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I did it! I took the Gaiety's JT for a private - and I'm disappointed...

Guest Stan
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JT has had so much hype on this board (mostly negative), that I found myself compelled to take him for a private when I saw him in the Gaiety this weekend! Maybe I have a masochistic inclination or an affinity with “adventure”, I can’t explain it, but I found myself chatting with him when he approached me in the lounge and before I knew it, I was headed to his hotel room. We did discuss what he did in a private and it sounded OK to me. Before proceeding I’d like to mention that I’m an OK looking guy who maintains a high level of personal hygiene.


Following is how the private went. This is probably a breakaway from the etiquette on this board, but this guy has generated so much controversy that I thought it would be of benefit to those interested in him to know what he does in a private and draw their own conclusions. So here goes:


-He told me that he didn’t allow cock-sucking and that he doesn’t reciprocate anything, but that I could touch/kiss his body and ass.


-When we went about our business, he did more or less adhere to our agreement, but his negative body language and some annoying gestures he did threw me totally out of the mood. For example, he would positively twitch every time I touch him ANYWHERE on his body! He would not-so-discreetly pull away as I tried to kiss or caress his ass. He would try to stand sideways so that I’m faced by either side of his body and, as a result, have little access to his cock or butt!! Most annoyingly, he looked distant and completely out of it throughout the private, as if he was trying to block whatever little action we were doing from getting to him.


-At the end, he didn’t even have the courtesy of avoiding looking disgusted as I blew my load, which I did without any help from him.


-To be fair, however, I didn't find him agressive and he didn't throw a fit like the one described in another posting on this board. He was bored out of his mind, yes, but not aggressive!


So there you are. The guy is so painfully straight that I think that privates he has with Gaiety customers are traumatizing experiences for him and he is obviously in a disparate need for money to be doing that.


This is definitely not my idea of fun.

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Hey, Stan, thanks a lot for that most enlightening post. I think you're a newcomer here (or at least an infrequent poster), and I really have to salute your frankness in describing precisely how your encounter with JT went. It was much appreciated, believe me.


For reasons I've never fully understood, many who report on their escort experiences here are far too vague in their descriptions of what went on. I know they're not being deliberately coy, so it's probably due to a natural primness or some notion (mistaken, I think) that graphic candor is frowned on in this forum. But how can this sort of information be of any use unless it's perfectly open and unambiguous?


The whole JT controversy is a perfect case in point.


Even without having re-read NYGuy's account of his own disastrous time with this guy, I'm pretty sure he gave no details on what it was JT had 'promised' or 'agreed to'. Without those facts how are we to judge JT's allegedly outrageous behavior back at the hotel? Of course, to be fair, I'm going to check out NYGuy's original post as soon as I finish this. And while I'm at it, I want to re-read Assmaster's very different assessment (a well-chosen word!) of JT's value as an escort. (Now Assmaster WAS deliberately coy, and in this context, his posts seem to be much more about self-aggrandizement than offering helpful info.)


Without going on and on, I'd just like to stress my real point here: that full disclosure is really the way to go in these reports. And meanwhile, throughout the week ahead--while JT continues his Gaiety run--anyone thinking of going with him has a very clear picture of what sort of time he's likely to have.


So thanks again, Stan!

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Guest Esc_Tracker

>This is definitely not my idea

>of fun.


Ah, but did you get your money's worth? ;-)



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HooBoy, I submitted a review upon your request. I posted the message here in the message centre rather than submit a review so that Gaiety customers interested in JT will read my posting while the guy is in the Gaiety this week (I was told submitted reveiws take few days to be posted).


CZ, you're welcome!

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Reviews go up in 1 - 2 days unless they fall under the separation rules (See the M4M FAQ).


If you check out the front page, you'll see I am on hiatus for 72 hours because my computer is at DELL being refurbished. The hard drive is NOT there.


Because of that, I do not have access to my email, the reviews being submitted or the website. I'll be back in business before the weekend and, frankly, I'm enjoying the respite. :-)



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Good for you. As I've posted a number of times over the last couple of years, I think you ought to take more time off from the review process: the world will still keep turning if you give yourself a break once a week. If necessary, do one more per day for the six days and it will all even out. :-)

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Guest assmaster

I do "grandize" myself at least once a day.....I confess.

Re: my meeting with JT.......

Please remember that I met with him in Toronto not NYC.

The boys there are not under as much pressure.......not to mention that I had been with JT a few times at Remington's so maybe he felt more comfortable with me because he knew me.

Whatever the reason....He was HARD the whole time......he has a nice fat dick.......he did not let me suck his dick but I knew that ahead of time......butt he did seem to enjoy my anal attentions....and did give me a great hand job..........mind you he didn't have to work very hard at that as I was READY after playing with that beautiful butt........It really is a Beaut!

I found him professional and cooperative........but certainly no affection.. an hour with JT for 200 CDN is a bargain. He did not ask for any extra as some do..for cab fare or for the money that they have to pay the DJ in order to leave the house.

Would I go there again?

You betcha!

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Guest Tampa Yankee



I second that....




The world will not stop turning... or bitching, or moaning, or whatever. SO start taking some time off on a regular basis AND GET A LIFE -- meant in the best possible way. :-)



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Thanks, guys,


Although I am enjoying not reading, editing, posting, calling, confirming, searching and the other stuff I do every day, I am at a loss with what to do with the extra time.


I've spent an extra hour or so at the gym. I find that I cannot watch TV without a computer in front of me, though.


I don't think I was aware of how much this thing has consumed me. However, when I was in New York last week, it occurred to me that I may be obsessive after I didn't leave the apartment for the entire week because I was working on this monster.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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OK, folks, JT's weeklong return to the Gaiety is now over, and the alleged malefactor has gone back to Toronto. So what, finally, happened with the refund promise Denise supposedly made to the aggrieved NYGuy so many weeks ago?


I've asked this question already on several of the threads JT inspired (including several very long ones, both on this forum & in the Lounge), but Stan's very welcome post--the one that started this particular thread--is the only follow-up we've had.

And it doesn't address the lingering issue:


Did Denise really intervene on NYGuy's behalf? Are you still there, NYGuy? How 'bout you, Ready(the Avenger)4boi?

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CZ, I never got a refund from Denise of any kind for my years of patronage. As I stated on this message board, I am no longer giving the bordello any business whatsoever. I had done much more so in the past. My disappointment with Denise's Times Square niche increased these past few years with my visits to the place becoming less and less. I even met some interesting new faces and characters. I'm referring to patrons not performers here. I will miss interacting with them and getting to know them more. Yes I have given up on The Gaiety and trying to influence Denise to change the way she's operating it. I personally find it repugnant. She chooses to act oblivious to a lot of the problems so I'm not wasting anymore energy on the issue. However I'm in talks with several gay publications and I'm planning to write an article or two about certain recent events. Many of us die hard New Yorkers feel the place is headed for its demise. The interest in the nostalgia of the place and countless related stories will surely linger for many years to come even after it does bite the bullet.

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Hey, Ready, we KNOW how you feel about the Gaiety. (I think everybody--maybe even Denise--must know that by now.) What I meant was, do you happen to know how the JT drama ended? I had the feeling that you & NYGuy were comiserating bigtime & thought perhaps he'd told you the outcome in some private communication. As I noted elsewhere, he himself has vanished from these boards.


Glad to hear you've got a piece in the works on the Gaiety. (Expose articles are the liveliest reads of all.) Keep us posted about when & where it appears, OK?

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CZ, I don't know how the JT drama ended but clearly he has been welcomed back to The Gaiety without any waves.


As for the article, I will definitely let you know if I am successful in getting it published. However I'm expecting Denise will protest and try to stop it from happening. I'm ready for a fight.

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Guest NYGuy

No updates on the refund Denise promised


The purpose of posting the arrangement I had with Denise was to benefit others who are in a similar situation with that thug, JT. Unfortunately, the thread that I started turned into a venue for anyone with emotional baggage to vent their bitterness and frustration with their lives at my expense! It’s as if they were tired of being the butt of others’ jokes in real life and were thrilled to have the chance to be on the giving –rather than the receiving- end, even if it’s only in cyber-space. Well, that doesn’t exactly make me eager to post an update on what actually happened with Denise. If anybody wants to know what happened, ask Denise yourselves (if you have the guts, that is!)


An update I'd be interested in is regarding the article that ready4boi alluded to. Has it been published yet? If so, in which publication?

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RE: No updates on the refund Denise promised


>If anybody wants to

>know what happened, ask Denise

>yourselves (if you have the

>guts, that is!)



Sorry to say it, Guy, but you were probably better off keeping mum. That kind of answer casts even further doubt on your ability to handle yourself in an escort situation--doubts you raised in my mind by your original complaint about JT and the highly implausible post about Denise you put up right after it.


Mind you, I'm not vouching for JT in all this (never even saw the guy), nor am I pretending to be privy to your conversation with Denise. But your reports of both encounters had "hopelessly naive" written all over them. (And I leave it to others to decide who was weighed down with "emotional baggage" and "bitterness & frustration with their lives" in the many exchanges that grew out of them.)


I don't want cruel about all this, but the real purpose of this forum is to share candid and useful information about the escort scene. Your I-was-virtually-mugged report on JT and the Denise followup didn't, I'm afraid, contribute much of value here.


>An update I'd be interested in

>is regarding the article that

>ready4boi alluded to. Has it

>been published yet? If so,

>in which publication?


And the naivete rolls on! If Ready's untiring crusade against the Gaiety & Denise ever gets put into journalistic form, the likeliest place to look for it would be in some high school newspaper. (ARE there any gay school papers?) The whole thing reminds me of that loopy kid who put up the "official" Gaiety website a year or so ago.

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RE: Naive


Hey, CZ, where does it say you can't post naive messages here? Everybody is in a different place, and if NYMan says that was his experience, why challenge it? If he was naive, maybe he learned something.

Hooboy has yet to offer degrees in escort experience, so until then, let's have anybody post, as long as they are courteous.

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RE: No updates on the refund Denise promised


>And the naivete rolls on! If

>Ready's untiring crusade against the

>Gaiety & Denise ever gets

>put into journalistic form, the

>likeliest place to look for

>it would be in some

>high school newspaper.


Sorry CZ, but I think you're wrong on this one. Tina told me at lunch yesterday that she's printing ready4boi's "Gaiety's Glory Gone, or How I was chump change for Kirk" in the September issue of Talk.



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RE: Naive


Right you are, Lucky, and I'm sorry to have seemed mean-spirited to NYGuy--which, on re-reading my post, I'm afraid I was.


But you have to judge my remarks in context, too. Remember, NYGuy's very first post was wild-eyed with alarm, depicting JT as a cross between Jack the Ripper & Saddam Hussein, and more than hinting that a private with this guy could put you at risk for outright robbery and bodily harm. I doubted this from the get-go, and when Guy followed it up with that very naive-sounding bit about Denise I just figured he was way out of his depth in the Gaiety scene. And I said as much, not to put him down, but out of a concern for fairness.


Yes, even people like JT should be treated fairly.


I'd say Steve did that in his very illuminating & tempered review of his own experience with him. And putting it the way he did was far more damaging to JT's future business prospects than anything NYGuy or Ready4Boi could say against him. (Oh, I know Assmaster did a partial rehabilitation of the guy, but if & when I ever get to see JT's famously alluring tush, it will surely be Steve's cautionary tale that keeps me from a costly disappointment--not NYGuy's over-the-top denunciation.)


And while we're on the subject of fairness, I don't think NYGuy has shown much toward Denise. After all, first he trumpets her saying something a least half-a-dozen different posters (besides me) cast doubt on right away. And then, after a long & thunderous silence, he sullenly suggests WE ask her how it all

came out--"if we have the balls" (! ! !)


But yes, he certainly has the right to be naive, and to make naive postings. That much I'll concede.

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