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RE: Question for Ken


Boy is that an interesting question and it goes directly to the heart of a previous thread, where it seemed that some guys hire escorts purely for physical sex and others for more of a total experience. The ones who hire them purely for sex probably don't care what escort says or thinks about anything.


For me, however, I'd much rather be with a nice guy who really wants to make me feel good than some stud who thinks he God's gift to men. The smile, the emotions, the attitude, the fun, the sense of humor -- all of these play a part and can really make the difference between what I perceive to be an average escort and someone who is much better than that.


I really don't care who the world views as "great" escorts. Many of the guys who would make a typical list turn me off because of their arrogance; I don't view them as great escorts, just guys with over-inflated senses of self-worth and I certainly won't encourage that by providing them with additional revenue.


So, yes, what someone posts here or elsewhere or what they say in a private email or on the telephone can make a big difference. I choose to spend my valuable time with nice guys rather than others who need an attitude check. Fortunately for me, there seems to be a never-ending supply of hot young escorts who are great looking, fun to be with and new enough to the business to be able to still bring a sense of enthusiasm to what they do.


And you know what? That nice guy with a sense of humor and an imagination and a desire to please his clients will usually end up being better in bed, too!

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Guest Billyboy

RE: Response to Boston guy


Boston Guy, I actually agree with you. I don't understand why anyone would want to be with someone (under any circumstance) where they were being treated as a "lesser" (sorry, couldn't find the right word.)

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Guest Jake

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


I don't disagree with you at all, Ken. But as far as allowing ourselves to be abused, I think there has been more abuse between posters here than I've ever had with an escort.

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Guest torjon

RE: Question for Ken


Boston Guy....ditto, ditto and ditto. I wanted to comment on this thread , but you spoke for me, and much more eloquently. Thank you.

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Guest Sean

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


LAST EDITED ON May-08-00 AT 07:23PM (EST)[p]I try and treat all people with the same respect I expect, but lets face it guys there are Clients that treat Escorts as meat and only meat and there are Clients who treat Escorts with respect, just like any other date. The ones that treat me like meat they are in return treated like a John. The ones who treat me with respect they are in turn treated with respect. As I said I take "shit" from no one. But this thread is losing the point and that being what we charge. There are 500 dollar Escorts, there are 300 dollar Escorts, there are 200 dollar Escorts there are 150 dollar Escorts and then there's the street trash that charges anything they can get. If you can't afford a 500 dollar Escort look for one in your price range. Look at the reviews on this site. Decipher which ones you think you might be interested in and the price you can afford. If you stick with the Escorts that receive good reviews you wont go wrong. Just my two cents

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


LAST EDITED ON May-08-00 AT 09:26PM (EST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-08-00 AT 08:21 PM (EST)


If I were someone reading this thread who has been paying Sean the fees he thinks he's worth, I'd be scratching him off my list right now.


Sean, you're right, your attitude doesn't make you a bad escort. It makes you a bad person.


Having once held the honor of having the worst attitude in the world (I still have my moments), get some help, Dude. Life's way too short ... Count your blessings.


Don't even think of trying to insult me. I sincerely wish nothing but good things for you.

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Guest red

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


I have never been with Sean---my preferences run to hairier, bigger guys like Mitch Muscle and Gavin Press---but I am delighted that he participates on this Board. I am even happier that he is honestly tellings us how he feels. Some of the sanctimony and hostility here seems designed to keep escorts from ever opening their mouths. Not a good idea. Sean is obviously successful. He's been in the business a relatively long time. Lots of guys must not only like him, but want to be with him repeatedly. Just because his take on escorting doesn't mesh with someone else's doesn't mean that he's a "bad" escort. It just means that he's probably not meant for everyone. The type of hostility being dished out here should be reserved for the creeps that steal money, demand more money to do anything, or show disrespect to the guys they are with. None of this seems to be the case with Sean.

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Guest Ken

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


This will be my final comment on this thread as I've said all there is to say. I want to thank Sean and Traveller for making my point.


Traveller writes:

"And with me sweet heart, Kirk was not misunderstood, he was great, athletic, sweaty sex. Both times."

This is the point I was making about guys who will hire someone with Kirk's reputation and then praise him as being "great,etc". I guess Kirk treats him differently from everyone else he's been with. Obviously from Traveller's comments, he has absolutely no problem with money when it comes to escorts and can afford what he considers "the hallmark card" of escorts. He can afford the very best (in his opinion and after all, that's what counts).If that's what he likes, great. Unfortunately it tends to give attitude to those overpriced escorts who THINK they are the cream of the crop.


As for Sean, I was wrong in calling him stupid....that was the only word I could think of at the time. I meant stupid in that his publicly calling posters to this thread idiots was casting him in a bad light. However, it did give us insights about what he appears to be about. After all, he has 3 homes and he didn't get them by bussing at MacDonalds. Prices are very important to him and he is defending his opinions (as he should).

To answer his question as to why I hire escorts, I couldn't give him a better answer than Boston Guy wrote. He clearly and precicely stated what I think are the best reasons to hire escorts. I couldn't put it any better than he did.

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Guest Sean

RE: Response to Red


LAST EDITED ON May-08-00 AT 11:33PM (EST)[p]If the rest of the posters here had the insight and humanity that you have Red the world would be a better place. I thank you for defending my right to speak my mind. Oh and Red by the way I'm up to 175 and working out and getting bigger by the day. My leg hair and arm hair has also grown back. Just wait for my new pics which are coming soon. Ken I'm not quite sure what to say to you. Since you have never met me. Your responses to my post make me think that YOU are a client that I wouldn't allow to hire me. I'm going to think on that one for a while. I'll get back to you :) A lot of guys here are asking where did all the Escorts go? Well guys it seems that every time an Escort post here they are crucified by the likes of.... Well I wont mention any names but you know who you are! Arron come out of the posters closet will you? Well I for one will no longer be quiet. I will speak my mind on issues that I feel my voice needs to be heard on and if you guys don't like it TOUGH SHIT! I can spit nails with the best of em :)

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Guest Sean

RE: Response to RO


I wouldn't DREAM of insulting you dear but you have come borderline close to insulting me. Careful dear I have a VERY sharp tongue!

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Guest davos3

New Hampshire is out of town and out of real life, too!


I am thrilled that New Hampshire inspires persons to charge 350.00 for their time and energy. May I suggest that interested folk spend some $$ and come to New York (or LA or...) and enjoy the talents and artistry of persons with reality and pleasure on their agenda.


Otherwise, stay where you are and do what you will.


It sounds outrageous from where I come from.


Happy Spring.



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RE: Double Posts


I think the reason the double posts are occurring is because the poster is hitting refresh.


It's just a theory, but it's not happening enough for Daddy and I to figure it out. However, it's annoying to me and I know it is to you and I just want you to know we're working on it.


If I delete one post, it will delete them both, so it's better to have them twice than have the post disappear.


Sean is brave to take on the task of hosting a chat Friday considering he doesn’t mince words. But let’s all try to be kind here, okay?


My biggest regret right now is that Noah Wylie got married to a woman. This should probably go in the “Silly Topic” thread, but I wonder if Sean ever “had” him? He wouldn’t tell anyway.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Guest Daddy-In-Training

RE: New Hampshire is out of town and out of real life, too!




Pull your claws back in before I get the fingernail clippers out! }>


As a money hungry capalistic pig, I vote for "All that the market will bear". If they're too high, they limit their market (Which MIGHT be exactly what they are doing!). It works for me!


I've personally found that the higher my rate (Luckily for me I sell my brains instead of other parts) the better the quality of clients that I attract.


I've been in heaven with $50 dollar escorts and in hell with $500 escorts, so IMHO is doesn't really matter.


-- Daddy

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


LAST EDITED ON May-09-00 AT 08:35AM (EST)[p]Ken, honey pie. In New York, the "hallmark" standard of escorts in my opinion would be one of (in no particular order) Justin, Luke 2 or Cory (and maybe Tony 2). For the rest of the country, I've had excellent times with Troy (he came to NYC from Pittsburgh), Alex in Miami and I'll definitely look up Zack in LA. In Europe, Steve Masters in London, Sergei in Berlin and Johannes in Vienna were all excellent. Going south, you can never go wrong at Roger's Termas in Rio or with either Pablo or Diego in BA. As you can see, I enjoy variety; and a fair number, to misquote HooBoy on another thread today were any of comatose, brain dead or not as advertised. Kirk was strictly sex (which was good) and sometimes I like the challenge of turning an arrogant fuck into great sex. I guess you'd say birds of a feather. Later.

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