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Today's response from Kyle-London

Guest ncm2169
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This escort may have a brain, but obviously, it doesn't seem to be functioning well.


I had to laugh when he indicated he'd been escorting for a couple of years and had seen "hundreds if not thousands of satisfied clients." And then his tirade against this site and how Hooboy is a liar and so on, ad nauseum. Probably the most vital statistic that could be associated with Kyle is the number of times he's changed his escort name, which is probably more times than most people change underwear.


Clearly another instance of the escort doing more damage to himself than the negative review itself.

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Well Kyle from London I wonder where your brain is? Oh I know, stuck up your ass. I travel to London two times a year and always meet up with a Escort or two, thank god I never met you. What a asshole you were in your comments. If you would have asked up front for the money I would leave or show you the front door. I never heard of paying for any kind service up front as in meals, cabs, shopping to say a few. The best thing he could have done was not respond to the review. Kyle remember you are the ass here. He said he seen over a thousands of clients, he must be a real SLUT.

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

Fin Fang Foom on Today's response from Kyle-London


Until I saw this thread, I hadn't read Kyle's review or his response so I didn't know about the drama involved.


I've got a few minutes to kill so I'm going to do a little "deconstruct" of Kyle's response.



In response to my latest review, which i might add is greatly flawed, i do remember the incendent quite well, and am the first to say, it was not a pleasant one at all.


Actually, you're the SECOND to say it, but let's not split hairs so early.



Any intelligent person (if infact there are any who read and judge escorts from what others say on this very sad site)


OUCH! I guess he told YOU HooBoy!



will realise


The English love to spell this word with an "s" instead of a "z".



that each and every person is very different,


I love it when a whore makes such a deep and trenchant observation.



and where one client will have a fantastic time with an escort, another will have a disaterous time, and why is that???? chemistry darling chemistry!


"Chemistry DARLING chemisty"?!?! I guess this puts to rest any question regarding the reviewer's opinion that Kyle is a big lady.



I have been an escort for a few years now, and have had hundreds if not thousands of more than satisfied clients,


Let's do the math class, shall we? Everyone take out your calculators. OK, now, if Kyle has had thousands of clients, how many years would it take for him to reach 2000 if he's seeing, on average, one john a day? I'll give you all a moment to calculate.............who has the answer? Yes, you in the back row. Yes, I mean you! You with the comb-over. What's your answer? 18.475 years? That answer is incorrect you stupid fuck. Does anyone have the correct answer? Yes? You in the plaid shirt, what's your answer? 5.479425 years - CORRECT!


In my book, 5+ years is more than "a few" - in fact, it is SEVERAL. Apparently Kyle is as proficient with math as that other stupid, lying whore down in Texas.



and to have one or two bad reviews here well, hey, that a good track record, so i am not totally devistated by this sad person who first of all thought i was absolutly lovely enough to hire in the first place and by the way had seen my pictures not only in the magazine but on the net, there must definitly be something wrong with his eyesite, as he mentions that i have pock marks on my face, sorry to dissapoint, but i have never had chicken pocks or acne or any other related disease in my life, and have a absolutly flawless skin, but i suppose you have to start slagging the escort off somewhere, and seeing that i have just finished a fashion shoot for a magazine in london, i dont think they would hire somone with bad skin, enought said!


Egads! Forget about all the misspelled words kids! That's like shooting ducks in a barrel (or fish, if you're Matthew "I Get Paid To Have Sex But I'm Not A Prostitute" Rush). What made my hair hurt were all the fucking COMMAS!!!



The part where he says things got nasty, well,sorry to say, but he couldnt get it up and how the hell was i suppose to perform with the little stick that resembelled a penis, and itcouldnt even get an erection, my goodness, after tryng everthing in the book to get him going, i eventually just gave up, and me going to the kitchen to get a knife??? whats that all about?, i have an open plan apartment and the kitchen is on one side, so what was i suppose to do with the knife, stick it in him?? pity i didnt now, after the crap review he has so ardently and painstakinly gone out of his way to slag me off on.


Two things: 1) He likes the word "slag", doesn't he? and 2) Did he just say that he wishes he HAD knifed the guy? (very "Looking For Mr. Goodbar")



A word of advice for people who read these reviews, remember you are an individual and completely different from somone else


Thanks Kyle, that's a concept I've never been quite clear about.



2. nothing is gauranteed in life, so you have to take a chance, you might be pleasantly surprised.


Sorta like a box of chocolats, right Kyle?



3. Obviously, someone who feels that he didnt have a good time with an escort, is going to be very bitter and pershaps over exagerate a little and in my case a little to much


Is he illiterate or just doesn't speak English?



4. when an escort asks for the money up front it is not a bad sign,


Uh, wrong.



its just more comfortable if the money does not change hands after the deed is done, as my married clients will back me up in this, they feel embarressed to do this.


And of course, you're going to give us a list of names of those married clients so they can back you up, right?



5. Remember we have hundreds of clients come through our doors , and yes, we are going to dissapoint a couple of them, but it does not mean that we are bad people, i have many many client who trust me,


I just want to know, has baseball been berry berry good to you?



like me, and who enjoy coming back to me time and time again, and i enjoy them, as they are intelligent, clean, non demanding and sleazy


Hmmmmm, a Freudian slip maybe?



and who diffentily dont run and place a sad review on internet sites, just because thier "porn pig video" fantasy was not realised.


"Sad" along with "slag" are his favorite words.



To the webmaster of this site, hooboy, ??? you say that what your print is accurate and the truth, well you are a liar, becasue you print so much crap and lies of incidents that you can never ever find the absolute truth from punters


"Punters"? I had no idea that NFL players were posting reviews, did you?



that fuel this site, and if anything, we all know that all this site does is try and damage an escorts business who provides a healthy and clean service to those who need it.


Actually, I thought the point of this site was to promote world peace and better oral hygiene.



I do hope there are intelligent readers out there who can judge for themselves , i personally would prefer no business from people who do review this site and use it to tell the world of the the good/bad experience they have had. Who the fuck wants to know how you got fucked, sucked , rimmed, etc. in the first place????


A show of hands please.



not me!I have a life.


Memo to Kyle: you're a whore.



Demurely yours,



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This has to be one of the worst escort responses I have ever read. In addition to insulting everyone who reads reviews on this site, the man indicates that he wishes he had knifed the client who wrote the bad review. His terrible attitude is obvious throughout his response. It is clear that some of his clients have been happy -- he does have some positive reviews from some clients who have reviewed other escorts, so I assume those reviews are legitimate. Perhaps Kyle is like some other escorts whose names I won't name but who seem to have the ability to be civil and actually pleasant with some people but not others, whether due to drugs, an unstable personality, or perhaps even the client's demeanor.


I will say that in this case, the client sounds awful as well. How can everything he described happen in 15 minutes unless the client was being obnoxious? "I've pinched your nipples, goddammit, now fuck me. Okay, you can't keep it up, so finger me. Etc, etc." The review gives me the impression that the client was in as much of a hurry as the escort. It seems like the client was treating Kyle like a blow-up doll, not a person. I don't mean to imply that that excuses Kyle's behavior (and certainly doesn't warrant his bizarre response), but I do think that some clients fail to grasp that they are actually hiring human beings, not machines, for sex.

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RE: My addition to Fin Fang Foom' s comment


>The part where he says things got nasty, well,sorry to

>say, but he couldnt get it up and how the hell was i suppose

>to perform with the little stick that resembelled a penis,

>and itcouldnt even get an erection, my goodness, after tryng

>everthing in the book to get him going, i eventually just

>gave up,


Foo, you missed the crux of the whole argument: Kyle couldn't fuck the client because the client didn't get hard. :7



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This escort is a menace. This review was not the first one in which potential violence/threats were part of the picture. There's no doubt in my mind that this guy is a dangerous sociopath, and a jerk to boot. I doubt the client had much of a part to play in the negative aspect of the encounter. I think it's a little off-base to point fingers at the client. I can't imagine why someone who reads this site would take the risk in hiring him after the first review in which the escort made physical threats. The only guy that would hire him now (who has read these reviews) would be one who gets a thrill of danger.

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Name Calling :(



>I love it when a whore makes such a deep and trenchant



>In my book, 5 years is more than "a few" - in fact, it is

>SEVERAL. Apparently Kyle is as proficient with math as that

>other stupid, lying whore down in Texas.


>Egads! Forget about all the misspelled words kids! That's

>like shooting ducks in a barrel (or fish, if you're Matthew

>"I Get Paid To Have Sex But I'm Not A Prostitute" Rush).


>Memo to Kyle: you're a whore.

>Demurely yours,



FFF, I have to admit that some of what you say her is kinda cute stuff, but a lot of it is pure degradation, which you seem to really get off on. What I think is particularly strange is that you seem to take great delight (I mean like over and over in this and a great many of your posts) in trying to put an escort down simply by calling him a "whore," as if that was some derogatory status above which maintain a lofty perch.


No matter what a sleaze Kyle may be or how badly he handled his response, he should be judged based on what he did or said--but much of your degradation of him was based simply on his status as one that sells sex, and IMHO is really uncalled for, especially on this venue.


Everyone hear is probably either a "whore" (you apparently like that term) or a "whore-monger" or about to be, and when you debase one you debase the other, since one is no worse or better than the other as they both together present a symbiotic relationship.


Maybe I'm the only one here that finds your name calling offensive, but I do, and think you insult us all with it, especially yourself.


Flower :*

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RE: Name Calling :(


>Everyone hear is probably either a "whore" (you apparently

>like that term) or a "whore-monger" or about to be, and when

>you debase one you debase the other, since one is no worse

>or better than the other as they both together present a

>symbiotic relationship.


>Maybe I'm the only one here that finds your name calling

>offensive, but I do, and think you insult us all with it,

>especially yourself.


>Flower :*


Well said, Flower. Count me in agreement with you.

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

RE: Name Calling :(


> FFF, I have to admit that some of what

>you say her is kinda cute stuff, but a lot of it is pure

>degradation, which you seem to really get off on. What I

>think is particularly strange is that you seem to take great

>delight (I mean like over and over in this and a great many

>of your posts) in trying to put an escort down simply by

>calling him a "whore," as if that was some derogatory status

>above which maintain a lofty perch. [/font color=green]


I guess you've missed the long and tiresome threads about my use of the words "whore" and prostitute". I don't have the energy to prop up that cadaver but I will say briefly that I cheerfully use the word "whore" when an "escort" gets all snarky about himself. It is my opinion, at those times he needs to be reminded of what he's doing and if he wants to be righteous about his profession he might consider doing something other than prostitution.



>No matter what a sleaze Kyle may be or how badly he handled

>his response, he should be judged based on what he did or

>said--but much of your degradation of him was based simply

>on his status as one that sells sex, and IMHO is really

>uncalled for, especially on this venue.


>Everyone hear is probably either a "whore" (you apparently

>like that term) or a "whore-monger" or about to be, and when

>you debase one you debase the other, since one is no worse

>or better than the other as they both together present a

>symbiotic relationship. [/font color=green]


It's only debasement if you think there's something wrong with it and the term. If you don't like being called a whore then don't be one - it's kinda easy. Are we "johns" whoremongers? GUILTY! I don't have any problem with being called that.



>Maybe I'm the only one here that finds your name calling

>offensive, but I do, and think you insult us all with it,

>especially yourself. [/font color=green]


I don't see it as an insult. I see it as a statement of fact. Alot of guys aren't honestly comfortable with being a whore (or hiring them) and they hide behind the semantics - "I'm an escort. I'm a sex worker. I'm a professional companion." On and on. They might be all those things, but at the end of the day, they're still whores - no different from the trannies in the Meat Packing District.


Clarifyingly yours,



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RE: Name Calling :(


>There are trannies in the meatpacking district? What are

>they packing?:-)


Take out from Pastis.




PS. F3, this use of "whore" has got to stop. And while we're at it, Hoo used the F word in describing today's coverboy. My thenthibilites are being tethted right and left.

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Guest fukamarine

RE: Name Calling :(


lighten up flower

i take fff's posts as just a different sense of humor

and i personally think he is very funny

much more enoyable than some of the other heavy shit we read here



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