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Full Time Escort

Guest leandream1
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Guest leandream1

This Friday is my last day as a full time engineer with a 401k, health benefits, sick days, a chevron card...


After Friday ESCORTING alone will be my chief source of income.


DAMN that's scary! Did I just make a HUGE mistake?? Thoughts...

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Guest Baggle

No, I do not think you did make a mistake. If you are a good escort you can and hopefully will do much better on your own. Just don't forget to save for retirement. Good Luck!!

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Guest Monopolizer

Multiple Income Streams


I always think it is a good idea to have more than one stream of income. Do you have any other income producing activities e.g. porn films, modeling, day-trading, escort training seminars ???


Good luck to my favorite escort!

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Guest mr1ndrfl

Huge mistake? Stupid question. What's your mother and your boyfriend think? Can you spell narcisistic? You'll soon learn that concerning yourself more with what YOU think of yourself is much less self-destructive than purposefully trying to impress others.

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Guest Aaron Lawrence

Leandream -


Congrats on making the transition to full-time escorting. I have been escorting full time for several years, and am extremely happy with my life.


As a word of advice, since you're full-time now, make a point of taking your business seriously at all times. Learn everything you can about advertising yourself and promoting your business, and give some serious thought to long-term planning in regard to investments, insurance, retirement savings, and the like.


I have written a how-to book on male escorting which I am aiming to have on the stands by Thanksgiving. "The Male Escort's Handbook: Your Guide to Getting Rich the Hard Way" will give you a lot of specific advice regarding your taxes, SEP-IRA invements, advertising and promotion, etc.


Take care! And drop me a line if you'd ever like to chat. I'm at njescort@aol.com.



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Guest leandream1

LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-00 AT 01:23AM (EST)[p]Thanks Boston Guy, you would think that someone who is going to challenge people to a spelling bee would keep a dictionary handy.

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Guest leandream1

LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-00 AT 01:25AM (EST)[p]Thanks monopolizer, you wonderfully sexy sweetheart. Porn and the like has never interested me, but I have published and plan to continue. Also, I may sign with a local legit modeling agency. HOWEVER, for now Escorting is it, and that makes me a bit nervous. I appreciate the votes of confidence. We shall see if I can pull this off.

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Guest leandream1

LAST EDITED ON Apr-27-00 AT 01:27AM (EST)[p]Baggle, "retirement"? You mean I wont be able to continue doing this from the nursing home? That spoils that plan :-)


Sorry folks for the multiple posts. It's that stupid forced "reload" needed when the page expires. Pitfalls of technology in the wrong hands.

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Guest cleancutphillip

hey rod...congrats and the best of luck..you seem like such a great level-headed business guy..total smarts and a bod to match..please plan a trip to san francisco sometime, would like to connect and i'm sure others up here would agree...post a message at the travel area and see what response you get. wish you luck$$$$and health

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Guest Jerry

I think Aaron raises good points about savings and insurance. I have no doubt that you will make a lot of money and that you will have the discipline to save. The first concern I have when I consider your situation is disability insurance. It's extremely important. I wonder if a full-time escort will be able to qualify for it.

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Guest paulnyc

A how to book for escorts! Now there's a market niche! Can escorting be learned? Or is one born with the talent?

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If you plan carefully (I actually was told by a "top ten" escort that he has a six figure amount of money in a "safe deposit box") you can do well. It is all in the marketing of yourself and making your clients happy...word of mouth on this site thru the reviews I would think can be invaluable in getting you business. Above all, treat your clients with respect, truthfullness and follow the simple rules of good escorting and you should be in great shape financially. The truly great escorts such as Shamus and others reviewed here are in great demand. If you are out to screw the clients....?wrong term used here, it will get around and you will eventually fail. EVERYBODY knows about the infamous Kirk from the Gaiety (yes I know, there are still people willing to hire him...go figure) but his time is very limited.

Best of luck to you and I'm sure you'll succeed as you appear to be a genuine nice person...something that can't be faked.

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Guest justin

>This Friday is my last day

>as a full time engineer

>with a 401k, health benefits,

>sick days, a chevron card...



>After Friday ESCORTING alone will be

>my chief source of income.



>DAMN that's scary! Did I

>just make a HUGE mistake??

> Thoughts...



It is only a HUGE MISTAKE if engineering is your passion in life which i doubt that it is if you dropped it for escorting.(or any job for that matter) but make no mistake about it, ESCORTING is not a lifelong career. It is more of a means to an end. It is very important to make plans PAST this period of your life. The nice thing about escorting is that you bring in a large income and its NOT time consuming. So you have a chance to figure out what it is you really want for a career. a year ago i was in 20k worth of credit card debt. Now im debt free, have my own apartment in manhattan, and im putting myself through school. Dont be one of the MANY escorts who spend their vast income as fast as its earned.....because all of the sudden you'll be 35 or 40 and have NOTHING to show for it except for a 10 year space in your resume:^) And if escorting IS your lifelong dream take a page out of Aaron lawrence's book. I probably have at least 3 or 4 email requests a month from people who want me to help them get started with escorting...........i have the feeling his book is going to be quite successful....good luck with your new full time profession but remember to SAVE.......(when did i become my parents???lol)

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Guest Merlin

I look forward to seeing Aaron's book and will buy it for sure. But there are two similar books in print now: Hustling by John Preston ( have seen it a Borders recently) and Hustlers, Escorts and Porn Stars by Matt Adams. I assume both are available from Amazon.com.

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My boyfriend is an independent software contractor and faced many of the same financial challenges when he stopped working for firms and started working for himself.


A "legal device" which helped him sock more money away than a sep-IRA and got him better rates on insurance was to set up a corporation (in which he owns all of the stock), and of which he is the sole employee. (So he has to do taxes twice, once as a corporation, and once as an individual, but his personal taxes become simple enough to do with turbo tax; he does pay an account to handle the corporate stuff, though)


There are ramp-work type modeling agencies; you might find out if any of the tax guys for one of the ones in LA would be willing to talk off the record to you.


The other thing I might suggest to hedge your bets is to look for occasional short-term consulting gigs in your engineering field to keep your resume current, or even doing low-pressure volunteer work.


You could then legitimately claim (if you ever decided to stop 'scorting) that you wanted the opportunity to travel while you were young enough to enjoy it.

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"The other thing I might suggest to hedge your bets is to look for occasional short-term consulting gigs in your engineering field to keep your resume current..."


This may be the best of piece of advice of the whole bunch... always give yourself options and don't burn bridges behind you until you're sure you really want to stay on the road ahead.

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It is good to hear that John Preston's book is easily available. The only copy I ever saw of it, and I grabbed that one and am glad I did, was in paperback at a half price used books place. I had assumed that it was somewhat rare. It is dated compared to the other one you mention, but is very warm and good advice still and even better when you know more about the man who wrote it.

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Guest Shamus

Hey ---


I know exactly what you mean --- I hemmed and hawed for about 4 months before I quit my regular job to go full time, and now it is so clear that going full time was one of the best decisions I've ever made! No regrets, whatsoever. From what I know of you & your (soon to be former) job, your situation is/was not the same as mine was --- I quit to gain more control over my life, have more time to pursue more important things than slaving away for someone else --- but regardless, don't look back, and don't worry. The future is about to open up for you like a beautiful man's smile on a bright spring day. Congratulations.

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Guest Quinte

Trust me, if you remember to save in times of excess you are going to be just fine.

Just keep on keeping on.


Your friend,


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