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Assmaster--prisoner of love

Guest Skeptic
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Guest Skeptic

Although this is technically a continuation of the 'Tony Pitt WOW' thread, I feel that the most recent exchanges there (the give & take among Assmaster, Seeker, and especially Versatile Paul)show that it has now unraveled into strands too frayed to hold together any longer. Time, I say, to reconsider the whole thing from a fresh perspective!


From the very start (when Assmaster was merely inviting us to share his enthusiasm over the pix of relaunch as 'Tony Pitt'), the issue was: why the big whoop, first at MSS and now here at Hooboy's, over a GQ-style/Fitness Model who (however lovely to behold) is asking two or three hundred dollars for the privilege of gazing upon him and--at most, it seemed--engaging in a few impeccably chaste wrestling maneuvers?


While doing little to dispel this impression of a virtually sexless encounter, Curious then assured us that Tony was an OK guy and every bit as beautiful as his pix suggested. (It was at this point that Newbie suggested--prematurely, as I then thought--that apologies were due from anyone who had pooh-poohed the whole 'Tony-Pitt-to-Appear in-Playgirl' promo campaign.) Meanwhile, Steve--who had been with Tony back when he was still just Pittsburgh 'Jimmy'--provided a needed bit of hard & fast info by saying that the lad had let him (albeit unenthusiastically)suck his nothing-special dick at some point in the scene. This dispiriting news, coupled with Curious's telling Newbie that, as far as rimming was concerned, "I suspect he probably won't go for that," tended to confirm the notion that Tony Pitt was indeed a high-end 'worship only' type, still more suited to the contemplative MSS crowd than the frolicking, interactive satyrs here at Hooboy's. (Think Traveller here.)


Enter (or, more precisely, re-enter) our own esteemed Assmaster! In less than 48 hours (with a remarkable, still unexplained, assist from Hooboy), he seems to have fulfilled his own prophecy that being with Tony would be heaven on earth. In a review that has since undergone nearly Talmudic scrutiny, he exulted for all to hear that the cost of an hour in Tony's Manhattan hotel room was "the best entertainment dollar (x300) [he had] ever spent," ending what SEEMED to be an account of actual sex with the richly ambiguous remark that "[Tony is] so beautiful to look at you almost forget why he's there." (In retrospect, though, I wonder if it was AM who had forgotten why he was there.)


First came the hurrahs; then doubts arose again.


With exquisite tact, Seeker sought to know from Assmaster if this Michelangelo-made-flesh had actually allowed him to DO anything beyond look.

Piqued perhaps by AM's assertion that "[Tony's] ass is the most delicious I've ever savored," Versatile Paul was a bit less tactful in pressing for specifics. But even though AM refrained from anything so shifty as 'depends what you mean by savor,' he still avoided a flat-out answer to the burning question. Instead, under mounting pressure for total disclosure, he held to remarks that had an unsettlingly subjunctive quality to them--such as "I can't imagine a better end [than being suffocated] between those cheeks of his" and "he is so beautiful that I would have no problem paying him just to hang around and make the place look pretty." Pressed still further, he finally dismissed the notion of being any more specific as somehow 'tacky,' and took refuge behind the unflattering suggestion that what concessions Tony MIGHT have made him in the put-out department MIGHT NOT necessarily be accorded anyone else.


TIME OUT, gentlemen!


With all respect (indeed, affection) for someone who has always seemed to be on my wave-length (sharing, among other things, my adoration of the male posterior), I really have to wonder if Assmaster's recent effusions have any true relevence to us, or are merely the signs of an infatuation--a love, if you will--that forgives all flaws and failings in the object of its desire.

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You have too much time on your hands, and you take this all toooooo seriously. Chill!


Assmaster is always very upfront about his tastes, and what he likes to do. And remember for many folks who use this board, including you, much of the escort experience is about fulfilling a fantasy. Many clients do not expect or want specific sex acts from an escort. Some are just happy to look at them, touch them, and be with them. And then client preferences range from there to all kinds of sex acts and fantasy scenes. If Assmaster is happy just to spent time with Tony Pitt, great for him and Tony, and thanks for being honest about it. (Although it sounds like he did more than just spend time.)


I beleive that it is crazy to expect each reviewer to share every detail of every experience with an escort. My guess is that if there is chemistry between the escort and client, much more goes on between them. That chemistry includes the look and cleanliness of both parties, if they are treating each other with respect, and how much money is changing hands. Some folks complain that certain escorts don't do this or that, and other clients say that they do. I am sure that some escorts will refrain from certain acts with clients that they find to be dirty, creepy or disrespectful. On the other hand I have often found that I get a lot more from some escorts/dancers than other reviewers, and for the same money. I think that trust and chemistry play a part in this.


I believe that Assmaster must be very charming and respectful with the dancers. I also suspect that he pays more. Sure some escorts won't bottom for $200, but they may for $500. The Free Market. It also seems that escorts/dancers like to have their asses eaten, and view that as "safe". I figure the attitude might be "Sure you can eat my ass, if that keeps me from having to suck your dick". I'm just guessing, but I find some of the more affectionate escorts use time being playful and kissing as ways to avoid having to spend time doing other things.


As I said, I often get more from some dancers than oher reviewers, but, like Assmaster, I am keeping that to myself. I don't feel it is fair to the escort to put expectations out there for them, that they may not choose to meet for all clients. I beleive that they should be able to make those choices.


If you get a chance some time, get one of your escorts/dancers to tell you thier client horror stories. One of my dancer friends told me that he once had a fat, dirty client who smelled so bad, that it made him throw up. I am sure that client got less than Assmaster or I get from that same dancer.


I would love a thread where escorts post about thier client horror stories. I have heard some things that are hard to believe from guys who I know are telling the truth.


Treating the escorts with respect is the best way to have a good experieince.

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Guest gr8guy

Thanks Skeptic and Paul Revere for starting such an articulate discussion. I am slightly intimidated to put in my two cents, but here goes.

It seems the issue is whether Assmaster is being deliberately evasive or tactfully discreet. I am certainly in favor of discretion here in this extremely public forum.

One of things I value highly in escorts is their discretion. They should not be naming their other clients and giving blow by blow descriptions of what occurred. So too, we here should respect the privacy of the escort as it relates to our personal experience with him - if we choose to. Certainly, the questionnaire allows input of a quite specific nature. If we choose to omit some details of an encounter, isn't that a right which we should have?

Skeptic, is your relentless search for the truth driven by a high-minded desire for 'consumer protection' or is there just a tinge of prurient interest here?

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RE: Assmaster's "ambiguity"


Thanks, Skeptic, for pointing out the emperor has no clothes. Tony Pitt may well be a combination of Michelangelo's David and Mother Theresa, but I still know very little about what he is willing to do in the man4man context. Specific questions were asked about Pitt's performance (or lack thereof). The responses were maddeningly ambiguous. While it's true that reviewers' differing sensibilities result in wildly different types of reviews---some go into amazingly clinical detail, others are coy to the point of insipidity ("he made my heart fluttter, but I won't go into any details because that would be in bad taste")---the only reason for this site's existence is to provide concrete information about escorts' abilities, personalities,integrity and limitations. If a "reviewer" is unwilling to provide us with some sort of objective data from which he can make our own decisions as to whether or not to use a particular escort, he should not post here. Instead, he can and should keep his information close to his chest (bosom? heart?), writing it down only in his diary. There, he can review it and breathe heavily to his heart's content in solitary splendor.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

I'm in general agreement with gr8guy regarding discretion on the parts of both clients and escorts. On the other hand, for a review to be of much value it must shed some objective light on the subject of the review, not shroud it in oblique or coquettish comments and sighs of ecstasy. (I'll probably be hoisted on my own petard here.) I think Assmaster has so far just perpetuated the controversy regarding Tony Pitt, while wetting a great many appetites I surmise. I enjoyed reading the review, mostly for Assmaster's tremendous enthusiasm for the subject, however at the end of the day I didn't really know any more about the enigma, Tony Pitt, and what I would expect, beyond exquisite eye candy, if I engaged him.


I try to strike a balance between an informative review of a 'professional' escort with some discretion for personal or intimate information I may have become privy to during our engagement. (I think complete discretion is called for regarding what I'll refer to as amateur escorts unless I have their permission otherwise, i.e. those that don't hang a shingle out in public but are found only in chat rooms, etc. .)


I think the balance I mentioned is critical, at least for me, if you relate to the escort as a person and not just an object of desire. The purpose of the review is to provide an informative description of the escort, his attitude, and his performance without necessarily revealing personal information that has no direct bearing on basic client/escort experience. In addition, I recognize that escorts may have levels of enthusiasm based on chemistry and possibly other factors. I believe that a reviewer should provide a review of his basic experience that he feels all clients are likely to receive or might reasonably

expect from the escort, again based on his own experience. Any exceptional personalized attention that might not be universally provided might

be alluded to indirectly in a qualitative superlative description of the experience, rather than laying out the details, which could do a disservice to both the escort and future clients by holding out the promise of more than what might be delivered. This may require some measure of sensitivity on my part, but when in doubt I ask. (I really haven't faced this issue all that much, yet.)


Returning to Assmaster and Tony, it appears to me that Assmaster failed to meet the threshold of an informative review, in the name of holding confidences of the sort I alluded to above or some other skittishness on the part of Tony. I dont know what Assmaster believes that a future client might reasonably expect to receive regarding explicit services from Tony -- thus the main purpose of the review was not met, in my view. He alluded to the fact that he was 'bringing Tony along' my words not his. Well if it is the case that ‘Tony is in training’ and not ready for prime time, in Assmaster's view, ok by me. But maybe it was premature to offer a review of a work

in progress without some description of the progress. It served only to stoke the fires of controversy.


Nevertheless, Assmaster has a way with words, the more so when describing an object of his desire and I look forward to reading his next offering. I just hope I am able to conclude a bottom line after reading it.

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Guest Skeptic

RE: Assmaster's


If for no other reason but to prove that I DON'T have too much time on my hands, let me briefly reply to everyone at once.


(First, though, I should point out that I never realized that putting words between brackets as opposed to parantheses DELETES those words in anything posted on the boards! This little feature made nonsense of some of the phrases I was trying to quote--and, please, no cracks about how ALL my postings must, or should, have been bracketed in their entirety!)


Paul, we seem to be at cross purposes today. I don't think I'm being overly 'serious' in arguing that a very lengthy thread with associated exhibits (a news flash in 'Newest Reviews') shouldn't leave unanswered--and deliberately unanswered--the very question it raises. Yes, I know that 'chemistry' between client & escort is a potent variable, but that really was never at issue here. And I, too, have marveled at the horror tales told me by escorts about clients; indeed, I'm something of a collector of such tales.


But perhaps you, like me, frequent the MSS logbook just as much as we do this site, and if so, you may be more used to the "Tony Pitt"-style controversies that are the norm over there than the Hooboy-only regulars would be. I was 'complaining' (if you will) from their point of view: here at Hooboy's--as opposed to the homoambivalent realm of muscledom--vague or coded talk about an escort's 'limits,' or coy hints that so-and-so will 'go further under the proper circumstances' are actually rather rare. So, while I truly respect and admire Assmaster's tastes and customary candor, I found it odd (not to say frustrating) that he'd suddenly begun to sound like someone from MSS who was privately happy to pay the megamuscular Scott Klein three hundred bucks (or more) to pose and be 'playful,' but publicly unwilling to admit that the session included little or no sex in the usual, expected sense. Mind you, I'm NOT saying that I suspect that's what happened between AM & TP last weekend; and when AM says he was 'satisfied,' I don't doubt it for a second. It's just that the whole maddeningly inconclusive discussion seemed out of place here.


As for what fuels my heroic (and, to some, profoundly annoying) quest for truth and justice--well, let's just say it's equal parts prurient interest and the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. (That's what Dr. Lecter tells me, anyway.)

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This may not be the best place this comment but...

I started a thread some time ago about what constitutes a "good" (i.e.. useful) review. Then, as now, it was obvious that there are divergent opinions on this matter.


In my opinion, the purpose of a review is not really just to say "I had a great time" but to provide readers with some evidence for reaching a conclusion as to whether the reader might have a good time also. For me, this means information about the escort's appearance, personality, attitude and yes, activities & preferences. To me (and others, I'm sure), it's critical whether a guy is strictly top or bottom, for example.


I don't think the description needs to be pornographically detailed (tho' I have nothing against pornography :-), if the reviewer isn't comfortable with graphic detail, but I think there needs to be some minimum amount of detail as evidence of that the escort might reasonably be expected to do.


I also think a reviewer's comments about himself carry a lot of weight. The review itself might be sketchy, but if the reviewer describes himself as a 'total top' and the review expresses great satisfaction...well, certain conclusions can be drawn. I also pay particular attention to reviewers of an age & body-type similar to my own. The reviewer's attitude as expressed in his self-description also clarifies the content. I think it's usually easy to tell who respects the escort & who doesn't, and I would expect the escort to be affected by this.


In short - the more information, the better!

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LAST EDITED ON May-24-00 AT 02:30AM (EST)[p]Seeker, all of you would be best served by reviews that are more specific. That may put escorts such as myself at more risk to face litigation based on hearsay (or not, I am no attorney). But the truth is that that bridge has already been crossed...many times, in this forum. And as long as we continue to advertise ourselves, you are entitled to know what we have done, so that you can better gauge what we might do.


There are only 3 or 4 of my (what is it now 13, 14?) reviews that REALLY detail what allegedly transpired, and although I do appreciate them all-and the money they have made me-I understand how readers may feel that the reviews generally revealed too much about the person, and not enough about the product. Perhaps this is just one of the many pitfalls of being an internet consumer.

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Guest assmaster

Sorry to hear about Barbara Cartland.

I guess Tony and I will have to find Another broad for our wild threesomes at my English country Estate.

She was absolutely great in Bed,

SHE did "everything"


I swear! You guys don't have enough to do.


I TRY to give a little advice and keep this delightful young men as a friend and you all get bent out of shape.


If I thought that Tony would not care if I TOLD ALL...I would TELL ALL.

As it happens in this instance he asked me not to and so.......


I would NEVER betray a confidence.....


BOTTOM LINE (pun intended) is Try Tony for yourself...There is clearly enough info here and on MSS to warrant a Gamble by the adventurous and well heeled few who also happen to like Tony's TYPE.


By the Way...I am a Prisoner of LUST

especially in TONY'S case.

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Guest Skeptic

RE: Assmaster--prisoner of lust


Aha! The truth revealed by indirection! If you were asked not to tell something, then there must have been something to tell--albeit yet untold.


I know you'll say it was doltish of us all not to have inferred this already. Yes, dear friend, but I really wanted to draw you out further, and now you have tactfully complied--while holding, ever admirably, to your vow of silence.


This allows me to IMAGINE that your great, raspy sheep's tongue went everywhere it longed to go (or pretty nearly). Seems to me this ought to be enough encouragement for so avid a 'rimeuse' as Newbie to start making plans. . .

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RE: Assmaster--prisoner of lust


I guess I intended to say that anybody who has time to write such extended essays about an escort really needs to get a life. I suggest charity work or something else that is useful.

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