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Rates for a full week Part 2

Guest DaveM
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Guest DaveM

There is another post on this topic that suggested the rate should be $2000-$2500 for a week. Well, I contacted a few escorts and asked how much for a week in Rio next month? Not one offered me that rate, and yes, Rio is a fun place for a week and not Tulsa,Oklahoma. And yes, I like my space too and not being with an escort for 24 hours straight. My idea of a vacation is fun and relaxation(I've been to Rio many times and know all there is about that city and what it has to offer)I leave the hotel in the morning, I can be found in 1 of 4 places, if you want to meet up, you know where to find me, otherwise lets meet at the hotel at 7 for dinner. Finding escorts in Rio is cheap and easy. I just thought it might be fun with an American one there too, maybe a few 3-somes and to see what the escort has to write on this board about the guys down there. But the rates I got, were all around $5000 and sorry guys, for that you can stay home. I guess my point is, that with some escorts, at least the ones I contacted, destination like the other post suggests, isn't a key factor. And from this site, you can see more and more guys are venturing down to Rio. I wonder why???

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Well, maybe you weren't clear about your expectations of the escorts you contacted. It does, indeed sound like a fun trip. Or, maybe you just contacted the wrong escorts. I would say keep looking, if you really want to take an American boy to Rio! :D


Aaron Scott DC



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Guest Merlin

I suggest that you first offer what you have in mind. When you ask them first, they naturally think near the top of their range.

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Guest DaveM

I was very clear to the escorts and even included links to Rio for suggestions on what to do there and that my schedule was open. Maybe I did contact the wrong ones, but they were the ones that seemed like fun. I look at vacations as fun. I'm not the type of guy to negotiate either, just puts a damper on the whole thing.

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I like the idea of traveling with people, personally. It is one of the reasons I welcome meeting other escorts (for non sexual encounters) and have met other message center posters (where there was no interest on there for the standard client/escort encounter between us but mere curiousity on their part if I could really speak in one long run sentence and do I really go off on tangents . . . ). If you are Rick and Derek, you are lucky. You have a built in travel companion you are used to with you, to explore with or to give you your space. If you are a working boy traveling alone to another city it can, often, to be honest, get lonely no matter how exciting the city.


To be honest, I would like a certain amount of time to myself to explore a city such as Rio but I would also prefer some company. While Rio has many natives who may know either English or perhaps even Spanish, street signs, maps and other normal things which a tourist would encounter would not be in a language I knew or understood.


Another thing, to be honest, may simply be the age of the escort or the time of year. Summer may be a very busy time for some of these "fun" escorts you are inquiring about, or they simply may feel that you or someone else will offer them the fee they desire, or they may simply may not wish to lower their price. My one regret when I entered my thirties was that I did not travel more when I was younger, but again, to be honest, I most likely would have responded at a younger age the way that I actually did to some of the offers I was presented with.


Finally, it sounds like you are not contacting escorts you have been with before, perhaps you are. I would think, as has been pointed out by me, that this would be important to both of you and it might make such a tactical financial move more prudent. Were you a regular client of mine, I would certainly give serious consideration, as I do to them, to any reasonable offer.

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Guest DaveM

RE: Rio


You are right, I was contacting escorts I haven't been with before. I am a professional living in the midwest, not an abundance of escorts here. I'm in my 40s, good looking and have been with several escorts in my travels. I never met an escort who didn't want me to call them again (and I met some I would never call again). I always treat people with respect and like the same in return. But, I will say this, I look at escorts as fun, but as people too. But fun is the operative word and the way to look at it.


Am I regular client of any escorts? No. When it comes to vacation, I vacation out of the country. I've been all over the States and there is too much to see elsewhere. And you are right about traveling, traveling is a great experience. I'd rather do the long hauls overseas now than 20 years from now. I can vacation locally then.


As far as an escort I don't know for a week vacation? I can survive a week anywhere with anyone. It's just a mind set. As far as a foreign city like Rio, it's a beach city and hard to get lost even if you don't know Portuguese, there is a lot of English spoken. Tours? All the hotels have them. Ones free time and company can be planned. After all, it's suppose to be a vacation. I've done everything in Rio, so when I go now, I go to the beach all day. If the escort wants to come fine, if not, do tours or shopping and meet later. What's the big deal?


Sure, it's a gamble to hire an escort you don't know for a week, but it goes both ways. Just $5000 is too much of a gamble I am not willing to take. Nothing personal towards you since I admit I am not a client of yours, but "if I was a client of yours, you'd give it serious consideration". Who's loss is it? Mine for not spending $5000 or yours for not meeting a nice guy and having fun for a week in a city most people will never get to?

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For the past year or so, whenever I travel to my favorite destination site (Montreal), I try to bring an escort with me. Not that the dancers in Montreal aren't the most gorgeous and fun people on earth, but it is just more fun to share the experience with some one... that's my perspective anyway.


This is almost always someone I have hired before, but once in a while, it is a newbie whom I have the "hots" for... but these are always both well-reviewed and someone whom I have a "good gut-feeling" about based on phone and email contact.


I always tell them upfront that they will be my guest, and I will bring them there, pay for their expenses, and make sure that they have enough money to have as much fun with Canadian dancers as I will. For this reason, I tell them, I will not pay their advertised daily rate, but rather xxx per day (note the xxx is 3 digits and that number depends on the number of days, the price of the airfare, etc).


I have yet to have one turn me down, but as I said, for the most part I have hired them before, and they know that thcy can trust that I will deliver what I say.


In fact, I have had a few ask to stay longer with no charge... and of course I gladly accept!


I have an OUTSTANDING time with these outings... but I reiterate what I have said before. If you pay attention to BOTH of you having a good time, rather than view the escort as just a servant to pleasure you, you really can get the escort to view the whole affair as play and not work. In the end, that makes the hire so much more fun and pleasurable, and it makes the weekly fee so much less.

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Guest DaveM

I agree with you 100%. That is why I stressed VACATION and FUN and HAVING A GOOD TIME. I don't view an escort as a servant, but in fact, the responses I received were just the other way around. Give me a break. The other post stated it should be $2000-2500 for the week. Just pointing out, I'm not finding it. Offer them xxx dollars a day x 7? Not going to do that. I don't negotiate. If they want to come, give me a fair price. They are the ones in the business. In fact, anyone who has been to Rio or can read the posts on here knows a $1000 down there will get you more sex than you can handle for a week nonstop. Like you and Montreal, it might be fun to share the experience with someone. Certainly, one would think an escort should be able to figure that out and maybe think ahead of future potential vacations. If an escort offered 2000-2500, I would do it. More? It's just not worth it to me. And no, I am not going to offer that number to them. Maybe if I did, I wouldn't get turned down either. But, if they were seriously interested and adventurous, I would think they would make a reasonanble offer. Again, if not, no big deal and no loss on my part. I'm going regardless. The last thing I would want to do is negotiate with an escort, then hear him complain about the length of the flight and the lack of hamburgers in Rio.

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>Sure, it's a gamble to hire an escort you don't know for a

>week, but it goes both ways. Just $5000 is too much of a

>gamble I am not willing to take. Nothing personal towards you

>since I admit I am not a client of yours, but "if I was a

>client of yours, you'd give it serious consideration". Who's

>loss is it? Mine for not spending $5000 or yours for not

>meeting a nice guy and having fun for a week in a city most

>people will never get to?


I do not have an advertised weekly rate. I really have not given much thought to a "weekly" rate. I have been asked about long weekends but not seven days. I do know when I travel myself, I often spend $2,000 upfront before even getting on the plane and I also know what I can reasonable expect in a week in Los Angeles and in a week in another town. There are all sorts of trade offs happening in each instance.


My comment was that if you and I had an existing relationship, which I have with many of my clients, you would be afforded what I would like to believe many clients could consider benefits: I offer extra time routinely (My family has a tradition of giving gifts on our birthdays, rather than accepting them. Each of my regular clients in Los Angeles and Palm Springs received extra time in June because of this tradition.); I also give frequency discounts, both as to hours and to sessions (or "slots" as Woodlawn would like to call them); I prefer to create a rapport and a relationship with my clients and even someone who hires me three times in say a 12 month period would "benefit." I often keep in touch with clients and know about their lives; they know this is not and is never intended to be solicitation of business. Some of them clearly have a very defined limit to what they can afford and I make it very clear that I understand an escort hire is a definite "nonessential" in ones budget.


I do not think any escort would like to admit they might under cut there advertise price. I never do. However, for existing clients, I offer them benefits outside the purely transactional ones and consider any reasonably offer they may propose. That is merely all I meant to state.


As Marc Anthony points out, when you have an existing relationship with your escorts, they are also more likely to consider any reasonable offer anyone may make. I certainly do not believe nor meant to suggest that you offer was not reasonable nor that it did not merit consideration.

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I went through your thread twice and have to say I agree with you 100%. I have met some very wonderful escorts over the years, interesting urbane and fun to be with for more than an hour or two in bed.


When traveling and wishing to bring one along, I had usually limited myself to a half-dozen whom I know I could stay with for more than a few days without going crazy. Up front they were each given the location (city), their key to the room of course, free time as desired, with very few real demands on my part.


For most of them, the 5-6 days were worthwhile, although I felt I was paying way too much for this: airline tickets, taxi fees, tickets for theatre and concerts (in NYC, not so cheap), meals at high end restaurants each day, temporary membership in a gym next to the hotel or in the hotel, subway card, cash handed over on arrival for spending money, and usually some gifts (clothing or other apparel bought on shopping time out... all above and beyond the fee)...


This stopped suddenly when one of these guys took me to the cleaners and back. Petulant from the time of arrival, arrogant with people everywhere we went, abusive and impolite, he was embarrassing to be around. I had been with him twice before on limited meetings and should have listened to an inner voice telling me this guy was bad news, but I was horny and he was beautiful. Worse, sex for the week was almost non-existent. In bed he was dead on hitting the mattress, or faked it pretty well, and never awoke until I was clearly gone for the day on business. I finally was saved when an escort friend of mine showed up (not on contract) to meet a friend at the same hotel. He was free for the last night Mr. Loser was with me, and so jumped right in and spent the night.... FOR FREE, while this rip-off artist slept on the couched.


At the end of this sad misadventure, I tallied all my credit card charges, the fees, etc... and realized I was stupid and so at that point stopped ever traveling with an escort again, or inviting one to visit. It is - for me anyway - fiscally unreasonable. Heck I do not travel First Class on an airline so why should HE? And I am careful generally with my hard-earned cash so why let someone else walk through it?


When one considers the tickets and hotel rates all being paid for up front (and often quite expenseive), meals, tours, entertainment etc... all presumably covered by the client, and the fact that you are getting all this FREE... well it would seem reasonable to expect a more considerable rate, and I also agree, I hate negotiating for the fee. The guy should be up front with me on that from the first moment. I have therefore found that... in the end... it is cheaper to shop locally whereever I go, and learn to live with that. It has its plusses and minuses but in the end my wallet is more secure.

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Guest CTguy

Hi Marc, do you find that the escorts are more willing to go with you on a vacation if they have met you before and have gotten to know you? I have tried a couple of times to bring an escort with me to Montreal but both times something came up and it just didn't happen. I have a feeling the fact that we never met before had something to do with it. I think going on a vacation with someone you never met before is risky both from the escort and client perspective. Also, can I ask what has been the aproximate daily fee you have spent on an escort for a Montreal vacation?

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Personally, my rates are dependent on several things, including where the travel will encompass. If one of my guys is already putting down a decent amount of money to simply GET there, then it's totally obscene to ask for a 'normal' rate ($5k or otherwise). An escort parlaying first-class airfare into that equation would also be considered pretty damn tacky in my book.



Jesus, i'm really surprised that some of these escorts even have clients at all with the way they demand things. I would think that Rio (or anywhere else exotic for that matter) in itself would be enough to get someone's interest peaked.




Eh *shrugs shoulders*




Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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Guest DaveM


I am aware of everything you said, like everything else, I am sure there are good escorts and bad. That is another reason I asked them how much they wanted for a week. I thought Rio would be a great way to meet an escort for other travel too. After all, Rio is a beach city, tons of things to do, the friendliest people on earth, cheap and lots of drop dead beautiful escorts there (and very inexpensive). It's also a vacation, not a business trip. People go to Rio for fun. Heck, if things didn't go well, I could get another hotel room. No big deal again. Granted, if it was Paris or London, well, that's a different story. I agree with shopping locally too. I've met great escorts overseas and keep in contact with them regularly - something that eludes most of the domestic ones (at least the ones I met). But, again, my post was initially in reference to the other post that suggested $2000-2500 should get you a quality escort for a week. For that amount I would take the risk and see how it turned out. Hopefully it would be a lot of fun and a leaning experience. I certainly do not need an esort to accompany me, merely thought it might be fun. To me and the way I presented it to the escorts, there is a big difference between escorting someone for a week and vacation with someone for a week in a crazy city like Rio. Would I be using the local escorts in Rio if an escort came down with me? For sure! This is vacation and suppose to be fun.



I certainly did not mean any offense to you whatsoever, I don't think you took it that way. I never asked an escort to "undercut" their price. I merely asked how much they wanted for a week. And I don't have an exisiting relationship with escorts here. I admit that. Maybe in 10 years I will. But in that time, the ones that are 25 now will probably not be escorting. I thought it would be fun to go with a good looking guy from the USA and have some fun with, hey, maybe I am naive. I've been to Rio over 10 times by myself have certainly no problem doing it again, in fact I can't wait to get back! Yes, I know all the ins and outs of Rio, you'd think that would be a plus for an escort who has never been or for that fact, anyone who hasn't been there. And Franco, I'm really not complaining. Just merely pointing out that I did not find the $2000-2500 offer that was in the other post. For that price I would risk it, as simple as that. If one reads "Escorts South of USA", one would see all the comraderie we posters are having down there. In fact, they would probably say I am crazy for even contemplating bringing an escort down there. But, hey, nothing ventured nothing gained. It might be fun and liven things up even more. If I may be so bold as to say, I am not the one losing here. A week's vacation in paradise with airfare, accomodations, meals and libations paid for? Oh well! Heck, if there is a fun good looking adventurous reader out there who wants to go to Rio, drop me an email. If you're not an escort, then I don't have to pay the fee, we don't have to have sex, but you'll have a blast for a week. That's what I was going for Franco (only an escort gets a fee and has sex). And please, I am not trying to undermine the industry - after all, I am on this site. And to all the readers, Franco has been the most forthcoming and I certainly appreciate it Franco. And Franco, I like your traditions. Heck, I was in college before I realized that not everyone sent flowers to their mothers on ones own birthday. Just one of the many traditions I grew up with.

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Again, if you don't have anyone "regular" I would at least approach those you've met. If you haven't met someone how do you know they are who the say they are. We hear a lot about the escort changing their tune, I suspect they have had a lot of clients who change things too. So I am not surprised you are finding a lot of takers.

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Guest DaveM

Oh, I'm finding takers at 5K+. It's just not worth it. And they say the economy is depressed. And why should I limit myself to escorts that I have tried?

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RE: Rates for a fulf


"it's totally obscene"


Well, it is certainly nauseating. The NY Times magazine has a cover story on famine in Africa that puts all of this discussion in a negative perspective. Just how much luxury do some guys think they're entitled to?

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The other post stated it

>should be $2000-2500 for the week. Just pointing out, I'm not

>finding it. Offer them xxx dollars a day x 7? Not going to do

>that. I don't negotiate. If they want to come, give me a fair

>price. Certainly, one would think an

>escort should be able to figure that out and maybe think ahead

>of future potential vacations. If an escort offered 2000-2500,

>I would do it. More? It's just not worth it to me.


The xxx that I offer times 7 is not that much more than 2000-2500 bucks, but it is more. Again, I emphasize that it is almost always with an escort I have been with before, and we have clicked before. They are more than happy to go. I am taking one to Montreal in a couple of weeks who I am paying for 3 days, and he is staying an extra 2 days for free. Just the way it goes.


Before you get bent out of shape about why an escort won't go for 2000 bucks for a week with a guy he hasn't met (even to a good location), put yourself in his shoes. Would you go with a complete stranger to a place for one week and implicitly agree to have daily sex with him for a week for 2K? I know... you might respond with the fact that you are not an escort. True. But remember an escort is a human being too, sometimes very young, with insecurities and fears. If he has never met you, the prospect of travelling to a foreign country for intimate contact for a long period of time just may be worth more to him than 2K.

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>Hi Marc, do you find that the escorts are more willing to go

>with you on a vacation if they have met you before and have

>gotten to know you?


Undoubtedly! Please see my response above to Dave M. I think an escort is not only more willing to go, but he is more willing to go at a cheaper rate if he already knows you.


I can't give you an exact number for my daily rate because it depends a lot on my relationship with the escort, the number of days, the place we are going, how much I have to spend on airfare and expenses, and of course my desire to make it happen. I have had escorts go with me for as little as 200/day (but that was a long trip with an escort I know very well) to a more usual 400-700 per day, again depending on many factors.


If you already have a relationship with the escort, coming to an agreement is really easy and painless. And if it is not, then you wouldn't have had a good time travelling together for an extended period either!

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Heck I do not travel First Class on an airline

>so why should HE? And I am careful generally with my

>hard-earned cash so why let someone else walk through it?



I agree that you should not change your lifestyle to appease an escort, nor do they warrant more amenities than you provide for yourself.



The guy should be up

>front with me on that from the first moment. I have therefore

>found that... in the end... it is cheaper to shop locally

>whereever I go, and learn to live with that. It has its

>plusses and minuses but in the end my wallet is more secure.




Adriano, I am sorry you had some bad experiences, and one particularly bad one. I am sure if anything like that happened to me, I would feel very differently also. But for now, I can only say that I have found travelling with escorts very fun and very affordable, and the cost/benefit ratio has been more than acceptable for me. Maybe someday, with the right escort, you will try it again and have a better experience.

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Excellent Point


>Before you get bent out of shape about why an escort won't go

>for 2000 bucks for a week with a guy he hasn't met (even to a

>good location), put yourself in his shoes. Would you go with

>a complete stranger to a place for one week and implicitly

>agree to have daily sex with him for a week for 2K? I know...

>you might respond with the fact that you are not an escort.

>True. But remember an escort is a human being too, sometimes

>very young, with insecurities and fears. If he has never met

>you, the prospect of travelling to a foreign country for

>intimate contact for a long period of time just may be worth

>more to him than 2K.


I think Dave has been very straightforwarded; I simply also believe your point is very on the mark, particularly with young escorts, and while Dave has not clearly come out and stated as much, I take it he is wanting and considering escorts in the age range of approximately 25.


At that age, I was more willing to experience adventure but I also had not been placed in situations where I had been drugged, videotaped against my will, left someplace with no shoes or money, had my ID and wallet taken by a client in a foreign city at a bathhouse, or been beaten up. Each one of those specific instances has happened (not all at once and not to the same person) to young men of my acquaintence, all of whom were or are working escorts.


I know Dave offered to speak with the escorts beforehand and I do want to acknowledge that some have certainly responded at $5K versus $2.5K, but perhaps they feel at that rate, any risk isoutweighed by the financial reward.


Nonetheless, in my own case, for example, at any rate, I would not feel comfortable on an extended hire without feeling the client and I had the opportunity to establish common interest, fully discuss and be clear about the situation and, for a mutually beneficial relationship, have established a good rapport with one another. I believe Dave would get a better experience and the escorts themselves would also benefit as well. This is why I believe Marc Anthony's approach has worked so well for him.

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Guest DaveM

>Before you get bent out of shape about why an escort won't go

>for 2000 bucks for a week with a guy he hasn't met (even to a

>good location), put yourself in his shoes. Would you go with

>a complete stranger to a place for one week and implicitly

>agree to have daily sex with him for a week for 2K? I know...

>you might respond with the fact that you are not an escort.

>True. But remember an escort is a human being too, sometimes

>very young, with insecurities and fears. If he has never met

>you, the prospect of travelling to a foreign country for

>intimate contact for a long period of time just may be worth

>more to him than 2K.


This post is getting funny. First, I am not bent out of shape. It doesn't matter if an escort comes or not. Rio, like Montreal is full of escorts, only many more, much better and they cost a lot less. Period. Fact. Secondly, I did not offer any escort any amount of money or try to negotiate. Can't people read anymore? I merely asked how much they would want for a week. Period. I stated, unlike the other post, I did not get any response in the $2000-2500 range. If I did, I would risk it. I didn't, no big deal. I just thought it might be fun with another American guy down there. Thirdly, I don't have a "relationship" with escorts here. Can't read into that? I am not 60, 250# and bald. Again, merely if I got a response in that range, I would risk it. And sorry, those are the operative words, I would risk it.

If I was 25 and offered an all expense trip to Rio for a week with a stranger, would I go? You betcha I would. Color me naive, but I still believe in people and was always advenurous. FYI, I did do some escorting while in college and always treat people as human beings. Also, I never mentioned having daily sex with the escort, in fact I implied that I would be playing with the escorts down there. This is a fun trip, that is what I am going for.

I was looking for a fun "buddy". That is how I worded it and looked at it. "sometimes very young, with insecurities and fears" -stay home. I am not after that. That is their loss, not mine. Sorry, that sounded hard, I was just trying to be factual.

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I did not offer

>any escort any amount of money or try to negotiate. Can't

>people read anymore? I merely asked how much they would want

>for a week. Period. I stated, unlike the other post, I did not

>get any response in the $2000-2500 range.


In the other post, the 2000-2500 range was mentioned as a "fair amount" by clients who were discussing what they thought would be a good price to pay an escort for a week trip. No one there suggested that an escort would advertise that price or offer it up to a first time client.


Thirdly, I don't have a

>"relationship" with escorts here. Can't read into that?


And that is my point. I merely pointed out that you are much more likely to have an escort agree to go with you with a price far less than his advertised price if you did already have a relationship with him. I am just sharing my personal experience with the board. It really does seem most of the people who are reading this thread are more interested in trying to find a way to make it work, rather than a reason why it could not.


Again, merely if I got a response in

>that range, I would risk it. And sorry, those are the

>operative words, I would risk it.


I think this is the crux of why we haven't agreed on much in this thread. I like to do this kind of thing, so I try to make it happen. You are ambivalent as to whether it happens or not, so you just see what is offered. I think it is natural, that if a client uses your approach, almost all escorts would respond with their advertised rate, which is high. I was merely pointing out, for those interested readers who are trying to find a way to make this happen, how I have made it happen repeatedly for myself.



>FYI, I did do some escorting while in college and

>always treat people as human beings.


And I never said you did not. I just pointed out that you should REMEMBER they are human beings... and that many, if not most, human beings would not necessarily jump at a chance to go to a foreign country for a week with a stranger with the implicit purpose of having daily sex for 2K (which is less than half of their daily advertised rate).


Also, I never mentioned

>having daily sex with the escort, in fact I implied that I

>would be playing with the escorts down there.


Whether you mentioned it or not, it is in the escort's mind that this is what they will have to deliver. That is why I used the term implicit. I think the vast majority of clients and escorts, when throwing around numbers with 4 figures and airfare/expenses, are assuming and envisioning that someone is going to put out.



"sometimes very young, with insecurities and

>fears" -stay home. I am not after that. That is their loss,

>not mine. Sorry, that sounded hard, I was just trying to be




And I was just trying to offer an alternative approach to anyone who really did want to try and get an escort to go on extended travel for far less than a usual advertised rate.


Like I said, I think we are approaching this from entirely different perspectives, and that is why we haven't agreed. I am just pointing out that I am not surprised you had no one offer up to go with you to Rio for a weekly rate of 2K ... your intent and therefore approach is very different from mine. For those on the board who are "not trying to risk it", but really are "trying to make it happen", I continue to stand by what has worked time and time again for me.


I really do have a great time doing this, and that is why I am encouraging others to try it. I have been bringing escorts to Montreal for some time now, and have had nothing but wonderful experiences. I am bringing 2 different ones on 2 consecutive weekends at the end of this month, and am looking forward to it. And I know that the M4M'rs that I usually travel with to that location are catching the fever, because ALL of them are bringing boys with them on this trip.

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>Oh, I'm finding takers at 5K+. It's just not worth it. And

>they say the economy is depressed. And why should I limit

>myself to escorts that I have tried?


Dave, I totally understand your dilemma. If I were your friend, or I knew you, I'd most likely say yes.


Otherwise...there are to many ifs, ands or butts (pun intended)


I know you can find someone to go, the whole point is finding someone and not ANYONE.


If you offered this trip to ANYONE(just make random calls to people you don't know)....How many people do you think would go for that price not knowing you? TRY IT. Tell them the exact dates and what you expect of them. When they must meet you at what time...and when they should lick your butt (slurp) (I'd lick your butt)


Yes, Escorts are expected to do things because that is their job. But, there is a price after all.....How many people no matter what profession would do this? I just want to put things in perspective. I would think that you would do the opposite...tell the RIO boys to CUM HERE...2500 dollars would pay for the ticket and a full weeks worth of unprecedented sex. They'd be happy to cum to the USA right?

Without knowing you at all...how many Brazilians would jump at this chance.


...Full Price would definitely satisfy most escorts. But even at that price...some would still say NO.


I hope this didn't sound BITCHY. (yes it did....sorry :( )

I really do hope you find someone to go. And, I truly would be at odds wondering if I should have gone....but I do have to make boundaries somewhere. Can we go when I want to go?




GOOD LUCK...you do sound like a nice guy too.

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Guest DaveM

You're right, we don't agree because we are coming from different perspectives. And please, I am not trying to belittle you, other posters or the escorts. I don't need an escort for sex, especailly in Rio. Rio is not Montreal and I am not slighting Montreal. I love Montreal and have been there more than 20 times in the past 5 years. They are vastly different cities, different attitudes and cultures. I was trying more for a "buddy" to take down there and have fun with the boys and that is how I presented it. I am certainly going to enjoy the boys in Rio. Some of the escorts on the reviews here seemed like fun and had great reviews. Perhaps this may have led to a "relationship" with an escort, perhaps not. One never knows what the future holds. It's my belief that you are hiring them for sex, which is fine, I have no problem with that whatsoever. Am I ambivalent about whether an escort comes or not? Yes, I admit that. For 2K I would do it, for 5K, no I wouldn't. Since you and I are coming from different perspectives as far as sex is concerned, that is why I said I would take the risk. If sex happened, fine, if not, fine. Different approaches. I'd rather have a new friend than a sex partner for a week.

I am truly glad it is working for you. I mean that. There in lies promise for the future. I thank you for your suggestions and comments too. I will certainly keep them in mind. Enjoy Montreal!

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