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Dancers from the past

Guest pistol
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Guest eric

RE: Federico


I remember federico very well from N.Y, he used to hang out with Shane. I miss him !! If someone knows to get in touch with him. I would appreciate to be notified. my e- mail address is . Guad45@hotmail.com. thank you.

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Guest assmaster


How big was his LAMP?

ANybody remember Tony Marquis? (named after the Hotel?)He pronounced it MARKwiss

Real name Mark.(now I understand the pronunciation) maybe

Now lives in SOUTH MIAMI. Used to live in Dallas.


Lots of fun.

WOuld love his number. ANYBODY??????????

Saw him at Cactus 'working" But not ON the bar.

He was with a client so didn't want to ask his number. I hate it when guys are out with me and self promote at the same time.

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Guest longtimelurker

LAST EDITED ON May-01-00 AT 07:19AM (EST)[p]Perhaps your friend was simply a fallen member of the British aristocracy--they do pronounce that title MAR-kwiss rather than, like the Americans and the French, mar-KEE.


I did not know his lordship, neither did I have the pleasure of Aladdin's acquaintance; did either of you (or anyone on this board) dally with one of the Average Joes?


At one time there were four simultaneous Joes (including the sparkling Joey Diamond), any three of whom might appear in the lineup on a Saturday evening, but two have now completely disappeared:


The one I called Romanian Joe (because he was) did handstands--in his second show--that swept the stage floor with his odd, self-administered haircut (otherwise hidden by a backwards baseball cap). He was extremely pale, defined, smooth. He never had a hotel room, and had to be Taken Home (which I hate--such a time waster in the short intervals between shows). I was with him only twice early in his tenure, and he might later have loosened up somewhat, but beautiful as he was, and NICE, he would do NOTHING, frozen in seeming agonized embarrassment. He left many a friendly message on my home machine before disappearing, and I was wondering if anyone else had had a different experience...


The other Joe was very young, a local New Yorker with a smooth, tanned, KILLER bod and a beautiful ass who appeared FREQUENTLY despite his attendance at the University of Arizona. His longish hair was first buzz cut, then later bleached blond, then shaved. I went with him quite a few times, but he was never more sexually responsive than Romanian Joe--but whereas Romanian Joe was nervously eager and friendly,this Joe was cold, removed, distant. Despite my complete infatuation with his beautiful body, I grew disturbed by his coldness, and stopped seeing him, other than on the stage...


Again, I was wondering if anyone else had had a different experience to relate...

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Guest pistol

Longtimelurker: Even though I started this thread and I am delighted with where it has gone, I find myself standing on the sidelines and enjoying other people's comments and memories. I have no recollection of any of the 'Joes' you mention or of most of the others mentioned. It seems like Shane is the only fellow we have in common. Feel free to tell me anything else you can remember about him.

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Guest longtimelurker



Your thread obviously struck a chord!


But Shane--


Smooth. Kissed with his eyes closed. Beautiful nipples. Sweet breath. Soft hair. Very passionate. Incredible round ass. Pale, dry skin would suddenly flush, grow slick with sweat--


He sat in my lap, naked, and wrapped my arms around his waist. He put his head back and kissed me--


And can you believe I had not thought of him in months, almost a year, until you made your post?


We never know, when we say goodbye to someone, however casually, that it isn't for the last time, ever.


That's just the way life is.

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Guest pistol

Longtimelurker: You are bringing tears to my eyes, that's how fond of him I was. You are also incredible at reminiscing. Reading your words and closing my eyes takes me back.... I'm so happy that I found you on this thread.


>But Shane--


>Smooth. Kissed with his eyes

>closed. Beautiful nipples.

>Sweet breath. Soft hair.

> Very passionate. Incredible

>round ass. Pale, dry

>skin would suddenly flush, grow

>slick with sweat--


>He sat in my lap, naked,

>and wrapped my arms around

>his waist. He put his

>head back and kissed me--


>...Please continue the story...

...this is wonderful...

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Guest longtimelurker

LAST EDITED ON May-02-00 AT 08:48AM (EST)[p]A smarter person would remember more. But I never realized that the last time I was with him would BE the last time I was with him.


I enjoyed the moment, but being careless, didn't try to make memories--this is the last time I shall touch his arm, his cheek--


I'm sure the last thing I said to him was something like--"See you in six weeeks--" In retrospect, I took a lot for granted.


Someone far cleverer than I observed that we can only UNDERSTAND our lives looking backward. Obviously (unfortunately? Imagine the tradeoffs!) we can only LIVE them moving forward, without benefit of hindsight.


I remember that he was boyish, not infantile, nor precocious, nor precious, but boyish in a way that seemed fresh and bright with promise.


I remember he would give a breathy sigh that actually made me shiver.


I remember that he was an unusual combination of beauty and sweetness, and that he had a gift for intimacy and a need for affection which he repaid with affection.


If I was a smarter person I'd still have his phone number.

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Guest Jake

OMG, I haven't the slightest idea who this guy is, but may I say that he was as fortunate to know you as you were to know him! Your sense of storytelling is very moving. You are quite the romantic, and it's a pleasure to read your posts.

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Guest pistol

Lontimelurker, I wholeheartedly agree with Jake that you are a master storyteller. Your memories and your reciting of them have overtaken this thread and I look forward to each new chapter as you 'remember' a little bit more about your time with Shane every day. Please go on with your bedtime story so that I may have a blissfull sleep tonight.... "he would give a breathy sigh that actually made me shiver"...

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Guest longtimelurker

Thanks for the kind words--I must say this site does provide a remarkable outlet for discussion and sharing regarding a topic about which I otherwise do not speak at all. I wonder how many others also find this to be true--


I am reluctant to risk the creation of a "manufactured" memory (of Shane or anyone) by trying too hard, so I'll wait for something to surface, if it does. I certainly didn't expect to be visited by the memories summoned by this thread, and for which I am grateful.


This forum has become very important to me in ways I find very surprising--


I'll share a funny memory, only three weeks old: walking down Madison Avenue on a rare sunny Friday afternoon in early April, frustrated and annoyed by a difficult week at work, I decided on impulse to treat myself to a decent lunch and turned into La Goulue. The heavy lunch crowd had thinned, and I was seated quickly at a table against the wall, where I could skim both the menu and the remnants of the seriously chic ladies-and-gentlemen-who-lunch (among whom, believe me, I do not ordinarily number).


Then, to my surprise, I see: three tables away, and diagonally across, a handsome blond Anglo-Canadian boy I knew, thanks to a posting on this site, to be performing at the Gaiety that week.


(This story may be slightly off-topic as the Dancer in question is still with us, but as I had found him friendly rather than compelling, and I had not been with him for at least two years, he is also something of a memory--)


I was transfixed--our Friend sat across from a dark haired, very well dressed, very handsome man and chatted animatedly in fluent French. He himself was dressed in a short sleeved Ralph Lauren Polo sweat shirt which just barely revealed the ends of the tatoos we've all seen on the stage. His blond hair and his hamdsome young face, his strong shoulders and arms, were illuminated by the sunlight in an otherwise gloomy interior. He was happy and relaxed, thoroughly enjoying his lunch and his companion.


He was the most beautiful sight in that restaurant.


I ate my lunch while he and his companion continued to laugh and chat, and then watched him leave--he stood outside for a moment on the sidewalk, and other heads than mine turned to follow. He flexed his shoulders, and I found I was seriously aroused.


As I ate my desert (it had been a VERY bad week at work) I wondered: how many of the audience at the Gaiety's 3:30 show could possibly imagine where our friend had spent the last two hours?


And after that overly long post, I'd better return to lurking!

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Guest Jake

Lurker, that's a great story. I often wonder how I would react if I ran into one of my escort friends unexpectedly and under such circumstances. You handled it perfectly. I put in your dancer's place one of my own Gaiety escorts and had to smile at the romantic picture the whole story congered up. Thanks for the good vibes.

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RE: Federico


Federico spends part time in Michigan with Shane and part time in Miami for his modeling career. He is very selective and doesn't do the Gaiety anymore.

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