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Guest Bitchboy

RE: A Confession


Speaking of wigs - I never figured out how those bewigged escorts (listening, Billyboy? ... Sean, World Escort?) had the balls to get down on their knees and give blow jobs knowing at any second their "secret" could end up askew.

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Guest ChicagoCorey

Showtime Thanks You


Since Queer as Folk won't be on tomorrow, they needed someone to provide some queer drama this weekend. The quota has been filled.


(Completely unrelated sidebar: I was surfing Amazon and I clicked on the QAF (US) soundtrack -- because, surprise, surprise, they thought from previous gay book orders I might be interested -- and it had this blurb near it: "To ensure delivery by May 13, choose Expedited Mother's Day Shipping--only $3.99 more than Standard." Now my mom's pretty accepting and cool, but I'd love to meet the mom who wanted that CD for Mother's Day.)


That's the Corey special, folks: attempting to diffuse tense situation with jokes. It's not always appreciated.


Seriously though, I'm sorry for all the hurt feelings on every side of this issue. It seems like it's gotten out of hand. I'm not trying to pull a Jimmy Carter or a Jesse Jackson and step in to negotiate where nobody asked me, but it seems like this is no longer a fight between a couple of people, but instead it's an exchange where each side is trying to protect their public personas. I think it's time for both sides to pull the plug on this one because talking isn't making anyone look any better. If there's a relationship to be salvaged, it'd be best to do it privately. Otherwise, to save a little face, why don't you leave the rest of the innocent bystanders out of it?


Just a suggestion that should be ignored if you don't agree with it. I don't want to start a conversation on how a conversation should end because that's much more meta than I want to get on a weekend.


Next stop: Peace in the Middle East.





pics/rates available by request

website/new pics coming soon (fingers crossed)

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Guest MrB




I am not eager to read up on what skeletons you may or may not have in your closet. I made up my mind a long time ago that you are running a great site. I don't think you are God, but that's just because I'm not a religious type of person :-) Don't worry too much about this. My heart goes out to you, coming from someone you believed to be a friend this must hurt.






I do not know you except from your reviews and your postings here, now and in the past when you were still working. I think I would probably have hired you if I'd had the chance. If you and HooBoy used to be friends, it's not unlikely you know a thing or two that he does not want made public. If you used to be friends, I think you shouldn't, for friendship's sake. Can't you just burry the hatchet, this does noone any good.


This site is here for fun!




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Guest DazedBoy



I'm simply stunned that escorts are writing their own reviews and trashing other escorts under assumed aliases. I am shocked escorts say they like kissing and will tell everone how attractive they are, and in private with other escorts will confide that they are in it for the money, and that client was really gross in actuality. I mean, let's get real. We didn't all fall off the turnip truck yesterday, Billyboy.


What I find amusing is that Hoo has said that back in December he figured out "Billyboy" was posting under various names and trashing other escorts. "Billyboy" was active then, I think. Did he still have the "seal of approval"? Why didn't Hoo warn anybody about this worm when he could prove that this guy was a fraud. Next we'll be reading Aaron Lawrence is working for the vice squad now.


I'm glad I am never much interested in the guys who have like 40 or 50 reviews and are seemingly on this board every moment. It's the squeekiest wheels who are the greasiest!

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I think I may have been one of the only two people (other than the now-unmasked BillyBoy) to have posted on the thread that HB yanked.


For once I was up early on a Saturday and saw the reference to the "new" forum. I looked it up and thought that it would be interesting to see what developed. (I had NO idea! I thought it was going to be about the murky underworld of escorting...)


So I posted a comment and thought nothing more of it. When I came back a little later, my comment wasn't there, although the rest of the thread was. So I thought I had screwed up and posted it again. When I came back still later, the whole thing was gone. THAT was when I knew things were going to get interesting.


I'm not one of the parties to this dispute. I think HB runs a perfectly fine site that I have benefitted from -- primarily from the give and take in the Message Center, which is by far the main reason I visit the site to begin with. But Billy was an entertaining fellow poster for a long time and I enjoyed what he had to say very much. If we now learn that he had certain business motivations for saying what he did, well who can be surprised? Escorting is primarily about commerce, and business and survival and making a living can be very powerful motivators.


Escorting has some advantages for an escort; Billy has listed a few of them on his new site. Yet there is also a very large downside: no stabiity. An escort's income is subject to rapid change at any moment, depending upon any number of factors. In this regard, they are very like consultants, who are only as good as their last consulting engagement and whose contracts are often the first thing to go when the economy turns down. (As aside, see what happens to the $300 and $500 rates if all of a sudden the US economy really does enter a recession.)


But the point I'm trying to make here is that, while this site is about fun and fantasy and all those things for us clients, it is about very different things for the escorts. It is about business, it is about marketing, it is about livelihoods.


I'm on record here any number of times over the past two years saying that posters often treat escorts poorly on this site -- the most recent such episode involved the thread about 'Flawlescort8'. Individual posters may think they are being funny or cute or clever or whatever when they post random items castigating an escort or making fun of someone or tearing them down, often over extremely petty things. Yet I think they fail to think about the fact that there is another human being on the end of their pens, a feeling, thinking, caring human being who is trying to get through each day and who is about to be skewered so the poster can perhaps get a few jollies.


When the person being skewered is a brand-new young escort who isn't necessarily well versed in answering such posts, things can go downhill very quickly and feelings are dashed. But, from the escorts' point of view, it can be much worse: their career can be dashed or at least heavily damaged.


How many of you would be willing to expose your actions in your job, all day long, every day, to freely-published reviews on the Web? How many of you would be willing to have every contact you make in your job write a review about how well you answered a particular phone call, how promptly you answered each email (and how politely and thoroughly), how pleasant and well-dressed you were when you arrived at and left work, and whether you were worth the money you were paid today?


Then take those reviews and apply them to you not as you stand today but the you who you were when you 20 or 22 or 26 years old. How perfect were you then?


I can hear people say now 'But they chose to be escorts. They deserve to be reviewed. They're public figures.' And because we can review them and it's a free world, we can feel free to say anything we want.


Well, yes. But that doesn't mean that many of these things SHOULD be said. Things are posted here on a daily basis that the poster would never dare say to another person's face, much less to the person they are directing their comments to or talking about. The anonymity of the Web is well known and probably useful in many real situations. But it has its downside and I think that downside comes into play more here than many of us would like to admit.


Escorts as pubic figures? Give me a break! These are guys who are regularly breaking the law -- as are we all. They having nothing in common with film stars or politicians. And all of the sophistries that we want to sling still won't get around the fact that this board and this site exist solely for the pleasure of the clients.


Escorts who learn to work it make more money. Escorts who don't, or who manage to offend some posters, can see their entire career damaged or threated. Is is surprising then that these guys won't post here, hope they don't get mentioned here and, in many cases, ask clients NOT to post reviews because they don't want the notoriety?


If, as is now being claimed by Billy, HB has been managing the board to the favor of some escorts over others, that's a pretty damaging claim. If it's not true, then hooray for HB and it would be nice to be able to believe it.


But if it is true, then it's a sad day and forcing escorts to pay fees in order to get favorable reviews (or avoid unfavorable reviews) on a site that claims to be honest woulod, in my opinion, begin to smell very much like extortion.


As I said at the beginning, this is not my fight. I'm not taking sides and I don't know who to believe. I'd love to see this work out in some way that leaves both HB and Billy with some dignity intact.


But I believe firmly that any number of young guys who were escorting for a variety of reasons, often on a part-time, non-public basis, have been hurt unnecessarily by the collective actions of this community.


And we have only ourselves to blame. And we shouldn't be surprised when the escorts involved become angry or worse.

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Truth AND Consequences


Yes, I'm sure that the truth will finally come out for everyone to accept or reject as they will. But whatever it turns out to be, I don't think Hooboy's behavior, alleged or in fact, has as much influence on the value of this site as Billy (and indeed Hooboy)imagine. At this point, you'd have to be pretty naive to take the site motto literally or to believe in the overall 'usefulness' of the formal reviews. Sure, if you know how to read between the lines, bits & pieces of info can be gleaned from them, but by & large they should hardly be the basis of anyone's decision to buy or not to buy. Much more useful (and vastly more entertaining) is the stuff you get in the message forums. Those free-wheeling exchanges can tell the alert reader far more about what's what than any review, and Hooboy has little or no influence there. (Except when he shuts down a thread, of course!)


And it's finally the nature & extent of Hooboy's presence and participation in his own site that's really at issue here.


I've been visiting this place regularly from almost the beginning, and it didn't take me more than a week to figure out that the guy's ego was dangerously wrapped up in everything that went on. It seemed pretty obvious to me that some kind of queen-bee mentality was at work, a tendancy toward self-aggrandizement & attention-seeking that didn't bode well for objectivity & truth. It made you wonder (well, it made ME wonder) whether the site was created to be a service to fellow-johns or as a place for Hooboy to feel powerful and important. Frankly, it didn't much matter to me (a john), but I can see how critically important it must be for the poor escorts. Even the little Billy has divulged so far, if true, is pretty damning. And that Hooboy was careful to characterize some of it as 'enhanced' as opposed to 'false' is an ominous sign (for Hooboy, that is.) The unraveling goes on.


Meanwhile, it's amusing to see how certain johns & escorts (most of them relative newcomers here) rally 'round & suck up to the once-again embattled Hooboy. They did it during the Kyle flap (able to ignore what was very likely true because of K's own overkill), and they're doing again with Billy (whose own mildness, however, makes that kind of self-deception much harder.)


Finally, to those of you who don't remember how Hooboy once gushed over & protected Billy, let me say that the current spectacle of him bitch-slapping & dissing his former darling is (as Hooboy himself might say)in rather 'poor taste.' Of course if you want 'tasteful' behavior from a webmaster, you really have to look to someone like Ace Bannon, whose invisible presence on his own site (yet total and fairminded control of what happens there) is something Hooboy ought to study & consider emulating.

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Guest blankman

I agree with esc_tracker.


This site has a tremendous amount of very useful information for clients. It provides reviews of escorts, not all of them true, but the vast majority are true. Second, it provides a message board where clients can communicate with each other. These are hugely important services which in the end massively increase the amount of business that escorts in general have. I know I for one would not have ever hired an escort were it not for this site.


So, even if all these claims about HooBoy are true (which I doubt very much), it is IRRELEVANT to almost EVERYONE who participates here.


Most of the guys who are reading this DO NOT CARE about HooBoy's personal life, HooBoy this, HooBoy that, or any of the sad or angry stories which a couple of escorts have to tell. Because the PRODUCT -- HooBoy's site -- is a good product. If he's getting money from the product, well, GOOD FOR HIM, that's America!!

If HooBoy may have occasionally misused the power which controlling this site affords him, he certainly wouldn't be the first person to do so. And believe me, if the consumer public continues to use the product even if the manufacturers' ethics are in question, it won't be the first time either.


I've looked at the "gossip" site and I must say that, so far, it is a BAD product. When it becomes a GOOD product, please let us know and trust me, there will be loads of people logging on.


Signed, cynical materialist bored of this CRAP

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>I am not eager to read

>up on what skeletons you

>may or may not have

>in your closet...


Who are YOU kidding...we all LOVE drama! Come on HooBoy...it's your last chance to confess ALL your sins! Soon we'll all know...whatever it is that we're all supposed to care about...somebody help me...what did we care about?



>...Can't you just

>burry the hatchet,...


Where HAVE you been?...she did try to burry the hatchet...in Hooboy's ass! Then Hooboy caught him by surprise with his dreaded "aging escort" dropkick...then some weird queen tried to distract us with a discussion about toupees...go figure!


We REALLY should have a "daily summary" web site like all the soaps have...any volunteers?

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Guest notascortanymore



DazedBoy, you claim you didn't fall of the turnip truck yesterday, but do you really think I was/am the only escort using aliases and trashing other escorts, etc?? If you believe that then you WERE born yesterday. I'm just revealing what has always been going on.

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Guest DazedBoy



Nope, I'm not saying I believe you were the only escort doing so. What makes me think you think we just fell off the truck is thinking that your news that it does happen is exactly that, news.

This site is just so obvious, sometimes. "Rainbow Boys", an agency in Atlanta, has a guy reviewed, and on their site states "look for our reviews" at this web site, and low and behold each day there is a new glowing review for them. People honestly post they think Travis Wade had an attitude and wasn't the sharpest knife in the kitchen, and low and behold a new review tells how modest and un-assuming he is, and what a master of conversation and wit.

The best thing about all this fun is that it's free.

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Boston Guy,


I echo your sentiments exactly. I am on record as saying I DO NOT like negative reviews except in the case of the rip off artists.


My vision for this site is and always has been a place to highlight the good guys. Yes, I want to expose the rip off artists, but sometimes I get so distressed when I read the most mundane things about a guy. (He couldn't get a hard on. Good grief, maybe you had body odor! This is not an issue)


Many times I use my judgement to not post them. Never has remuneration or favors been an issue.


I imagine most good escorts realize the benefits this site brings to them. So many have written to me saying their CLIENT base has improved because of it.


The only escorts that have an issue with me or this site are escorts that dont' make the cut.


Sorry, but it's a fact.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Guest Bryan Young


>is off to you :)



Like any of us would really want or need your approval.

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Guest Traveler

>I truly thought he was my

>friend, but I guess I

>was just too gullible.

>Up until today, I still

>hoped deep down inside that

>Daddy-In-Training was mistaken.



I don't know if you're generally gullible, but you certainly seem to take everything escorts tell you at face value, and it seems to be difficult to convince you that some of them lie. It was quite something when you still defended Anthony Holloway after you received the cancelled check he cashed! The trick in life is to know when someone is truly being friendly, or whether he's just kissing ass because he wants you to be on his side. A true friend will give you constructive criticisms as well as compliments. If you view favorably those who always praise you, and unfavorably those who sometimes criticize you, well, you loose an oppotunity for growth and wisdom... :-)

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Guest Traveler

>Boston Guy,


>I echo your sentiments exactly.

>I am on record as

>saying I DO NOT like

>negative reviews except in the

>case of the rip off



If people posted only glowing reviews, we'd never separate the outstanding from the good from the mediocre. That would make a review site useless. If I go to a movie review section in my paper, I don't want to read just about this movie is awful and all the others are fantastic. I want to know which are really worth $8, and which I can pass or at least wait until it comes out on video. If we don't get peoples' honest opinions, what's the point?

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The Reality Check is in the mail....


No more funnies...OK…OK...one more...


What we have here is a FAILURE to communicate.


<Now speaking in a serious tone>


Has Hooboy done some things that are of questionable merit and objectivity? I have no doubt that he has. So have I. So have you. And so did Clinton. And YET, democracy still stands...amazing isn't it.


Did my company really benefit from the extra night at the Four Seasons in Philly that I put on my expense account just so I could bang the living day lights out of a boy from Premier?...depends on who you ask! No doubt my company got 150% of my attention the next business day. Was it a wise investment financially?...absolutely. Was it ethical...I could have returned home to NYC earlier and saved them the expense...probably not. Would my CEO have booked the room for me himself if he knew the benefit it would bring to my professional performance the next day....yes! Why? Because he understands that elusive...and yes sometimes dirty...world we call American business.


I'm sure there are "perks" to running this site. Hell, with the considerable income this sight has generated for some escorts, they're lucky Hooboy doesn't charge "bootie tax" on their asses. I have no doubt that Hooboy has ulterior motives for running this site. Hell, I have ulterior motives for going to work every morning....it's called paying my FUCKING bills!


It's America kids! Wake up! Nobody HAS to come here and participate on this site. No one HAS to hire escorts. No one HAS to be a callboy. And we ultimately believe that, through freedom, goodness and righteousness will conquer evil and deceit. Will there be abuses of that freedom? Yes. In fact, some people would say every one of us, by participating in this site that promotes “illegal activities” is abusing that freedom right now!


To me the only sad thing is that Billy what's-his-name and Hooboy aren't seeing eye to eye. Someone...most likely both...got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. And in their desperate attempt to point their fingers at each other...both queens got knocked in the head with the cookie jar. And what was by all accounts a happy and loving friendship got destroyed. It happens. We've all been there...although I doubt in such a public forum. It’s embarrassing and now their public egos are involved. There can be little doubt that the outlook for their relationship is bleak.


If there is going to be a resolution to this catfight, you two boys are going to have to resolve this without all of us drooling drama queens egging you on. That said, I doubt that whatever issue started this feud will EVER get resolved. If you can live with that and be friends...wonderful. If not...it's time to go your separate ways. That means exit stage left for you Billy what's-your-name. And that means letting this thread die it's rightfully quiet death, Hooboy.


Not with a bang, but with a whimper.




nycman – who has always been more known for his bangs than his whimpers…sorry I couldn’t resist.

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Bryan!!!! so good to see your name! Now I remember why this site is a wonderful place, because this is the place that I came to know you... and what a blessing that has been! :) Just remember that this site has great value for many of us who frequent it... but the message board part of it... well like any anonymous internet message board is fraught with peril! So don't let the flame and fire make a sweet, intelligent thing like you cyncial and sarcastic! Don't make me come up there and spank you... oh wait, I DO want you to make me come up there and spank you! hehe! You are the best! Be good! xoxox

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Traveler (and this is not Traveller, who has a sense of humor)


All levels of reviews are published assuming they meet the checks. I was only saying that I PERSONALLY do not like negative reviews. In fact, I abhor them unless they address the escorts that rip us off. I realize some people relish in the glass being half empty.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Guest MrB

Traveler with one l,


That's why HooBoy has been publishing reviews for mediocre and other performances along with the rest of them that are sent in. Just because he would not personally write them the same way does not mean he bins them. All the reviews that I have sent in have been published.


Actually, some of the posts in this thread, esp. what hooBoy just said, made me stop and think ... I'll be even more careful next time I write a review. Like you, I see no use for a review site that has only A+++ or F--- but no matter how carefully you word criticism of someone's performance in bed it can still be hurtful to the real people that escorts are. We shouldn't forget.




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>To each his own my friend!

>:) My image is

>no less vivid than your

>"banging the hell" out of

>some Premier boy! Although

>I wouldn't mind doing that



Fair enough...truce.


See how easy that was Hooboy and Billy what's-your-name?


Give it a shot...what the hell have you got to loose...other than all the anger and hate you've obviously built up... oh fuck now I sound like Dr. Laura...somebody fucking shoot me!



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Guest 7Zach

I don't know if it is billy or not on the other board; but his posts on his site sure turned hateful and mean. What I don't understand is how Hooboy's site can be so hurtful to escorts; they're selling a service, albeit illegal, and people comment on it. Maybe it is a little rough sometimes cuz it is such a personal service, unlike disussing which brand of soap u think is better, but still, I just don't see flaking out over a couple of bad reviews. By the same token, I don't see how the escorts do this for such long periods without burn-out, but some obviously handle it better.

For the record, Hooboy, I like this site, whether the allegations are true, somewhat true or completely false. The give and take on the message boards is a pretty good indication of what the facts really are, even if some of the reviews are ostensibly self-published.

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