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Kip O'Brien's response 2/23

CT Dick
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Guest TexasTaurus

I hope you are not serious........


because if you are, you are, at some point in the future, headed for a great deal of trouble.

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>Being a twink lover myself, and knowing that young people

>have lots to learn, I am very happy that you have learned a

>valuable lesson... and that you have extended your

>apologies. Your reply sounds sincere, and hopefully it is.

>Next time I am in Boston, I for one would trust you with a



>Hope to meet you soon.


I'd like to think that you wrote this as a joke, but after seeing all of the peole who continued to throw money at Anthony Holloway, Danny Damon, and the like despite ample warning, I'm not sure! :o

This guy not only steals money from a client, but he later brags about it, destroys the client's life by telling the client's family and employer, and later comes up with some even more ridiculous story to boot! I always try to be non-judgmental and objective ;) , but it this instance I'm just going to have to say "Anybody who hires Kip deserves whatever may happen to him!" And I'm sure Kip is laughing and feeling the same way.

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Guest DevonSFescort

>This guy not only steals money from a client, but he later

>brags about it, destroys the client's life by telling the

>client's family and employer, and later comes up with some

>even more ridiculous story to boot!


Well, there's that, but did he watch the clock? :+

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Of course everyone should come to their own conclusions in this case... but I think it is very different from the other escorts that you quoted who have a string of negative reviews. This escort has nothing but glowing reviews, then has one which is quite nasty, posts his own nasty response, and does a quick back peddle after he gets blasted on this message center. All I am saying is that not knowing anything at all about the situation that prompted all of these nasty exchanges, I personally believe that jury is still out on Kip, and I if and when I get to Boston, I am willing to try him out. Young people are known to overreact and have little understanding of diplomacy, etc... but if they are willing to learn, I give them the benefit of the doubt. BTW... from what I read, he did NOT go to a client's wife, family, etc... He threatened that he might, and then quickly recanted saying he wrote that in anger and that he would never do such a thing. I can't believe that none of us (especially when we were 21) never said something we wouldn't really do because we were angry and upset.


Not trying to change anyone's mind. Just telling you why I made up my own.

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I just got around to reading the review/rebuttal in question. The odd thing is that I don't see anything in the review about Kip stealing $50 from the client. That detail was only revealed in Kip's response. It looks, to the casual observer, like he shot himself in the foot with that one. Or am I missing something here?

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Guest DevonSFescort

>I just got around to reading the review/rebuttal in

>question. The odd thing is that I don't see anything in the

>review about Kip stealing $50 from the client. That detail

>was only revealed in Kip's response. It looks, to the

>casual observer, like he shot himself in the foot with that

>one. Or am I missing something here?


The client doesn't give a specific amount, but he does say not to trust Kip, that he will rob you, and that he scams people.


Other than that he liked Kip just fine. :p

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Guest JimSFO

I agree that Kip demonstrated his character in his statement about steeling $50. It is like the concept of theft doesn't apply below the $500 threshold. There are some escorts out there about whom I would say "put a bag over their mind" and I can do them, but this guy apparently has some very significant character defects. The upside is that there are millions of hot escorts in this world to choose from. I certainly don't need to put myself at risk with this sociopath. Thank God for a forum like this. I hate arranging escort services and having a hustler show up. I hate playing the hustler games.

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Guest KipOBrien

Hey, Kip here... just waiting for my latest post to be viewable to all. It explains everything in much fuller detail. I am beginning to wonder if HooBoy is not posting it because it was too juicy? It was the truth and may have cleared everyone's negative thoughts. If it doesn't get posted I may have to rewrite it without as much detail/exposure to the truth as i wanted.


LOVE, Kip O'Brien


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Guest regulation

>I just got around to reading the review/rebuttal in

>question. The odd thing is that I don't see anything in the

>review about Kip stealing $50 from the client. That detail

>was only revealed in Kip's response. It looks, to the

>casual observer, like he shot himself in the foot with that

>one. Or am I missing something here?


You are missing something. The original review states that Kip asked for money up front and then suggested the client go and pay for the hotel room. The client does not give the details of what occurred next, but from his statement that Kip can be expected to rob clients I and others have inferred that Kip simply took off with the money. Kip's response seems to confirm this.


Lest my posts about Kip seem too censorious, I would like to express my gratitude to him for his response to the review and for his posts in this thread. They are easily the most ridiculous things I have seen on this site in some weeks, and I enjoyed them very much. I do hope he continues to post here. Thanks to Marc Anthony also. :-)

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Guest Fin Fang Foom

>Obviously, he took the money, got cocky, bragged about it,

>everyone here reacted negatively, he realized he fucked up

>big time, fear set in, leading to some desperate nonsensical

>damage control. It's classic.



I agree 100% with Donnie.


Obviously, I have entered some parallel universe.


Dizzily yours,



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Guest Kenny021

It boggles my mind that Marc Anthony wants to hire this man when he gets to Boston. He feels he deserves another chance. Is he nuts???

Kip O'Brien obviously is shooting himself in the foot with every one of his responses. Most of what he says doesn't make any sense. Marc...you should send him a private e-mail and advise him to refrain from any more responses. When you do hire him, you should send in a review informing us all of how you found him. Of course, he probably should give you a "freebie" for telling us all that he is not a thief nor did he expose you to your family, whatever. :7

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>Young people are known to overreact

>and have little understanding of diplomacy, etc... but if

>they are willing to learn, I give them the benefit of the



I wonder what you next move would be. Hiring an admitted pedophile to babysit your children because maybe the guy's changed his ways? Most people have done rash things in their youth, but I can assure you that neither I nor most people participating in this string would even think of doing the despicable things Kip did, let alone brag about it. Kip is not just an indiscreet youth. Sociopaths rarely change their ways. That's why we have three-strikes laws. Kip is rotten to the core, and will probably be that way to his dying day. I can only hope that most of those days end up being behind bars somehow.

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No... I wouldn't hire a pedophile to watch my kids (quite an analogy). And I don't label someone a sociopath based on some immature ramblings on a message board about prostitution. Anyway, like I said, I am not going to try to change anyone's mind, but I have made up my own already. And I take pretty good care of myself in this business of hiring boys. Anyways I am on a traveling escort binge right now and having way too much fun with other 19 and 20 year old cute boys to worry about it. Not that many of these kids think that clearly either... but they sure are fuckable!:9

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I think Marc is being a SAVVY consumer here! Obvoiusly, little Kip is going to have to kiss major butt (in the biblical sense) to get in good graces with the community at M4M again. If Kip wants to continue on in this biz, one can only imagine that his next few clients are going to have a VERY good time.

Or as my dear grandmama used to say, "when the pig is roasting on the spit, one must feast before it burns." God love those moldavian peasants!

I noticed tonight that Kip has just added himself to Americanmale, listing his pricing as $250 for 1-2 hours. I wonder, who decides if it's one or two? Kip, or the client?

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Guest KipOBrien

RE: Kip O'Brien's response 2/23 (The Whole Truth)


OK I am going to make this short and sweet and to the point. Due to the overwhelming amount of positive replies I've been receiving (believe it or not) I have not yet had a chance to write another understandable clear response. LOL. everyone just seems totally mind boggled on what REALLY happened? Well, I did write a response explaining everything but found out from HooBoy it was not appropriate and contained too much detailed/personal information about someone. Do we all know Anthony "Hollowhead" well? how nice.. What a wonderful sweet loving HONEST might I add boy. NO! The sound of his name makes my stomach turn. I will try to explain this as briefly and to the facts as I possibly can. Anthony & I live approx. 5 minutes away from each other. We met on AOL at the age of 15 and began to see each other on a monthly basis to smoke weed and just hang out. Every time I went over to see him he'd try to get me in sack with him (He was MUCH cuter back then) he did not have any facial scars/blemishes and he wasn't as "queenie." Finally one time we did end up hooking up (after he tried about 20 times)! he would put both hands out in front of the doorway so I couldn't leave and start kissing me! But it was the last and only time we actually had "sex." It wasn't until 1 year ago when my Mom passed away he came around much more and we became good friends.. it was a month or two after we started hanging out "more" if you will I also became an escort myself after I found out about him. This bad review is REAL and did happen, however Anthony Holloway made it and sent it in himself because he was mad. I am supposed to call THAT a friend? I have not talked to him since my birthday Feb 21. We both have Nextel 2 way radios... after I took TONYGEMINI'S $50 to go across the street and rent the room I left and immediately "CB'd" AKA direct connected to Anthony's phone and told him the news. You say how did he get TONYGEMINI'S screen name? Easy.. maybe I told him? LOL how else? his screen name IS his name, come on now. Nextel radios are very handy and many of my friends have them. we beep each other throughout the day with news, drama, and just whatever is going on. I will say being friends with Anthony has been a very bad choice I made, He has stolen many things (my laptop) for 1, cheated me, lied to me, and just over-all treats every one of his friends like poop. I really don't think he has a heart. I spoke to TONYGEMINI the day I sent in the first BAD reply to find out TONYGEMINI didn't write it that Anthony did! TONYGEMINI sent me copies of the IM conversation he had between Anthony Holloway and himself on a private screen name he made that I did not know about. He obviously made it so he could send in a review, you do need a valid e-mail address. OK i just wanted to let you guys know the story, I hope this helps somewhat??!!

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Guest Ant415

RE: Kip O'Brien's response 2/23 (The Whole Truth)


Sure Kip...


It helps a lot, and totally explains everything.


For sure I will hire you now. Can you fly to San Francisco? I will send money in advance, just let me know how/where.


See you soon.

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Guest Lk4fun69

RE: Kip O'Brien's response 2/23 (The Whole Truth)


It doesnt suprise me That Anthony Holloway had something to do with your situation. I hired him about two years ago and what do ya know, I got ripped off. He came into my home, asked for the money up front and pulled one of his hustler moves claiming he needed to get his porn video out of his car and he took off with my money. I never heard from that creep again. But besides that he is a scam artist, sounds like hes not much of a friend either. Kip, I feel bad for you that you had this jerk as a friend. I think Anthony has something wrong in that head of his. Not only does he screw his clients, he also screws his friends over. But as I always say, "What goes around, Comes around" He will get his in the end. LOL oh I forget to mention that Kip is right about Anthony's looks. I saw a recent photo of his and let me just say, he honestly is not cute anymore. Looks like someone beat him with an ugly stick Have a nice night :7

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RE: Kip O'Brien's response 2/23 (The Whole Truth)


>... It wasn't until 1 year ago when my Mom passed

>away he came around much more and we became good friends..

>it was a month or two after we started hanging out "more" if

>you will I also became an escort myself after I found out

>about him. This bad review is REAL and did happen

>...I will

>say being friends with Anthony has been a very bad choice I

>made, He has stolen many things (my laptop) for 1, cheated

>me, lied to me, and just over-all treats every one of his

>friends like poop. I really don't think he has a heart. I

>spoke to TONYGEMINI the day I sent in the first BAD reply to

>find out TONYGEMINI didn't write it that Anthony did!

>TONYGEMINI sent me copies of the IM conversation he had

>between Anthony Holloway and himself on a private screen

>name he made that I did not know about


Jesus Christ. These explanations keep getting weirder each time. You must be too friggin' high to even come up with something that makes a bit of sense. So AH steals from you, cheats you, lies to you, etc., yet you have a direct connection and confide in him? And you steal from Tony Gemini and violate his privacy, yet he sends you his private IM conversations with AH? The only thing I believe is that you and AH are of the same mould (mold?), and possibly that he taught you the ropes.

Anybody who believes Kip's an honest lad, please, let me know. I've got a bridge to sell you--cheap!

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Guest KipOBrien

RE: Kip O'Brien's response 2/23 The TRUTH hurts...


OK, I said what I had to say and I see it still isn't enough for (some) of you. The truth hurts doesn't it. Sorry if I can't explain everything in your knowledgable terms. For now I'd like to defend myself in any issue I feel I am not at fault for. I really thought everyone would understand what I was trying to spit out the first time. I didn't JUST make this kipobrien name, I made it a week or so ago when I first heard people were talking about me in the message boards (i had never signed up or taken any interest b4) I will soon fill out the profile if it makes all happy. I think UNICORN needs to sit back, calm down and smoke a little himself. If my last response made at least a bit of sense to some and not him - something's wrong here folks! I am NO longer friends with Anthony HOLLOWHEAD after all of this, anyone in their right mind wouldn't do such an idiot act. AH has ripped off MANY people, I'm just surprised he hasn't gotten his already, I meen how long has be been escorting/ripping? As far as the IM conversation TONYGEMINI sent me (between him and AH), TONYGEMINI e-mailed HooBoy about the sitaution, he replied explaining THAT there can be more than 1 TONYGEMINI.. so what am I to do now? OH YA if you wanna read a "member profile" for me hop on AOL and read the AOL profile for KipOBrien21@aol, you can check it out b4 AOL cracks down on us escorts again and terminates it. Oh and if you really think he taught me the ropes or should I say even let him, your out of your mind! all I can say is watch my newest reviews, you won't see another bad review as long as I belong to M4M ER unless Anthony decides to act up again. I will prove to you all Anthony and I are the difference between day and night! That goes for our facial features/personality as well. I guess i've been a "bad boy" other than just in the bed huh? yum ;)

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You say "Po-tAY-to", I say "Po-tAH-to"


Interesting dialogue in the "Ask an Escort" forum in the thread about what escorts do if clients don't pay. Bilbo (who is pretty well respected here and quite a reasonable guy) admits to simply taking money from a client one day who he felt was constantly underpaying him. Sound familiar?


I empathize with what these escorts go through... and can easily see how such a situation would be reasonable. But it seems that because Bilbo has an established reputation and can express himself with clarity, his actions are resourceful. In Kip's case, because he is not so eloquent and diplomatic, he is labeled a sociopath, cast out like a pariah, and ridiculed... in my mind... quite unfairly.


Everyone is entitled to make judgements. You would just hope that reasonable people would try to understand all sides and all perspectives before they cast labels, especially since the ones casting stones in this case could easily be seen to live in a glass house (hiring gay male prostitutes would not be considered appropriate behavior by a vast majority of our society).


Bottom line... I hope that those of you who are so unforgiving of Kip's actions are not holding him to a different standard just because he is a young twink, and not as good as adding spin and rationalization to his actions as a polished guy like Bilbo. If there is a different standard to be had, it should be to me more forgiving to someone like Kip who is perhaps too young to know how his impulsive reactions can damage his image. And perhaps all the clients on this board should put themselves in the escort's shoes and ask themselves what they would do if they felt they were being constantly underpaid by a regular...

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