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Response to PickWick

Rod Hagen
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>Maybe you could, in the new year, come up with a

>updated version of your "silent scream."




>you're not an attorney and you should not be

>giving out legal advice as you have in other postings.


Give me the exact quote.


>Professionally you are a prostitute, there's nothing wrong

>with that, just don't represent yourself as anything else.


Never have. People ask me questions, I answer them. Never claimed to be anything, currently, other than a prostittute.


>In the new year I won't be critical of you if you try to

>tone down your postings.


You lonely man. Lonely pathetic discontent obsessed deranged self-loathing tasteless unloved unhappy overlooked brain-damaged disappointing shell of a man.

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Guest albinorat

I feel better down here as far from that asshole Pickwick as possible.


This was his elegant response to an earlier post: >Like everyone else here, I can only comment on the basis of my experience. And my experience is just as valid as yours. So take your superior attitude and shove it up your giant-sized posterior. If you can manage it.<


Well, sweetie, if you have such innate self contempt that after claiming TONS of experience hiring, all you can do is put down escorts your experience has no value except in a psychiatry text book. Your experience is valid only in that it indicates one of many perverse ways self-haters act out their loathing of themselves. Just as your posts here act out your profound insecurity about your intelligence, achievements in life and general worth. You are projecting your certainty you are worthless on escorts.


I wrote:


>I lived in NYC for 30 years and live very close still.

>Everytime I see the Policemen and Firemen hailed I want to

>hurl. Sure there are good and brave ones. But most of them

>of are assholes of the highest order, very stupid


This moron answered: <I can't imagine what sort of work or hobby you have<


No, you seem to be singularly lacking in imagination and have below average escort intelligence.


Idiot continues: >that has allowed you to meet and get to know "most" of them.<


Well, I come from a family of cops in a neighborhood of cops with cops and firemen as inlaws for starters. At different points in my career I covered many precincts and police actions. Several of my very good friends come from similar families and I know all about the scams and the scum. And the occasional good person. But you will meet a brilliant five language spouting escort more easily than you will meet a totally honest completely decent cop. Their view of fags seems to chime with yours -- condescension and contempt.


Then this goon sans 'nads natters:


>If hearing good things about policemen and firefighters makes you want to hurl, go ahead. If you become ill in public, though, you shouldn't expect any city employees to come to your aid. You really don't deserve it.<


Aw, gosh I'm so scared. Let's shed a tear for our boys in blue. Fuck you, you ignorant, grandiose, self hating, mental masturbator with a brain tinier than your tunnel dick (another source one suspects of your escort loathing). And seek out some therapy or soon you'll be cutting yourself (or hiring people you can feel smugly and stupidly superior to, to do it for you).

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Guest TruthTeller

Your bigotry towards police officers, fire fighters - well, to just about everyone other than yourself and people who sell access to their asshole for $150 - would be appalling if it weren't so juvenile and outright stupid.


>I lived in NYC for 30 years and live very close still.

>Everytime I see the Policemen and Firemen hailed I want to



If someone were breaking into your home to try to slit your throat (we should only be so lucky), or if you dropped a lighter into the lube you were using to shove things up your asshole and your entire apartment began to burn, can you tell me, please, who you would call begging for help to save you?


>But most of them

>of are assholes of the highest order, very stupid. . . .


If someone said this about, say, black people, you would, I'm certain, be the first shrilly screaming RACIST. But you say it about police officers and fire fighters, so you think it's acceptable. Your hypocrisy almost exceeds your stupidity.


>Racism, corruption,

>malingering and homophobia are just the tip of the iceberg

>and at the end of 20 years you get a great pension if you've

>been smart enough to rig enough overtime and been reasonably

>alert about bribes.


Oh, look - in the very same sentence that he condemns racism and homophobia - presumably on the ground that they entail sweeping, false generalizations about people - he accuses "police officers and fire fighters" of being racist and corrupt. And he's too stupid and self-enamored to see the self-evident inconsistency in these sentiments, which are packed into the same fucking sentence!


>I'd take many of the escorts/hustlers I've known over most

>of the cops and firemen I've met -- and some of the hustlers

>I've known WERE cops!


Good - when someone comes into your apartment to break your skull in or when your hair is burning your scalp, call Shamus to come with his lube and and cockring to save you.


>Policework dangerous? Sure! And the Big

>Bunny Rabbit in the sky's coming over to give you a blow job

>tonight -- don't worry the buck teeth are a prothesis, he'll

>take them out and gum you.


Tell that to the ones who ran into those two big buildings at the end of Manhattan that were burning a few months ago in order to save people. I'm sure that your favorite escorts would have behaved just as valliantly and risked their lives to save others.


>I went to three Ivy League Schools (count 'em) and I taught

>at all but 2 and MOST of the entrenched professors I met

>were fools, corrupt, lazy minded, bigoted and a fair number

>were stupid too. Only a dummy who's never met a PHD thinks

>it takes brains to get one.


If what you pathetically tout as your accomplishments are true, you're living proof that you can be a complete imbecile and have degrees.


>All I'm going to say is I wish I had never met ALL the

>agents I've had, all but one dentist, all but one MD, all

>but three or four editors, ALL the deans, all but one shrink

>but I thank the Goddess of psychosexuality for MOST of the

>escorts I've known!


When people attract worthless garbage, it's generally because that's what they are. You may want to think about that as you reflect on the total contempt that you have for virtually everyone in your life whom you've met other than prostitutes who, for money ONLY, are willing to touch your decayed body.

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Guest albinorat

>Your bigotry towards police officers, fire fighters - well,

>to just about everyone other than yourself and people who

>sell access to their asshole for $150 - would be appalling

>if it weren't so juvenile and outright stupid.<


$150? What sewer do you hale from? Try $250 and up. We're talking New York.


>If someone were breaking into your home to try to slit your

>throat (we should only be so lucky), or if you dropped a

>lighter into the lube you were using to shove things up your

>asshole and your entire apartment began to burn, can you

>tell me, please, who you would call begging for help to save




Well, you know that's a fantasy I love. I've acted it out with some terrific guys, two of whom (at different times) were cops. I usually but not always overpower them. By the way, you seem especially well acquainted with the abuse of assholes. Like your mother, Pickwick, you're projecting. Mine is off limits.


>>But most of them

>>of are assholes of the highest order, very stupid. . . .


>If someone said this about, say, black people, you would,

>I'm certain, be the first shrilly screaming RACIST. But you

>say it about police officers and fire fighters, so you think

>it's acceptable. Your hypocrisy almost exceeds your




PEOPLE are of all kinds; many blacks are great (though less often the ones who become cops). However the uniform and the sense of entitlement it brings as well as the rewards, changes most of those who enter the "great on the take" (as being a cop can be known). There have been efforts in many big cities to make it more of a profession, but the results have been iffy to say the least. But of course as yet another self hating know nothing fool I assume you've never been charged by cops during a protest, arrested for no reason, or harrassed by them because you looked like a fag (or in my youth in some areas, a Wop which I am).



>Oh, look - in the very same sentence that he condemns racism

>and homophobia - presumably on the ground that they entail

>sweeping, false generalizations about people - he accuses

>"police officers and fire fighters" of being racist and

>corrupt. And he's too stupid and self-enamored to see the

>self-evident inconsistency in these sentiments, which are

>packed into the same fucking sentence!<


Well, honey, maybe you should return to night school (I know some ex-esorts who teach English as a second language and are good at it.) Though I have never used a funnel into my immense ass, you are clearly sitting on one sucking up silly glue as you post.



>>I'd take many of the escorts/hustlers I've known over most

>>of the cops and firemen I've met -- and some of the hustlers

>>I've known WERE cops!


>Good - when someone comes into your apartment to break your

>skull in or when your hair is burning your scalp, call

>Shamus to come with his lube and and cockring to save you.<


Yes, that silly glue makes you repitious. Shamus who turned me down (my heart was broken)was in our correspondence not only more literate than you but actually had a verbal style of considerable elegance and charm. You're a self important hysteric. And rather stupid to judge from this response.



>Tell that to the ones who ran into those two big buildings

>at the end of Manhattan that were burning a few months ago

>in order to save people. I'm sure that your favorite

>escorts would have behaved just as valliantly and risked

>their lives to save others.



Oh, quick the basin, I'm gonna puke. That song is so tired, trite and stupid it proves your brain melted in your mama's twisted womb as your daddy kept shoving things up there desperately trying to get rid of you. You come from failure -- pity. My fave story about that was my sister-in-law's best friend (all married cops). Her hubby died, perhaps bravely, more likely because being true to form he didn't know which end was up. "Thank god that mother fucker died," she said, "now I'm rich, and the kids' bruises can heal!"



>When people attract worthless garbage, it's generally

>because that's what they are. You may want to think about

>that as you reflect on the total contempt that you have for

>virtually everyone in your life whom you've met other than

>prostitutes who, for money ONLY, are willing to touch your

>decayed body.


Who said I let them touch my decayed body? I touch their bound bodies which is fun (for all, since I'm safe). I've actually never met an escort who got into my scene ONLY for money, though that's a big consideration of course. Some thought it was fun. Some thought I was fun. And a good many came back because while I paid of course, they'd enjoyed themselves. I don't view them as "prostitutes" because I've met too many who were really decent and even healing people. Your loathing of people you continue to hire makes you as big a sicko as Pickwick. I guess that's the only way you can feel superior. I have other ways (like, um, achievements). So I view escorts as humans who are letting me enjoy one aspect of my personality.



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Guest TruthTeller

>Just as your posts here act

>out your profound insecurity about your intelligence,

>achievements in life and general worth. You are projecting

>your certainty you are worthless on escorts.


This - from the repulsive bigot who just a few posts ago was writing about how everyone he has ever met other than escorts are racist, corrupt idiots. Pickwick might be "projecting his certainty that he is worthless on escorts," but you're projecting yours on the rest of the non-escort human race.


>No, you seem to be singularly lacking in imagination and

>have below average escort intelligence.


Weren't you the one who was just accusing Pickwick of being insecure about his intelligence? Now you seem to be calling Pickwick - along with firefighters, police officers, psychiatrists, doctors, and everyone else you can think of besides escorts - stupid. That wouldn't be because you're insecure about your intelligence, would it?


>Well, I come from a family of cops in a neighborhood of cops

>with cops and firemen as inlaws for starters.


So you "come from a family of cops in a neighborhood of cops with cops and firemen as inlaws" - and you just got done writing a post about how police officers and fire fighters are stupid, corrupt garbage? What was that you were saying about self-hatred?


>Several of my very good friends come from similar

>families and I know all about the scams and the scum.


Here's the tell-tale sentence which ALWAYS exposes the bigot: "Group X is stupid, corrupt, racist, homophobic, and every other trite, empty name I can think of -- but some of my best friends are from Group X."


> But you will meet a brilliant

>five language spouting escort more easily than you will meet

>a totally honest completely decent cop. Their view of fags

>seems to chime with yours -- condescension and contempt.


This sentence is too vile to merit a response. I just had to re-print it in case anyone had any lingering doubts about your abject bigotry.


>Aw, gosh I'm so scared. Let's shed a tear for our boys in



Oh, you are so sophisticated and cosmopolitan and insightful. So above us benighted ones who think it's more commendable to risk your life to save other people than it is to "earn" your living by getting $150 to let a lowlife like you like asshole for an endless hour.



>seek out some therapy or soon you'll be cutting yourself (or

>hiring people you can feel smugly and stupidly superior to,

>to do it for you).


Anyone who runs around writing posts labelling "police officers and fire fighters" -- The Group -- to be racist, corrupt, and stupid, and then follows it up with an ingenious essay about why prostitutes are more courageous and commendable, doesn't need a psychiatriast; he deserves an executioner.

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Guest TruthTeller

>There have been efforts in many

>big cities to make it more of a profession, but the results

>have been iffy to say the least.


Crime in NYC has declined dramatically in the last 8 years, as has the number of individuals killed by police officers. That's about as professional as it gets.


But of course as yet

>another self hating know nothing fool I assume you've never

>been charged by cops during a protest, arrested for no

>reason, or harrassed by them because you looked like a fag

>(or in my youth in some areas, a Wop which I am).


I've lived and worked in Manhattan for almost 10 years and I have never had anything but civil and perfectly courteous exchanges with police officers. I have attended ACT-UP rallies, Gay Pride parades, and multiple other gay-oriented events. I have walked in virtually every neighborhood of this borough holding hands with my spouse, and I have not had one unpleasant incident - not one - with a single officer. The dealings I have had with them have been professional and civil. The same is true for every gay person we know in NYC.


Maybe you are "harrassed by them" because you're an obnoxious asshole who deliberately provokes them because you haven't outgrown 13-year old authority issues, or because you're violating laws, or because you're just repulsive. Whatever it is, your whiny, self-victimizating cries of "I'm-harrassed-because-I'm-gay" is just excuse-making by you to justify your failures in life ("it's the police officer's fault").


>>Tell that to the ones who ran into those two big buildings

>>at the end of Manhattan that were burning a few months ago

>>in order to save people. I'm sure that your favorite

>>escorts would have behaved just as valliantly and risked

>>their lives to save others.


>Oh, quick the basin, I'm gonna puke. That song is so tired,

>trite and stupid it proves your brain melted in your mama's

>twisted womb as your daddy kept shoving things up there

>desperately trying to get rid of you. You come from failure

>-- pity.


Good point. It is absolutely nauseating how those corrupt police officers and fire fighters instinctively ran TOWARdS danger while everyone else ran away from it. Selling your asshole for a few $20 bills, or attending pointless little liberal rallies, shaking your fists, chanting stupid slogans, and agitating out of boredom, all with no consequence, is much more commendable.

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Guest albinorat

<doesn't need a psychiatriast; he deserves

>an executioner.<


I already answered you above you preposterous moron. Your goony idiotic quasi rational menstruation is more and and more self indicting. Your attitude to both escorts and clients suggests your enormous burdon of guilt, fear and self laceration. You don't deserve death, but life -- you must be twisting in agony with every second that passes. I laugh at you, and spit on you. But then, one reason you troll here must be to find those you can pay to do those things in real life rather than in cyber space.

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Guest WetDream

RE: Thank you, Albinorat


In just one day you have brought back the spirit of fun to the Message Center. I've really missed your posts. Welcome back.

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Guest TruthTeller

RE: Thank you, Albinorat


>In just one day you have brought back the spirit of fun to

>the Message Center.


I didn't realize that the "spirt" of the Message Center was to spew bigotry at police officers and fire fighters like albinrot came back to do. Someone should tell hooboy so he can add that to the Rules.


But I see what you mean - it's real "fun" to make ourselves feel better by condemning whole groups of people as being stupid and corrupt. And it really captures the "spirt" of the Messgae Center so very well to spit out hatred at the people who risk their lives to keep the soceity safe and to save people's lives.


I can definitely see why you would thank al for doing that. Puking up trite steroetypes about police officers and fire fighters is very brave, spiritual, and - as you point out - so very fun.

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Guest WetDream

RE: Thank you, Albinorat


Dear TT: Actually what was the most fun was watching you defend that dried up old prunebutt,Pickwick. That made me laugh out loud. And, yes, I agree with you that the firefighters/police that worked at the WTC were heros. But is it any more defensible intellectually to praise any group as a class as it is to condemn them?


I think that you and Albinorat are going to have a good time with each other.

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Guest pickwick


>are college educated businessmen.


Oh yeah? Like who?


>You need to fucking die immediately.


But I am not going to die, Donnie. I am going to be around for a long, long time. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can do about it.

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Guest pickwick

RE: Thank you, Albinorat


>Dear TT: Actually what was the most fun was watching you

>defend that dried up old prunebutt,Pickwick. That made me

>laugh out loud.


Few things I have seen on this message board have surprised me as much as TT's decision to come to my defense. Your tired little insults come as no surprise, however. Other than nocturnal emissions, that seems to be about all you're capable of.


If the aptly named albinorat ever puts down his bong for long enough to let his head clear, he may realize that what transpired between Rod and me was a polite and informative conversation in which neither of us even came close to insulting the other. A few posters, including Donnie, Blink and Lucky, had some unpleasant exchanges with Rod. Lucky even created an entire thread for the purpose of proclaiming that Rod is an asshole and drug user. Instead of taking exception to that, the "rat" yells at me. I don't know what it is he claims to have taught at the colleges he mentions, but I know it didn't involve reading because he obviously isn't very good at that himself. Perhaps it was Janitorial Science 101. Why not? The world has plenty of toilets, and until someone invents a machine that can clean them people with albinorat's intellectual attainments will always be in demand.


As for you, if there is anything at all that you are good at, it certainly isn't obvious.

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>Oh yeah? Like who?


Myself, Talvin DeMachio, Aaron Lawrence, that twinky asian guy in SF has a law degree, my escort friend Brian in SD has a law degree, John Preston (before he croaked), Matt Adams (former Whore), and countless others who, like myself, couldn't hack it in the real world for an extended period of time.


You claim to hire a lot of men, but if you haven't encountered the numerous examples you're asking for, it's possible that you're research methods suck and so you're hiring the wrong guys, or that you do encounter men who claim to be college educated but you, Mr. Jaded, won't take them at their word. Which is reasonable of course, but your refusal to do so does not qualify as evidence, and we have nothing to gain by displaying our BAs, BSs, or JDs.

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Guest pickwick

>>Oh yeah? Like who?


>Myself, Talvin DeMachio, Aaron Lawrence, that twinky asian

>guy in SF has a law degree, my escort friend Brian in SD has

>a law degree, John Preston (before he croaked), Matt Adams

>(former Whore), and countless others who, like myself,

>couldn't hack it in the real world for an extended period of



At last some actual information! And I only had to ask three or four times in order to get it. I might have known it would be you who would provide it.


>You claim to hire a lot of men, but if you haven't

>encountered the numerous examples you're asking for, it's

>possible that you're research methods suck and so you're

>hiring the wrong guys, or that you do encounter men who

>claim to be college educated but you, Mr. Jaded, won't take

>them at their word. Which is reasonable of course, but

>your refusal to do so does not qualify as evidence, and we

>have nothing to gain by displaying our BAs, BSs, or JDs.


I think you know better than that, Rod. Let's see. The last escort I hired was a very nice kid who has had a lot of trouble getting a good job because he never finished high school. The one before that was attending a junior college but dropped out for a semester to escort full time in order to pay some credit card bills. Also very nice, however. The one before that, also nice though not much of a conversationalist, had been attending a major university but later dropped out to move back with his family for some reason. The one before that, an escort who has a number of positive reviews here which I think are well deserved, has never attended college so far as I know. According to him, the last job he had other than escorting was a janitorial position at a theme park. I could go on, but it's fair to say that these backgrounds are typical of the people I've seen. I can only remember one escort who told me he had actually graduated college. I have no reason to doubt him.


Considering the fact that almost all of my escort experiences have been positive, I think my research methods are just fine. I have never noticed any correlation between educational achievement and the quality of the experience an escort provides, and I do not make any particular effort to find escorts who possess college or graduate degrees. How would you suggest I do that, by asking to see their transcripts? And why would I want to?


There are a number of escorts who advertise themselves as "educated," "college educated," or even "Ivy educated." When Jason Reardone first started posting here I checked out his web page and noticed that he described himself as a "grad student," though I have no idea whether that is true. I assume these escorts go to the trouble of including these statements in their ads because they think the statements will attract some clients, so perhaps some people make that a factor in their hiring decisions. Not me.

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Guest albinorat

>>Oh yeah? Like who?


>Myself, Talvin DeMachio, Aaron Lawrence [snip]>You claim to hire a lot of men<


Yup, this shit sucker CLAIMS on an anonymous message board. Yet all his (?) posts in this thread suggest a stupid, narrow, self hating failure. Anybody can claim anything. But one thing I know for a fact, people of genuine achievement NEVER need to put down others for being stupid or of limited accomplishment, and do it only to feel good about their supporating selves. My guess is "Pickwick" (and the other names he (?) has used here) is a bitter old janitor, who probably gets bare backed in the furnace room by desolate junkies who hold their noses and look away.


I have met many escorts over 25 years who were highly educated, cultured; many others were self educated (the best kind of education) and many who displayed a decency, good will and kindness conspicuously absent from the posts of his non-entity.



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Guest albinorat

RE: Thank you, Albinorat


>Dear TT: <


Why do I get the feeling you are a condscending shit? Spare me your comments in the future, wet dream -- a name that does indeed suggest a waste of something vital in an empty persuit.



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Guest pickwick

>Yup, this shit sucker CLAIMS on an anonymous message board.

>Yet all his (?) posts in this thread suggest a stupid,

>narrow, self hating failure.


You mustn't judge the rest of us by yourself, rat. The fact that you constantly lash out at strangers in order to distract yourself from your physical ugliness and the frustrations you've described with everyone you've encountered in life (except escorts) does not mean that the rest of us act from the same motives. You really need to get out more.


>Anybody can claim anything. But

>one thing I know for a fact, people of genuine achievement

>NEVER need to put down others for being stupid or of limited



So why do you do you do it?



>and do it only to feel good about their

>supporating selves. My guess is "Pickwick" (and the other

>names he (?) has used here)


I can hear TT's spectral laughter as I read these lines.


>is a bitter old janitor, who

>probably gets bare backed in the furnace room by desolate

>junkies who hold their noses and look away.



I'm sure that has just as much credibility as your claim to know what "most" of the members of NYPD and NYFD are like. Your statement on that issue is the biggest lie I've seen anyone tell since the story of the fisherman who claimed to have hooked the Equator.


>I have met many escorts over 25 years who were highly

>educated, cultured; many others were self educated (the best

>kind of education) and many who displayed a decency, good

>will and kindness conspicuously absent from the posts of his



I would have to agree that their kindness (and their acting ability) was extraordinary if they were willing and able to feign sexual interest in a creature like you for even as long as an hour. Either that or they were absolutely desperate for money. Either way, you have indeed been fortunate in those you have hired.

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Guest albinorat


>>But I am not going to die, Donnie.




Good for you Donnie in catching that. That human psoraisis thinks it's going to live forever! But since our brains regulate our bodily functioning I don't know how much longer he (?) can go on without one.



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Guest WetDream

Pickwick, maybe the reason that you have run into so few escorts that are college grads is because you are attracted to young men that aren't old enough to have graduated from college.

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Guest pickwick


>>But I am not going to die, Donnie.




As I said, I'm going to be around for a long, long time. But let's talk about your death for a moment. Is there any way you could arrange to give the rest of us some notice? I'd like to have some time to plan a little party. Nothing elaborate, just champagne, finger foods and a small brass band playing something appropriate to the occasion like "Roll Out the Barrel" or "Happy Days Are Here Again." I plan to limit the guest list to fifty. If I include everyone who would enjoy celebrating your death, I'll have to rent Madison Square Garden.

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Guest TruthTeller

>But let's talk about your death for a moment.


Yes, let's. That sick rat's death has become one of my most favorite topics to talk about.


>Is there any

>way you could arrange to give the rest of us some notice?


I realize that it could just be wishful thinking, but I definitely think the death of rat is imminent. It's been a really bad year for pathetic 60s-refugee cliches whose lives are built on childish, look-at-me-daddy rage. Abbie Hoffman croaked; they apprehended a bunch of those SLA terrorists; Susan Sontag was publicly humiliated; everyone loves the NYPD and the military; and Rudy Guiliani is Man of the Year. The only thing missing - so far - was a lump in al's testicles.


Call me hopelessly optimistic, but I would start planning that Rat Is Dead party sooner rather than later.


>I'd like to have some time to plan a little party. Nothing

>elaborate, just champagne, finger foods and a small brass

>band playing something appropriate to the occasion like

>"Roll Out the Barrel" or "Happy Days Are Here Again."


The Soviet national anthem would be appropriate. Also, maybe you can arrange to have his corpse there so that we can chop off his body parts and shove them up his ass.


>I plan to limit the guest list to fifty.


If I'm not invited, I'll find and destroy you.


As a conesieur of incisive ratings, I must say that your rating of the vile al rat was one of the most enjoyable I have read. This is one of the most sickening creatures ever to crawl into the computer screen. He's as repulsive as he is trite.


Can you imagine how impoverished an existence it is to cling so desperately to the "cops are racist," "capitalism is evil," "Christians are muderers," "communal peace and Equality are the Only Goo" silliness -- knowing that such a world-view is universally mocked (not even scorned), knowing yourself that it's false, and yet knowing that the only option you have is to cling to it desperately for fear of being forced to acknowledge that your entire existence has been devoted to corrupt, imbecilic sickness?

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Guest WetDream

RE: Hijack Alert!


Well, TT, you win a new award for chutzpah in hijacking a post. All of your quotes from Pickwick concern Donnie, not Albinorat. Did you fail your Evelyn Wood course?

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Guest TruthTeller

RE: Hijack Alert!


>Well, TT, you win a new award for chutzpah in hijacking a

>post. All of your quotes from Pickwick concern Donnie, not

>Albinorat. Did you fail your Evelyn Wood course?


Thank you for the alert; you're always very vigilant.


I realized after I posted my lovely sentiments that Pickwick was addressing donnie in this particular post, not al rat, but if you read Pickwick's rating of al rat, you'll find that his views of donnie are indistinguishable from his views of rat. He wishes them both a quick death, and has a desire to arrange a party to celebrate that event.


I have a little special place in my heart reserved for donnie - so I hope HIS life continues on - but I will be the first mother fucker in line with the party hat and noise maker when I learn of the wonderful demise of that disgusting al rat.


I better be on Pickwick's invite list; I'll even promise to behave myself and keep my tongue out of the other partygoer's assholes. THAT's how much I want to attend.

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