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Gaiety dancers with skin diseases (actually only ‘Donny’, so far!)

Guest dudeluver
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Guest dudeluver

The Gaiety’s management ought to do something to ensure the proper hygiene of dancers working there. After all, we the customers (well, many of us anyway), get intimate with these dancers and we certainly don’t want any unpleasant reminders of our intimate encounters in form of a skin disease or an STD. Case in point; last weekend I was approached at Remington’s in Toronto (where I was in a short visit) by a dancer called ‘Donovan’ (he was hyped on this board under his old handle, ‘Young Blood’). He’s not my type, but he was pleasant enough for us to have a brief conversation. During the conversation, I noticed a rash of white spots on his chest and shoulders, which –while faint- were visible despite the modest lighting of the place. As I’m sure many of you know, these white spots are most probably a symptom of a pesky, highly contagious fungal infection (I don’t remember the medical term) that you can pick up if you don’t observe proper hygiene in gyms, locker rooms…, etc. Granted, it won’t kill you and it’s easy enough to treat (though it'll very likely recur), but it certainly gives you an idea about the level of hygiene (or lack thereof) of the infected person, and lack of hygiene is conducive to much more serious skin infections and STDs which –in early stages- a person can be having without showing visible signs. With that in mind, I politely declined taking Donovan for a private and finished my chat with him without mentioning the white spots to avoid any embarrassment. I came back to NY and, lo and behold, there he was at the Gaiety, only a couple of days after I’d seen him at Remington’s, using the name ‘Donny’ this time around. I didn’t make much of it at the time, but -later on- I regretted not reporting Donny’s skin disease to the Gaiety’s management, since who knows how many customers took this dancer for a private and how many other dancers did those customers take for privates. This kind of infection can mushroom easily in places like the Gaiety (and Remington’s). I know it may be unrealistic to ask the Gaiety’s management to make sure that all dancers are 100% disease free, but at least those who show symptoms of a skin problem should be prevented from mingling with unsuspecting customers. This “screening” is easier to do at the Gaiety than it would be at Remington’s since the former has 13 dancers on a good day while the latter has at least 30!


Wow, that was a mouthful, but I think the subject matter warrants it! I would be interested to know if any other customer had a similar unpleasant experience with dancers at the Gaiety (or any other strip joint). Sharing this kind of information via a popular message-board like HooBoy’s is very beneficial to the all parties concerned, including the dancers.

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Guest steveyboy

I think it is totally inappropriate to discuss a particular dancer in this way, even mentioning his name in the thread heading. I suspect everyone will be looking and pointing at him this week as if he was a leper. All this simply because he apparently has a few white spots on his chest. If the writer knew for sure that the dancer had a contagious condition, perhaps he would be correct in alerting us. But it is wrong to single out a dancer like this merely based on non-medical speculation. This thread would have been just as effective in starting a discussion of the issue without embarrassing a particular individual.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-01 AT 01:19AM (EST)[p]Don't know dudelover... he may be on the up and up or then again maybe he has issues and an agenda with Donnie. Either way I find this type of post as one's initial foray into the boards disturbing. If he is legitmate then I agree with Steveyboy that the specific content of his post was inappropriate, along the same lines as Stevey. On the other hand, maybe he is just one more disturbed mind.... Putting up a post of this nature while having never posted before sure leaves me feeling queezy. He is certainly an unknown quantity.


Caveat Emptor.

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Guest dudeluver

For all you cyber-sleuths out there, take a rest and get this:


-I’m not into thrashing any particular dancer, I’m merely trying to increase awareness of a problem that might mushroom if not attended to. When I say that Donny probably has a skin disease, this isn’t speculation, it’s an educated guess since a skin disease -especially one as common as Donny’s- is easy to tell. You don’t exactly need a medical degree for that (you need to go out more, though!) So, I intentionally mentioned the dancer’s name so that interested customers will point him out (duh!) and then –after using their own judgment or even ask him about the rash- decide for themselves whether he is a ‘leper’ or whether it is OK to take him for a private at their own risk. Just imagine how stupid my post would’ve been if it read something like “A Gaiety dancer probably has a skin disease!”. Not only would this have been non-informative, it would’ve raised suspicion about ALL the dancers and I would’ve probably had flake from another bunch of customers with hyper-active imagination accusing me of being a Gaiety-basher (or Stella’s owner or something…) instead of being Donny-basher!


-Even in the event I’m wrong and Donny doesn’t have a skin disease (the assumption here would be that he got those white dots on his chest and back moving sacks of flour –naked- in his other more mundane career as a bakery handyman!!), then it would only be unfair to one person (Donny). On the other hand, if I’m right and I keep my observation to myself, that would be unfair to the scores of customers that might unwittingly catch the disease in question.


-As for me being an unknown quality, I did post messages on this website before (my old account was canceled apparently due to lack of use), but that doesn’t mean anything. I could still be a 50-year-old house-wife and you still wouldn’t know it even if I’d posted a hundred messages!! I hate to break it to you, but –at risk of stating the obvious- in the Internet world nobody “knows” anything for sure about anybody.


So, let’s put things in perspective and take my post for what it is. Don’t try to read too much into it and, If you find it informative, then use the information to your benefit and be thankful that someone took the trouble of writing about a possible health hazard that might affect you. Sharing dancer/escort information –good or bad- is what this website is all about after all. But, if you have enough time on your hand and –after scrutinizing every word in my post- you find yourself thinking of conspiracy theories, then stop reading and go use that redundant mental power doing a crossword puzzle or something. Better still, get a life..

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Guest Bitchboy

You are so right, dudeluver. I visit every couple of weeks to get my chuckles. It's like when I was a teenager and drove my grandmother and her friends to their weekly card games - a bunch of old biddies looking for some meaning in their lives. There are a few cool dudes here, but most of them are big mouths who think they're funny.


BTW, if you hadn't mentioned the guy's name you would most definitely have been attacked for keeping this vital information away from the old crones.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-01 AT 01:44PM (EST)[p]dudelover,


>-As for me being an unknown

>quality, I did post messages

>on this website before (my

>old account was canceled apparently

>due to lack of use),

>but that doesn’t mean anything.

>I could still be a

>50-year-old house-wife and you still

>wouldn’t know it even if

>I’d posted a hundred messages!!


I'll leave the assessment of your 'unknown quality' to the reader... as yet I have made no assessment.


Regarding you as an unknown quantity... I'm not so much interested in the topogrpahy between your legs as I am the topology of your mind, again I have yet to make an assessment.


>I hate to break it

>to you, but –at risk

>of stating the obvious- in

>the Internet world nobody “knows”

>anything for sure about anybody.


Well, that is only partially true... I could be a 50 year old house-wife (53 actually) but I would venture a guess and a wager that my track record on this board has established the topology of my mind -- for better or worse -- most people know where I'm coming from and where I'm going. I'm not sure about you though, at least not yet.

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I do not know about Donny's skin disease but I think he has genital warts. Those warts are all over his penis as well. I took him for a private and am really worried now. Please note that this is not Donny bashing. He is the sweetest there at Remington's but you guys have to use precaution when taking him for a private.

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Guest albinorat

>This is actually getting weirder!>


Well I have nothing in my life (you are so right, bitchboy, you must have an IQ over 3) I can waste some time commenting on an impossible to assess situation. Without seeing this poor guy's chest bumps it's impossible to know but it may have been jock itch if he has a hairy chest. Many people get it; it's sweat and heat induced, it's no big deal. It may also have been a transient (that means quickly passing, bitchboy) irritation which cologne for example might cause. Some young men have a tendency to acne (zits, bitchboy) on their chests, shoulders and backs. They might look worse in certain lighting or might get irritated with a lot of sweat. If a dancer is letting himself be touched by the unwashed, ungloved hands of customers (and of course he is) he's going to have mild irritation and the occasional fungus. Obviously a dancer should shower often with an anti-biotic soap, examine himself carefully, frequently and know a good dermatologist (skin doctor, bitchboy) who can come up with an antibiotic topical ointment. As for this poor dancer's other afflictions, can that report really be trusted or is it a vendetta (hate-on, bitch boy).



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It’s funny that customers are now bringing up an issue I tackled in a post a while back, but apparently no body noticed. A few months ago I posted comments on my sorry backroom encounter with the same dancer -Donny- at Remington’s. I expressed my shock at his distinct lack of hygiene and the unpleasant odor that emanated when he pulled back his foreskin. It wasn’t pretty… He did have genital warts back then which I discovered –to my disgust- while I was touching/kissing his penis, before he retracted his foreskin that is! A few weeks after that, I had a cold sore (oral herpes, for those who don’t know)… I know that genital warts and oral herpes are caused by two different viruses, but the fact remains that I got the oral herpes after that regretful encounter with Donny… A couple of weeks after that, I saw him at Remington’s and he had a cold sore… I heard more stories in the same vein from a Canadian friend who is a Remington’s regular about other afflictions the guy had, including what looked like a chancre on his penis (that’s Syphilis!)… I can’t confirm those stories, though, since I didn’t see that firsthand.


So, Tom (and any other customer who had this dancer in a private), go have a check up, and pray you didn’t catch any of the “goodies” this guy seems to be loaded with. BTW, albinorat, the above posts indicate that the “poor” guy had white rash on his chest and back and “pumps” on his penis, so your elaboration about the possible causes of his “chest pumps” isn’t really in context!


As for the Gaiety, they had better start respecting their customers more and put some guidelines as to the suitability of whom they allow to mingle with them. The way I see it, one day an irate customer might report the Gaiety to the authorities or even sue the place, if he catches something serious off the likes of Donny. I wouldn’t hesitate…

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>It’s funny that customers are now

>bringing up an issue I

>tackled in a post a

>while back, but apparently no

>body noticed. A few months

>ago I posted comments on

>my sorry backroom encounter with

>the same dancer -Donny- at



Welcome back Samuel... I guess you have been gone too. A search of the fora over the last year and of the archives failed to turn up your referenced post or any other posts for you except for your first (recorded) post on lap dancing a few days ago.

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Guest albinorat

BTW, albinorat,

>the above posts indicate that

>the “poor” guy had white

>rash on his chest and

>back and “pumps” on his

>penis, so your elaboration about

>the possible causes of his

>“chest pumps” isn’t really in




You'll notice "Samuel" that I addressed issues of hygiene, talking about frequent self examination, frequent washing with anti-bacterial soap and frequent visits to a dermatologist (who could diagnose a STD more rapidly and certainly than anyone on a message board -- surprise, surprise). If someone has a history of looking less than prime, shall we say, maybe one should avoid him?


As to attacking a dancer by name and accusing him of being the Typhoid Mary of the dancing circuit, I think that's pretty unfair. Even you admit that the "herpes" you claim you got would have come from a different virus than the one you "diagnosed" on this fellow's genitals.


It seems nasty to me; maybe a complaint to the Gaiety direct would be more effective if what you've detected is accurate. It would also seem to me that "back room" situations, where there may be intimate contact with someone who is hard to see clearly and who would come into contact with a lot of people in a short time might carry a higher risk than they're worth. In an ideal world these places of recreation would police themselves and their dancers (and their clients?) more closely. But the incentives to do so consistently are probably limited. Maybe look but don't touch -- much -- and never with mucus membranes makes some sense in general?



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When I took Donny in Remington's backroom and noticed the "pumps" in his penis. FYI- I did asked him about those several small warts but he just shrugged it off and said that those were scars. I believed that and still went with him to have a private. And also because I was overcome by lust, my common sense did not prevail.


I suggest that you go to the Remington's or Gaiety "disease free",take Donny in a private, do not get intimate with anyone and wait for a few months...Then judge for yourself.

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It's posts like this that make this site entertaining. Ultimately there all kinds of things on the human body that a person may not be aware of like microscopic organisms . Be afraid - be very AFRAID. hehe. Oh I seem to have what feels like a sore I can't get rid of. Oh wait. That's just Kirk/Voltaire under my chair. lol.


Seriously you should never jump to conclusions by what you see on someone else's body. I was once with a dancer that had red marks on his upper back which appeared to be a combination of open sores and scratches. When I noticed them I didn't know if the guy had just been through a really intense S&M session or had infectious skin lesions. The point is not to get all crazy about it and just ask in a polite caring manner. As it turned out, they were scars from a childhood injury and perfectly harmless.


As for Denise screening the health status or psychological background of the dancer which would be even more beneficial (case in point - Kirk/Voltire) get real. That's really funny though. She only understands the sound of her cash register. Hmmm. Does she even have a cash register? I didn't notice one know that I think of it.

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Guest jizzdepapi

this whole thing is too crazy. maybe those white spots were tiny little angel feathers--cause those horny angels were so happy at seeing a sexy guy perform--and they didnt have a dollar to stuff who-knows-where.


i personally have always suffered from cysts (runs in the family and i never sent my father for STD testing) and have some resulting scars--and sometimes active cysts. they are not attractive but they are transitory and not infectious. please don't get me tossed from the Gaiety the next time I try to visit.


why should management monitor the health of their performers--unless they are too sick to dance? in an ideal world, were prostitution not a crime, escorts would be licensed and pass health inspections regularly. since it's not an ideal world, escorts and johns are responsible to act safely and responsibly.


seems like the people (or person) bitching out this poor performer are all newbies to this board and very likely have a hidden agenda. if i'm wrong and they are really concerned, then they should re-consider their promiscuous activity. maybe they just need to zip their dick up and get involved in a long-term committed, monogamous, risk-free (maybe?) relationship.


that's my thoughts on this one


still jizzin' like mad


jizz de papi

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Guest Bitchboy

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-01 AT 12:40PM (EST)[p]>It may also

>have been a transient (that

>means quickly passing, bitchboy) irritation

>which cologne for example might




Oh, I get it, Al - transient - sort of like those hotel rooms you screw in. Right?


Actually, not that it will matter to you, you're not who I had in mind. You come across as intelligent and insightful. There are others who think they have such important stuff to say that they must append each post with their silly commentary.

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Once I saw a performer at the Gaiety, a man of some porn fame, whose cock dripped a thick liquid on the stage as he was dancing. I felt sorry for any barefoot boys that followed. I wonder if any of them complained.

At any rate, I have no plans to go to Toronto to see Donny for myself, but I am sure he will get a good looking over next time he appears at the Gaiety.

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Guest Wildcats

Isn't it interesting that the three persons with the least number of posts in this thread (recently created for Donnie-bashing?) - "dudelover", "Tom" and "Samuel" - are the ones with the most specific information about this Donnie? I hope the three are not one and the same person with a grudge towards this man.

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Guest albinorat


>AT 12:40 PM (EST)



>Oh, I get it, Al -

>transient - sort of like

>those hotel rooms you screw

>in. Right?


No, but I need to learn about some, since I'm moving soon away from my tres, tres convenient dump here in Chelsea. I'll have to research the old thread about OK joy rooms by the hour in NY.


There are

>others who think they have

>such important stuff to say

>that they must append each

>post with their silly commentary.


Sorry, if I was mean about you bitchboy, and thank you for nice comments about me. However, as someone with nothing in his life (on a budget no less, so I see fewer of the angels on this site less often than I'd like and thus am rarely in heaven -- though I do have a date with two of the hottest angels this weekend!!!!!!)I am something of an expert at message board manouvers (sp? I never could manage that word!).


If you have an issue with a particular poster or posters you should address him/them directly about what you see as "silly commentary". You can do it in a nice way or not (that can be fun). But broadsides usually serve only to make you unpopular with everybody. Not only because we are all paranoid and needy but because it's hard to like someone who just seems hostile in general. But your point is well taken and apologies again.



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Recently at Stellas for a little pre-Twilo warm up, my friends and I noticed that most of the dancers, as well as many of the patrons, had rashes on their faces and bodies. It freaked us so much that we ate some more blotter, smoked another joint and downed a few Cuervos to settle our nerves.



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Guest dudeluver

Ha ha ha.. very very VERY FUNNY… Listen guys and listen good, I posted this message with one motivation only; warn other Gaiety patrons from a situation that may lead to unfavorable consequences. I’m not going to bother answering to posters who apparently made a career out of posting/reading/proofing(!) messages on this board since I already answered ALL their pathetic arguments in my previous messages anyway! I wouldn’t have even bothered writing this message, but I found that posts on this thread are taking an increasingly funny tone (at least that was the intention of those who wrote them) which may undermine the seriousness of the subject matter.


Make no mistake, Donny has a skin infection. For those of you who care to see what it looks like, go to http://www.webmd.com or http://www.discoveryhealth.com and type “Tinea Versicolor” in the search field. As I mentioned before, it’s easy enough to treat, but it suggests that the person who has it is not particularly hygienic and is, hence, susceptible to more serious STDs, which was bourn out by posts from other customers who had actually taken the guy for a private.


As for the those of you with an overactive funny bone, don’t mind any of the above and go pick up the filthiest street walker. It’s you ass on the line!

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Guest Wildcats

Whether Donnie or Marie has tinea versicolor or not, I do not think it was appropriate of you to have specified the name of the person. You could have just warned the readers of your thread your suspicion of the existence of an afflicted person at one of those nude male dance shows. FOR ALL YOU KNOW YOU MAY BE WRONG. There are many causes of patchy depigmentation. The most common of course is tinea; but what if he has a non-contagious form like vitiligo -- then the poor guy has been unjustly destroyed by you. It is more correct to only remind the readers of HooBoy to be always aware that many types of diseases lurk out there when they search for this earthly leisure. More serious diseases are invisible to your naked eyes.

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