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Hey guys,


I removed a thread from some individual who says he is a retired escort and has started a gossip room about me or this website elsewhere on the internet.


He was using this site to advertise his efforts and I thought it was in poor taste to do so, thus I pulled the thread.


If someone wants to sit around and dish me, that's fine but I don't need them doing it in my own "home" ya know?


Thanks, :-)



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Guest notascortanymore

LAST EDITED ON May-05-01 AT 02:52PM (EST)[p]Justice, that's the best question of all. And one I'll gladly answer. Hooboy has removed all my previous names, thus the new ones.


and the website is now http://www.askapractitioner.com


I'll keep posting it over and over


I am Billyboy


What is my agenda?

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Guest WorldEscrt  Sean

The only person this could be is BillyBoy. Maybe other Escorts will come to their senses and expose Hooboy for what he is!

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Guest WorldEscrt  Sean

Billy, You should post this over on the Muscle Service web page as well, they get way more hits than this site and Hoo can't remove the thread.

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>I removed a thread from some

>individual who says he is

>a retired escort and has

>started a gossip room about

>me or this website elsewhere

>on the internet.


Doesn't seem worth the effort to me. He'll just be back (already is), and that site he's posting is so pathetic slow nobody will have the patience to read it anyway. ;-)


If it gets REALLY bad, just file a lawsuit. It worked for Tom Cruise. ;-)

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Guest notascortanymore

Sean, I'm not a member of that board,

Will post there when I get a membership

If you feel like it, go ahead and promo it for me

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Guest notascortanymore

back? not in a lifetime. I'm through with escorting. I've got a better life now.


the site is the same service the muscle service boards use. You want faster, I'll search for a new site. no problemo.


I'm still waiting. what is my agenda?

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Guest ChicagoCorey

Good for you -- it's your board, your rules. People can take their negativity elsewhere. It amazes me how people can take something that is supposed to be an assistance to "real world" communication and make it their whole world. Get off the net and have some less-anonymous interaction. It will do you a world of good.




pics/rates available by request

website/new pics coming soon (fingers crossed)

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Well, well, well... First the Kyle File (with photo) & now this! Looks to me as if something is definitely coming unraveled--and it ain't this thread, folks. And, of course, it had to happen sooner or later.


Whatever you think of Hooboy & this site, you owe it to yourself to listen to what BillyBoy has to say over at HIS site. (I'd put up the URL myself, but now that I'm 'composing' this message, I can't get at it. Anyway, no matter how many times H removes it, someone is sure to post it all over again.)


Wanting to get at the truth sure makes for strange bedfellows! How else does one end up siding with the otherwise loathsome Sean? (Well, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, you know...)

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Guest WorldEscrt  Sean

LAST EDITED ON May-05-01 AT 01:58PM (EST)[p]Its about time that other escorts came out against this site and Hooboy. I'm glad you did Billy, I was starting to feel alone :(

The problem is they're too scared. They think it will hurt their business. I for one am not scared of Hooboy or this pathetic site. Hasn't hurt my biz at all. The rest of you working boys come out of the closet. Tell these guys how you REALLY feel! And CZ the loathsome remark was so uncalled for.

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Guest notascortanymore

I'll answer two here:


Corey: I'm not anonymous. If you read the entire thread, I revealed my identity.


Sean: I never did agree with the way you ran your business, but to each his own. I have no personal beef with you. I'm glad you are putting in your own two cents worth. Please don't take offense, none is intended.


Also, someone commented on the speed of my website being too slow. Well, I'm right now building the new website. It will be faster...Thanks for pointing that out.

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Billy, dear (if it's really you),


I meant back as in "back here" (and here you are ;-)).


And it wasn't me that mentioned anything about your agenda. Keep your targets straight. I have no clue what your agenda may be. The only thing I really know about you is that I tried for a year to hire you, due largely to the reviews on this site, and found you totally unresponsive. So I guess your contention that the reviews here aren't accurate may have merit.


As far as your slow message board goes, I don't care where you put it. ;-)

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Guest notascortanymore

I know it wasn't you that questioned my agenda. That was a separated statement obviously.


And there must've been a reason why you found me unresponsive. Answering questions like this are one reason for my forum. And by the way, that question has been asked and answered already.

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My saddest day since starting this website came December 11, 2000 when I got an email from Daddy-In-Training saying he extrapolated IP addresses to unveil the fact that Charlest and Barney (and several other Posters who took great delight in answering their own negative and defamatory posts) were actually my friend, Billyboy


I was stunned and deeply hurt, considering he was phoning me almost daily at the time to chat. I quietly removed his access to private areas of the site. His calls quit coming because I guess he knew that I knew. I never retaliated in any way, nor did I share this story with anyone.


I truly thought he was my friend, but I guess I was just too gullible. Up until today, I still hoped deep down inside that Daddy-In-Training was mistaken.


Bearing that in mind, consider the source when you read things he is writing about me. Here is an individual whose entire being is wrapped in lies and deception. Certainly some of what he says is grounded in truth, but it is distorted by a twisted mind. He thinks he knows a lot about me and how I operate, but he doesn’t.


I feel sorry for him. :-(



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Sad to read stories like that! But I find it quite believeable as some of my saddest and biggest disappointments have come from gay friends of mine. Rather former gay friends of mine. The anger shown at times on this site causes me to wonder about the sincerity and genuiness between ourselves, these being the values I thought we all shared.

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Guest notascortanymore

LAST EDITED ON May-05-01 AT 03:32PM (EST)[p]Hooboy, it was a sad day for me when I had to go behind your back to hire an investigator to get ip addresses off your site to confirm the identity of my biggest stalker that you had the information on the whole time.


It was sad for me to have you constantly allow me to be trashed by my supposed ex boyfriend and stalker. I was sad when I learned what you really thought of escorts (from your own words) and how you stuck behind people who tried to ruin me out of jealousy, other escorts and stalkers.


The saddest part of it all is you don't realize what you are doing. I'll admit, you think your site is honest and truthful, but from all the discussions we've had, you know deep down the way you run the site is deceiptful. You've admitted it to me in not so many words.


I regret that I suffered the last year of my escorting career because of what this site did to me and other escorts. What right do you have to play God? I don't think you realize that is what you are doing, so I truly cannot blame you.


I will not air your personal problems or life, but I think it has a background in why you won't admit this all to yourself. You KNOW I am not twisted or demented. And you know I know you better than most anyone. You've admitted that to me on several occasions.


What about those admissions that you would never allow a negative reveiew posted on certain escorts (admittedly myself included)? Let's face it, you are the client of all clients. You try to buy love without money, but by power extortion.


I hope you find love someday and stop this petty God role of yours. It's not good for anyone.


Believe it or not, I still like you as a person. However, As a business person, you are unethical and evil. I know you can be better.



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Guest Esc_Tracker

A Confession


Well I have read a few of those "Billyboy" posts (not all by him) and I have to say I find the whole thing rather depressing. One word of advice though, Hoo: let him post freely here and answer specifically any charge you believe is untrue.


I am a firm believer in the fact that truth comes out in the end so long as you permit free debate and discussion. You should of course censor to maintain a minimum of decorum and to prevent actual harm from coming to anyone (like having their phone numbers, addresses identities or place of work etc. revealed), but otherwise let the critics post.


Worse than Billyboy's accusations were the comments about clients and the attitudes of escorts (especially LAESCORT) towards them. Perhaps the stereotypical overweight, old, ugly, contemptuous, and cheap client exists, but are all clients like that? Let me disabuse any escorts who think I, for one, am a client because I could not otherwise get laid.


I hire escorts not because I am ugly or abusive, but because I am pathologically shy. I am 42 and I have never been able to hit on someone. I just can't do it. And when someone hits on me (which inevitably happens if I am by myself in a gay setting for as much as an hour), I freeze up and feel my privacy is being violated. It's irrational, I know, but I get so stressed out in these situations I just have to leave. To make matters worse, none of my close friends are gay, and my one gay family member is someone I would never want to confide in.


Escorts are for me the perfect solution. In many ways I am in awe of them. They can sell themselves without being selfconscious. They (normally) have impressive people skills and they are usually able to put me at ease, for which I am endlessly grateful. I am fortunate in that I have a well paying job, and so can afford their services. Almost invariably, I am more prosperous and socially knowledgeable and experienced than they are. To the extent that I can, I try to find out what the escort wants out of our encounter and life in general and do my best to forward his goals with advice, encouragement, understanding and in rare cases material assistance.


My first time with a guy was with an escort in Thailand, I see him every time I go there, but on the second trip I got him to admit that he was not gay and that he found the sex between us demeaning. So we stopped having sex. We are still friends, he has introduced me to his family, and his parents always want to know when I am next visiting so they can play host for me. I paid for his marriage and sometimes send him money when I think his need is real (I must make 10 times as much as his whole family, so its no real hardship for me). Friendship is about sharing, and it's only natural that those who have give to those who don't.


The cynics amongst you must think I am some kind of ATM, but ask yourselves these questions:


1. Are small children any less our friends because they can not reciprocate the gifts we give them as parents, grandparents, uncles or older cousins?


2. Is their affection feigned just in the hope of squeezing more goodies out of us?


3. Do they love us any less because we sometimes say no or cannot gratify their wishes?


4. Are adults, unlike children, inherently incapable of responding to genuine affection with affection?


If any of you clients out there just treat your escorts as so many sides of beef, fit just be groped and fed money like slot machines, I both pity you (because of what you are missing out on) and resent you because you sour escorts for the rest of us.


Think about it. If your escort doesn't have a good time with you, maybe *you* are the cold materialistic fish, and not him.



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Guest Esc_Tracker

Here we go again.




Even if all you say is true, what are we to make of your own admission to having posted fake negative reviews about your competitors? If Hoo blocks a negative review to protect an escort's reputation, he may not be championing truth and objectivity, but at least he is not doing anyone any harm.


As for extorting money from escorts, that's a pretty strong term to use. What threats has he used? Physical harm? Negative reviews? I am not going to claim that demanding the occasional monetary offering from escorts to be listed on this site is ethical, but it isn't "extortion". The site belongs to HooBoy and he is free to block escorts, reviews or postings as he sees fit. If he gets away with it (and I am still not convinced he does all these things), this is just a reflection of how desperately a site like this one is needed. Until there is something better, I am not leaving.



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Guest notascortanymore

I'm not suggesting you leave. But you should know the truth. Truly if I can be honest about my own tricks, why not tell someone else's too? Like I said, what do I have to lose? Plus one of the reasons I posted reviews (I did positive ones too) was to test what he was telling me. Some of the escorts I actually hired, so not all my reviews were false.


Well, hooboy has blocked my domain name and my IP address. Yes I can work around it obviously. But it is a pain. If anyone wants any further comments or answers out of me, go to my site at http://www.askapractitioner.com

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RE: A Confession


>>>Hoo: let him post freely here and answer specifically any charge you believe is untrue.<<<


All of the charges are untrue or enhanced by Billy and he has allowed everyone in the world to see how he thinks and we are probably dismayed at his modus operandi, which is creepy to say the least.


I have maintained this site for almost two years. I stand by my record of striving for ethics and fairness. I will not respond to every allegation slung at me by disgruntled, manipulative, dishonest or aging escorts.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Guest notascortanymore

My god, I've been found out!


I'm trying to be a bore. Well that's something I'm good at.


I'm really waiting to see the real alterior motive here. What could it possibly be? I cannot really be against hooboy because he fucked me over. Because I was one of his "favorites". So what other reason would I have but to just get the truth off my chest so he can't keep doing it? Oh yes, That's it....boring you. Oh well.


Hooboy has blocked my domain and Ip address. But obviously I can still get around it. However it is a pain. If anyone has anything to say to me, say it on my board where I can respond at http://www.askapractitioner.com

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RE: A Confession


> I will not respond

>to every allegation slung at

>me by disgruntled, manipulative, dishonest

>or aging escorts.





Uh oh...she played the "aging escort" card...wigs and jock straps are gonna fly...run for cover men.

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