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I've stayed quiet on this one far too long~


Is it just me or does this post remind you of the yearly rant by Yoko Ono, honoring John at 'Strawberry Fields' in NYC?


... on second thought, it kind of reminds me of Margaret Cho's impression of her mother. 'ARE YOU DE GAY?' ;)



Mind you, this isn't a swipe at Mr. Gaucho~ simply something to bring a smile to some & a snicker to others :)




Warmest Regards,




Benjamin Nicholas



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Guest Love Bubble Butt

>I've stayed quiet on this one far too long~


Well, maybe you should have stayed quiet a little longer. But hell, it's your right to say what you want. However, it's my right too; so I'll exercise it:



> Is it just me or does this post remind you of the yearly

>rant by Yoko Ono, honoring John at 'Strawberry Fields' in NYC?



> ... on second thought, it kind of reminds me of Margaret

>Cho's impression of her mother. 'ARE YOU DE GAY?' ;)


I'm sure many will find your comment funny. I don't. Margaret Cho was a comedian putting on a show and reciting a script that was written with the INTENTION of being funny. Bruno was speaking to the members of this board in a sincere and heartfelt way and was doing so the best he could with his limited (but improving) knowledge of English.


I think when someone is trying to learn a new language, it's always nicer to offer encouragement rather than ridicule.



>Mind you, this isn't a swipe at Mr. Gaucho~ simply something

>to bring a smile to some & a snicker to others :)


Yes, at someone else's expense. (And I thought it was only young children who thought it was OK to make fun of another person in an attempt to entertain others.)


And for the record, I thought his writing was kinda cute. Makes me want to just hold him, cuddle him, and caress his face (of course this is right after I have fucked his brains out).


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>And for the record, I thought his writing was kinda cute.

>Makes me want to just hold him, cuddle him, and caress his

>face (of course this is right after I have fucked his brains





You MIGHT have had some sort of defense until that last paragraph... That just killed it. Why must we always muttle good sense with sexual nature...


Anyone who has met or even chatted with me knows that my intentions are almost always of the highest standard, not withstanding sheer stupidity or utter uselessness. I've never taken a shot at anyone here and don't intend to unless they rightfully deserve so~ that being said, you took my little joke way too seriously and the disclaimer obviously went out the door.


Lighten up. :) Life's too short to block an artery...




Warmest Regards,





Benjamin Nicholas



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While you are fucking his brains out, see if you can find yours, as it sounds as if they are located somewhere south of your waist line. BN's post was not poking fun at Bruno's English speaking ability, but rather at the whole ambience of the post. If you have ever heard Yoko's self-placating yearly "moan" at Strawberry Fields or God help you ever heard her recordings or seen a Margaret Cho performance, you would see that it does have the same flow and tonal quality. On the other hand, your post reminds me of Sally Fields's Oscar speech "you love me! you really love me!". Lighten up already!! Man, I'm glad it's still the old year, as this post would already have broken my #1 new year's resolution. :)

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

>Yes, at someone else's expense. (And I thought it was only

>young children who thought it was OK to make fun of another

>person in an attempt to entertain others.)


I KNEW IT! As I was reading LBB's response I was thinking: "You just know this guy was the kid everyone made fun of in school", and here he goes and tips his hand! Talk about PROJECTING!


Dear Benjamin:


Don't let the PC Patrol get you down. They still haven't moved beyond the varied offenses of their childhood.


What you said was funny and right on the mark. Keep it up.


Encouragingly yours,



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Last week an escort made a joke on here about the way Chinese people say their "r' and "l" Now Mr. Nicholas makes fun out of another non-English speaking person's posts. Whether these are intended as humor or not, they are jokes based upon race. Sophisticated people don't do that. (Neither do nice people.)

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Guest BrunoGaucho





















email: intenso-prazer@bol.com.br

website: http://www.intensoprazer.hpg.com.br

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I waited a couple of days before posting this, to see if I changed my mind about your post. But I haven't.


I, too, think that while your post may have been intended as a humorous one it ended up not being so. Instead, it came across as a slam on someone who's trying hard to communicate in a language he doesn't know.


There was nothing in Bruno's post that deserved this kind of response, except for how he expressed himself in English. If I were writing a note in Portuguese, I would hope to do so well.


As others have noted, slamming someone who isn't a native speaker yet is trying to communicate in English for our benefit is simply in bad taste. Oh, sure, people can sling around the call of "politcally correct" to try to excuse those who criticize you. But doing so simply misses the point.


At its simplest, Bruno wrote a nice note in halting English and you made fun of it. I think you felt that by adding the paragraph at the end you were relieving yourself of any responsibility, but that isn't so. You can't insult someone in print and then take it back by saying "this isn't a swipe at him... I'm just trying to make others laugh".


I've enjoyed other things you have written here and consider you a bright young man. But your post here was out of line and I think you owe Bruno an apology.



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Guest Love Bubble Butt

For the record: I was never, ever picked on in school. Matter of fact, I never once lost a fight. I was not a bully, but have always been more than capable of taking care of myself. But it's interesting that that is the only motive that comes to your mind as to why I would want to stick up for someone I felt was being made fun of. What's wrong with someone just thinking it's wrong to make fun of somebody? Since that had not occurred to you, I think it says volumes about your character.


But there are an awful lot of mouthy and very mean spirited people on this board. And these people take advantage of the anonymity that these boards provide. I have read other threads where some posters have suggested that some of us meet face to face in a social setting. I haven't given much thought to the idea until now. It would be interesting to see how many of these trash talking posters would say to me (or anyone else) in person what they say on these boards. If they did, I think they would be in for a very rude awakening.


One thing I will not do on this board is climb into the gutter and do a continuous tit-for-tat with other posters. For that reason, this will be my last post on this thread. I've said what I needed to say.

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Guest Callipygean

Hello Bruno. English is a complicated language. Difficult even for those of us who are born to it. So easy to say one thing, but mean another. There is a saying: "think twice before speaking once". Too often we forget that wisdom, and say things without thinking, hurtful things, which we do not mean and do not intend. Which later we may regret. Then we must hope for the understanding of others, and their faith in our good intentions.


I commend your efforts to learn this crazy language of ours. You will make lots of mistakes. Often they will appear funny or nonsensical to us. This will greatly amuse us, but please believe that we are not laughing at you. We are laughing only at your stumbling first steps, which we find endearing. Your expression may be awkward, but there is no mistaking its sincerity, or its charm.


Many thanks for your good wishes. May they return to you tenfold in the coming year.

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Hey LBB,

I agree. There is too much bitter sniping in threads. I doubt that a face to face with some of these guys would end up any different than what we see here everyday except when they see that the person they're dumping on can take them with one hand behind their back. Then they might shut up. It gives the whole message board environment a bad taste to see how the back and forth goes, and talk about "bitchy". I am one who is looking forward to meeting a few guys from here in NY in February. The ones I have communicated with seem like genuine, level headed people. Rumor is, they are sexy as well (which is only an added bonus).


Bruno, good for you in trying a new language and the same good wishes back to you for the coming year. I will be in Brazil (by God's grace) in October. If you are there then, would love to meet you.

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I'm apt to agree with FFF on this one kiddos... You misunderstood me completely and apologizing for no wrongdoing would simply be asinine.



If you think for a New-York-second that i intended to humiliate, belittle or behead Mr. Gaucho then you're barking up the wrong tree. This might be a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater...


As of now, i've truly wasted enough time trying to explain the true intention of my post and will take VA's advice and just let it go. I've found that in life there will always be people you cannot please, no matter how hard you try. As a relative newbie, i've always made it a point to see equal sides to each quarrel... I now know it might be best to just keep lurking until something truly 'post-worthy' comes along.



If it's a crucifixion you're looking for, you're looking at the wrong piece of wood kiddos :)






Warmest Regards and Happiest of New Years,





Benjamin Nicholas



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I never understand why men have so much trouble apologizing. It's so easy and solves so many problems and can stop arguments in mid-stream, even when you think you're apologizing for something you're not really guilty of.


A simple "I sure didn't mean anything by my post and I certainly didn't mean to put Bruno down but I'm very sorry if anyone took my post that way" would have been both effective and graceful. It also would have been the gentlemanly thing to do on a public forum.


I don't think anyone wanted to crucify you; I certainly didn't and don't. But your post definitely came across to at least some of us as making fun of Bruno's post and, by extension, Bruno himself. Since that seemed like making fun of someone who was trying to send a nice message in a language foreign to him, it didn't feel right.


I agree that you can't please everyone, especially online. But a graceful response to criticism, instead of getting one's back up, will amaze your friends and confound your critics.


As I said above, I've enjoyed other things you have written and encourage you to continue posting. And, God knows, we've all gotten our share of criticism here.



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>I cannot imagine how Mr. Nichols thought his post was remotely funny even if he didn't intend a racist edge.


I'd personally like to know Trent Lott's opinion on this one. :+


But, seriously, I can't believe how innocent statements on this message board (such as Bruno's) can be turned into depressing, hurtful posts. x(

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Guest fukamarine

>I'm apt to agree with FFF on this one kiddos...


>This might be a case of throwing the baby

>out with the bathwater...


This analogy doesn't make the least bit of sense!


>If it's a crucifixion you're looking for, you're looking at

>the wrong piece of wood kiddos :)


Is "kiddos" your new word for the week?


Ben you can do much better than this - your past posts always indicated you were a classy guy. But you stumbled on this one kiddo. Even Trent Lott did better.



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I met Bruno. I got to know him very well, but not in a sexual way. He to this day does not know it is me he was joking and laughing with.


I know how he got to the USA. I know how much he made while he was here and it was more in one month than many people here make in one year.


I know about his homelife but you know what? It is no one's business here. The only reason I went to great lengths to get to know him and find out what the deal is, I did not want some kid from Rio being exploited and he was not -- or at least he did not feel so.


I invited him to go out and play (non sexually) with some us who were zipping around NYC, but he was exhausted and as he was about to go out with us, another call came in and he had to work.


He is a capitalist, but first and foremost, I found him to be very honest, extremely nice and mind you I did not have an intimate relationship with him. I thought his rates were outrageously high and even tho I contacted him under an assumed name to book him, I could not bring myself to do it.


That's just my take.


But please do not poke fun of Bruno when you know nothing about him. He is a cool guy and I wish I spoke more Portugese and I think most of the guys here would be happy just to have him around as a friend. Make no mistake about it, he comes to the USA to make $$$$$, so he probably would not have time to "hang out" with me or you or any male, for that matter.


So for the cynics, go ahead, have at me. There is a lot I do in the background that none of you know about or ever will. I want to make sure that the client is safe and the escort is safe.


I am rambling. I apologize. I just flew in from Paris and I'll have more on that later; I am exhausted. And I am discusted with people knocking Bruno strictly on speculation.


He worked hard for his money.


And that slam from someone here about Bruno dancing at the Gaiety on his last night here... you of all people, even though you are an excellent writer, weild your writing skill with so negativity I hope you have no mirrors in your swankienda because I am sure that if your image even shows up, the mirrors break when you look into them.


Now, I have to figure out why I was in Paris for 12 hours and I have to figure out why I am where I am.


Bruno, you met me. You do not know me and you probably never will I rather doubt that I will ever see you again. But go for what you can while you can. Keep posting here and ignore what is most likely misunderstanding because of the language barrier. God knows I can tell you horror stories about being stuck in Paris.


Lets have a happy new year. Let's get along. And for crying aloud, let us hope our beautiful boys will not be maimed in war.


Fuck for peace because when people are fucking they don't kill.


Aloha from HooVille.

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

>I met Bruno. I got to know him very well, but not in a

>sexual way. He to this day does not know it is me he was

>joking and laughing with.


How do you joke with someone who doesn't speak the language (shadow puppets?) - not to mention get to know them VERY WELL?



>I know how he got to the USA. I know how much he made while

>he was here and it was more in one month than many people here

>make in one year.


In which country?



>The only reason I went to great lengths to get

>to know him and find out what the deal is, I did not want some

>kid from Rio being exploited and he was not -- or at least he

>did not feel so.


The envelope please........and The 2002 Whoremanitarian Award goes to..........HOOBOY!!! (cue applause)


PUH-LEEZ! HooBoy has suddenly transmogrified into a Sally Struthers for Brazilian whores.



>And I am discusted with people


I know it SOUNDS like it should be spelled that way, but....



>And that slam from someone here about Bruno dancing at the

>Gaiety on his last night here... you of all people, even

>though you are an excellent writer, weild your writing skill

>with so negativity I hope you have no mirrors in your

>swankienda because I am sure that if your image even shows up,

>the mirrors break when you look into them.


(Just WHO could he POSSIBLY be referring to?!?!)


Now that you're back, I hope you get enough rest so you won't be inflicting sentences like that on us anymore. Frankly, it made my hair hurt.



>And for crying

>aloud, let us hope our beautiful boys will not be maimed in



Well girls, I guess you're on your own. By the way, it's "out loud".



>Fuck for peace because when people are fucking they don't



Says who?



In closing, I'm surprised at how many of you are concerned that someone who can't speak or read a language is going to be offended by something they can't read. A guy makes a harmless joke that would be COMPLETELY lost in the translation and you all act as though Benjamin peed in Bruno's Fruit Loops. Frankly, I have a little suspicion that Bruno isn't and never has posted here. But of course, we'll never know for sure, will we?


Skeptically yours,



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Just goes to show you how much crap you spew here. Maybe I speak fluent Portugese, or maybe I have friends that do. la di da.


Benjamin Nicholas is a good guy. We are friends, but he has a bf and I do not intefere in those arenas.


Ben meant no harm, I am sure.


It is only you Ms. FFF that goes for the jugular and I regret that I am on a new computer, just flew in from Paris after being there only one day, am a little tired and did not have time to spell chek (sic) while you adjusted your rug.


Bitchilly yours,




BTW, I do find your posts amusing, including this one and I wish you a great New Year and I hope you get some sex someday because you are in need of a really great blow job.

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Ah! Rio....Sao Paulo...That story is coming up later, Lucky as soon as I reconfigure this &$#@ computer.


Stay tuned.


Fortunately, I have plenty of FF miles, so those folks who bitch about me having money, which I do not, can just kiss my Continental agent.

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Guest BrunoGaucho

>>I met Bruno. I got to know him very well, but not in a

>>sexual way. He to this day does not know it is me he was

>>joking and laughing with.


>How do you joke with someone who doesn't speak the language

>(shadow puppets?) - not to mention get to know them VERY WELL?




>>I know how he got to the USA. I know how much he made


>>he was here and it was more in one month than many people


>>make in one year.


>In which country?



>>The only reason I went to great lengths to get

>>to know him and find out what the deal is, I did not want


>>kid from Rio being exploited and he was not -- or at least


>>did not feel so.


>The envelope please........and The 2002 Whoremanitarian Award

>goes to..........HOOBOY!!! (cue applause)


>PUH-LEEZ! HooBoy has suddenly transmogrified into a Sally

>Struthers for Brazilian whores.



>>And I am discusted with people


>I know it SOUNDS like it should be spelled that way,




>>And that slam from someone here about Bruno dancing at the

>>Gaiety on his last night here... you of all people, even

>>though you are an excellent writer, weild your writing


>>with so negativity I hope you have no mirrors in your

>>swankienda because I am sure that if your image even shows


>>the mirrors break when you look into them.


>(Just WHO could he POSSIBLY be referring to?!?!)


>Now that you're back, I hope you get enough rest so you won't

>be inflicting sentences like that on us anymore. Frankly, it

>made my hair hurt.



>>And for crying

>>aloud, let us hope our beautiful boys will not be maimed




>Well girls, I guess you're on your own. By the way, it's "out




>>Fuck for peace because when people are fucking they don't



>Says who?



>In closing, I'm surprised at how many of you are concerned

>that someone who can't speak or read a language is going to be

>offended by something they can't read. A guy makes a harmless

>joke that would be COMPLETELY lost in the translation and you

>all act as though Benjamin peed in Bruno's Fruit Loops.

>Frankly, I have a little suspicion that Bruno isn't and never

>has posted here. But of course, we'll never know for sure,

>will we?














>Skeptically yours,







email: intenso-prazer@bol.com.br

website: http://www.intensoprazer.hpg.com.br

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