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Guest BeercanThick

There is nothing in the constitution that guarantees us an escort review board.

This site is something that Hoo-Boy does because he wants to. If he holds back reviews, so be it. Get over it. If he is extorting escorts, so be it. Get over it.

If you don't like it, leave.

Life is too short to be worried about this stuff.

Hoo Boy, keep doing whatever the heck you want to do.

Everyone else, quit making long winded judgements and lets get back to the important stuff.

Such as the new escort I fell in love with today, Zack Evans.

What a hottie! Has anyone been with him?

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Guest notascortanymore

Beercan, love that logic.


So ethics and morals don't need to play a part in our lives? Doing things without consideration for others is OK? OK, I like that.


So if I decide to extort and blackmail all my old clients? because I want to - so be it. Get over it.


If I want to call Hooboy's employer, friends, and family and tell them all about this site and about Hooboy, because I want to, so be it. Get over it.


Life is too short to be worried about this stuff.


Good advice Beercan, do what you want to do, and if someone fucks you, fuck em back.


Sean, worldescort? sounds like I need some help here. Shall we begin making some real money?

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Guest notascortanymore



OK, so real funny, someone ruined my site by impersonating me and saying stupid shit. OK, I can take it. I said my piece and I can move on.


Bottom line is, I did not think it was right what was going on. But you guys deal with it.


Your fantasies are not realities, and never will be, but if you need to believe they are, so be it. No skin off my back.


I'm not an escort and Hooboy cannot fuck with me anymore. I still feel sorry for those out there, the good ones.


By the way, I never had a bad review, so those of you who said that was my motive...whatever.


And Hooboy said ..."The only escorts that have an issue with me or this site are escorts that don't make the cut"...That obviously is bull because he called me the Nordstrom of Escorts. I made the cut and had success. I still have an issue with this site. That logic doesn't fly hooboy. and I can tell you are running out of spins, because you resulted to insults...the aging escort thing....Yeah, we both know I'm not even close to aging.......spin spin spin...


I've got all I need. As Joan Crawford told Pepsi "DON'T FUCK WITH ME FELLAS" I may have been a sweet little escort, but when I have to be an ass, I can.

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Score Update


>So if I decide to extort

>and blackmail all my old

>clients? because I want to

>- so be it.

>Get over it.


Lord, this whole saga is like one of those really horrible accidents you pass on the highway.

You can't bear looking at it...but you can't take your eyes off it either.

It's a fucking twisted mess - I love it!


For those who lost track of the score it's....


Hooboy – 3

Billy what's-his-name – 2

Ethics, Morality, and Sanity - all tied at zero!

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RE: Impersonations


>...That obviously is bull because

>he called me the Nordstrom

>of Escorts.


And you thought that was a compliment?!?!?


>As Joan Crawford told Pepsi...


Don't do it...don't do it!!!!




He DID it.


I'll see your aging escort bid and raise you one histrionic Joan Crawford...

Let the games begin....

Well, I guess my hopes for a group hug and a happy ending are pretty much shot to hell....

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Guest DazedBoy

RE: Impersonations


Yep, let's drag in Joan Crawford here. Billy-WhatsHisFace's ranting and raving about this site is about as over the top as MommieDearest's choking her daughter and crashing her into a glass table for doing the absolutely unforgivable, which was... "You embarassed me....IN FRONT OF A REPORTER!!!"

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Guest Tampa Yankee

So much to comment on about so very little... of a concrete factual basis, anyway.


Some charges have been leveled -- clearly Billyboy is grinding his ax and clearly he feels he has cause. He also has made admissions of a very damaging nature and passes them off as no big deal because, to paraphrase -- ‘he is not the only escort to post fake negative reviews about colleagues and by the way... he posted some positive real reviews too’. (Gee, my faith in human natures is restored!!!) Billyboy, this seriously compromises your ability to claim the high ground in this ‘discussion’ even if we overlook your method of broaching the discussion. (For other would-be bomb throwers, I recommend this thread as example of how not to initiate your conflagration of damnation. Speaking plainly -- if you wish to level damning charges don’t start it as an unknown screen entity... it has ZERO credibility.)


Others have contributed innuendo and there has been piling on with glee from the sidelines by some who, for lack of a better description, seem to have a running chip on their shoulders -- I make this assessment based on my reading of their posts over time. Others seem willing to grant the possible veracity of Billyboy’s charges while proclaiming -- “it matters not” to their personal agenda. (A case of damning without even faint praise.) Am I dismayed? No, not at all... it has been clear for some time that there are a few number of individuals out there, not all escorts, who are determined to bring HooBoy down a notch or two or all the way and this site down too. And as Boston Guy has pointed out, some people make comments to others in this board environment that most would not make in face-to-face conversation. So these occurrences are to be expected -- a few guys running around with gas cans seeking an open flame to take advantage of... and flaming we do have; and others to egg them on.


Hoo, my original response when I first saw this thread (maybe 4 or 5 posts total) was to post in support of pulling the first Billyboy thread -- the reason being why should you hold, then hand the spears to those bent on chucking them your way. But I decided to sleep on it, literally -- we elderly do need our naps. :-) When I returned the thread had accumulated over 50 responses -- very impressive turnout for a Saturday evening. Also, sleeping on it changed my mind as I considered the Kyle Matthews flap and others. It seems preferable to let the venting take place so that all hot air and venom can be purged as quickly as possible and we can get past it and move on to more pleasant and hopefully interesting (in the sense of the mission of this site) discussions.


Some people have agendas, some are just plain sociopathic in nature, some have honest grievances and some mistakenly believe they have honest grievances through some skewed perception. I don’t claim to know which apply to whom in this case. I try to make judgments based on first hand knowledge -- Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see -- as I learned in elementary school. I base my judgments on what I know from personal experience and observation, or on research and, when not available, on the judgments of others I’ve come to trust over time and through measurement of them as individuals. My assessment of HooBoy and others on this site have been formed over time based on their interactions with me and others. True I don’t have access to all behind the scene episodes... none of us do so I make judgments on information at hand. What other rational choice is there?.


I take two things away from this thread -- our overall shortcomings as a species and a bright example of how some of us overcome these shortcomings... Boston Guy being my example dujour. I also take away the damning admissions of Billyboy and the damning attempted justification. Billyboy, I have no personal issue with you and do not challenge the sincerity with which you hold your grievance, but I urge that you get past this issue, you will be the happier for it.


I have no personal information to doubt or damn HooBoy no have I seen any here. I will grant him status as ‘human’ and capable or errors, though again I have no knowledge. From what I see I think he does a great job under difficult circumstances. I made a post last summer on what I thought of his performance at the helm and my views haven’t changed although a lot of water has past under the bridge. For those who missed it the first time, I will post it below.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Amazing News


It may not exactly be NEWS but I, for one, am AMAZED!


I am amazed at the willingness of a few who seem ready to 'shoot first and ask questions later' calling HooBoy's ethics into question (and sometimes his common sense, not to mention his right to a private life and dinner with whom he chooses or living in a home and not under a highway overpass). It seems to be that a little considered reflection might have resolved the issues in Newbie's mind if he had mulled it over some -- then again, maybe not. If not, why not ask questions that would help clarify the picture before leveling charges of conflict of interest, proclaiming HooBoy's guilt and seeking others to sign on in this thread. I hope that the 'gotcha journalism' attitude hasn't found its way into the community but I fear it has. I, for one, believe that HooBoy has earned, through his actions and commitment, the benefit of the doubt until I have clear evidence that he has fallen from grace. I certainly haven't seen the latter and I have seen nothing yet to cause doubt in my mind either.


I was amazed that this site existed when I first stumbled onto it.


I was amazed that two escorts I scheduled on a upcoming business trip were reviewed. (The reviews were excellent and the two guys turned out to be excellent also. You know, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. After that I was hooked on the site and utilized it on a follow-up business trip -- again with perfect success. The rest is history.)


I was amazed when I contributed my first review and saw the care HooBoy took in attempting to verify the validity of the reviewer and the escort.


I was amazed at his effort to achieve some sort of even-handedness in dealing with the reviewer and the reviewee, allowing a response by the escort.


I was amazed with the apparent professionalism and arms length interaction that he maintained in the review process and interacting with clients/escorts via published email transcripts or his occasional response to escort responses or the message board. It was apparent to me early on through his demeanor and his actions/statements that HooBoy recognized the importance to the credibility of this site that he maintain a reputation for even handed treatment of legitimate reviewers and escorts.


I was amazed at the breadth of the site, not only independent escort reviews, but message boards with some occasionally impressive and thought provoking threads, (What Does It Mean to Be Gay immediately comes to mind) -- not to mention a forum that permits escorts to post their travel plans, a boon to both escorts and clients. And some quite interesting people who attend the boards more than occasionally.


I was amazed at how much effort it must take to set this site up and maintain it on daily basis, processing reviews, answering email, maintain the boards and adding and improving the services and that HooBoy pretty much was attending to this alone. Not to mention the monetary cost involved, which I can only guess at.


I was even more amazed when it dawned on me that he was maintaining this site while attending to very serious family issues and on top of working for a living like many of the rest of us.


I continue to be amazed -- not only that he continues to keep all the balls in the air for this site and his personal life, but also:


I am amazed at the comity HooBoy maintains while dealing with all of us -- the inquiries, the comments, the slings and arrows...


I am amazed that a few are so willing to aim their sharpest arrows at HooBoy, apparently just because he sits at the helm of the ship (i.e. he should get no special treatment) and at other individuals for whom they appear to have a personal dislike. (It seems to me that these people are singled out for special treatment.) Heaven forbid that both of these irritants should be brought together in a single circumstance. Hooboy doesn't deserve special treatment but he does deserve, as others do, the benefit of the doubt, when there is doubt.


HooBoy provided a focus (read forum) for this (client/escort) community which gave vision to my eyes and hearing to my ears. He created an oasis in a desert devoid of objective information. That's more than enough for me! He has earned my support because he (along with many of the contributors in this community) has contributed to the quality of my life. He will continue to enjoy my support until clear irrefutable evidence surfaces that he no longer deserves it -- and before I rush to judgment, he'll have a chance to make his case. And before I call on him to make his case I'll give more than passing consideration to the issues at hand.


And one final amazement, I am appalled that HooBoy wants to make money from this site, I mistakenly thought he was the Mother Teresa of the male escort world.

Don't we all work gratis for the benefit of the community of man? -- another misconception shattered! This immediately calls his motives and performance into question as it does for my doctor, my plumber, even my candle stick maker.


Admittedly, I may have oversold the use of the word 'amazed' in some of the above instances, 'impressed' might have been more appropriate; but taken as a whole, I'm quite comfortable with 'amazed'.


For those into categorizing posts, list this under GUSHING -- I guess. For the others, just one guy's view of the FACTS, as I see them, with a few observations thrown in for good measure. Sorry for those few that I couldn't have been more negative but I did get that Mother Teresa shot in.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Amazing News


FYI --


"RE: Amazing News" -- originally posted in the Lounge on June 22, 2000.

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Guest Bitchboy

Egads! I wondered how long it would take this fat windbag to recap everything for the peons. You, shithead, are one of the main reasons this site has sunk so low. Your pontificating and smugness are repulsive to most thinking feeling people. Your cute little turn of a phrase has been responsible for hurting many posters. And, by the way, water "passed" under a bridge, not "past."

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Hi Bitch...


>Your cute little turn of a phrase ...


Thanks for the compliment. :-)


>And, by the way, water

>"passed" under a bridge, not



Sorry, that got 'passed' me in the wee hours (surprised that's the only one)... you know us elderly fat guys need our sleep. But I appreciate that you read 'the whole thing' and offered up your version of a thoughtful response.


And BTW, for a cheerier outlook I recommend wearing looser shorts.



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Guest regulation

RE: Amazing News


>Admittedly, I may have oversold the

>use of the word 'amazed'

>in some of the above

>instances, 'impressed' might have been

>more appropriate; but taken as

>a whole, I'm quite comfortable

>with 'amazed'.



I'm amazed at two things.


I'm amazed at how verbose and fulsome your posts often are. Are you a Russian novelist?


I'm also amazed that you or anyone would be amazed at any of the shenanigans by the prostitutes and panders who frequent this site. Prostitution is not a business that anyone can be in for any length of time without telling a great many lies to a great many people. That anyone should be surprised at the sort of behavior alleged by either side on this thread certainly amazes me. And that anyone would think it makes sense to argue about the "honesty" or "professionalism" of people in this business is absurd -- so absurd that it would require someone with the descriptive powers of Kafka to explain just how absurd it is. Grow up, folks.

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Guest Esc_Tracker

RE: Amazing News


Gee, Regulation, do you *ever* have a kind word to say about or to anyone? :o


I can't imagine having such a sour outlook on life, and I have my bad moments. Lighten up already.



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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Amazing News


>I'm amazed at how verbose and

>fulsome your posts often are.

> Are you a Russian




You'll be surprised to learn then that you are, in part, my inspiration for the 'extended post'. I stems from one of the first threads (appearing last Sring) that I ever read on this board -- a very interesting discourse between you (in an earlier incarnation) and Will. It was a very powerful and moving discussion that showed the acceptability and importance of the 'extended post' and the limitations of 'soundbyte discourse' in some instances.



>I'm also amazed that you or

>anyone would be amazed at

>any of the ...


I was amazed more at the nature of some people as they exhibited themslevs on this board. But that was then... now I'm much less amazed after the last year.

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Guest regulation

RE: Amazing News


>Gee, Regulation, do you *ever* have

>a kind word to say

>about or to anyone? :o



>I can't imagine having such a

>sour outlook on life, and

>I have my bad moments.

> Lighten up already.





What a coincidence. "Lighten up" is exactly the advice I was about to give you. To my mind, anyone who looks upon this site or upon prostitutes in general as anything more than a source of transient amusement is taking things way, way too seriously. And if your "Confession" post above is to be believed, that certainly includes you.

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Guest regulation

RE: Amazing News


>You'll be surprised to learn then

>that you are, in part,

>my inspiration for the 'extended




Speaking as your Muse, then, I'm telling you that you are going overboard. In fact, you have already reached the ocean floor and are headed for the Marianas Trench. Give it a rest.

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>Egads! I wondered how long

>it would take this fat

>windbag to recap everything for

>the peons. You, shithead,

>are one of the main

>reasons this site has sunk

>so low.


Bitchboy, Please allow me to refer you back to your post of 3.15.01, #48 in response to "e-manners".


"Only at a site that has deteriorated to the degree this one has, can you find a post about being kind to one another followed by dozens of hateful and childish insults hurled around indiscriminately. Every time I come back here I remember so quickly why I went away to begin with. It's a horrible place to spend any time."


>Your pontificating

>and smugness are repulsive to

>most thinking feeling people.


I must have been out of the loop when most thinking, feeling people selected you as their spokesperson. Are you saying that calling someone a "fat windbag" and "shithead" is NOT repulsive to thinking and feeling people?


>Your cute little turn of

>a phrase has been responsible

>for hurting many posters.


I've read TY's posts from day one and cannot recall one instance when I saw something I would consider hurtful to another poster unless one considers disagreement hurtful. Enlighten me with some examples.

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Guest Esc_Tracker

RE: Amazing News


>>Gee, Regulation, do you *ever* have

>>a kind word to say

>>about or to anyone? :o



>>I can't imagine having such a

>>sour outlook on life, and

>>I have my bad moments.

>> Lighten up already.





>What a coincidence. "Lighten up"

>is exactly the advice I

>was about to give you.

> To my mind, anyone

>who looks upon this site

>or upon prostitutes in general

>as anything more than a

>source of transient amusement is

>taking things way, way too

>seriously. And if your

>"Confession" post above is to

>be believed, that certainly includes



Well, I guess that answers my question. :D


But after giving TY a hard time over a purportedly unnecessarily long post, you might have taken your own advice and responded with a simple (and pixel-efficient) "no". :p


Light enough for ya?



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Guest regulation

RE: Amazing News


>But after giving TY a hard

>time over a purportedly unnecessarily

>long post, you might have

>taken your own advice and

>responded with a simple (and

>pixel-efficient) "no". :p


>Light enough for ya?



I might have done that if "No" was all I wanted to say. But I also wanted to say that I think someone with the hangups you attributed to yourself above has no business giving anyone else advice.

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Guest Esc_Tracker

RE: Amazing News


Well Sunshine,


I guess we can then agree that you are beyond my help, even if on nothing else. :7



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LAST EDITED ON May-06-01 AT 05:05PM (EST)[p]For six some years ending some eight years ago, I was a theater (and movies and art and ... hey, I only got $20 per review!) reviewer. My editor told me that he wanted me to be as positive as possible when writing those reviews. You know what? You can signal that a particular show is only for a particular type of person by saying how well it will please that kind of person. You can tell what a show doesn't do, so long as you point out that doing that was not its intention. You can even damn with faint praise. There are so many different things you can say and still stay positive that only an unimaginative dolt has any excuse for saying anything negative about anyone.


1. What is this show (this escort) trying to do? Does he succeed at it? Is this something that appeals to me and if not to whom would it appeal. Always review a show on its own terms. Gone With The Wind doesn't try to be a light action piece that you can read all in one night. Nor must every escort try to be the same kind of escort, even when both of them look like twinks.


(I'm just jumping in here at this point before I read the rest of these. Pardon me if I'm repeating someone's comments from further down the line.)

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RE: A Confession


Esc-Tracker, in the midst of this heated thread, I have not seen a response to your posting.


That was such a beautiful confession that is brought a tear to this hard heart . How beautifully and meaningfully written.



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