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Super-expensive escorts

Guest gr8guy
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Guest gr8guy

I have heard that there are escorts in LA that are $3,000 or so a night and that they are major mainstream models or young actors. With all due respect to the fine gentlemen featured here, I was wondering if there is another echelon of escorts who don't market themselves this way. If so, how does one reach them?

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RE: Super-expensive escorts -Sugar Daddies?


Another thought on this issue. I would be curious as to escort thoughts on the issue of Sugar Daddies. Some escorts have indicated to me that hitting the Mother Lode would be to find the one very wealthy client who will support you completely. If an escort finds a Sugar Daddy, who only requires limited service, and is willing to completely support the escort, then the escort can retire, and still live comfortably. Althought sometimes the Sugar Daddy can be overly controlling, and not worth it at any price.


Maybe we want to use the term "Sponsor" rather than the more perjorative term "Sugar Daddy"


Is that really the objuective of escorts, or is that something completely different? Is being a "kept boy" the ultimate in the escort business, or is it something completely different. Are escorts in search of the ultimate client, or do they like the attention of many clients?


Discuss amongst yourselves.

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Guest assmaster

RE: Super-expensive escorts -Sugar Daddies?


I was told that he always has a person(and at this time it might be JP) who gets all his guys for him. Sort of a recruiter. Nice job huh. Esp. if he gets to sample all the merch. before he buys it for you know who.

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RE: Super-expensive escorts -Sugar Daddies?


When I was working, I did daydream about a sugar daddy. But it was also tied in with falling in love with the man. Would that ruin it in real life? My Mother always said, "It's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as with a poor man. They're just harder to find."

Well, face it, most people who hire escorts are avoiding, for one reason or another (like, maybe they already have one) an emotional entanglement.

So I never took the idea very seriously. Losing my chance at love, as well as my independence, never appealed to me.

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Guest Matt In Vancouver

took the words right out of my mouth.

I personally have had the pleasure of meeting with many public figures, though the only people that are aware of who they are, are myself, and the client. And they didn't have to pay 3000/night for discretion either: )


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I just submitted an "alert" on this thread. I don't think we should be mentioning people by name.

David Geffen is out but that does not mean that his personal sexlife is public domain.

What a dancer told PR was unethical in the first place (I would hope that all escorts keep their clients' confidences) and posting details on this site compounds the issue.

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Guest Jake

I find this whole thing, from the first mention of Geffen (and then CK), so distasteful and another example of the meanness that is overtaking this board.

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Oh don't get your panties in a twist.


I was not sure if I should mention a name in an example I knew about. I was trying to make a point about the super-rich having a different set of rules than most of the rest of us.


Using Geffen as an example is not an attempt to name drop, or turn this board into a gossip column; there are plenty of other places on the web for that. But Geffen is out, and there is much information about him and his use of escorts in the public domain, so I was just trying to use an example that people would relate to.


And whether a client gets descretion from an escort is certainly a gamble for the client. I appreciate descretion as most people do, but if you are doing something that you don't want your mother, wife, boss, children or neighbers to know about, then don't do it. I am open about what I do, and my friends usually know where I am and what I am up to. This remeinds me of Matt in Vancouvers "great guy" who was being extorted. You can't be the victim of extortion if you are not ashamed of what you are doing. (OK, legal issues are different).


I have had a very bad day on this board today, so I think I am going to join Skeptic on sabbatical.

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I don't agree that there is "meanness overtaking this board."


Those of us who post here seem to honestly disagree on any number of topics, but I find most people here pretty supportive of each other. And where there has been disagreement, the issues seem to have been resolved pretty agreeably.


Some bulletin boards are populated by people who are very mean-spirited. The guys here are terrific.

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G'day all!

Would you please describe what a $3000 per night escort offers that someone less expensive doesn't?

Fair enough, porn stars are gorgeous but from their on screen dialogue, some can't carry a conversation in a bushel basket. Of course, there is discretion. Let's reverse this. If you were going to charge $3000per night, what would you offer and how do you expose yourself!!!!!? Cheers!

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Sorry, Luke. The question isn't what porn stars get paid. It is what does someone offer that gets them $3000 per hour/night. Realize that down under we are out of synch with the "USA" but interested to hear a response form skeptic, bilbo, hagen, billyboy, etc. This doesn't mean that Matt in Vancouver or Quiente[?] can't answer. Everything is relative. But in Sydney, we have blokes that are just as stunning as you lot in the USA. But because of the exchange rate, we pay A$140 per hour-thats $80 US per hour. For US$3000 we wouldn't be able to get rid of you-if we really wanted to. I find it very interesting that no US escort has even indicated that they will work the Olympics in Sydney. Should this be a new thread? If so, help me out Hooboy. I'm the one that said there is no "u" in Qantas. Cheers!

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Sorry, Luke. The question isn't what porn stars get paid. It is what does someone offer that gets them $3000 per hour/night. Realize that down under we are out of synch with the "USA" but interested to hear a response form skeptic, bilbo, hagen, billyboy, etc. This doesn't mean that Matt in Vancouver or Quiente[?] can't answer. Everything is relative. But in Sydney, we have blokes that are just as stunning as you lot in the USA. But because of the exchange rate, we pay A$140 per hour-thats $80 US per hour. For US$3000 we wouldn't be able to get rid of you-if we really wanted to. I find it very interesting that no US escort has even indicated that they will work the Olympics in Sydney. Should this be a new thread? If so, help me out Hooboy. I'm the one that said there is no "u" in Qantas. Cheers!

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Great to know we're hearing from another continent! And since you asked me directly, I will answer - We have plenty of millionaires here in Houston, but I would bet good money that no local escort has recieved $3,000 for one night!

As far as porn stars or others getting it, my guesses:

First, when you are having good sex with your lover, a lot of it comes from your history together. When you see most escorts, you have no history together to build on. (Although, with some, like my old persona, they have ads out for so long that you may feel like you kinda know them.) With a porn star, and maybe with like Quinte and Matt and some others from this site, you do have a common history, or closer to one. You don't know squat about what the porn star is like in real life, but you have fantasized about him while watching his movies.

The guys who do pay this much are the ones who have money to burn and throw it down many holes, probably. After all, you really only need $2million to live the rest of your life, so what do you do with the rest of it?

Discretion in this industry is really only expected to go one way. Witness our reviews. You not only get the one night with him, you get bragging rights for as long as he is a recognizable name.

And though I am sure that many of "our" escorts would love to come down for the games, most of them can't afford to go across two states without being assured that someone else is paying for the tickets and there is money to be made on the other side, much less cross an ocean on their own wallets.

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A porn star friend of mine was paid $2800 to drive a 35 year old handsome attorney from the South around LA for six hours as a tour guide one day. There was no sex involved, no clothes even came off. Stories like this really piss me off because they give my profession such a bad rep.


Another porn star friend was paid $2000 for a night with another member of the Velvet Mafia. Let's just say that it involved one of them (not my friend) barking like a dog. Them Kiddles and Bits be pricey.


Usually, these escorts were between $350 and $500 an hour, depending upon whether you went through boys-next-door or not. Awful expensive in my opinion, but plenty of people seem to be willing to pay.



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Guest gr8guy

Barking like a dog? Did he also roll-over, fetch, and play dead? Perhaps he was looking for a German shepherd, that is an actual shepherd from Germany. As they say, "woof".

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Guest Merlin

I have been told by bodybuilders that the very top pro bodybuilders are willing to meet privately, but charge in the thousands. Apparantly there is a guy in LA who arranges these meetings, but I don't know his name. I doubt that they do much for the money.

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