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Why so few escorts travelling to DC?

Guest Horndog
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Guest Horndog

Have been looking over the Escort Travel

section to see who's going to be where. A

question came to mind that I wanted to lay

out to all you guys who are old hands at

this game.


The reviews make it look to me like most of

the major top independent escorts are

located in 3 places: New York City,

California, or Florida. But when they

travel, seems like a high number of them go

to one of the other 2 areas that are

already full of major escorts. Why?


What I'm wondering is why aren't they going

to other places that are NOT well served?

In the Travel section 2 or 3 mention DC for

different days coming up. But compared to

all the ones on the road these days, that's

not many for a major area like this. How

come so few of them ever put DC on their

travel schedule?


Would seem to me that DC would be a fertile

ground for clients and $$--lots of

interested guys, good incomes, educated

population that would appreciate a quality

experience, etc.


Mixed in with all that is the fact that DC

has a pretty minor independent escort

scene. Not a whole lot advertize in the

local rags. Who knows what the quality of

many of those are? Get the impression a lot

might be beginners.


For its size, the city doesn't have a lot

of that type of escorts mentioned on this

site, either. Of those, more than a couple

look to have either mediocre or not very

favorable reviews. Of the remaining ones,

none is exactly my facial/physical/sexual

type. (But there are plenty from CA, FL, or

NYC I'd snap up in a minute!! So when are

they visiting?)


As a newbie, I got the general idea from

all this that the local escort scene was

kind of lame. But thought that might be

just an inexperienced impression. But a

while back a chat with a major escort

mentioned on this site confirmed that.

He's been here from time to time, knows the

scene in this area, and gave his professional

opinion that it was all pretty marginal here,

with some questionable types to boot. On top

of that, a lot of people here are understandably

leery of using an agency after what happened

back in the early '90s.


So, come on you CA, FL, and NYC men! Put

the nation's capital on your travel

schedule this fall. Beautiful place. Great

weather in the fall. And plenty of horny,

willing men, I'd think. Just give plenty of

advance notice. People here are REAL

oversheduled. You'll get the best response

by booking way in advance.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-00 AT 11:21AM (EST)[p]Horndog,


You have little to bitch about, it seems to me -- try Boston. DC is a veritable smorgasborg by comparison. Granted NYC, LA and FL are great hunting grounds but DC ain't bad from my perspective.


There are a number of great escorts in DC, IMHO -- one sits at the top of my list -- see reviews. Another, Heath/Joe, I'm dying to try -- just look at that face photo!! And Talvin! -- if a top is to your taste and the ticket isn't too pricey. And if your taste runs to chicken -- DC (agencies) makes the Colonel look like a piker!! I could go on and on. All in all, DC puts Boston to shame IMO, for resident escorts as well as travellers.


As to why they pretty much travel to the top markets -- well I think that question answers itself.


Finally, neither of us have anything to bitch about compared to the poor guys in St. Louis or KC. It's all relative.

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Guest dandday

LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-00 AT 12:03PM (EST)[p]How about us in the Pacific Northwest? Talk about few and far between. The one or two good ones are always booked well in advance, and the rest you may as well forget. Vancouver may be a bit better with Matt there and all ( bet he's usually booked too, but have been trying to get away long enough by myself to give him a try!)yet it is hard to get away to Canada just for a good time with an escort.

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Guest Horndog

Thanks for sharing your ideas and experience, TY.

Have read a lot of your stuff here before and

found it often helpful.


Glad you've had good experiences here. But, you sort of confirmed what I thought by using the phrase "to your taste." The 8 or 10 reviewed her (out of a metro area of 4 million!) aren't. Nor is chicken. And like I mentioned in the last message, already had the impression that a lot of advertisers were beginners, i.e., young. The fact that a professional agreed with me gave some weight to my understanding.


And still not clear to me why major escorts overlook this region and head to the places like NYC, FL, and CA when there is already so much competition in those areas. That also raises the intersting question why prices remain so high in those 3 places when you have so many visitors bidding against the locals for client $$.


You're right about guys in KC and SL. They're in the same boat, just one that's even emptier. And Dandday in his post just further confirms that DC is not the only area lacking for high quality

"visitors." Since DC is on the flight path between NYC and FL, would think this would clearly be fertile and profitable ground for a temporary stop-over for a lot of the guys.


Let's step back and see if some of the most often reviewed and praised 'scorts from the "big time" weigh in on this issue.



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Guest Tampa Yankee



If I were you, and I mean this literally, I would arrange a standing appointment with Matt weekly, get me a commuter ticket to Vancouver and well... you can finish this for yourself.


And there appear to be some other nice prospects in Vancouver too. And that exchange rate -- you can't beat it. And the countryside is just beautiful. Where is the down side here??

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Guest billyboi

Just curious, but why don't the escorts from philly come down to DC. If they're traveling to New York, they often go to Philly. Why not base in Philly and go to NY and DC? Just curious.

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Guest Billyboy

Just to clarify, Billyboi above is not me (Billyboy) But I (Billyboy from Chicago) have scheduled a DC trip. Check the Escort travel section for dates.

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I have to agree with the poster who has noticed the relatively small number of top-quality escorts in D.C., a major metropolitan area with a huge gay population.


I have posted generally and e-mailed a few great escorts that Washington, D.C. would be a great weekend stop for escorts. While mid-range NYC hotels will cheerfully charge you $300 and up a night on weekends to stay in a dump, on the weekend, many great places in D.C. offer rooms for less than half that. Hell, the Ritz-Carlton was offering weekend rates of $149 earlier this summer. An escort can take Amtrak into Union Station or fly into National, hop the safe, clean Metro and be at a centrally-located hotel in minutes, say, near Dupont Circle, the epicenter of gay life in D.C. With a few, judiciously-spaced appointments scheduled, it would be very much worth the while of a great escort.


I was even thinking that Premier up in Philadelphia could feature one or two boys a weekend and send them on down to visit (once the Republican Convention has left town, of course - all those closet cases will have worn out Premier's best tops).


Even a few of the best Gaiety dancers could swing on down to D.C. for a few days after they're done with the six-shows-a-day routine. If they have consistent, great ratings here, and have the sense to post on the "Travelling Escorts" section, they will have plenty of business. Hint, hint Chris from Baltimore, Pierre from Montreal, etc.

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Check out a detailed map of your city. (This is easier to see here in Houston where we don't have zoning.) Our two largest discount party supply stores are across the street from each other. Restaurants, escpecially the tony ones, are grouped together. Even the fast food joints tend to all be represented within a few blocks of each other. In DC, (I'm sure it's partly for esthetics but) don't all of the memorials try to get a place on the mall? Businesses of all sorts try to get close to the same kind of buinesses. Birds of a feather ... . That is where the customers who want their services are grouped together by knowing to look there to find these things. I had a large hefty friend who had trouble attracting a lover. I told him to joing a local bear club. He said he didn't want to date other bears. I told him that that is where the cubs would know to look for him. It worked in spades!

Meanwhile, if an escort comes to your city, especially but not if you can afford it limited to the ones who interest you, book earlier. If he doesn't get enough bookings to justify going, he might not and when you call up on an hour's notice, you'll only find out that he didn't make it to your town after all. And it can't hurt your city's chances of attracting others, perhaps more up your alley, if people start seeing on the visiting pros section that pros are starting to extend their intended stays in DC.

If you are looking for older escorts, good luck even in a good city. There is a very small percentage of the reviews that list escorts pleased and proud to be honest about their ages who admit to being over 30, much less 35!

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RE: Exactly


Don't shuttle flights to DC depart outta JFK like every 1/2 hour, last about the same time, and cost only $150-$250? If that's the case wouldn't be easy to import from NYC? Just trying to help.


Of course you have no reason to import nor wait for escorts to hit DC on a tour since hands down the hottest escort on the planet-Mr. Talvin Demachio-calls Washington home.



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Guest Manluvr

RE: Exactly


Actually, I think the shuttles go out of LaGuardia, even closer to the City. The fare is about right, as well.


I also wonder along with some of the others here why more escorts don't come down from NYC. The reasonable cost of the airfare and the well-known weekend hotel discounts, which the poster mentions above, would make a 3-day weekend tour to the capital very cost-effective, it would seem. And it would provide some definite variety for all these different posters who want some choices. After all, one escort, no matter how fine, does not a town make........it's a big city, with lots of different tastes, it would seem.

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RE: Exactly


I agree with Hagen, Talvin is a great time. And what about that DC agency called Tops? At one point it seemed like they had 30 or 40 escorts listed on their website.


Barring that, I suggest you just alternate weekends between NYC, LA and Miami; with an occasional SD, SF or Chicago thrown in. It's much more fun that way.



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RE: Exactly


$200, appx., for the roundtrip ticket. $200, appx., for a hotel room. Staying two nights = $600. Which = roughly three or four clients? Sounds feasible to me. Also sounds like it should be possible to insist on haviing three reservations before one makes the trip. So, if someone offers, DC, y'all need to step up to the plate ASAP.

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RE: Exactly


Ahhh Talvin - what a cutie. However, he has sworn of escorting for the time being. He's taking a self-imposed break just about the time I was hoping to see that beautiful cock and ass upclose and personal like. Hopefully it's only a temporary break.

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RE: Talvin


Yes, Talvin is a wet dream personified, but remember, dears, he is not versatile. He is top only. Add to that an agency named "Tops", and it becomes obvious just how easily a client looking for a versatile/bottom might feel that he hasn't found his answer.

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Guest Manluvr

Escorts - travelling to DC, etc.


Think you might have hit on an essential point here, Bilbo, one that got lost in the suggestions from Tampa and Traveller. One of the central ideas of the original posting was the question why more

escorts didn't travel to DC since there wasn't a wider selection of "independent" escorts.

Apparently there was/is some reservation or skepticism about using agencies, for whatever reason, so suggestions about using the various organizations mentioned might not really be germane for this discussion. And you are right:

lack of versatility in an escort, no matter how well regarded he might be by other escorts (or perhaps even some paying clients) does limit his appeal to some or many, with the result that some (or a large) client base is still not being served. Hence the question why more from outside the area do not vist to fill the gap.


I do notice that Billyboy from Chicago has scheduled a trip to DC at the end of September. Was he perhaps influenced by this discussion?

Or was it just coincidence? Except for that development and Rod Hagen's suggestion, it is interesting that this thread has not generated more responses or explanations from the independent escort community. But, it is summer after all. One supposes they are all vacationing with the the fruits of clients' lavish spending or out harvesting even more dollars to the same purpose.


And so the world turns.... ;-))

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Guest Midnight Cowboy

RE: Exactly


Amtrak's Metroliner service is cheaper and, I think, easier than dealing with airport traffic on both ends. Penn Station to Union Station in 3 hours. So, it'll be faster.



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RE: Escorts - travelling to DC, etc.


What some of the posters fail to realize is that not everyone is into the "Latin Look" of Talvin. I personally prefer a bigger guy than Talvin both in the height/weight department and endowment categories.


Contrary to the name "Tops", DC is basically a city of bottoms. Many of the escorts that advertise as versatile tops have "helium heels". They love to bottom and have a hard time topping.


It is difficult to find a top quality top escort in DC let alone a well endowed top quality top.


The escort "scene" is so bad in DC, that I travel to Philadelphia (to good old Premiere" and to NYC to find decent escorts.


A DC man's fantasy: Most of the Falcon models come to DC and start escorting - I'd hire an awful lot of them!

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Guest armorial


Thank you for your input and may I most respectfully add mine. I do erotic massage, and only escort with clients with whom I have established a relationship. Things like this should not always be rushed.

The reasons few well known escorts come here are because the clients do not want to pay the money. One client asked me to find someone for him and he didn't want to pay his $125.00 per hour rate and of course he wanted the service at a moment's notice. That is another bone of contention we deal with here in DC. Everyone thinks they are the center of the universe. My "important" clinets always try and give me at least an hour or so notice.

You say nobody in DC appeals to you then so be it, but surely there must be someone to your liking.

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Well I haven't read all of the posts on this thread, but I need to respond. I usually do not go on 'tour' but if someone brings me to a city I will sometimes extend my stay if there is a demand.

I wouldn't concieve of travelling somewhere on my own without the guarantee that there would be work for me once I'm there. Unless I am going there already on vacation or for whatever reason.

Anyhow that said, I would willingly travel to any location, DC, Kentucky, wherever, to visit a client.

I think possibly the reason that most escorts travel to the hot spots, is because they are going on holiday or know someone already there.

does any of this make sense?




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