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Michael Vincenzo
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I already tried the email address that you suggested, but it was returned. I'll keep trying to get in touch with someone there.


Don't worry, though. Things like that don't get to me. I just wanted to make sure nobody was mislead. It turns out that this person has already corresponded with people through email. What a sad life someone has.


Thank you for your suggestions on how to correct this situation.

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It was recently brought to my attention, by a thoughtful fan, that there is a profile and photo of myself on a website called barebackcity.com. Someone set up the email address michaelvincenzox@aol.com and then placed my photo and profile on that site indicating that I participated in unsafe sex and drug use.


I would like to publicly correct the indecency of a disgruntled individual. I do not practice bareback sex nor am I "chem friendly".


I have tried to email the administrator of that website with no luck. Apparently you have to sign up as a member in order to contact anyone involved with that website.


I do not want any of my fans or clients to be mislead by the information that is posted on the aforementioned website. I recently have been experiencing a problem with a malicious former client. The client, whose name I will not mention, is a danger to any escort and is very unstable.


Please disregard the information that is contained in the bogus profile on that website.

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You have my deepest sympathy. What a terrible thing to happen to anyone. Unfortunately, you do not appear to be the first escort that has faced this kind of problem. If history is any indication you may be faced with a real struggle to get the information removed from the site. Please don't let this kind of incident get you down. You are much too nice of a guy to have to deal with this.

NASAguy (we met in Washington DC)

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I discovered a listing like that a while back about another escort. It took a little while, but he was able to get the listing deleted. Don't give up on it just yet. If there are pictures of yours posted on his website, approach it from that angle and ask him to remove the pictures as well as the listing. Don't give up yet. We had another escort here on the board who went through a similar frustrating exerience with another bareback site, but he eventually got that listing removed as well.

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As others have said, you're not the first this has happened to. I hate that it has happened, but shit does happen.


I helped another escort get removed from a similar site. I couldn't believe it when I saw him listed, but then noticed the ad said "no tattoos". I've licked them, so I know they're there. The ad was obviously bogus. I'd notice the same about your ad, as soon as I saw the bogus e-mail address.


I've recently discovered that barebackcity.com is run by a guy in Chicago. Don't have details yet, but I might by the time you visit next week. Should we plan a little field trip, with baseball bat and tire iron? }>


Seriously, send e-mail to webmaster@barebackcity.com and threaten them on copyright violation for using your pictures. It will work even better if they used something from Falcon or Titan. Those guys KNOW how to pursue copyright violators. ;-)

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I have always had the screen name MichaelVincenzo@aol.com and at one point I had a similar screen name to the one you mentioned, although not that one exactly. The only screen name on AOL that I have ever included my travel information was the screen name that I have always held.


Unfortunately, many people impersonate others through email. I have been the victim of that type of fraud on more than one occasion. My website exposes quite of bit of information as well as photos that could easily allow anyone to misrepresent me. Through email, the only secure way of knowing that you are corresponding with me is through the email address michael@michaelvincenzo.com.

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Guest FL1Wild1

This question is to Michael Vincenzo. I notice that you state in your first post about you do not bareback and your not "Chem Friendly". I do not know anything about the bareback. But last year when you was in Different cities did you have another screenname on AOL that had the same info about you as to stats , city and was visiting the same locations on the same dates as you were escorting in and it stated that this screen name was chem friendly and want to party. I beleive the screen name was Mascbottomstud. I remember that your screen name on AOL Was MichaelVincenzo at that time. The 2 screen names had the same info Name first, city and stats with visiting city info. Just a question? Since your trying to clear things up.

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Guest FL1Wild1

So from your reply you state that you had another screen name on AOL. I can not remember the name exactly and I know at the time it did not include your complete travel schedule it would change with only the city you were in at the time. Still the question is did it include "Chem Friendly" or something similar?

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I have had a screen name in the past that included the phrase you mentioned. Let's skip straight to the point here, as I don't play these kinds of games. Have I ever used drugs? Yes.


I would like to remind you that people with public lives also have a personal life. As I mentioned before, my website gives out a lot of information about me. Some subjects, such as the one you're trying to call attention to, are of a personal nature. The exposure of information about myself on the internet is limited to my professional life as an escort and porn star. Any other information that you might be trying to collect is of a personal nature with either many or few details.


I suggest that you tread lightly on this subject as your intentions are questionable and, quite frankly, you are walking a fine line between respect for my personal privacy and invasion of my privacy. The details that you may be searching for are not of a public nature and are completely unrelated to my work as an escort.


I hope that I have answered your questions and satisfied whatever type of curiosity you may have had. Have a great day!

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I'm at a loss as to your point/agenda here. Do individuals who escort have multiple screen names? Yes. Do people who don't escort have multiple screen names? Yes. I have 4 on AOL alone.


I use one for business, one for talking to friends/family, one for hookups and one for chatting/making friends. Do the profiles attached to the different screen names differ? Of course. Each shows different parts of me appropriate to the audience.


Why is it an issue when someone might say they are "chem friendly" in a personal profile and not in their professional profile. I am chem friendly in my personal life but certainly not in my professional life.


Frankly I don't meddle in an escorts personal life even though I know some of their personal screen names. I don't IM or email them at that address unless invited to do so.


What these guys do in their personal life is none of our business as long as it has no impact on the professional time they spend with us.


Leave their personal life alone!

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RE: Another scary happening


Yesterday while cleaning out the spam in my AOL inbox I noticed an email from ME! Yes it was from my exact AOL screen name.


I opened it to find an ad for an XXX site with a link. I checked through the header and routing and boy did this go through a shitload of servers but somehow they managed to use my name and address in the From field.


I clicked reply and sent a test and indeed the reply came back to me so it was my EXACT name and address.


It's scary from the perspective that someone could send any kind of mail out to anyone using my AOL address.


The lesson is simply you can't even trust something you get from someone you know.........at least on AOL. It may not be from that person.


I have reported it to AOL and asked for an explanation.

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Being chem freindly or not is none of anyones business.

If an escort never shows up to an appointment under the influence, of either drugs or alcohol, then it is a non issue.

Leave thier personal life out of it.

Just because I like to talk baby talk to my new fish(who's name by the way is 'Fluffy') doesn't mean I'm going to talk to your dick that way as I'm going down on it...." well hello little fella, aren't you a cute little guy" (said in the voice of big gay Al from southpark)

Matt(don't like the drugs but the drugs like me)



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RE: Another scary happening


It is possible that you have what is called a Worm. or somethign along those lines.

Occasionally when you visit adult sites, a pop up will appear so fast that you don't notice it, it will ask if you'd like to install a certain piece of software to view the page properly. You may have unwittingly aggreed to it.

There are a few of these out there. I once had one attach a link at the end of every email I sent out! Yikes, mom didn't appreciate being told to visit http://www.stinkyslutholes.com: )

I do remember having to jump through hoops(no I will not do this when we meet) to rid my computer of this nasty, but I think if you ask Deej(whoa do you have a liscence to carry that) or Daddyin training(spank me sir) one of them might have soem advice on how to kill it.

Matt(has a worm, a big fat 8X7 one)aka shameless plug



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RE: Another scary happening


Thanx Matt. Just to be sure I ran a complete file by file scan on all the puters and nothing there.


Also I'm behind a personal firewall. Norton is configured to scan all emails and every program I execute or document I load.


I have changed all passwords and await AOL's response.

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RE: Another scary happening


Don't worry about any kind of virus or worm. Unfortunately, there's no way to prevent this. I get this kind of mail regularly.


The SMTP protocol makes it incredibly easy for ANYONE to send e-mail using ANY address in the "from" field. You can do it with about 10 lines of code in a Microsoft Word macro. (Garbled routing is a little more difficult, but not all that much.)


The spammers are tripping to the fact that more and more mail servers are blocking "blast" e-mails (mass mailings to huge lists) and they're exploiting this SMTP quirk to send out individualized e-mails instead.


(SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transport Protocol, the lowest common denominator for all internet e-mail, and it is indeed simple.)

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RE: Another scary happening


>The lesson is simply you can't even trust something

>you get from someone you know.........


Indeed. This was exactly the power behind the ILOVEYOU and Melissa viruses (and several variants that came later). The payload was delivered in an e-mail from someone you knew.


It's simple. If you receive e-mail from someone you don't know, don't trust it. Delete it immediately. If you receive e-mail from someone you know but you weren't expecting what they're sending, don't open it until you've verified the source.


I tripped to the ILOVEYOU virus right away because out of 200 messages in my in-box titled ILOVEYOU the very first came from a product manager who I knew for damned sure didn't love me! (In fact, he would probably have loved to shoot me at the time! ;-))


This job is tougher for escorts, who routinely get e-mails from people they don't know. But some common sense can apply. I presume most of the people reading this won't open attachments offering pics of naked chicks. There's one huge slice of spam gone by the wayside. Take everything else with a grain of salt. As long as you're *thinking* when you read e-mails you should be OK. Just WATCH THOSE ATTACHMENTS (and links, as Matt said).

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RE: Another scary happening




I had a guy send me an IM one night and wanted to trade pics with me. Before I could even respond, there was mail in my box. I clicked the inbox and saw it was from the IM guy. I clicked on the e-mail and AOL prompts you before it actually opens the file. I looked at the file and it was pics.exe


Being at least a little computer literate :), I know that the .exe means that it is a program and not a file. I deleted it and then IMd the guy back and asked him how stupid he thought I was. His reply was actually, I was the exception rather than the rule. Most people downloaded the program without question. This was the program he was using:


Sub7 Trojan, a remote access Trojan.


A Sub7 Trojan is a way for an intruder to have unlimited access to your computer over the Internet if the conditions are right.


You must first download the Trojan server and the user must have the appropriate client software to make contact to your computer. The Trojan server can notify the intruder that you are online by sending him your IP address each time you log on to the Internet.


If a connection is made the intruder is free to collect information from your computer, such as passwords for mail accounts, any sites you enter that require a password your AOL account passwords and screen names. The list is endless.


Keep in mind that most of these type intruders are not experienced "hackers" and are just out to be destructive.


We chatted for a little bit and he seemed like a very nice guy. He just wanted my screenname!! I asked him what would prevent me from stopping him by simply reporting a TOS violation to AOL. He replied, go ahead, but I'm on an account I stole from someone!!!!!!!!!!!

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