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hustler bars in N.Y.

Guest eric
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Guest eric

Some years ago everyone seemed to go to Rounds where all the beautiful escorts were gathered. That was a fine addition to the Gaiety. Now since it is closed , I don't know where to go. I don't like Stella's. The boys don't have in my opinion the same quality as in Rounds. Gaiety is , off course always there, but is there now in N. Y. another bar like Rounds where the beatiful escorts go ? I will be in N.Y. at the end of May and would appreciate , if anyone could tell me where to go. Thanks!

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Guest Skeptic

Long ago, in another galaxy (or with different software anyway), we had an extensive thread on this. All those postings are gone now (don't ask), and I'm sure few here who remember the first thread would care to have it now take the same twists and turns it did before.


At the risk of making it do just that (and with Dr. Lecter peering anxiously over my shoulder), let me say, Scotty, that the Towne House would probably prove a bitter disappointment to anyone expecting a return of the old Rounds magic. The hustling there (if it could even be called that) is of a very genteel sort, and discreet to the point of invisibility--consisting almost entirely of Sweet Young Things in search of Sugar Daddies (and vice versa), happily communing in a piano-bar setting. It's certainly not a place for one-night-stands, and you will look in vain for jet-set gigolos, LA & SoBeach beauties, 'straight' preppies or guido bodybuilders from L. I. and Joisy who've come to Manhattan to make an easy buck. Where they've all gone, I've yet to find out.


You'd think the greatest city in the world would have such a place (a successor to such legendary flesh boutiques as Regents Row, Cowboys, and Rounds), but no. (And you can't even blame this particular deprivation on Giuliani: it just seems to be part of something dreary in the current Zeitgeist.) Rounds self-destructed because of managerial stupidity and an increasingly hostile neighborhood association, and every attempt to recreate the scene elsewhere (first 'M,' in a spot not far from Rounds, then 'Circles'--further east & uptown) has proved to be a catastrophic failure.


I haven't ventured over to the Olympic Diner yet (wasn't there an inquiry about that one recently?) but if Stella's is too low-rent for you, I doubt you'd be much happier on 12th Avenue.


But lest we all grow too sad over all this, why not start another nostalgia thread (in the spirit of the Gaiety-dancers-of-the-past), and see what memories (erotic and otherwise) we can dredge up from our collective unconscious?

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Guest scotty

Skeptic-Thanks for the information...I thought The Townhouse was known for being upscale, with very good looking men. Maybe another suggestion, might be The Rawhide on Eigth Avenue. Not a hustler bar, but the last time I was there, had a good time, nice looking guys.That was a few years ago, don't know if it's still there. Maybe you could help. Thanks Again-Scotty

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Guest paulnyc

Rawhide is still there but it is not a hustler bar. It is a friendly place with a mixed crowd (some leather) and great bartenders. On Fridays and Sunday, they have go-go boys, most of whom will do "private" shows when they're not dancing.

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Guest Newbie

Did I miss it, or did someone answer the question about whether this 12th Avenue Olympic Diner (if that's the right name)was comparable to Stella's--or even better? I do remember someone saying that the range of hustlers there, as well as favorable rates, made it superior, but I've yet to hear any corroboration on it. Given the fact that Gotham seems reduced to one, single hustler bar, it's probably important to know.

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I'm another one who cries for the disappearance of Rounds and the lack of a viable successor establishment. I spent a lot of disappointed nights there, finally riding home alone at midnight. But I also hit a few jackpots that will live forever in my good-time memories.

Here's some gossip about the bar Barracuda on West 22nd Street. I overheard one of the bartenders there say that he's seen guys of the professional sort (and I don't mean yuppies) hanging out there and working the room. I haven't yet been inside to check out whether there's any truth to the info, but I'd guess that if it's true it's the exception, so be careful whom you propositon. Anyway, for the cost of a drink, you might want to go and check it out. If anyone can substantiate this tidbit, let us all know.

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Guest ManhattanMan

Must say that this is a great little thread. Still smiling at "something dreary in the current Zeitgeist" comment fm Skeptic. So true. I shall venture forth to the Olympic Diner and see what is to be seen. As for Rawhide, it's fun enuf but hv never seen professional action there and had no idea the dancers did private sessions. On site?? Begged Ryan for some action for money once, that straight muscle-god draws the line where I would rather he not. Baracuda, eh? Could be, could be. Now if only the men working at Viceroy would do a little business on the side we could all sleep happier. What I wouldn't give for an hour between a certain Israeli's legs. Sigh

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Guest assmaster

Be careful not to confuse The Townhouse Restarant with The Townhouse Bar. The Restaurant is the farthest west while the BAR is a few doors EAST.It took me a while to figure it out. The Restaurant does have a tiny holding bar at the front but it's truly archival.Just watch out for Kirk and Darren.

They have been known to lie-in-wait there.

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