouldn't hire because of their posts are doug and woodie, and they probably are way too expensive for me anyway!:)

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Would You Link To Him?


Thank you for the nice words.


One of the interesting things about this site is the diversity of the opinions; more so, when a larger number of escorts (and clients) comment. I would be hard pressed to think of any post I made here with the sole or primary intent to solicit clients; that some escorts do, however, is obvious. That some are successful is also, clearly, apparent. However, I have always maintained that for any escort to genuinely believe or imagine that they are the best escort for every client is improbable, at best.


Some clients, as KY TOP appears to be, may have a curiousity and make look to an escort because of what he posts here, but more likely than not, I do not suspect that such curiosity or interest leads to hires.


I have met about two dozen clients from this site, many of whom were not my clients, but simply men who hire others. I never met any of these men with the idea that I would turn them into paying clients of mine and I do not believe most of them wanted to "check" me out first with that in mind.


Physical attraction is a large part of what is on the table here and many of us are not "universal types." On the other hand, some clients may be attracted to an escort physically but turned off by what the escort might write here (or how he may be written about). I post here because it amuses me, I find it educational and entertaining, and partly because I am a frustrated writer. I think some other escorts have been put off because they have found this site (and some of the posters) intimidating or because they have been burned; obviously some of them have themselves, at least, partially to blame for that fact.

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To tell the truth, few of the current posting escort's pictures do much for me, and the one I think is most intriguing from his pics seems to actively work on alienating potential clients. But even though I've had a couple arguments with him I'd give him a try, (if he doesn't 86 me too...). I can't think of any escorts I wouldn't hire because of their postings in here. Though there is only that one who I can think of as ever approaching that line for me.


Anybody know why we haven't seen much of Rick lately? He doesn't exactly match my physical interests, but I'd be curious to meet him at least. Hopefully he'll come this way again soon.


I also miss Small Town John's regular postings, for a while there escorts and clients alike were regularly driven off by a couple specific people who seemed to delight in it, hopefully that's stopped now. I've also seen great, prolific, highly contributive posters beaten down to the point they exit, and that also seems to me like a loss for us all.


I think crap like that was/is also keeping new members from becoming active in here, I know I've talked to several people who've looked in briefly, saw a lot of negative postings (even though they were from only a couple people) and left because it didn't look like a fun place at all.


It's seemed to be on an upswing lately though, lets hope it continues.

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>I think crap like that was/is also keeping new members from

>becoming active in here, I know I've talked to several people

>who've looked in briefly, saw a lot of negative postings (even

>though they were from only a couple people) and left because

>it didn't look like a fun place at all.


I always find it so interesting whenever people say this. I have read more posts than I can count from you saying the most condemning, insulting things about other posters on this Board. And yet, I bet when you are talking about how bad it is that certain people make "negative postings," you were not thinking of yourself at all, because you believe that you are one of the good, nice, kind people here who illustrate that fun, good side of the Board, and it's others who are guilty of the crime of negative posting. Right?


I could excerpt a bunch of insults and personal attacks that you've posted here to illustrate this, but I'm sure you recall them and my excerpting them is unnecessary. So I'm genuinely curious - how can someone, such as yourself, who has repeatedly posted attacks and insults directed at other posters at the same time condemn negative posts and claim that such behavior destructively wards off new posters?

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If an escort who posts here is my type, I probably would hire him barring anything he said that personally offended me (which takes quite a lot actually) or unless he solely meant to be cruel (to me or someone else) without provocation or perceived provocation. Political beliefs, worldviews, temperament, etc. really wouldn't affect my decision that much unless I felt it was something where we wouldn't get along in person - for the most part, though, I like to learn about different people and the way they view the world, especially if it's different than the way I do. I do agree sometimes the posts that people make are a good indicator of personality, but I find that interesting more than anything else. I also think if given the opportunity there might be more of a pull to meet an escort from here - I know I'd be more inclined to do it simply to satiate my curiosity and meet the person behind the screenname in some cases...think it'd be fun. Just my two cents.

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Hooboy pocket peeler 1001 uses


IT is going to sound strange I guess to say that this site has never been about hiring for me; at least not in the general sense. When I first started visiting here, I didn't have one gay friend in my life. In fact, the first guy I hired and reviewed was not even listed on this site. What I found here was a gathering of men who (to varying degrees) opened some portion of their life to others by expressing views on a variety of subjects. In looking for ways to open up my life, Hooboy gave me a place to "be" me, and more important, to find "who" that was.


After I started to become more comfortable participating here, I started a thread about developing friendships through a message board, and specifically about being friends with escorts. At that time, I wasn't talking about being friends after having had a professional relationship, but getting to know other guys who perhaps had a view of openess and sexuality that would interest and even perhaps benefit me. As you can imagine, the responses were all over the map.


As a result of that thread, I received an offer to meet a local escort who posts here for lunch. I spent little or no time in WEHO, and this was a win-win for me. I did meet the man, and despite jitters from my first trip into town, I totally enjoyed our lunch and our conversation. Was that invitation from him an attempt to groom me as a potential customer? Probably not. I think his invitation was a genuine response to my request to meet someone as a friend. The subsequent frequent lunches helped me get more comfortable with myself and going to places where other men gathered.


Further down this road, I began to develop online freindships which I tried to move into the real world. In my travels, I have ended up meeting so many great guys from other cities. In fact, that has become my primary use of this site (since I seldom hire anymore). My recent trip to RIO was a culmination of developing friends from this site.


The Hoovile gathering tonight at Numbers is another example of how I have benefitted from playing in Hooboy's sandbox.


I have always tried to post and respond as the real me, I mean by that, not an alter ego, but what I really feel. Sometimes, the emotion of the topic, or my reaction to it, has caused me to react badly, and I have found it healthy to own up and apologize. This place is the greatest "Gay life 101" univeristy class I have ever found.


Do I agree with everything some escorts post? No. Do they agree with my opinions? Without question, no. Are there some escorts who post here that would interest me? Are you kidding? Of course. Would I hire them? If I had the resources, probably, but not for the reasons you might think.


This is a great question Utopia. I hope to be able to meet you sometime soon. I am sure I would enjoy it.


I Love Hooboy. I would buy any gadget that guy sells, because it has to have 1001 uses.



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NOT insulting Rick


he's probably busy with Dean meetups (i fucking HATE that word!) and campaigning. he said he was going to even do some doorknocking and trudging through snow in NH for him.

my guess is he's probably too busy with that to worry about posting much.

hmm... i think i need a hobby!

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I'll take a shot at this one as I don't believe doug will mind. Not trying to speak for James and I'm sure he can speak well for himself.


There are two points you are addressing and I want to talk about them seperately.


First it's a fact that the perceived negative tone here by a few posters is the reason cited by people to not participate on this board. I have people who have told this to me face to face and many by email. Of course some people just stop posting without giving a reason and at least some of them belong to the above category.


Again not speaking for James, when I post something negative I usually regret that I have posted. I have often wished (for myself and others) that there was a way to go back and edit things that were written hastily and that I realize contribute to a negative tone. Some message board software allow posters to do just that, go back and edit when necessary. It's perhaps a sign of how much we like this place that we forget this is a message board and not a conversation. Everything I type is (usually) here forever, sigh.


Should I have this pointed out to me when I make a mistake and do what I criticize? Yes, of course. But most of the time I have already seen and regretted it. Will you call me a hypocrite too for agreeing with James? Does regretting the negative things I have posted and actively TRYING to not add to the problem make the criticism more valid?


Is there a response to claims that negative stuff drives off other people other than countercharges of hypocrisy? I am genuinely curious to see if there is.



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Guest manreadyokc

I read the Message Center often, usually daily, and have hired escorts occasionally. This is the first time I have posted, so I have never participated actively in the debates that sometimes occur here. As a result, it is relatively easy for me to choose the guys that post frequently that I would hire and the one I would not.


The guys that are definitely on my list of WILL hire at some point are Franco di Santis, Devon, Benjamin Nicholas, Rod Hagan, Jason Carter, and Aaron Scott. So many great guys, so little time!


The only guy I would say is a definite "no" for me purely on the basis of his posts is Ethan. A huge cock only goes so far.



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I would certainly like to meet SmallTownJohn; I almost had the chance when he was last in Philadelphia, but unfortunately my schedule was too tight. I would like to meet Rick Munroe because he seems like a really fun guy based on his conversations. But I have no qualms about meeting Ethan either.

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I don't really expect to be hired by anyone who reads these boards. Most of you are into twinks, not bears. And few of you seem to really be into erotic, spiritual massage or Leather scenes. For those for whom I am the right type, I am one of the few of the right type. But there are few of those around here. I do apprecitate it, though, that no one has said that he wouldn't hire me based on my posts here. Thanks.


There are those whom I would hire from having read their posts here a lot faster than if I hadn't. One of the flirty best who also hasn't been mentioned on this thread is Jim#2 from NYC, or as we affectionately call him, Bottomstud. I have hired him and the only reason I haven't mentioned him in the Escort of the Year voting, YET, is that he was the only one I hired last year. Most of those who I find interesting on this board just don't come to Houston. Some of them don't do exploratory travelling at all. (Devon is making it to town, but at a time I won't be here.) Jeff of Ohio is another one who hasn't been mentioned on this board yet. Not only would I hire him only from his comments here (not really my type from the still picture, but I bet he is in action)but I wish he'd go back to sharing some of his exploits, too. What ever happened to that gorgeous neighbor he met by the pool, the one who was maybe the son of an old flame? Etc.

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I'd definitely hire Rick :)


Actually, i would likely have fun with all escorts (myself included) mentioned. They all come across as intelligent, well-spoken & versatile guys with much more than just sex to offer.


Whether you agree or disagree with what any particular escort has to say, it is nice to have a hodge-podge of perspectives here on the MC. Yea, so there are little explosions now & then on this board, but from past experience it tends to be the norm. Things eventually settle down and the cycle begins all over again.


I will say though that people here on the MC need to truly reserve total judgement until they meet an escort in the flesh. Words on-screen can only convey so much, with the angle of misinterpretation coming into play frequently. As much as people around here may mislike or mistake an 'overzealous' personality, it's head & shoulders above being negative all the time.


If you don't like what i have to say, then simply ignore me. It's truly amazing how much energy people expend around here JUST to tarnish someone they've even never met. Letting things go isn't that tough & will ultimately save you from an anger-induced stroke at the keyboard... ;)



Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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Guest Love Bubble Butt

LOL! Man, I'll bet it's just killing VAHAWK not to come running to Benji's defense ... just so he can prove to us that he's not obsessed with him. Undoubtedly, his blood pressure is through the roof, teeth grinding, limbs shaking, probably on the verge of a stroke or nervous breakdown, all in an effort to control his normally uncontrollable desire to run to Benji's defense. So go ahead vahawk. Chime in. Trying to prove others wrong about your obsession with Benji is simply not worth risking your health. We'll understand.

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I don't think anything written on this site would stop me from hiring that escort. There are many that have made me consider hiring them even if they are not my usual tastes in guys. What I most appealling is that escorts like Rick, Franco, Ben etc take the time to express their thoughts and opinions. It makes me feel that it more than just a job and that everyone isn't just a dollar sign to them

Thanks guys:)

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>First it's a fact that the perceived negative tone here by a

>few posters is the reason cited by people to not participate

>on this board. I have people who have told this to me face to

>face and many by email. Of course some people just stop

>posting without giving a reason and at least some of them

>belong to the above category.


I'm sure this is true. Some people only like to be in places where there is no conflict or disagreement of any kind.


Conversely, there are some people who dislike that sort of sweet, lamb-like environment, and prefer venues comprised of vigorous debate, disagreement and conflict.


That's why both types of forum thrive on the Internet and everywhere else. Every forum will become what its users want it to be, and the market will create all the different types of forums that people want. No one place can be everything to everybody.


>Again not speaking for James, when I post something negative I

>usually regret that I have posted. I have often wished (for

>myself and others) that there was a way to go back and edit

>things that were written hastily and that I realize contribute

>to a negative tone.


But what does "a negative tone" mean? If you disagree with what someone else says, is that negative? If you do it aggressively and vigorously, is that negative?


And while you may regret the negative things you say, I have seen no sign that James does. In fact, I suspect that James doesn't even count himself among the group of people who contribute to the negativity which he claims drives people away. That's what I'm interested in knowing: whether, in light of all the insults and attacks he's posted, he actually believes that about himself.


I've noticed that most people who sermonize against negative posts are prolific creators of such posts, but when they talk about "negative posters," they somehow always exclude themselves from that group. The fact that they could be an example of what they are condemning, amazingly, never crosses their mind.


>Should I have this pointed out to me when I make a mistake and

>do what I criticize? Yes, of course. But most of the time I

>have already seen and regretted it. Will you call me a

>hypocrite too for agreeing with James? Does regretting the

>negative things I have posted and actively TRYING to not add

>to the problem make the criticism more valid?


Absolutely not. I agree that if you condemn X but also perodically engage in X, it doesn't make you a hypocrite if you acknowledge that you do it and express regret for it. It's possible to espouse aspirations that you don't always achieve without being a hypocrite.


What makes someone a hypocrite is if then condemn X, engage in it themselves, but conceal that fact when engaged in their condemnation.


>Is there a response to claims that negative stuff drives off

>other people other than countercharges of hypocrisy? I am

>genuinely curious to see if there is.


If you look at what sells in this culture, you will find that conflict and disagreement are far more interesting and appealing to most people than is harmony and sweetness. Most people will say they don't like conflict but when faced with the choice of watching it or listening to it as opposed to something wholesome and sweet, they will choose conflict every time.

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So far I've hired four escorts that are/were regular posters here. I had a great time with all of them.


I've also NOT hired at least 5 different guys based on their posts.


My philosphy is that a rational and even spirited disagreement isn't a criteria for me not hiring a guy. But, when their discussions have become nasty, "over the top", or they continually hijack threads I definately cross them off my list. So far I haven't regretted that decision.

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