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Watching the clock!

Guest jeremyred18
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Guest jeremyred18

I know I am have been referred to as the newbie to escorting and I am still learning and all that and I am probably gonna get some shit for this but I am gonna break down and ask ya'll because I need help and I know ya'll would be more than happy to help me because ya'll are so sweet and yes, I am kissing ass. I have tried really hard not to be a clock watcher and to be really friendly and talkative with clients but now its starting to go a little too far. I have regulars that I will go over to their house and I won't see a clock anywhere and when I end up leaving, I find out that I stayed almost 2 hours. I have even tried leaving clients when I knew their time was well over but I didn't wanna be rude about it or act like a clock watcher but I knew I had someplace to be and I would say "Well I really need to get going." and they would say okay and then start up another conversation and I would end up being late. Its kinda like being on the phone with that family member or friend that just won't shut up but you don't wanna say anything because you don't wanna be rude. So what do I do? Or should I just make em my bitch, tie em up, and leave?


"The Newbie"


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Well, you could a) buy a watch; b) have a customer buy you a watch, or c) Tie the customer up and take his watch.

Then, when the time is up, you could say, "Ding, ding, ding! Oops, time is up. I personally would love to stay but my dick needs to get going!":+

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you have to seek some balance here. as an entrepreneur, your time is valuable. however, you want to make sure you are giving clients "great value" - a little more than their money's worth. the hardest part of any service business is exceeding clients' expectations when you have performed for them several times. you don't want to get into the habit of staying two hours when you are scheduled for one because they will expect you to stay 2 hours and fifteen minutes the next time they hire you.


i would suggest that there are as many ways to define "clock watching" as there are types of clients. if i hire someone for the first time and they ask " do you want to get started?" before they get through the door - i feel they are watching the clock. or if i tell someone in advance that i want to be sucked and fucked - they take two licks on the head of my dick then put my legs in the air - i may feel cheated. i've had sessions that last 30-45 minutes (through my choice) that were worth every penny and more.


my advice would be 1.) don't rush getting started 2.) don't rush leaving and 3.) fulfill client expectations but leave something for the next time - be it more time, kissing, rimming whatever.



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Lucky's got it right. But in case you don't want to follow his excellent advice all the way to the end, I'd say buy a watch. You might even be wise to buy a really good-looking watch (not expensive, just eye-catching) so that the client will notice it. "Watching the clock" as I understand it means that the escort is so obviously bored that he keeps his eye on the clock, just waiting for the magic hour to be up. That doesn't sound like your problem. In fact, it sounds as though you have the opposite tendency, which is no problem at all. Since you already have trouble leaving after a reasonable amount of time has passed, you aren't going to change just because you own a watch. All you have to do is to start getting dressed or to say "It's time I got going." If the client objects, look at your watch, and say, "Well, maybe we can continue this conversation next time. I'd love to, but I really have to go now." If he offers to pay you for more time, that's a different thing. But a client knows ahead of time how much of your time he's reserved, and he's not entitled to more of it. If he overstayed his welcome at his lawyer's, you can bet that he'd be billed.


It sounds as though you'll leave them wishing for more, which is a sure sign of success.

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Victim of your own success


Jeremy! Cutie! Victim of your own success! You are so cuddly and fun to be around, who would want you to leave? And that tough talk out of your mouth <should I make 'em my bitch, tie 'em up, and leave> really makes me want to throw you over my knee and spank you good! }>


But in all seriousness, having spent time with you, and knowing how naturally conversation flows with you, I can see how it is not easy to draw a close to an evening.


So own a watch as others have recommended, and then practice this line... "Well sweetie, that was one hot evening. You are the best client! I can't wait to see you again *deliver hot, sensuous kiss here*. Gotta run, but call me, ok?"


See you soon, cute boy!


Mark <-----dreaming of your ass to to die for!

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RE: Victim of your own success


You all are recommending that someone wear a watch during sex? None of you have ever been scratched by a watch?


Take a look at your watch as you enter, one last look as you take it off while you are both removing your clothes. If that still doesn't help, spot a clock on the way to the bedroom and then when you take a moment to go to the bathroom later you can take a peak.


This is not "Clock watching" it will simply help you to pace the session so it's perfect for both of you.

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RE: Victim of your own success


Agreed, Rod. But I think we instructed him to own a watch, not wear a watch. In fact, taking off one's watch before sex and then putting it back on after the "afterglow, togetherness shower" is a perfect way to check the time discreetly!


Mark <--- who has been scratched by my watch, her watch, and his watch and wants nothing to do with watches, really! :p

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Hi Jeremy,


I am the one who started the first thread about you. While I don't have any wise advice to add after the other posters' good advice, may I disclose a little secret: you are starring in some of my best wet dreams. I am glad to meet you on this board. I'll make sure to include Southern California in my itinerary during my next trip. I'll definitely want you to stay with me for more than an hour, but I'll insist to pay for every minute.

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Not much I can add to the excellent advice given by the prior contributors to your thread, other than to echo the sentiments that you must be doing things right in terms of making the clients happy, and that's no small accomplishment. It has been my experience that how we "manage" time is something that tends to relate to many other areas of our lives. A case in point is talking on the telephone. When you're engaged in a phone conversation with a friend, you tend to feel less pressure about how long the conversation lasts as you would if you're "on hold" waiting for tech support for WindowsXP with Microsoft, and you know the long distance charges are accrueing. Escorting is a business transaction, and your time is one of the commodities you're selling, hence it is valuable. And believe me, I know all about the relative nature of time......especially if I'm with an escort who's company I enjoy. In such a situation, the time goes all too quickly for me, and the session never seems long enough (especially since it will be subject to the financial resources I have available at the moment). And from the escort's point of view, I can only imagine that some sessions, even short sessions, may seem like they will never end.


I suspect, over time, you'll develop an internal clock that will more effectively gauge the appropriate length of a session.


Good luck and best wishes to you. You're definitely a cutie and a keeper, and a very nice guy to boot, and I only wish you lived out here on the East Coast. Those guys who travel a lot out your way or those who live close are very fortunate indeed! Stay safe and be well!


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"I am probably gonna get some shit for this"


No, sweetie, you are only getting smiles and hugs, and never let anyone give you shit (unless you are into some yucky activities).

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Guest melmoth

You bring up a good point, I think. I've always wondered about the 'not a clock-watcher' praise that escorts get in the reviews. I haven't hired an escort in quite some time, but when I did I always respected the fact that I've engaged a certain amount of their time. In fact, I always made sure to have a clock around so *I* could keep an eye on it, and I'd usually be the one to wind things up and mention that my time's about up. Sometimes he'd get dressed and go pretty quickly, other times he'd hang around to talk a bit and have a drink, which was usually fine, but I never tried to impose on time that wasn't part of our deal.


Of course, the flip side of that is I didn't spend the first 20 minutes making small talk - usually within five minutes of his showing up I'd smile and say 'well, let's get your clothes off'.


OK, call me unromantic.

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Is good that you are concerned about not wanting to offend a client, but you should not be exploited on the time either. One guy I know has a watch that makes a light beep every 15 or 30 minutes. Is hard to hear for most, and allows him to keep track of time.


If the two hour guy is always two hours, the next time he calls for an appointment, you might hint at a longer session... 2 or 3 hours for $X.00. Then he will know he was getting more time than he paid for. State it nicely saying a longer session will allow more time to lounge about and chat.


But, if you enjoy the time with a client, why not stay if you don't have immediate plans. An investment of 30 mins of your time might yield a customer that books overnighters or trips. Then no one has to keep track of the hours.


Only once did I hire a guy that was a clock watcher. Twice he looked at the clock before the hour was up. I took offense as showed he was being petty and tactless about the time ( I am a decent guy, and no reason he had to flee). I said that is time to clean up and get going.

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> Or should I just

>make em my bitch, tie em up, and leave?


>"The Newbie"



Can't believe I forgot to comment on this. Jeremy, a million thanks for saying this......it gave me the best laugh I've had all day, And if I had an appointment with you, I'd be happy to have you "make me your bitch and tie me up", but I sure as hell wouldn't want you to leave! (I feel my horns growing just thinking of this.}> )

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Victim of your own success


A couple of suggestions for different occasions...


For late appointments take the coach and horses that turn into a pumpkin and mice. As the clock begins to strike explain as you are run out the door that you must be home by midnight -- and don't foreget to leave a slipper or possibly your underwear (soiled?) depending on client tastes.


Applicable at any time -- appear disoriented and tell the client as you stagger to the door --


"that damn Love Potion #9 is wearing off ... how did we get here from Hollywood and Vine? and BTW what happened to your uniform? Ciao Baby"


In either case, that you are a clock watcher will be the last thing the client will be thinking.


BTW should you seriously consider this advise, get a second opinion from traveller.




P.S. When are you coming to Boston? (Better get a third suggestion when you do. :-) )

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Guest PhxMasseur

I think with experience you develop an internal clock. You just develop a feel for how long it's been and when it's time to go. I had the same problem when I started, but now my timing is pretty good. Hehe one thing I find amusing that everyone loves guys that don't clock-watch and stay an extra 30-60 minutes, but then everyone criticizes the ones that show up a bit late... :)

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The tackiest of clients play TV in the background while you're in their hotel room. But the commercials let you know the passing of time. So, how to keep the timing but up the class? When it's at your own place, I suggest you pretape two 45 minute tapes. Played on one of those tape to tape players, the music will stop after an hour and a half. At his place? How long does an average LP or CD play? Or can you switch to a radio station with more of a beat (and also more commercials than that actually very swoony public classical station)? Their announcers will time it for you. Very rarely any need to actually look at a watch to look at the time.

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Let's approach this from a different angle. If you always arrive on time, (even if you have to wait outside in your car for 10 minutes) repeat clients will get used to you leaving on time. A decent client will understand that you have to leave when put your coat or jacket on or pick up your backpack up and put it over your shoulder. I do

understand that it seems bad to leave in the middle of an interesting conversation, but sometimes you have to do it. Again. I think the key is always arriving on time.:-)

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Guest IM_Moore

Hey Jeremy, First you are not exactly new to escorting not sure where that started at. You bring up a very good point that no one has addressed. That is clients taking advantage of your kindness. Personally I feel a one hour appointment is a waste of everyone's time unless the client just wants a quick blow job. It takes some time to chat, get comfortable, have fun and then go through the cuddling and shower part. Your regular's should be ashamed and they are quite selfish. Yet since you have already given them this free time it's hard to take it back on future visits. With new clients you need to be more upfront when setting the appointment. Maybe let them know that if it goes 1.25 you will need to charge for the second hour. This will actually make the client keep track of time. In my case I do two things ... first I make sure the clock on the night stand is in plain view for the escort to see. Next if I see I am rambling too much I will mention to the escort, "well I guess it is time for you to take off" or something like that. If he stays after that then I figure he is inno hurry and he is on his own time. If he gets up to leave I have no problems with that. Give him a hug and send him on his way. NOW answer my email I want to sample you :9

PS you might wnt to ask this in the Escorts Only forum to get there feedback.

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That's an interesting point about an hour being a waste of everyone's time. I don't know that I agree with that. Sometimes an hour is more than enough time. However, perhaps it would be better for everyone if the charge was per session instead of per hour. Especially when you're talking about the top end guys who are charging >$200. Obviously if it gets to be 2 hours or more then I'd agree that you're being taken advantage of by your clients, but no one's holding a gun to your head (I hope). I think a lot of times it's awkward for both parties, especially if you are in the middle of an interesting conversation or are both having fun to know when it's time to say goodbye.


I realize that escorts need to book clients to make money, but if you're scheduling yourself so tightly that you can't go over with the client you're with because you've got another appointment right away, I think you do a disservice to all of the clients and yourself. I met an escort once who told me, almost proudly, that I was something like his 8th client that day. Made me feel very special. Not. He was very hot, and I'm sure he was in high demand at the agency he was working for, but his performance wasn't so great obviously.


I always try to be mindful of the time, and it's always nice when your escort is in no hurry to finish up and leave. But I sometimes feel like it's an imposition on my part. Plus I budget a certain amount of money and if things go too far over I feel like it's only fair to compensate accordingly. However, if the cost were per session this would not be an issue. Then you would run into the question however of guys rushing to get you off in order to end the session quickly. Maybe it should be something like 1-1.5 hours per session. I have tentatively arranged to meet Joey in Toronto this weekend, his rate is C$120 per session. I didn't ask him exactly how long a session is, but I expect that it is at least an hour. I also think that C$120 is probably less than he's worth, so I'm already planning to enhance that amount if things go as I expect them to. If all escorts planned sessions of 1-1.5 hours things can be a little more casual and no one would feel rushed and the escort could just expect to spend a little over an hour. That would also allow for a bit of small talk and the after shower, getting dressed small talk, etc with no one feeling like they're being taken advantage of.


OK, I'm rambling and need to go to bed now.

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Guest WetDream

A lot of this discussion harkens back to Boston Guy's succinct characterization of clients who seek escorts that are "charmers" or "whammers." I suspect that the ones that are reluctant to let you out the door are in the first category. The guys I like to rehire are charming whammers. There always seems plenty of time for some catch-up chat, ample time in the bedroom and enough time to shower and talk afterwards. Nobody looks at the clock but the whole process generally lasts about an hour. The real pros all seem to know what to do, how to do it and how long it takes.

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Guest Traveling Man

RE: Watching the clock! The Client Perspective




Let me give you one client's perspective: mine. I have hired 20 or so escorts over the last 10 years and I feel it is safe to say that the customer is as anxious at a first meeting as the escort. I personally have no desire to force any one to do anything and the first meeting is always tentative for me, too.


What I like is when an escort lets me know he is comfortable moving on to business. There have been various approaches, but I favor the kiss, When the escort is good and ready, he moves over to me and we kiss. How hard is that? I think the second approach, which is also a favorite of mine, is the escort who stood up, peeled off his shirt, and asked me if I liked his body. Things progressed quickly from there.


By the way, my definition of the clock watcher is the escort who tries to stall through the first 45 minutes so he can announce he can only stay 15 more minutes, UNLESS the client wants to pay for another hour! They are usually brilliant at delay tactics. I think it is the escorts responsibilty to make every attempt to deliver what he promises, balancing that with the client's responsibility to make good use of the escort's time. All the good escorts I have had were good at balancing the two. And some escorts I have met are actually very comfortable having a cocktail and chatting, to get comfortable thenselves and relax the client, and the one hour limit doesn't even come into consideratio.


Good luck to you. You at least seem interested in finding a solution to your problem instead of just complaining about it. I hope this helps.

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Guest AdamLVescort

RE: Watching the clock! Another Newbie


Boy am I glad you asked this one! I have had the same problem. I am like you and don't want to be rude. Here recently I have found that my clients have stalled me lol. I understand that their are times that they don't want me to leave but unless they are going to extend their own payment options...I must leave. Leaving to me is always so awkard. I don't wanna make my clients mad by announcing my departure but I guess it is to be expected for an hour of my time.

Thanks for the post I have enjoyed reading everyones comments!






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RE: Watching the clock! The Client Perspective


What a great subject. I'm one of those clients who is very sexually shy at first. I had to learn to tell the escort that I expect him to start the action. I'm easy to talk to and could end up talking throught the entire appt. (I have too). Matt from Vancouver once gave me a great piece of advice. "Barry, fuck first then talk" }>


I usually hire for at least 2 hours to allow for some chat and slowly moving into the act starting with prolonged kissing. I also now tell the escort that I don't watch the clock, they need to. If they want to stay longer fine but the clock is their responsibility. Sometimes guyz leave close to the agreed upon time....other hang around to talk and relax or go out for a bite to eat.


I think you need to be upfront with your clients. For whatever amount of time you are comfortable staying, tell the client as soon as you arrive that you have to be somewhere or meet friends so you have to be out of there no later than "x", whatever amount of time that is. I've had guys say this to me and I've always been appreciative, never offended. In a few cases the escort just ignored "X" when it came and stuck around. I'm sure they were giving themselves a polite out in case they wanted to leave.


Above all....be upfront with your clients. Some may get pissy but most will appreciate it.



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