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Fin Fang Foom and the Kristian/Houston Email

Guest Fin Fang Foom
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Guest Fin Fang Foom

So people don't have to go hunting for it, here it is:


From Kristian, Houston 10/22/2002


I'm sure by now people are wondering what happened to Athan and I.

Well, here's the short version:


On October 17th at 10:00 am, I was arrested at my home , knocked down

to the ground, by five men with rifles from the FBI. Apparently, a letter was sent to them accusing me of a major offense. Of course, it's clearly untrue and totally fabricated. Nontheless, it has to be investigated and I understand that. I am hoping that they can find out who this horrible person is that sent it. But, I've been charged with solicitation as well.


I am talking to lawyers now to clear things up. It's been extremely

hard on Athan and I. The FBI took our three computers and other property, including a lockbox containing our life savings. That was money that I've saved from when I worked at a couple of restaurants and Athan at a retail store. Unfortunately, as escorts we spent all the money we made. The lawyer's costs and court costs or fines is what really worries me, since this is major stuff, I'm afraid of what it will be.


We're trying to make it through. I won't lie; I am so lost. I don't

know what to do. My head is spinning. I went to a doctor to get on

anti-depressants. I had a problem with it before and it's never felt worse.


I do appreciate the support from people who are concerned. I can say that this has made me realize that there is love between escort and client. I prefer to call them friends.


We plan to go to school when we get back on our feet. we'll get

certified in massage therapy, personal training, nutrition, yoga

instruction, etc. This will help to make a better experience when we can go back to work. Hopefully, we'll end up in a better city.


I'm also sure you've noticed our AOL accounts are gone... Well, they've been deleted. (It feels like something out of a movie)


This will only make us stronger. I am trying to be positive; something

I always made sure my friends saw in me.


Lots of love,(wyrdzen@hotmail.com)


First let me say, I have no reason to doubt his version of the events (everyone says he's a great guy), but I am a little confused.


The FBI arrested him? The FBI? The last time I checked, the FBI doesn't arrest people for prostitution so it had to be something else. Also, the FBI doesn't arrest people because they get an anonymous letter (I assume it was anonymous) from someone saying someone else has done something wrong. There has to be some kind of evidence before they send in five guys with RIFLES. It kinda sounds like he was arrested for something involving drugs. If he has nothing to do with drugs, the charges will be easily dismissed because there won't be any proof. In the meantime, it will be hell for him.


Another thing: Kristian says "Unfortunately, as escorts we spent all the money we made." This, in many respects, is the sadest thing. It's too bad these guys couldn't save money.


Another thing: "I went to a doctor to get on anti-depressants." I just hate how doctors dispense anti-depressants like they're Chicklets. Doctors need to learn to tell their patients to suck it up when life throws them a curve.


Another thing: "We plan to go to school when we get back on our feet. we'll get certified in massage therapy, personal training, nutrition, yoga instruction, etc. This will help to make a better experience when we can go back to work." I assume he's referring to escorting when he says "back to work". It's too bad that he doesn't see this as a wake-up call to find a different line of work. I've said time and time and time again that escorting should be a short-term vocation to get guys on their feet financially. If this were me, I'd say "enough already, I'm gonna get a real job!"


Unless some of you think I'm kicking a guy while he's down, I'm not. If he's innocent (and my gut tells me his is) then I wish only the best for him. And with that in mind, it seems the best thing would be for him and Athan to permanently retire from being escorts.


And finally, "wondering what happened to Athan and I." & "extremely hard on Athan and I." It's Athan and ME. This common mistake drives me craaaaaaaaaaazy!


Forever yours,



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>I've said time and

>time and time again that escorting should be a short-term

>vocation to get guys on their feet financially.


And we all know that finger-snapping FFF, known here for spending hours deconstructing reviews, is someone to whom all escorts should turn to for career advice. When-oh-when are silly Talvin, Vincenzo, Matt, Munroe, JeffOH and the other professional escorts going to wake up and smell the coffee and listen to dear wise old FFF and get a dreary 9-to-5 job like...him? So sad. :+

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

Hi Donnie. I see they've let you out for a few days. Life isn't so simple when the thorazine wears off, is it?


Sweetly yours,



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Guest KristianE

I understand some people have the ability to just "suck it up", but I'm having a hard time. I am doing my best to stay strong and stay positive. The medication will help me deal a bit. Like I said, I had a problem with it before and dealt with it with a combination of therapy and medication. Clearly, I got off of the medication and had been fine for a long time. It is necessary for me at this time to take it again. I agree that some doctor's should tell their patients that therapy is futile.


As far as the assumption that my legal problems are related to drugs, I can truly say that they are not. I made some comments to make my client (the arresting officer) feel comfortable. It was like entraptment. (Did I spell that right? FFF's got me paranoid now). That gave them the signal to come in and arrest me.


I'm not stupid enough to NOT take this seriously or as a "wake up call". I plan to get back to work as any other person who loses their job. I didn't suggest I would escort again. I wouldn't waste my time in school just to become an escort again. I know how to do that.


"Unless some of you think I'm kicking a guy while he's down, I'm not" Huh? ...But seriously, I don't feel kicked while I'm down simply because I have so much shit to worry about. Mostly financial and what could go on my clean record or possibly having to stay in this city and state.

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Guest KristianE

"What a waste of federal resources.."

I agree. I understand that the charges are a serious offense and I want to cooperate. It's just a huge "bump in the road" for me.

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

>As far as the assumption that my legal problems are related

>to drugs, I can truly say that they are not. I made some

>comments to make my client (the arresting officer) feel



You said the FBI arrested you. The FBI doesn't arrest escorts - the local police do - and they certainly don't use FIVE guys with RIFLES to arrest one escort. Are you sure it was the FBI?



>It was like entraptment. (Did I spell that

>right? FFF's got me paranoid now). That gave them the signal

>to come in and arrest me.


What exactly did you say that made the client "comfortable"?


>I'm not stupid enough to NOT take this seriously or as a

>"wake up call". I plan to get back to work as any other

>person who loses their job. I didn't suggest I would escort



You were vague about that. From the way you phrased it, the logical leap was that you would go back to escorting - but in a different city.


Can you give us more details? Frankly, your arrest is public record so if one of these twisted queens from Houston wants to do the leg work, they can find out what happened.


I know many, incorrectly, think of me as an uncaring bitch, but I'm not. I really do feel sorry for you and wish you the best. However, I'm still curious about the particulars.


Honestly yours,



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I hired you for an overnight in April, during your 5 days w/ Premier.

(You posted here for the first time at my suggestion). We spend about 16 straight hours together so I know well what a nice person you are. It is hard to know what happened from the postings on this site; you have all my support and the support of many, many other people here.


I urge you strongly to stop posting on this site. I like FFF, but, in this case, he seems to be using your current situation for his own amusement. He's getting more and more information from you to gossip about. Anyone who was really concerned about you as a person would not use this occasion to correct your grammar. Sick! Good luck, man.

You do not deserve this.



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Guest fukamarine

Some random thoughts:


They may have taken his 3 computers, but he found another one quickly enough.


Why would the FBI use rifles - wouldn't hand guns be more their style?


If he decides to escort again - and I think he should, if he wants to - don't do it in the same state, try to be a little less high profile and rely on referrals for new business, rather than blatent advertising. There are many guys doing excellent business who manage to escort for years without comming to the attention of law enforcement.


I hope he has learned to not keep his life savings in a box under the bed. That's what banks were invented for. If he doesn't want to make deposits where his balance would be known, he should rent a saftey deposit box (or several in more than one institution) and stash the cash there. If it ever gets to the point where there is big bucks, he could always transfer it to the Bahamas.



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Guest Fin Fang Foom

>I like

>FFF, but, in this case, he seems to be using your current

>situation for his own amusement. He's getting more and more

>information from you to gossip about. Anyone who was really

>concerned about you as a person would not use this occasion

>to correct your grammar.


I was trying to add some levity to a serious situation. If I wanted to be mean, I would have chosen to be vicious. I'm better at "vicious" than I am "mean".


Furthermore, I'm not trying to get info for my "own amusement". I'm honestly curious. He's related an awful event and the whole "5 FBI guys with rifles" sounds like overkill on their part so I'd like to hear more.


Honestly yours,



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Such high drama. I'm sorry to hear you are both down on your luck. I never cease to be amazed at the straight vice/police world fascination with gay sex. To fuck a straight cop would be the ultimate revenge. Anyone had such experience?}> :+

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Kristian. I was very saddened to read about your ordeal. We have never met but played telephone/email tag and spoke only once, very briefly, on the telephone. I think that FFF has some valid questions however the answers are none of his business. It is not any of my business either. You seem to be a strong individual who will no doubt make it through this mess an even stronger man. You may feel lost and your head may be spinning but you are not alone in this. Though we may be with you only in spirit and thoughts never forget that you are not alone. Having never been arrested I can only imagine the fear you must have felt. I am now feeling anger at the complete waste of time, effort, and money engaged in your arrest. I think that what you and many others do should not be made illegal but I won't get into philosophy right now. I know that we should be one of the last of your priorities during this ordeal but please keep us up to date with how things are going. Take very good care of yourself and don't let the buggers get you down.



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Guest Brazil Nut

>It is hard to know what happened from

>the postings on this site; you have all my support and the

>support of many, many other people here.


>Good luck, man.

>You do not deserve this.


Hear, hear!


The guy already has enough trouble - the law, the feds, legal bills, loss of job, etc. Who wouldn't be depressed? And he's a nice guy, not an asshole that might deserve it.


Does he really need this too on top of it all?

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Ever Hear Of Kinko's?


>They may have taken his 3 computers, but he found another

>one quickly enough.



I do not know the man, have never corresponded with him nor met him (or his partner, Premier or anyone who may have any relationship with him, including clients). Frankly, not that it is germane, but to clarify my motives, there is not even any sexual attraction on my part towards Kristian.


However, after spending last night with two of the Twinks, another escort, and three friends (watching a movie), I went on line to check out the board and finally read the Jesse Tyler comments on two threads in two conferences. I read out loud to the group a sample of the first 16 posts from one thread and the first 8 from the second thread.


I am not particularly interested in rehashing THAT subject here as the underlying facts are wholly different. What is similar is the need by people on this board to comment, specifically and nonspecifically, on the personal lives, habits, state of mind, educational level or apparent educational abilities as well as the motivations of both clients and escorts.


It truly astounded everyone at my home, who ranged in age from 20 to 33 (with me as the oldest at 36), at the extent to which people felt it necessary to comment. While I agree that certain issues (theft, excessive or uncontrolled drug use, inability to perform as requested or required, nonpayment, etc.) are both relevant and timely to both this site and this community, much of these threads consists of speculation, non-relevant commentary, and I am sorry to say, thinly disguised attacks.


Again, there is a very good reason very few of the escorts participate in this forum or, if they do, it is with simple humor or innocuous responses to non-threatening questions.


I am not suggesting that clients should not be informed of what happens nor do I wish to imply that when someone provides information to this forum, comment is totally inappropriate or uncalled for.


I do feel that all of us, myself included, should sometimes sit back and consider whether we genuinely have something to add on a topic which is of use, informational or otherwise, to the poster or to this community, even if it may only be to provide humor or diversion. I think this would make this board a much more pleasant and, ultimately, productive forum.

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

RE: Ever Hear Of Kinko's?


>I do feel that all of us, myself included, should sometimes

>sit back and consider whether we genuinely have something to

>add on a topic which is of use, informational or otherwise,

>to the poster or to this community, even if it may only be

>to provide humor or diversion. I think this would make this

>board a much more pleasant and, ultimately, productive



And once that's been accomplished, we can all work on world peace.




Demurely yours,



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Kristian never said he was arrested solely for prostitution. The solicitation charge was in addition to something else. What that something else is, Kristian doesn't say, though the FBI's involvement indicates the allegation has an interstate component to it. In any case, best wishes to him.

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>I know many, incorrectly, think of me as an uncaring bitch,

>but I'm not. I really do feel sorry for you and wish you the

>best. However, I'm still curious about the particulars.


Egotistical, yes. Uncaring, no. Anyone who tries to get a laugh at others' expense (as you often do) will always be seen as cruel but one has to care about people in order to find humor in them. Although your posts can get vicious, it's obvious that you do have compassion (misguided as I think it sometimes is) for escorts. You made it clear that you felt sorry for K&A's predicament in your post, and you had every right to be inquisitive. The grammar check was so unnecessary, though. :p


To K&A: Best of luck to you guys. We're here for moral support if/when you need us.

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RE: Ever Hear Of Kinko's?


>It truly astounded everyone at my home, who ranged in age

>from 20 to 33 (with me as the oldest at 36), at the extent

>to which people felt it necessary to comment. While I agree

>that certain issues (theft, excessive or uncontrolled drug

>use, inability to perform as requested or required,

>nonpayment, etc.) are both relevant and timely to both this

>site and this community, much of these threads consists of

>speculation, non-relevant commentary, and I am sorry to say,

>thinly disguised attacks.


It’s called a message board. You know, a place where people communicate by posting comments and opinions? This may be HooBoy’s business and a few unfortunate guys’ obsession, but for many of us it’s just a laugh and a smile.


You found it interesting enough to read 24 posts to your “astounded” little crew. Enough said.

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Do I recall correctly that Kristian and Athan are from Mexico? If they aren't U.S. citizens, they need to be sure they've got a VERY good attorney, because if they're convicted, or plead to an offense, they could find themselves deported under our newly draconian immigration laws. Originally, you had to have committed a fairly heinous offense to get deported, but these days the law has been amended to classify things that are seemingly inconsequential as "aggravated felonies" under the Immigration Act, requiring deportation (no flexibility at all in this). I'd venture to guess that "soliciting" falls in this category. Things have been getting bad for non-citizens in the past few years, but they've become really awful since 9/11. (Witness what happened to the unfortunate pair who got stopped at the pay phone in Virginia while driving a white van. They hadn't done anything wrong, other than being undocumented, and are being deported.)


Anyone in this situation should NOT cooperate with the cops, keep their mouths shut, and only tell the cops they want a lawyer. Anything Kristian and Athan say could be used against them, so they're wise not to go into details on this site, which is probably being monitored by the Houston police or whoever it is that arrested them.


I, too, hope things work out OK for Kristian and Athan. And FFF, lay off about the anti-depressants. If you've never been clinically depressed, you have no idea what it's like, and you've demonstrated that you don't understand that depression is a physical disease which requires treatement with medication. "Sucking it up" isn't a cure, and Kristian needs to be as fully functional as possible during this ordeal, because he won't be able to stand up for himself assertively if he's deeply depressed.

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Guest ncm2169

Trite though it may be for cynics, some of whom lurk here x( , the benefit of the doubt is still applied by the dispassionate (although often unwashed) majority. :* A good reputation enhances that instinct for generosity. :7 Unless these guys (K & A) TOTALLY scammed this site, we owe them our prayers, our good wishes, and, yes, maybe even some of our money. :+

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>They have a lawyer and think he will help them and they are

>both not from Mexico. Lets try to give them our support as

>Gay Brothers and other them encouragement instead of

>Critcism. HUGS Chuck


Chuck if a black man breaks the law (and assuming you too are black) do you give him your support as one black to another? This type of logic escapes me :( .


Also as has been mentioned the FBI does not handle local issues. Therefore, one can only conclude that they were arrested on a federal warrant.


I'm old fashion as I believe they are innocent till proven guilty. Yet I feel there is a lot more seriousness to the situation than Kristen has informed us about. If the FBI was involved this is far from being arrested for escorting.


Kristen makes it sound as if there was a huge amount of money in that box. Then goes on to say it was from him and his boyfriend working in sales and at a resturant. Just how much money can be made and saved from these types of jobs? He claims the big bucks (escorting money) has all been spent ... I would think it would have been the other way around. (shrugs).


The entire situation is quite sad :( .




if you want it


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