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Scott Bradley's comments on being a whore

Guest Kenny021
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Guest Tyler Roberts


Perfect name for you...EVERYONE should Beware of you as you are nothing but a pathetic, nasty, old fool.


1. I am NOT your "dear".

2. Unlike yourself I neither need a doctor nor meds though I suspect you are on them for your advanced old age.

3. The reason that only video watchers and ONLY watchers, not people actually IN porn are supposed to hate and DO hate "He Who Shall Not Be Named" is because he lies. Not about just one person but about ANYONE either he or his employer David Forest dislike or feel threatened by.

4. You have taken the wrong side. In reality and regardless of ANYTHING you may THINK, NOTHING he wrote about Scott Bradley or Anthony Holloway was correct. NOTHING. The reason "He Who Shall Not Be Named" doesn't have an archive on his page is because you'de see that he completely reverses his stancec and outright lies depending on his obsession of the moment. He started out originally raving about Anthony Holloway and that continued till Anthony left David Forest and went to another agent, Dak King. At that time he started to completely change his story about Anthony as "He Who Shall Not Be Named' doesn't like Dak either as David Forest doesn't like him. You say you know for a fact that what he has wrote about Anthony and Scott are correct...HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS? You've met them? Tried to hire them? Be honest here as I WILL check with them both should you say you've had dealings with them. I can prove he lies, uses half truths and etc in that a short time ago he had several things on his page about me that were not just bullshit but outright STUPID. He stated that I had been refused a dance job at Swinging Richards in Atlanta...I don't dance. I don't dance AT ALL! I don't strip, I don't do the go-go thing. PERIOD. Also Swinging Richards refuses NO ONE! They're one of those clubs that make guys pay to dance there. "He Who Shall Not Be Named" also had me as being a photographer and having shot pics of Scott Bradley. This is odd as I've never even flown over Atlanta OR the state of Georgia and never have I met Scott Bradley in person. We chat on-line and on the phone but never have I met him in person. "He Who Shall Not Be Named" also a while back supposedly did an interview with a past clerk from columnist Mark Adams store in Boston. The x clerks name was James. After the "interview" came out James denounced the whole thing on Atkol and did the same when I spoke to him by phone. According to James, whom "He Who Shall Not Be Named" had an obsession with, this "interview" NEVER HAPPENED! It was a complete and total lie, nothing more.

5. What you know to be true is NOT true.

6. In regards your opening comments...go fuck yourself, neither you NOR you opinions of me matter to anyone.

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Guest Kenny021

All of the above comments are very interesting and quite frankly, both sides carry some truth about Scott Bradley and the "unmentionable" one. I had a run in with BON some time ago, because I insisted that he indeed was the "unmemtionable" one. He denied it and then proceeded to insult me. I have very little use for people like him and therefore, left it alone. He still denies being "him" and frankly, WHO CARES. As for HIM, he is frankly a documented psycho who lies,fabricates, and will do ANYTHING to gain attention. He thinks he is a player in the porn industry and he is....only it is as a JOKE. NOBODY takes him seriously and certainly don't take anything he writes as anything more than a "laugh for the day"... actually nobody but 2 or 3 people (Scott Bradley, David Forest and another "player" in the scenario" ever go to his site. As long as people keep talking about him, he will continue to exist. They only way to deal with him is to completely ignore him. When he gets completely ignored, he will go away. Talking about him glorifies him.

In keeping with the old addage that "any publicity is good publicity", Bradley, under a pseudonym, emails HIM, feeds him all sorts of phoney info, knowing full well that he will be the "topic of the day" on HIM's website. Guess what???IT WORKS. Bradley has been the object of HIM's website daily for the past few weeks. Of course, Bradley feigns anger but secretly relishes it and is getting more publicity from this than he ever could anywhere. Forest is another one who believes in this "publicity" gimmick and just glorifies in seeing his name in print.

I realize that this all sounds incredible but guys, believe me, it is ALL TO REAL.

As for Bradley commenting about "being a whore" and his feelings about "the old men who have no lives",that is open for interpretation by anyone who wishes to do so but frankly, I think it says more about him, his "chosen profession" and his feelings for his clients than anything else possibly could.

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ROTFLMFAO........whoa dude,dude's and dudete's enough already.i don't know who this guy kruger is, or for that matter any of the people mentioned........and don't care if i ever know them,couldn't care less about the little drama they find themselves in...but what i don't understand is...... why do they think anybody gives a shit about any of them. it seems to me nothing can be more insignificant and unimporant as anything discussed on a porno web site....get a grip guys .............these are not canidates for the hollywood walk of fame.they are people who for a price will fuck before a camera,doesn't take talent to spew dialouge like oooooooooooo i.m comming uhhhhhh uhhhhhhhh ooooooooooooo taylorky@17:54-03/07/03

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>,doesn't take talent to spew dialouge like oooooooooooo

>i.m comming uhhhhhh uhhhhhhhh ooooooooooooo



Hey Taylor, your dialogue is too good...you better watch out someone may offer you a Movie job.

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>Funny how BON goes silent when He Who Shall Not Be Named has

>a hemmorhoid flareup, and as soon as he goes silent BON shows

>up again.


Funny how Hairy Bitch, who isn't a longtime meber of this message board community can comment upon whether or not I am silent on this board. I have been posting here for about 4 years now continuously.


Funny how Hairy Bitch seeks to discredit me by making veiled innuendo that I am HWSNBN.


>As soon as I stop getting mail barrages from He Who Shall Not

>Be Named, BON shows up again supporting him.


And the last time you got mail barrage from me was when? How about never.


>So, BON, you agree that HWSNBN is a medical expert? How else

>to you explain his proclamation (as a medical opinion) that

>Jeff Palmer is naturally immune to the HIV virus? (After

>Palmer himself admitted a year ago to being POZ?)


If you take the time to reread what I posted, you wills ee that I never once mentioned Jeff Palmer. Is HWSNBN a medical expert? I dunno. My guess is no. Could Jeff Palmer be naturally immune to HIV? Perhaps. Could he be a carrier and never develop the disease? Perhaps. I wouldn't claim it as fact though, just supposition.


Again, if being the "national Enquirer" of the porn world is the evil that he's done, you people are fruitier than a nutcake. Where's the specifics? I still haven't seen word one that tells me why HWSNBN is He Who is the Lord High Satan. Enquiring minds want to know.

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>Perfect name for you...EVERYONE should Beware of you as you

>are nothing but a pathetic, nasty, old fool.


Oh, cut to the quick. How charming, dear.


>1. I am NOT your "dear".


See above. I guess without the voice, my Mrs. Doubtfire impersonation doesn't wuite come across the way I intended.


>3. The reason that only video watchers and ONLY watchers, not

>people actually IN porn are supposed to hate and DO hate "He

>Who Shall Not Be Named" is because he lies. Not about just

>one person but about ANYONE either he or his employer David

>Forest dislike or feel threatened by.


Wow. How enlightening. Passionately vague, sounding like specifics, and yet devoid of them.


>4.You say you know for a fact that what he has wrote about

>Anthony and Scott are correct...HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS? You've

>met them? Tried to hire them? Be honest here as I WILL check

>with them both should you say you've had dealings with them.


Now don't get your knickers in a twist dear. My dear departed Mr. Doubtfire used to do that and it would take me days to untangle them. Anthony's web of lies and deceit are well documented on this board and in his reviews. He is as despicable as you have alledged HWSNBN is.


As for Scott,I live in Atlanta, have met Scott several times and we have at least two friends in common. Most everything that HWSNBN has alledged about Scott is true. I can't personally verify everything, but I do know that the information is accurate.


As for you, okay he lied about you. I never stated that he was not what you alledged, but that what he alledged about AH and SB was true. That still hasn't changed. One thing I can say is that you are a nasty little whore. You always post on here with a bad attitude, little to no facts and PMS.


>5. What you know to be true is NOT true.


You used to play Colonel Flag on M*A*S*H, didn't you, dear?


>6. In regards your opening comments...go fuck yourself,

>neither you NOR you opinions of me matter to anyone.


Right. If they didn't matter to you, dear, then you wouldn't get so worked up about them and you wouldn't respond. Time for a high colonnic, I think, dear.

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Guest Harry Bitsch

As someone who has observed the adult industry for many years, of course I've been reading this site since it opened. I know all about your fanatical pursuit of Nick (or whatever he calls himself these days), and of Holloway. And I know that Hooboy has smacked your behind a time or two over some things you've said about Holloway.


You might be interested in this, by the way:




OK, you want specifics....


* Joey Hart retired from the porn industry because of this stalker.


* The industry believed for a time that agent Peter Scott had retired because of outright lies told by HWSNBN before everyone figured out what he was about. Peter Scott is, in fact, still actively representing and booking talent to this day. For a time, though, pickings were slim until he could counter the lies spread by HWSNBN. That's a direct financial impact.


* HWSNBN hacked xxxxxx xxxxxxxx'x PC and stole his email address book. He then barraged everyone in that address book with constant and lengthy untrue messages about xxxxxx. That's how xxxxxx's *mother* found out about her son's vocation. She was in the address book.


That accounts for 1995.


It's been a steady stream of more of the same since. He may still be sending to xxxxxx's list. I got out of those mailings only by CANCELLING THAT E-MAIL ACCOUNT. Only the names of the current object of his affliction have changed. The M.O. is the same, and the e-mails even sound pretty much the same. (He really needs to hire a creative consultant.)


The real danger he poses is that newcomers to the industry don't know the history (and this goes for fans as well). He picks them off with almost surgical precision.


YOUR credibility is harmed by backing HWSNBN, Neal. And you empower him. Anyone who's been paying attention naturally assumes you're just another of the aliases and personas he's so good at creating. It's a pattern he uses. He'll spend months or even years building credibility under a new identity and then use that credibility to support himself.


ATKOL won't let him in. He's the reason RADVideo CLOSED their message boards. Be careful what you welcome in here, and be careful who you endorse.


There is SOME truth about what he says about both Holloway and Bradley, I'm sure. I've had personal experience with enough of his reportage to know that the nuggets of truth are things like "eats peanut butter sandwiches" or "prefers Coke over Pepsi". (Woo Hoo! Aren't you glad you know that?) The rest of what he publishes is complete fabrication, and intended to cause maximum harm.


Harry Bitsch

Editor, cockring.org

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>As someone who has observed the adult industry for many

>years, of course I've been reading this site since it opened.

>I know all about your fanatical pursuit of Nick (or whatever

>he calls himself these days), and of Holloway. And I know that

>Hooboy has smacked your behind a time or two over some things

>you've said about Holloway.


Well, you'll be glad to know then that Nick finally got what he deserved from someone far closer to home than me. As for what Hooboy smacks or doesn't smack, that's between us as two consenting adults ;)


>OK, you want specifics....


>The real danger he poses is that newcomers to the industry

>don't know the history (and this goes for fans as well). He

>picks them off with almost surgical precision.


Thank you. Finally someone who can present some facts that make sense, rather than a certain someone who cries HWSNBN at everyone hysterically. Thank you for taking the time to do so and in a professional manner.


>YOUR credibility is harmed by backing HWSNBN, Neal. And you

>empower him. Anyone who's been paying attention naturally

>assumes you're just another of the aliases and personas he's

>so good at creating. It's a pattern he uses. He'll spend

>months or even years building credibility under a new identity

>and then use that credibility to support himself.


I am well aware of his propensity for creating new identities, but he's relatively easy to spot. The name might change, but the tone, wording and semantics do not.


>ATKOL won't let him in. He's the reason RADVideo CLOSED their

>message boards. Be careful what you welcome in here, and be

>careful who you endorse.


The woman who runs ATKOL is a nervous nelly who is apparently frightened of his own shadow.


>There is SOME truth about what he says about both Holloway and

>Bradley, I'm sure.


What I've been saying all along. Thanks, Harry.

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Guest Tyler Roberts

Once again BOM, you prove how much of an ignarant horses ass you truly are...if you were anything more intelligent than the average garden variety egg plant you'de realise that I do NOT escort, thus, I am NOT a whore. You on the other hand seem to be a great expert of them. Go figure...


Oh, btw, I'm not the only one HWSNBN has lied completely about, there are literally dozens.

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>Once again BOM, you prove how much of an ignarant horses ass

>you truly are...if you were anything more intelligent than the

>average garden variety egg plant you'de realise that I do NOT

>escort, thus, I am NOT a whore.


Fascinating how I am being lectured on being IGNORANT by someone who can't even spell the word.

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>The woman who runs ATKOL is a nervous nelly who is

>apparently frightened of his own shadow.


Kneel, I'm sure you already know this but I'll say it just so everyone else can put a proper frame of reference around your comments.


ATKOL Video was formed as a production company and produced the VERY FIRST gay porn video that depicted safer sex acts during the early days of the AIDS epidemic.


That video (which is actually pretty horrible) showed porn greats like Jon King having safer sex.


I'd categorize him as more of a visionary than scared of his own shadow. He certainly didn't shy away from what was at the time a VERY controversial topic.

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>I was kind of amused in this thread to see an escort refer to

>a board he posts to that has a membership of several hundred

>escorts. And guys he didn't mean this one.


>I thought its existence was supposed to be a big secret? But

>since there is an escort only board out there it doesn't seem

>to make sense to complain too bitterly about a board where

>clients can talk. And you know escort can and do post here as



1. It is no secret. At least not the site I discussed and described.


2. It is site for working escorts only: no clients, no web masters, no agencies, no want-to-be escorts, no porn stars, etc.


3. There are no discussions, in the form of complaints, bitter or otherwise, about clients, in the same respect that clients occassionally discuss escorts herein. However, rightly or wrongly, THAT is the reason for the existence of this site. It IS, after all, an escort REVIEW site.


4. It is not a CLIENT review site. I have heard of a site where clients are discussed, but to my knowledge it has "no membership" per se; I have no idea what, if anything, it may actually contains. I personally have no interest such a site. I do, however, find the idea that some clients are so interested and concerned about such a site both mildly interesting and mildly amusing, but apparently not sufficiently enough to bother with.


". . . ask me no questions and I shall tell you no lies."

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RE: Clarity


Thanks Franco,


I had no idea that the escort site was considered "no big secret." I had and have no problem with the concept. I just had never seen it referred to on THIS site before.


The other part of my post referred to Scott Bradley's complaints about this site and the "bitter old men" he refers. Sorry to get the two thoughts jumbled up. Please accept my apology for any confusion.



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Guest Tyler Roberts

Well maybe once I have your eons of antiquity beneath my bely BON I'll get it right...then again, I hope I die beforer ending up like you.


BTW...Everyone on AAtkol was SOOO sad we chased you off LOL.

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>Well maybe once I have your eons of antiquity beneath my bely

>BON I'll get it right...then again, I hope I die beforer

>ending up like you.


>BTW...Everyone on AAtkol was SOOO sad we chased you off LOL.


I've never been to Aatkol. Is that a city, resort, website? Can't say i've ever heard of it, dear.

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Guest Tyler Roberts

Actually Nick, I can PROVE you've posted at Atkol.com, I've saved the postings. It's the online site you were chased off from awhile back for your support of "HWSNBN".

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>Actually Nick, I can PROVE you've posted at Atkol.com, I've

>saved the postings. It's the online site you were chased off

>from awhile back for your support of "HWSNBN".


Well, yes dear, I have been to atkol.com Just never been to aatkol. DO learn how to spell, won't you?

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