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Where can we find Sean (formerly Worldescrt)

Guest gam4sex
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Guest jaidee08

RE: Where can we find Jack


OK, OK...I can whine and moan and moan (oh yes, I can moan).


I have updated my profile - Sean can probably work out who it is now!


Irish, living in Switzerland, moving to London next week (thank God - Geneva is picturesque, but boring as hell). I have lived all over - Dublin, London, New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Geneva and back to London.


Travel a lot with my work (financial industry) and am on the road about two thirds of the time. Regular user of escorts when I visit. Let me see...from Rounds days (Sean, Ernie, Todd, Bill, Billie, Kevin, Tom, Jim, Christopher - that should bring back some memories for those aficionados of Rounds in its heyday). More recently, good experiences - In New York: Danny Cruz (review in June 2001), Ethan, David, Justin and Dylan from Campus; In London - Leon, Charlie, Fabrizio, Damon, Jack and Dillon. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I will get around to posting reviews as these are all great guys.


Not from LA - jaidee means "good heart" in Thai. But my adventures in Thailand are another story altogether. I like to think that "good heart" is a universal theme - and one that I will bring to my future postings.


Take care

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Guest jaidee08

RE: Where can we find Jack


Marc Anthony:


I could not beat HooBoy's review. Leon was great - twinky and very sexy. HB said it all.


And yes, I like my taste in escorts...:-)


Take care

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RE: Where can we find Jack


I like your taste in escors too. But I thought Danny Cruz retired after I hired him because he knew he wouldn't find any one better.

I have great stories on Thailand as well.

So, thanks Dillon for letting us get to know you a little better.


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Guest WorldEscrt Sean

RE: Where can we find Jack


Dillon, NOW I remember who you are. How the hell are ya? Talk about a BLAST FROM THE PAST! Would love to see you again :) Next time you're in Los Angeles look me up. I'm staying put in LA for the time being. The thought of having to turn into Wonder woman on a plane is not very appealing to me these days. Considering I had to take a Valium and have three Martini's just to get on a plane in the past I'd have to triple that now. Thanks for the support and can't wait to see you again.




PS E-mail me at my main address WorldEscrt@aol.com, I would love to chat:P

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>no, its well known that orientals invented rice and know a

>lot about it, alot of the old families have secrets about

>how to make it so it doesnt stick together. i respect that

>culture so i asked the oriental about it. if you dont like

>talk about other cultures, to bad.



Orientals are rugs. Asians are people. As for the rice question, every Asian I've met prefers the rice that sticks together. It's easier to eat with chopsticks.


Okay, CraigSF39, take your best shot. Tell me what a racist I am.



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Guest Sports

RE: Where can we find Jack


Sean, should someone your age be taking a valium and three martinis (Was that stired or shaken)? No wonder you have to electronically record your sessions with clients...How else would you remember what happened?

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Guest WorldEscrt Sean

RE: Where can we find Jack


Sports sweetie, A boy my age takes a Valium now and then, I also have a few cocktails as well. I smoke a little weed too. Also I can't help that ALL my homes have electronic surveillance. They're not cheap homes and they came with it for security purposes :7 LOL hell my NY apartment building you can't sneeze without it being recorded. Its state of the art dear.

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Guest gam4sex

RE: Where can we find Jack




I can't wait to hook up with you, you look absolutely adorable in the pics....and I couldn't care less about your age. I will take you any time even if you are only half as good looking as those pics.


Question: why is it that this site's owner took your reviews down ? I would love to read some of the reviews just to keep me going until you are back in nyc..........it's so frustrating ......<pardon me if this has already been answered in this thread>


Pls remember to update your site as soon as you have scheduled a trip to nyc......I check your site regularly just to look at those 3 pics......(wish you had more)........or better yet, email me ...





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Guest WorldEscrt Sean

RE: Where can we find Jack


I had my reviews removed because I no longer condone or endorse this site, not to mention I was about to stick my lawfirm: Mitchell Silberberg and Knupp up Hoo Farts ass!

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Guest gam4sex

RE: it's LUST, not love


i hope you are not in love with every person you hire.....but if you can't tell the difference between love and lust, then i suppose it doesn't matter....


were you a client of sean before? any reasons why it would be foolish of me to hook up with him ? why did they take all the reviews down....., are they all bad ?



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RE: it's LUST, not love


GAM- this is my opinion. You told us recently that you were new to the world of escorts and thought you might be going overboard. It would be a good idea to back off, make some friends, try for some free sex, and not put your hopes into escorts.

That being said, occasionally hire one that has something special to offer you and enjoy it. Then move on. Many people make the mistake of "falling in love" with an escort, or worse, think the escort has fallen for him.

It's the escort's job to create the illusion of a caring relationship. Itis part of the unwritten contract. And, I cannot deny, one can become friends with escorts. But you seem to be in a little deep to be considering that yet.

TO get to the point, I don't know Sean, but there was a nasty, and I mean nasty interchange between him and others on this board where I FORMED MY OWN OPINION that he is totally untrustworthy and to be avoided.

Most people form their own opinions. You are welcome to do so to. But to be honest, you strike me as a vulnerable guy who needs a little more experience before you take on the likes of Sean. You can email Hooboy if you want to know why the reviews are down.

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Guest pickwick

RE: Where can we find Jack


>I had my reviews removed because I no longer condone or

>endorse this site, not to mention I was about to stick my

>lawfirm: Mitchell Silberberg and Knupp up Hoo Farts ass!


I remember a discussion about this on the board months and months ago. You gave Hooboy a deadline by which he had to remove everything about you from this site or face a lawsuit by the firm you named. But the threads on you, including the one about your habit of taping clients without their knowledge, remained on the board and the suit you threatened was never filed. Why not?


I've always wondered why Hooboy agreed to remove your reviews. The reason he gave at the time he did it is that you were no longer advertising as an escort under the same name. As this thread and others make clear, that is not true. I know that Hooboy has received demands from other escorts that their reviews be removed and he has refused to do that because they continued to advertise. I wonder why he didn't apply the same rule to you. Any ideas?

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Guest pickwick

RE: it's LUST, not love


>were you a client of sean before? any reasons why it would

>be foolish of me to hook up with him ? why did they take all

>the reviews down....., are they all bad ?




I have never been a client of Sean and know nothing about him other than what he has said about himself on this message board. One of the things he has said is that he sometimes tapes the voices of clients during appointments without their knowledge and that he keeps the tapes. He recently said that if any of his clients writes a review of a session with him for this website he will come to the client's home with a baseball bat and attack him. If things like that don't bother you, I suppose there is no reason why you shouldn't hire him.

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Guest TruthTeller

RE: it's LUST, not love



>recently said that if any of his clients writes a review of

>a session with him for this website he will come to the

>client's home with a baseball bat and attack him. If things

>like that don't bother you, I suppose there is no reason why

>you shouldn't hire him.


And if things like that arouse you, then there's EVERY reason to hire him.

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Guest WorldEscrt Sean

RE: Where can we find Jack


I had 13 positive reviews. As I said I had them removed because I didn't want them there anymore. As long as Hoo fart keeps what I do behind close doors with my clients out of the review section, he's safe from my lawyers and from having his legs broken. Its Simple dear :*

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Guest WorldEscrt Sean

RE: Where can we find Jack


I think you have me mistaken for someone else sweetie, I don't get fisted. OUCH!

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Guest gam4sex

RE: it's LUST, not love



>sometimes tapes the voices of clients during appointments

>without their knowledge and that he keeps the tapes. He

>recently said that if any of his clients writes a review of

>a session with him for this website he will come to the

>client's home with a baseball bat and attack him.


Damn !! Guess I have to make sure that he does INCALLS with me then.........it s better to be videotaped (which kind of turns me on) than to be hit with a baseball bat !!



All kidding aside, thank you guys for your posts !




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Guest cp8036



Odd you would inquire about cooking on this site. Really odd.


But, since on the subject of rice, let me add my two cents. I may have some experience in these things. Someone once called me a rice queen. So, I am pleased to share with you.


Basmati is probably the best tasting, IMHO. Although it tends to be a bit costly as compared to the more pedestrian versions we see in big bags at the Safeway. I think it is of Indian origins.


I will defer to Gentle Dude about the cooking, but I think he is right.


However, for those of us with poor cooking skills, a counter-top rice cooker is standard fare if you really want to have rice on a regular basis. From what my ex's mother told me, it's almost automatic, add rice, water, salt, and a fish head, close the lid and 45 mins later some perfect rice. On festive occasions, she would add a chopped green onion or two.


As a kid, my mother made "wild rice" all the time. Wild was somewhat of a misnomer, as it was processed rice, cooked by midwestern Mom's trying to be exotic. It was darker colored -- tan, brown, black, with husks on, and grown in Minnesota.


My first year in SF I sent Christmas presents to friends back home -- boxes of Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat.


I am not sure where Uncle Ben is from, but I venture a guess that it isn't some oriental place. I think he is from Robbins, Illinois.


Rice is the main food of most of the world.


An African-American friend of mine was stationed in the Navy at Subic Bay many years ago. He learned from some local friends how to make garlic rice for breakfast. He took this skill home with him, but his wife forbade his newly acquired dish, as it gave him bad breathe.


Japan forbids anyone from importing rice (in baggage, mail, cargo). They claim this is to keep inferior strains of rice out of Japan and for health reasons. The real reason is that in the 1970's some US grown rice was imported under pressure from US trade policies. It was the only thing we could think of sending them to setoff the imbalance of TV's we were importing. The Japanese eventually preferred the taste and the lower cost of US rice, and started to avoid domestically grown product. Rice growing is very expensive in Japan, with demand down, the prices dropped, the farmers were losing money. Japan wanted to remain self-sufficent with its rice needs, so they banned foreign (at least US grown) rice. This then resulted in some of the most absurd price supports in the world for an agricultural product. Japs will no longer ask you to smuggle in jeans, Korean hostesses, or Elvis CD's, but instead bags of rice.


Coconut rice is popular in Malaysia, called nasi lemak. It takes ordinary rice and makes it a special treat. Great with a spicy sambal, some curried fish heads, and beer. This is especially nice if shared with a tanned, 23 y.o. local Malay, tanned and shirtless, in a native sarong and songkok. Last time there, we took ours just outside the Masjad (mosque) in K.L. I took a hiaitus from Muslim hunting for that tender moment.


Rice makes excellent desserts as well. My favorite is from Indonesian kitchens, and is called burbur kiteh hitam (purple rice pudding). It is porridge like stuff made from sweet black rice (found in Asian stores on Clement Street). It is served hot, with sweet milk. I like mine in bed, naked, with a cute prebumi. (Gentle Dude knows what I mean).


Actually, I like many things that come from Indonesia -- but I digress.


Mexicans make a sweet drink called Horchata. It is made with rice, rice flour, cinnamon, and water. It is sold from big barrels in many parts of Chicago by street vendors. When in Colombia and Ecuador I mentioned this drink to friends, and they laughed. They said they serve this only to children when sick.


My grandmother, a Swedish lady, made some gook with silly Swedish name like Hassenrissensop. Rice, sugar, milk, and raisins. We called it rice soup with raisins. Good stuff on a cold prairie morning before school.


Last time in a mideastern/Moroccan restaurant I ordered cous-cous, but the place was so Americanized they used rice instead of real cous-cous Quelle debacle!!! HELLO, I don't think cous-cous is even related to rice? I was in Paris, and ate cous-cous once, so I know real Moroccan food.


Throwing rice on a newly married couple is to represent wishes for fertility. Many churches prohibit the throwing of rice as it can hurt people in its downpour. Also, because they fear rats will come later and eat it. Nine out of ten rats prefer dried, uncooked rice over cooked, fluffy rice. They now suggest birdseed for the nuptials. Christians deem pigeons more pious than rats (they are closer to God), so the clergy are happy. If there is one thing that binds all Christians, it is the fear of rats in churches.


So Kraig, even though the above two cents, well, more like fifty-two cents worth are from a white boy, I hope it enlightens you about rice.


Imperialistically yours,


PS: K, I think the stock is much cuter at N'touch as compared to the Web. Tina lives closer as well.

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