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Why So Many Escorts Who Have NO Reviews?

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I'm wondering why there are so many escorts out there who've been around for many years (and are obviously successful since they continue to advertise and stay in the business) have NO REVIEWS, while some others have multiples. Do escorts recommend this site to their clients-- in other words, "Hey-- if you enjoyed yourself, please review me at...."? Or is it just the luck of the draw?

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Guest Nice Guy

Some of the Gentleman I see, I simply do not review for personal reasons. Others, I ask if they would like me to review them. Some say YES, Some say NO.

Most of the NO's are because they only escort part time and are gainfully employed by day, and don't really want to get that busy. Some just don't care.

THE YES's tend to be full time escorts and can use a good review. Apparently, we make them money when we post a good review. GEE, maybe we should get a commission??? or a discount,(god that will send up red flags)(just kidding, ya rignt)

So that is my experience and educated guess. NG

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If we had a good time together and the client seems at least semi-computer literate (this isn't the most polished website, no offense) I will point them to this website and ask/beg them for a review. Nice guy wasn't really inclined to write a review after we met, so I had to beg a bit. Now his reviews are popping up all over, and what he wrote above indicates that he even offers to submit reviews. Talk about a 180 degree turn! :-) -Hagen

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>isn't the most polished website,

>no offense


Well, Rod, if you and your fellow workers sent in ten percent of what you gain from this site, I might be able to put a little spit shine on it and make it prettier for you.


Take a look at how many reviews say they found their escort here.


Take a look at how many escorts say their clientele have improved because of it.


Quite frankly, I aimed for simplicity here because too many graphics make for slower downloads and I am stunned by your remark. I can take this sucker down in a second and you'll be cruising the AOL chatrooms dealing with jack-off jokers again rather than gentlemen like Nice Guy.


But I get little support from the readers of this site and almost NONE from the escorts.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Guest cincyaryea



Please don't let him upset you. There are a lot of us out here who love and count on this site to maximize the chance of a good experience. Personally, I would love more pictures. But beggars can't be choosers and I am thrilled to be able to count on what you do for us.



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Jesus Christ people, chill out. I love this site, and Hooboy you know that. You must just be stressed out. There are many people I have sent to this site and they have been unable to complete a review because they do not use their computers very often, and when they do get on the internet they prefer flashy sites with heavy graphics like 777film.com or cnn.com or etc...This site is set up smarter, few graphics and great content. But some people, unused to computers and the internet, want a big button that says "Write a review for (name here)", or "Buy Tickets", or "Trade stock" etc as soon as they go to a website or they claim it's too complicated. You can't please everyone. And one more time. Both of you can just calm-the-fuck down. I did NOT insult this site, I simply didn't clarify my point. THIS WEBSITE IS AWESOME.

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Hooboy, sometimes when the unfair/uninformed critics incessantly dump on you, you (metaphorically) remind me of St. Sebastian---you know, dozens of arrows sticking out of your almost-perfect-almost-blameless body. This time, though, I didn't interpret LeanDream/Hagen's comments as a criticism. Flip, maybe, but not hostile. I think he's one of the good guys. I'm still glad that I'm not standing in your shoes, though. Once again, thanks for the time you put in on our behalf.

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Guest jackson6

Rod, not only is Hooboy stressed out, but saddened and depressed by the loss of a loved one according to today's news (Oct 3rd) written by Hooboy.

Hooboy you have my deepest sympathy.

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I have to back HooBoy up on this one.

This web site IS polished; it's just not flashy.


Navigation links are at the top of the main page, and

"Submit A Review" is the second one. We're probably better off

without the reviews of anyone who can't see how to submit one.


And HooBoy is to be commended for trying to keep download

times short. Most web sites take too long to load.

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>We're probably better


>without the reviews of anyone who

>can't see how to submit



I completely agree. :-)


Also, I had not read the "News" section before I told Hooboy, glibly, to Chill out, and did not know of his tragedy. In the future I will read that first before moving on to the forum. We have exchanged emails in the interim and are friends again. He needs all our support. -Hagen

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LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-00 AT 10:45PM (EST)[p]I have the highest respect for Rod; not only communicated with him after he sent me warm words of condolence, yet the thread actually motivated someone to make a generous donation, so I will gladly suffer the slings and arrows as long as that money keeps coming in. :-)


This is the edit part:


I think I read somewhere tonight that someone characterized this site as a "hobby" for me. I don't have the time to go through all the threads because it's getting late here, I haven't slept for 24 hours, but this is NOT a hobby....so if anyone sees that post, please tell him when someone spends this much time on something, it is not a hobby, it may be an obsession and it may well be something that will allow me to drive a nice car and keep you from getting ripped off or better yet, meet someone who makes you very, very happy.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Guest Nice Guy

Rod, I think you are right, if memory serves. And I believe you were one of the first, if not the first review I posted. So I guess I owe you a "Thank You". I guess at the time, I was just wet behind the ears... God, now it seems like it's raining bullets back there :). Don't worry, next time you won't have to beg... I will probably be doing the beging!!

Best NG

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A word to the wise.......(and others)

I sent Hooboy $100 a while ago to help with this site. I intend to do so at least annually. Surely that is the LEAST a regular reader of this site ought to do.

If I were an escort I would donate an occasional fee to Hoo to encourage him in this (very useful) endeavor.

Also: those who have been with an escort with NO reviews, why not write a brief description to help this site become the "Who's Who of Whoredom"?

Far better to support the continuation of this site than bitch and moan when it no longer exists

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This has been a fascinating thread, pointing up several things that give this site its unique flavor.


The first is that Hooboy is a pretty touchy & not-very-predictable guy, and seems to be that way even when not under extraordinary stress (of which, more later.) Sometimes he responds well to criticism, and in fact goes a bit overboard in humbling himself with a kind of is-this-OK-guys? stance while making changes. More often, though, he'll lash out at perceived slights, bite off the head of his hapless correspondent, & proceed to ignore or sidestep the specifics of the issued raised then or in later exchanges. (The most recent victim of this was the guy whose remark to him about NYObserver he posted--arbitrarily & pointlessly it seemed--producing nothing but hurt feelings all around.) Since Hooboy is the site owner, there doesn't seem much point in bitching about this.


However (& this is the second point), any beef in which he gets directly involved usually cues a chorus of apple-polishers (for want of a better phrase) with their encouraging cries of you-go-girl. Comparing him to St. Sebastian, as was just done in this thread, raises this adulation to new heights, and I supposed we can expect the ULTIMATE comparison any day now.


The thread also reminds us that this is an election year. As I recall, Rod Hagen (or 'Lean Dream' as he was then styled) announced in January he was going to campaign with might and main to be the next Escort of the Year, wresting the tiara from current title-holder, Aaron Lawrence, come December. While Rod's ill-considered (because misinterpreted) remark about the site could yet cost him the title, I think later posts from campaign HQ may have achieved their damage-control purpose. Don't count this guy out of the race!


Finally (and I know that flames will soon be coming my way on this one), I have to ask if any posters here (all of whom have stresses in their lives, some of them very great stresses indeed) would think it appropriate to regularly invoke their own personal tragedies (i.e. matters having nothing whatever to do with the subject matter of this site) in justifying what they do or do not do, or explaining why they post what they post?

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RE: Confessions of an Apple Polisher


Gee, S.Q., I bet you wear a green eye-shade and keep your lips pursed like a flinty New England spinster--on alert for any personality/moral foibles which offend you. I hoped/thought my St. Sebastian imagery might be amusing, rather than seen as grovelling. Can you imagine Hooboy pale and semi-naked with a few dozen arrows---individually and painfully inserted by his critics--poking out of his body? Nonetheless, unlike some of the newer posters/lurkers on this Board, I vividly remember the Bad Old Days when this Board didn't exist, and I frequently wasted time and money on escorts who were creeps or worse. Since Hooboy started this site, my experiences with favorably-reviewed escorts have been uniformly excellent. Of course, I read between the lines of the often self-serving reviews and exercise my own judgment. Out of pure selfishness, I am grateful to Hooboy for the money and vast amount of time he has dedicated to this site, making my sex life better for me. If he is cranky on occasion, who cares? He has a right to be testy when newbies criticize him for procedures and policies which were hashed over on this board months ago. He has been much more patient and tolerant than I would be in his situation. Also, his occasional crankiness is part of the theater of the M4M Board, as are your Olympian criticisms, escorts' complaints (with nasty comments about their clients) when they have been unfavorably reviewed and many reviewers' fond and sometimes syrupy postings about our webmaster. Imagine how boring this site would be without this mix of apple-polishing, self-righteousness and vitriol.

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Well, this thread has been one of the most entertaining ever on this site! It turns out to be more a review of HooBoy than answering the original question. I myself am currently out of apples, but I do like the site very much! :-)

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Perhaps I have been a bit snippy lately and I apologize.


My younger sister, whom I loved more than myself, died this week and at the same time I was bombarded with a plethora of critical email, including yours..


I take all criticism as a way to improve this site and I welcome your comments.


Kindest regards,



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Oh no Hooboy ( human being after all) has brought his personal life into a discussion again. GOOD.

I like Hooboy, he has done amazing things to bring, a once 'hit and miss' profession, to a new level...singlehandedly I might add.

He had received tons of critisism in the past for ONLY posting a few reveiws on a given day, or not responding to emails in a timely fashion, he tells us what's going on so that we, or those of us with any kind of empathy, will understand the delay.

I say 'you go gurl' I'll polish your apple anytime, good job, way to go, chin up, you will survive, we are family.

every cloud... grass is always greener... hooboy is GOD,Jehovah,Buddha,earth mother, and friend to us all.: P

Matt (hooboy I'm on my knees in praise, now what do you want me to do while I'm down here? )



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Guest Nice Guy

Geez, Matt... that was suttle...

Just because we didn't talk about you at dinner is no reason to through yourself all over the table. So much for dignity...

But I guess that's not what we're selling here. Forgive Mister, that wasn't called for on my part. Just in one of those moods.

AA,mvbr, cc aka NG

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>Matt (hooboy I'm on my knees

>in praise, now what do

>you want me to do

>while I'm down here? )





'twere it only true. But I appreciate the sentiment. :-)


However, while you're down there, will you pick up the Mrs. Paul's fishstick I dropped? It's right there next to Nice Guy's




Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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