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Danny Damon/verifying escort's age?

Guest Traveler
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Guest albinorat


>AT 09:00 PM (EST)


Some named Danny or Asianboytoy said...


Sweetheart, you've called nearly everyone on this thread sexist and vile names and for no reason.


>Apparently you think that as a

>"proud client," the escorts you

>hire are so low that

>they can't possibly have a

>reputation to protect.<


No, I think escorts and clients need to be careful given the legal status of what they do in ALL 50 states. They need to be careful given also that gay men are often targets of stings where entrapment does occur and wrecks lives. And entrapment does happen and never works as a defense. Neither you nor Danny should be unaware of that. He may well be aware of it if you are not he. As I said above you are doing him a disservice in prolonging this thread and attacking everybody who posts.


>You so

>obviously look down on escorts

>like Danny<


I certainly like going down on escorts like Danny; which is why I sympathize with the West Coast guys who worried.


you imply

>that escorts don't deserve to

>protect their reputations as reliable,

>diligent professionals.<


Sweetums is a mind reader, it seems, or a lunatic. There was no "reputation" at stake. His age under strictly enforced laws was at stake. Hoo boy established that he was legal. It would be up to more balanced, less ax grinding and I suspect more honest people than you to establish his "reputation" as an escort. That doesn't come with one review you or he might have written. That comes from people with some credibility evaluating him spontaneously (one hopes).



>Why do you think this website



To protect both clients and escorts. Had Danny been underage he was doing something unwise for anyone that young and anyone who hired him should have been warned for his sake. Had he been underage he might have led an unsuspecting client into a serious crime. If someone was out to destabilize and ruin this website with a "kiddie" scandal, using someone like Danny (were he legally underage)would be one very good way. Some of the carrying on may have been paranoia but the threat is real and needs to be taken seriously.


I'm afraid

>your hour is up, and

>don't call me honey, you



Sweetie, did it take you one whole HOUR to read my little post? Danny may be legal but he's mighty dumb if he's looking to you for advice.



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Guest AsnBoyToy

LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-01 AT 09:57PM (EST)[p]Danny may be

>legal but he's mighty dumb

>if he's looking to you

>for advice.





Well, albinorat, the only thing you got right is the accuracy of your screen name. However, I do wish to make a retraction about my last statement about you having had a lot of therapy. I was wrong; it wasn't therapy at all. Now it's obvious that you simply had a straightforward, pre-frontal lobotomy.


Sorry, TampaYankee, I just couldn't resist.

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Escorts are real people, with real feelings, and real hopes and dreams for the future. However, it's also not the easiest of lives. It can be a great way to earn lots of cash, select your own hours, travel, meet new people and have lots of hot sex. But you also expose yourself to arrest, disease, scam artists, blackmailers, crazies and the possible hostile reaction from the people you love if you're ever "outed". Rod Hagen -- a popular Los Angeles based escort has several posts -- including one very controversal one -- which argue BOTH sides of the coin. (Sorry Rod!) Big Jake a popular, recently retired "adult" masseur from New York poured his heart out in several very moving posts which explained his decision to retire. Not that many people can handle it and I truly admire and respect the ones who do.


IMHO, there's NOTHING wrong with being an escort. However, there's also NOTHING wrong with speculating about an escort's age. As a matter of fact, this is NOT the ONLY thread on the subject. If Danny is truly underage, then his clients could find themselves in serious trouble. (Any arrest is serious, but it goes without saying that an arrest for statutory rape is MUCH more serious that a prostitution charge.) If Danny can't handle a discussion about his age (including speculation that he MAY be underage and that he MAY be working as an undercover decoy) then perhaps he can't handle the emotional baggage that sometimes comes along with being an escort. If that's the case, then he should get a part time job at Macy's or Starbuck's or some other "legitimate" employer. He may not make as much money, but he'll obviously be much happier in the long run.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-01 AT 10:19PM (EST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-01 AT 10:12 PM (EST)




I'll take your word for it that this thread has had a negative impact on Danny's feelings; I'm sorry that it is the case. And I'll also take it that it is a measure of Danny's youth.


Although I have no idea what negative email and phone calls Danny has received as a consequence of this thread, I'm prepared to believe that some unpleasantness accrued. However, IMHO most escorts would kill for this kind of publicity... and TAKE IT TO THE BANK BIG TIME! Escorts simply cannot buy publicity like this, it seems to me. A controversial thread that generates much comment and much more readership by an audience that couldn't be better targeted by an escort. Yes, there was controversy... but at the end of the day Danny was pronounced kosher, legit, above board, etc.... -- his credibility established in a very public way with him on center stage. (This in contrast to the controversial thread that leaves an escort reputation in serious question or worse. ) This positive exposure to a targeted audience containing a not insiginficant client base with a taste for legal (sort of) chicken offers a potential business windfall for the savvy escort. Maybe Danny isn't quite ready for this business -- both the upside and the downside.

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Guest AsnBoyToy


>Danny can't handle a discussion

>about his age (including speculation

>that he MAY be underage

>and that he MAY be

>working as an undercover decoy)

>then perhaps he can't handle

>the emotional baggage that sometimes

>comes along with being an

>escort. If that's the case,

>then he should get a

>part time job at Macy's

>or Starbuck's or some other

>"legitimate" employer. He may not

>make as much money, but

>he'll obviously be much happier

>in the long run.


It's not fair to blame the victim in this case. It's not a question of Danny not being able to handle the heat of reasonable speculation. The main point here is that this speculation about his age and legitimacy got VERY UGLY here and nasty, way out of proportion to reasonable due diligence. Don't start blaming Danny all over again for this debacle of over-reaction. Even Hoo-boy made a comment about how this paranoia can get out of hand. It is not Danny's fault that he is reacting to this disproportionate nastiness as any human being would.


And please don't start justifying this discussion with rationalizations about how it brought him priceless exposure, because NO ONE had that goal in mind as they questioned his credibility, just as almost no one was concerned about the negative impact it would have on him.

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I just read every single post in this thread and this is what I saw. I saw several posts that mentioned that he looked very young. There were a couple that asked if it would be o.k. to ask him for his driver's license, which was followed by a couple of posts about fake id's. (One of the posts about fake id's was mine and I have no problems apologizing for that one.) Someone pointed out that there's an underage escort in Atlanta. There's at least one post that questioned time timing of his first review vis-a-vis the establishment of his AOL profile and one which mentioned that one of the pictures on his site "impled" that he was a student a UC Berkeley. There's a few others which speculate that he might be a police decoy. He does look very young and potential clients have the right to ask "Am I going to be labeled a pedophile if I hire this guy?" HooBoy was right to step in and try to stop the endless speculation. You're right, Danny is only human and the fact that people openly questioned his age (and therefore his credibility) must hurt. I'm not blaming the victim. My admittedly VERY stongly worded post was my way of pointing out that he's going to have to put to up with a lot worse if he's going to continue working as an escort. If he can't handle the stuff that people said about him here, then he should retire before he gets in any deeper.

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Funny, he has been logged on to AOL for hours tonight, probably looking for clients. His website is also accessible though it is obvious he is updating it tonight as there are three new pictures to be found.


Mind you, I have NOTHING against Danny Damon. I think he is incredible cute. I have thought about hiring him because he is SO cute (and the new pictures are great), but I actually prefer older looking guys. What I have issue with is someone else, apparently merely an occasional client, trying to speak for an escort. (Asnboytoy claims to not be trying to speak for Danny, but he obviously is at least attempting to do so since he is sharing statements that Danny allegedly made to him.) If Danny wants to come on line and tell us he's taking a break from escorting, let HIM do it. He knows how to get to this website.


Ps. This may show as my first post here. I've actually been around for many months but haven't posted in a long time and had to recreate my account.


Asnboytoy asserted:


>Danny has informed me that a

>family crisis has forced him

>to take a break from

>escorting for a week or

>more, and thereafter he might

>severely scale back on the

>new customers he is willing

>to see. He'll still see

>regular clients like myself whom

>he's known for a while,

>and after all, I'm just

>about the ONLY one besides

>Hoo-boy who came to his

>defense (messages #33 & #41

>in this string).


>He's actually seriously considering quitting escorting

>altogether. Danny has temporarily dismantled

>his web page and is

>taking a hiatus to give

>it some careful thought. Don't

>believe me? Try accessing his

>web page. It's down, and

>maybe for good. I hope

>you're all satisfied. Karma can

>be a bitch.


>I honestly don't know whether he'll

>quit or not, and I'm

>not speaking for Danny in

>any way or being his

>mouthpiece. In the meantime, Danny

>will have more time and

>flexibility in his schedule for

>me, and those who have

>actually demonstrated a concern for

>his well-being. I am very

>impressed with Hoo-boy that he

>stepped in and squashed all

>of this childish speculation.


>Next time I hope that some

>of us will exercise a

>little more decency, restraint and

>judgment before lambasting someone like

>Danny who is so undeserving

>of such nastiness.

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Someone hinted I should lokk through this thread - and I unfortunately began at the point where HOOBOY verified Danny's age... and read all the posts after that date.


I then went to the top and read the whole thing from the start from Traveler's (one "l") question onwards, and I have to say... I never thought Danny was being trashed here at all. The questions about his age (and whether or not this was a sting operation) are more than legitimate. I never saw anyone say anything mean or pointed against him personally and wonder why his defender got so riled (overly riled IMHO)?


To me, HOOBOY's verifying his age was a service to anyone interested in someone this young looking. If Danny has - for some reason - pulled away from escorting now, that is his affair. However, I would not put the blame on some comments here.


What I did notice, however, were attacks made against the honest opinions of posters, which then turned into the usual nasty name-calling we have to face occasionally. Too bad for all.

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Guest EvilSwine

As probably the only gay sex virgin posting on these boards and a long-time reader/observer, I think it only appropriate to ask, for my own edification...


Has this thread turned into what they call a "gathering of bitchy queens"?


And Danny....I'd LOVE to man your handle some day...yours and Matt's and Ethan's and..and..... Arrgghh...I'm feeling faint...LAWSY!

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Guest AsnBoyToy

>Funny, he has been logged on

>to AOL for hours tonight,

>probably looking for clients.



Here we go again. Clumsy covert online spying on him and analysis of when Danny's on AOL, plus far-fetched speculation about what he's doing while logged on. Sick stuff. Can't an escort log onto AOL without looking for tricks?


>His website is also accessible

>though it is obvious he

>is updating it tonight as

>there are three new pictures

>to be found


Danny's website is intentionally down, and if you speak to any of his appointments this week, they have all been cancelled. Try to set up a date with him and he will give you a form letter stating that he is taking a week or so break.


I am not in any way speaking for Danny. He's smart to stay out of this crossfire and catty fray. I am only defending him as someone who personally knows him and who realizes he is undeserving of such unfair and weak and bitchy gossip.

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The Truth Comes Out


Apparently, someone was not only writing Danny’s reviews, but also answering his email, taking his phone calls and posting on this Message Center.


I spoke with Danny tonight and he seems like a nice kid, but I have removed all his reviews because a taint has been cast upon them all.


I think he genuinely wants to be a good escort.


If Danny is as good as his former “reviews” stated, he will rise above the fray and prove himself. I’m leaving his page up with his contact number and website. Lets give him a fresh start, but Will, you were right. Someone else was writing for him. And Albinorat, you nailed it, too.


Again, I apologize. I was taken too.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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>Try to set up a

>date with him and he

>will give you a form

>letter stating that he is

>taking a week or so



Or maybe he just has midterm exams. With all the massive volume of new clients this thread has probably generated, he may need some time to study. He's probably made far more than his classmates working at the student bookstore, anyways. :-)

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I wasn't doing "covert online spying". I was online for a while reading email, surfing the net, and seeing which Bay Area escorts may be online for a potential hookup. I just happened to notice that DannyDamon was online for the entire time I was online last night. And I also noticed, by typing his url, that he was adding updated pictures to his webpage, which is now operating fully again this morning. I only checked his webpage after reading AsnBoyToy's assertion that his webpage was down. I wanted to verify what I was reading. Instead, the web evidence indicates that AsnBoyToy either believes things to be true which are not or he is deliberately lying.


Also, I don't think it is "far fetched" speculation to assume that when an escort is online on AOL using his escort screen name, he is looking for clients -- if not for that moment then for the near future. After all, AOL allows one to have numerous screen names and one would reasonably assume that an escort NOT looking for work would log on under a different name. Additionally why would an escort update his webpage when he is no longer looking for clients?


As to "bitchy gossip", unfortunately that is what is coming from you, AsnBoyToy. I don't think that there is anything wrong with being online and looking for clients or looking for an escort. Apparently you have a more judgemental view of this, which comes across in your tone. Your posts are really causing me to wonder why you are, on the one hand, supposedly trying to come to Danny's defense but in reality are denigrating him far more than anyone else here.


I agree with HooBoy's action to remove the reviews and let Danny Damon prove himself.


>>Funny, he has been logged on

>>to AOL for hours tonight,

>>probably looking for clients.



>Here we go again. Clumsy covert

>online spying on him and

>analysis of when Danny's on

>AOL, plus far-fetched speculation about

>what he's doing while logged

>on. Sick stuff. Can't an

>escort log onto AOL without

>looking for tricks?


>>His website is also accessible

>>though it is obvious he

>>is updating it tonight as

>>there are three new pictures

>>to be found


>Danny's website is intentionally down, and

>if you speak to any

>of his appointments this week,

>they have all been cancelled.

>Try to set up a

>date with him and he

>will give you a form

>letter stating that he is

>taking a week or so



>I am not in any way

>speaking for Danny. He's smart

>to stay out of this

>crossfire and catty fray. I

>am only defending him as

>someone who personally knows him

>and who realizes he is

>undeserving of such unfair and

>weak and bitchy gossip.

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In another thread Asianboytoy now claims that Danny is actually a homeless person. And that A. is no longer doing secretarial work for him. If that is indeed the case, who was using the screenname last night when you saw it online?

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Guest shadow

LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-01 AT 11:01AM (EST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-01 AT 10:59 AM (EST)


What in the world is going on?


On one hand I'm shocked and flabbergasted (hope I spelled that correctly) by what AsnTopBoy wrote in the Truth about Danny thread.


Next I see that most of the thread has been deleted and locked out. I guess that was for the best.


Now on the other hand, with all that has been written in reference to Danny, I almost feel like I should be laughing. In terms of entertainment, this is the best drama I have ever seen.


I don't know whats true and whats not true anymore so I might as well laugh at it. I don't know how else to react.


Man, sometimes I wonder if I am too naive.

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Guest Bryan Young


>AT 11:01 AM (EST)



>AT 10:59 AM (EST)


>What in the world is going



>Now on the other hand, with

>all that has been written

>in reference to Danny, I

>almost feel like I should

>be laughing. In terms of

>entertainment, this is the best

>drama I have ever seen.


>I don't know whats true and

>whats not true anymore so

>I might as well laugh

>at it. I don't know

>how else to react.


>Man, sometimes I wonder if I

>am too naive.



"Like sand in the hour glass, so our the days of our lives."


Bryan ;-)

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Guest EvilSwine

Well..hell..this is getting like a thread on the Yahoo! stock market boards.Pfftt....well...no manhandling Danny...guess my list will have to change to Matt, Ethan, Bryan....


Jeez...I better start saving my pennies...

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Guest Traveler

>What in the world is going



What's been going on is that there's been something very fishy going on in Denmark. And a number of us feel vindicated about being cautious about this guy. Even if Danny himself didn't write all those fake reviews, he obviously has internet access, so he had to know about them, and therefore consent to them.


The pictures near prominent UCBerkeley landmarks, were, as some of us suspected, part of the deception, probably orchestrated by Asnboytoy, who appears to be the "brains" of this deceit. Those of us with friends in SF know that rents are out of this world expensive in SF. And that's when you can find an apartment. I have a friend who's a SF landlord, and he'd never rent to a university student to begin with, when there are plenty of people begging for a SF apartment. Very few if any Cal Berkeley students would pick an apartment in SF, with its high rents and long commutes to Berkeley.


Although the current (negative) review is probably the most credible, having been written by a well-established reviewer, it would have been very suspect if the previous glowing fake reviews hadn't been discovered. What if Danny had responded with "That customer didn't wash, his breath stank, and he wanted to piss on me!". Where have we heard that before? We would probably be thinking "Poor Danny. Some stinking awful client is trying to get back at him." It just goes to show that even a number of good reviews can be faked (an unlimited number, actually).


That being said, even I was being fooled towards the end. I was even tempted to check out this apparently marvelous 9" dick for myself...

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Guest topbear

>Although the current (negative) review is

>probably the most credible, having

>been written by a well-established

>reviewer, it would have been

>very suspect if the previous

>glowing fake reviews hadn't been

>discovered. What if Danny

>had responded with "That customer

>didn't wash, his breath stank,

>and he wanted to piss

>on me!". Where have

>we heard that before?

>We would probably be thinking

>"Poor Danny. Some stinking

>awful client is trying to

>get back at him."

>It just goes to show

>that even a number of

>good reviews can be faked

>(an unlimited number, actually).


>That being said, even I was

>being fooled towards the end.

> I was even tempted

>to check out this apparently

>marvelous 9" dick for myself...



I am the author of the negative review just posted, and it pained me both to have had to write it and now to have it published, but that's the whole point of this site: to warn other potential clients of the some of the misrepresentations and dangers lurking out there.


There's another thread on this bulletin board, which I've only just joined (tho' I've been using the site, and filing reviews to it, for a while now, I never strayed to the message center till HooBoy directed me to it yesterday -- but I promise I'll be here regularly now!), "The truth about me", that Danny Damon himself seems to have initiated but HooBoy has now 'locked', and quite rightly so, since this is a pretty sad story.


Who knows what the 'truth' about him is?


All I know is that a lot of people *wanted* to believe in him, including me (and HooBoy, and lots of others, as this current thread demonstrates; not least, per the last posting, for that supposed 9" dick!), and that I even went so far as to hire him to find out, after discovering him on this site.


Sure, I was wary, too -- there were a couple of inconsistencies that I spotted (you guys on this site have been even more diligent and spotted even more), including the far-too-prompt appearance of a link from his homepage to this one for his reviews, and also another of the 'fake' reviews which referred to him advertising in BAR, but I could not find an ad in. More importantly, I was worried, too, that he might be underage and a sting (again, you guys got there first; if only I'd read the wise words many of you posted about the dangers, I'd have taken an earlier bit of advice to admire but walk on by), but I allowed myself to be reassured after asking him to confirm he was of legal age, and not a law enforcement officer -- which he did, and quite wittily and assuredly, by saying he had as little to do with the police as possible! (As we've since discovered, this reply was obviously the work of his pimp, the ex-best friend). And yes, it *did* all seem too good to be true -- but then hiring an escort is buying a fantasy, and the point is, sometimes, that they are better quality than the real-life men you find in the bars, which is why you're prepared to pay for them in the first place! (As an aside, I thought that Travis #2 in New York would be too good to be true, too -- and by the way, Danny was an exception to my usual type, since Travis #2 really demonstrates it -- but Travis #2 lived up to, and exceeded, all expectations in performance; see my review on the site).


But I should have trusted my earlier instincts on this, not just because the service was 'unsatisfactory' (note, too, that I merely labelled it that, rather than the lowest, 'not recommended' rating), but more because of the dire threats hiring him could have posed: If the unreliable pimp who has now turned on him is to be believed (and I don't for a minute think he is!), that would have been to my physical safety; but worse, to my legal freedom, if he *had* turned out to be an underage 'sting'.


As I said, if only I'd discovered this message center earlier, and seen the extraordinary thread about his age, there is no way I would have exposed myself to such a legal risk. There were obviously plenty of grounds for doubt that you guys have identified, such as the fact that you discovered that the webpage was created at the same time as the first review was posted (which supposedly found him via the webpage that didn't exist yet!), and also his possibly incorrect use of the the abbreviation UCal to denote his college name. And, as it happens, as you will see on my review, I *was* right to be worried about his age all along, not because he *is* too young, but because he *was* too young in the pics originally on his homepage and this site. (Both have now been changed).


When I filed this negative review a couple of weeks ago, HooBoy -- who replied that he had been considering a trip to SF to check him out -- wrote to me that I'd saved him a possible airfare, since he would have been making the trip specially.


Subsequently, because Danny was 'sponsored', HooBoy told me that my review was sent to Danny to give him the right to reply to it, but decided to publish neither till he'd checked Danny out for himself after all. Meanwhile, last Saturday, two more favourable reviews went up instead.


This week, HooBoy contacted me again, asking for a phone number so that he could talk to me about my review, becuse he was understandably nervous that such a damaging review could destroy Danny's career.


As it happens, HooBoy and I never got around to speaking, because Danny's so-called best friend (and pimp) was about to attempt to ruin Danny's career for him anyway, finally coming clean and admitting that he lay behind the previously favourable reviews, and had been monitoring all of Danny's correspondence and calls and even delivering him to clients (If this wasn't pimping, what is?).


I fully expected that the Danny's 'reply' to my negative review would indeed trot out all the usual heard-it-before complaints that I was the great-unwashed, had bad breath, and made requests for perverse sexual practices. I was prepared for that, but figured that regular readers to this site would be able to draw their own conclusions, based on the facts as I detailed them, and also the specifics of the unsatisfactory encounter I had. (One of the great things about this site is that it represents a highly astute virtual community, but one which relates directly to a living, breathing one, too, so that it's truly interactive and true-to-life in all its facets).


What I wasn't prepared for was how quickly the house of cards that Danny's pimp had built up around him would come tumbling down after being notified of one unfavourable review that about to be posted.


The irony for me, of course, is that Danny was not my usual type at all -- I just wanted to try something different, and he looked cute as a button. This proved different in all the wrong ways. Not only will I stick to healthy men, not damaged boys, in future, but I've also learnt a powerful lesson here about not compromising my physical safety or, potentially, legal freedom. I shudder to think what the consequences could have been.


Meanwhile, I wish Danny only the best as HooBoy offers him a 'fresh start' -- he really needs it.

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Guest elwood

Wow! topbear..you have a lot of courage. I hope your honesty and incredible openness puts an end to this sorry episode. I really admire what you have done and written here. And it speaks so well for Hooboys integrity and credibilty too...though that was not in question.

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Thanks for the review and thorough message here, topbear. Two corrections:


Danny Damon DID run an ad in the B.A.R. for at least one week, possibly two. I recall seeing it a couple of weeks ago.


I believe that Hooboy determined that "The truth about Danny Damon" thread was started by the "ex best friend", not Danny himself. Who knows whether anything said by AsnBoyToy was true? Actually, however, you corroborated one statement, that Danny is older and heavier than his pictures indicate.

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Guest shadow

LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-01 AT 02:51PM (EST)[p]>

>>What in the world is going



>What's been going on is that

>there's been something very fishy

>going on in Denmark.

>And a number of us

>feel vindicated about being cautious

>about this guy. Even

>if Danny himself didn't write

>all those fake reviews, he

>obviously has internet access, so

>he had to know about

>them, and therefore consent to



>The pictures near prominent UCBerkeley landmarks,

>were, as some of us

>suspected, part of the deception,

>probably orchestrated by Asnboytoy, who

>appears to be the "brains"

>of this deceit. Those

>of us with friends in

>SF know that rents are

>out of this world expensive

>in SF. And that's

>when you can find an

>apartment. I have a

>friend who's a SF landlord,

>and he'd never rent to

>a university student to begin

>with, when there are plenty

>of people begging for a

>SF apartment. Very few

>if any Cal Berkeley students

>would pick an apartment in

>SF, with its high rents

>and long commutes to Berkeley.



>Although the current (negative) review is

>probably the most credible, having

>been written by a well-established

>reviewer, it would have been

>very suspect if the previous

>glowing fake reviews hadn't been

>discovered. What if Danny

>had responded with "That customer

>didn't wash, his breath stank,

>and he wanted to piss

>on me!". Where have

>we heard that before?

>We would probably be thinking

>"Poor Danny. Some stinking

>awful client is trying to

>get back at him."

>It just goes to show

>that even a number of

>good reviews can be faked

>(an unlimited number, actually).


>That being said, even I was

>being fooled towards the end.

> I was even tempted

>to check out this apparently

>marvelous 9" dick for myself...


Hey, if it makes you fell better.


"You're vindicated."


No skin off my back.


Whatever floats your boat.

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