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I must be missing something. There are two reviews of an escort in Manchester/Nassua, New Hampshire where the guy willingly paid $350 an hour after being stood up the first time. And, the escort is limited in what he will do!

That's high for NYC. Why is someone paying $350 in New Hampshire?

If we all reward high chargers with their asking price, where is the ceiling? There has to be someone in New Hampshire who is real cute, pleasant, and more versatile than TJ who charges less.

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


It is up to all of us who read and utilise this site and HooBoys wonderful threads to bring an element of reality into hourly rates. We all know of some hot Porn Star escorts who are happy at $300 an hour yet we still have semi-professional, one time only, second rate, porn movie guys asked $500 plus for worship, nonsexual activities. It is time the Client dictateed the market price per hour, rather that Overpay, I prefer ajack-off, selfish I know but certainly more price realistic.

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Guest Ken

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


I second that. As long as there are suckers who continue to pay these prices, there are assholes who will demand it.It now appears that the "average" price for an escort is $200. Some have a lower rate for an in-call but will charge an extra $50 for an outcall....why? OK, they may have a cab fare to pay or a parking garage to pay...but really $50 more????

I realize that market conditions dictate the charges but also realize that as soon as someone decides that an average charge should go up to $250 and he gets away with it (still has same number of clients, etc), everyone else will start charging $250.

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


I've never hired an escort for an in-call - guess I prefer things on my own turf (even if it is a hotel room) and it's a lot more convenient if you're in an unfamiliar city. However, I've always assumed the difference in price was not so much the transportation charges as the time - when an escort does an outcall, it adds an extra half hour to hour (15-30 minutes each way), I would guess, to the total time involved in the appointment. And after all - time is at least one of the things we're paying for. ;-)

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


A case in point....Take a look at today's review of an escort called Chris#5 in New York. The reviewer, mike r, says he paid $400, yes, $400, allow me to repeat, $400 :o :o , which is DOUBLE the going rate for an hour visit and HALF the average rate of an overnight visit in this alredy outreageously expensive city, for.....a guy who advertised as "not too oral" and who finally only gave him a blowjob....I was amazed. If the $400 is not a typo, I don't know where NY is going :-( :-( :-(

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


A case in point....Take a look at today's review of an escort called Chris#5 in New York. The reviewer, mike r, says he paid $400, yes, $400, allow me to repeat, $400 :o :o , which is DOUBLE the going rate for an hour visit and HALF the average rate of an overnight visit in this alredy outreageously expensive city, for.....a guy who advertised as "not too oral" and who finally only gave him a blowjob....I was amazed. If the $400 is not a typo, I don't know where NY is going :-( :-( :-(

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Guest Sean

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


Guys I think this topic has already been covered before. Check the archives. In NYC Rents are outrageous, not to mention the price of advertising, clean sheets, lube, condoms, doing laundry, transportation cost and so forth. so you idiots that think that 200 in 250 out is outrageous you try spending the overhead that we as Escorts have to deal with and maybe you'll stop complaining!

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Guest Ken

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


"so you idiots that think that 200 in 250 out is outrageous you try

spending the overhead that we as Escorts have to deal with and maybe you'll stop complaining!"


Well Buster, I've got news for you. Did it ever occur to you that "we idiots" probably spend as much money as you do on: Clean sheets,condoms,transportation, grooming,gym, and all the shit that you mention? Of, we don't advertise....that's your job. Of course, it's idiots like us who keep assholes like you in business.

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


Actually, this pretty easy to deal with: just don't hire the guys who charge rates that you think are too high. And tell them why.


Some of them will certainly put you down or call you cheap; it's happened to me on more than one occasion. But that provides another measure of that escort. And you would all be amazed at how many escorts -- and I'm talking about top-notch guys -- are willing to discuss price if the client is not condescending or taking the approach of trying to bargain down the price.


I'm always willing to pay what I think is fair price, which varies from city to city. $200 an hour seems about right in bigger cities at this time, but I won't go higher than that and I have not found it necessary to.


When guys have asked for more, I politely decline and tell them why. Sometimes we just agree that we won't get together and I'll find someone in my price range. But frequently the escort will suggest something in the nature of a "deal" -- either a discount on the price or some additional time without additional charges, or whatever. Sometimes I'll accept the offer and sometimes I won't. But it happens frequently enough to make me believe that most escorts would rather be working at a "normal" rate than waiting around for a hoped-for client at an inflated rate.


As an aside, Sean's comments above seem in character to me. The last time I saw him, he spent a fair amount of time describing how much money and other assets he had accumulated and how he could "buy and sell" most of his clients. Escorting at high rates seems to have been good for him and, like most successful entrepreneurs, he would like to protect his prices. This is to be expected, but clients should examine his arguments critically.

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


Ahhh Boston Guy. You seem to have received a prompt response from Sean's Corporate Customer Relations Department. In this case a fee that was most likely market neutral for the area now seems much much too high.


BTW BG, who is this Sean? He posts as an escort yet has no user profile.

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Guest Sean

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


Barry darling, Please contact Hooboy for verification of my reviews as he has access to ISP address's and I don't believe that one can have 13 ISP address's DUH!! Smooch and bend over darling next time you're in NY :)

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


Sean, Hon....I know HooBoy verifies that reviews are not coming from the same IP address (not ISP) and it is possible for one person to have more than 13 anonimous email accounts. DUH!


That aside....I really wasn't implying that you wrote the reviews. Merely complimenting you on your marketing since while statistically possible, not probable that 10 of your clients would spontaneously submit reviews on 11/30 and 1 on 12/1. But then again, stranger things have happened.


I'd love to bend over for you but I'm seldom in NY. The prices are too "outrageous". Hugs

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Guest Sean

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


LAST EDITED ON May-08-00 AT 02:40AM (EST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-08-00 AT 02:37 AM (EST)


Well Sweet heart you should get your ass to NY more often. As far as the typo on the "IP" address sorry I'm writing in a huff tonight. Anyway I'll be in LA for most of the summer please call me if you're out that far west 310-721-2672. Big Kiss baby :)

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


Sean is controversial, to say the least.


He is also one of the most successful escorts in America today.


He has agreed to host a chat session this Friday, May 12, 2000, 8pm Eastern. I'll get the world times fixed or have Barry help me with them ASAP.


It should be interesting. He doesn't mince words.


And Sean, I've deleted a couple of your postings because I don't like having people to be told to do to themselves what you should be doing to them. I hope you understand. That's the policy around here.



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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


Zach Mateo charges $200, and asked up front for an additional $20 as an incentive if I was completely satisfied afterwards and if he delivered everything I asked for and he promised. As a total capitalist pig and an overpaid lawyer, I was intrigued and agreed to his terms. He got his extra $20. I like this approach, with the caveat that the deal works both ways.

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


LAST EDITED ON May-08-00 AT 11:17AM (EST)[p]In further response to the actual meat of this thread, I've spent a fair amount of time in both Los Angeles and New York City in the last six months. Both are cities where escorts charge prices at the high end of the price spectrum. And I like escorts in their 20's who are buff, boy-next-door types, with handsome faces. These are the guys who are usually fairly at the top of their careers and who often charge prices as high as anyone other than porn stars or the really big-name escorts.


And I've determined to my satisfaction that it's not only possible but actually pretty easy in both cities to find guys who are fun to be with, great looking, sexy, friendly and accommodating for $200 per hour or less. In fact, in both cities, there are a fair number of escorts who regularly charge $150 per hour and will often do two hours for $250.


I don't know about anyone else, but in my book two hours with a fun guy for $250 really beats $200 for an hour with someone else.


And, if someone is visiting these cities or others and is looking for fun at less than maximum dollars spent, there are also lots of masseurs who will provide a great hour-long massage "with release", generally for about $100, give or take. At the end of a day's business, this can be at least as pleasurable as the same amount of time spent with an escort.


So don't be dismayed: it is not necessary to spend $250 or $300 or more per hour to get a great massage or have a really hot escort show you a great time, even in the biggest cities.


In small cities or rural areas, the problem isn't price but supply: there are often simply no escorts available. But when they can be found, the price is ALWAYS substantially less than big-city prices. Guys who are paying outrageous prices in small cities are getting gouged and are paying these prices out of ignorance, not necessity.


As in all purchases, it pays to be an educated consumer.


And, once again, AOL is your best friend when it comes to locating potential escorts, exchanging information, asking guys who live in an area for escort recommendations, chatting with the escorts, exchanging pictures and setting up appointments. Use the M4M chat rooms as a quick way of locating guys who are available at the moment and looking for work. IM them, discuss what you are looking for and, by all means, discuss price. If the price is too high, tell them and don't pay it.


And, by the way, I always have the escort come to me. For in-calls (where you go to the escorts), you can do better than the prices I've quoted above by a little bit.


Most of us don't pay $4.00 for a loaf of bread and we would all feel a little outraged if a store charged that price. Bring the same sense of good shopping to hiring escorts and you will be amazed and pleased with what you find.

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Guest Sean

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


LAST EDITED ON May-08-00 AT 12:09PM (EST)[p]Hoo, Thanks for deleting that, after thinking it over I was wrong to say what I said and to Boston Guy if you caught it before Hoo deleted it I apologize. But to add a bit more to this thread Escort rates are defined by the areas we live. The going rate here in NY is 200 in 250 out 1000 over night for a quality Escort. I live in a luxury building here in NY and have a very nice place to entertain my clients. Some have even commented that I live better than they do. I've been in this biz now for 10 years (yes ten years) I'm good at what I do, I show my clients a good time, therefore I do not negotiate my rates under any circumstances. There have been days that clients have shown up and I haven't been at my best but that's due to a great deal of stress that I've been under due to a serious stalker problem and a sick friend. One of the reasons I'm flying back to LA this weekend is to look after him. But as BostonGuy has said if the rate is too high for you move on to another Escort that charges less and don't try and haggle the price with us. Its demeaning!

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Guest Ken

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


Boston Guy makes alot of sense. as for Sean, HooBoy writes:"Sean is controversial, to say the least.


He is also one of the most successful escorts in America today." I don't think Sean is controversial..... he's just stupid. He says what he says and does what he does because he gets away with it. I think he is the rolemodel for all the BAD escorts that are around today. I don't know this man but from his postings here, I have no desire to ever meet him. If he has no qualms calling clients "idiots" on this forum, can you imagine what he is capable of doing in private? It's been discussed ad nauseum in some threads here about the bad attitude of certain escorts here (Kirk of the Gaiety) comes to mind, about how they are just out to flimflam the clients. Yet, knowing this, Kirk remains a successful escort...people know about him and still hire him. Some have even said he is a very nice guy, just misunderstood....Yea! Someone just mentioned that he agreed to meet an escort for $200 but upon showing up,the escort demanded a "tip" of $20 to assure that he would do WHAT HE HAD AGREED TO DO for $200. Not only is that absolutely outrageous but the client actually gave it to him...UPFRONT. Why would someone do that......I suppose it's like we want to be demeaned by the escort we are hireing.(this could start a whole new thread about why we permit escorts to abuse us).


To finish my ramblins here, BostonGuy appears to have the proper attitude and if you follow his advise, you will find a good escort who will provide you with what you want and not gouge you.of your money. Believe me, as long as clients are willing to pay outrageous prices for escorts, escorts will demand those prices. There's alot of competition out there and with a little bit of work on your part scanning the "reviews" section and comparing prices, you can escape being scammed. It will be a "cold day in hell" before I tip IN ADVANCE just so I can get what was agreed to. I would show that escort the door faster than he could count the money he didn't get.

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Guest Sean

RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


Ken sweet heart, I'm far from stupid. I say what I say because its on my mind. If you can't take upfront and direct conversation don't listen to it. And you shouldn't call people stupid when you haven't met them. I'm just not the type of person that takes shit from people. I'm not a "BAD" Escort. I don't have homes in three states because I'm "BAD" at what I do. :)

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RE: Prices/Overpriced escorts


LAST EDITED ON May-08-00 AT 03:00PM (EST)[p]Ken Doll. I never pay an escort until all services are rendered. I agree with you and will show an escort the door if he requests payment up front. I was intrigued by the incentive component in Zack's offer (which was made over the phone and not upon his arrival) and considering what a looker and performer Zack was, as well as funny as hell, and the fact that I'm a highly paid attorney who happens to have a shit load of family money also, $20 was not going to break the bank. And with me sweet heart, Kirk was not misunderstood, he was great, athletic, sweaty sex. Both times. FYI he also costs less than Zack (who, New York Observer, was born in Israel and then lived most of his life in Cape Town - another of my favorite candy stores). I'll definitely be hooking up again with Zack in a few weeks in LA. Later.

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Guest Sean

RE: Question for Ken


Ken do you hire Escorts because of their opinions and what they post on message boards? Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one! Or do you hire an Escort because of how good he is in bed?

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