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Dancers from the past

Guest pistol
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Guest paulnyc

Thanks for bringing up Rocky. He was and is a terrific guy. He was on the cover of Provacateur Magazine two years ago. He is married and has a child and is very successful in the computer business. And he still looks as great as ever.

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Guest paulnyc

Kirk should definitely be added to the disinvited list but he must have an in with Denise for he is appearing two weeks in a row, in spite of his penchant for cheating his clients. Also, on the disinvited list is Pascal from Montreal, who was removed mid week a few months ago. I enjoyed him a lot. I wonder what he did to incur banishment? Does anyone know how these dancers are selected? Does Denise work with an agent in Canada or do the dancers apply directly to her? Do they have to try out? Curiosity is getting the better of me, but I'm not sure why.

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What are reasons someone would be "disinvited"? Certainly clients don't actually complain to Denise about being cheated...do they? Does Denise know about Kirk? This is obviously a stupid question but does Denise know about the activities of the dancers? OK, I was born yesterday and Is the Pope Catholic? I really wish I could connect with Tyler...does anyone know if he escorts?

Also, does anyone know anything about Denise...who is she, (is she the woman who collects the money in the booth.....everytime I go there,no matter what time of day or night, she's on the telephone. She refused to answer questions once when I was there and appeard to be a rather unpleasant woman...should be a marine drill sargent. OK, NY Observer (or anyone else who knows) what is the "behind the scene" story on the Gaiety and the dancers and their involvment with Denise?

Just saw "Follies" by Sondheim and someone should write a musical about THE GAIETY.

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From my understanding there are a couple of reasons which can get a dancer "disinvited" from work at the Gaiety. I beleive that Denise will fire someone if there is a serious customer complaint. In the current administration of Herr Rudy, I am sure that Denise will work to avoid any complaints to legal authorities. If a dancer will get her scrutiny from law enforcement, he will be disinvited.


Denise is actually more likely to fire a dancer for being unreliable, like being late for shows, or missing shows or the finale. If she can not count on them to perform when scheduled, she will dump them. I know that some times she will fine a dancer for missing his show time or missing the finale. She fines them from deducting money from the meager pay she gives them. (I know about this because I caused two of my all time favorite dancers to miss the 3 AM finale one Saturday night. They were both fined $50 by Denise. And yes it was two dancers and the same finale on the same night. So I went a little crazy one night. The dancers weren't rushing back for the finale either, so what can I say?).


As far as Denise working with agents, I don't think so. My undersanding is that all of the dancers are independant contractors, and each works his own deal with Denise. Of course she has her favorites, and she may tolerate a missed finale from certain popular dancers, but not from others. She is strict about scheduling, and that will get dancers in trouble. Most dancers are referred to Denise by other dancers and friends. Many get referred by gym freinds. Some dancers of course work regularly at Campus or Stock in Montreal or Remington's in Toronto, and do a week in New York because it is very lucrative for them. Surpisingly, some Gaiety dancers from Canada only work at the Gaiety, and many don't dance or escort when they are at home. (OK they may escort at home, so if you get a number that is a very good thing).


NYObserver can probably fill in more details about the machinations of Denise. I am off to Montreal this weekend, so maybe I will write an NYObserver type review of Campus and Stock.

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Guest Skeptic

Have fun up there, Paul, and please DO give us a report on the Montreal scene!


It was fun to hear about the inner workings of the Gaiety. I remember once having Big Frank up to my place after he'd done his slot-3 solo in the last show on a Saturday night. When, during the ecstatic buttmunching marathon that ensued, I expressed concern about his getting back in time for the finale, he cheerily answered that he'd 'bought out' of it. (I never did find out if he'd accepted the paying of the fine in advance or was simply anticipating having it imposed after the fact. But I certainly was flattered--especially since Frank, normally a hardnosed businessman, didn't even try to get me to tack the forefeited amount on to his fee.)


One detail of PR's post intrigues me. Although he refers to the weekly pay Denise gives the guys as 'meager,' I remember thinking it surprisingly generous when told about it by some of them. I know there was something of a sliding scale (with more for big box-office draws), but even the median pay wasn't as low as I'd expected. (Sorry not to throw out a specific figure here, but I'd only be guessing, & that wouldn't be helpful in this instance. But if anyone knows FOR SURE, please share it with us.) Remember, dancing at the Gaiety is really just an elaborate (if gruelling) form of advertising--with the real money being made offstage. And the tips, though minor, sweeten the pot, too.

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I was told what the rate was one time by a dancer, but I as I am aging (gracefully though) my memory isn't as great as it once was. I think its something like $50 for a weekeday and $90 for a weekend. But that doesn't come close to covering even hotel expenses for a dancer.


NYO may have better info on this. I also think that Denise does have favorites, and pays some more than others. Its kind of a seniority system.

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Guest longtimelurker





Will we soon be reminiscing about our old friend Kirk? I was with him only the one time, and have no horror story to tell--he was quite friendly, actually, and in no rush--it was just completely unsexy, and I was never tempted to repeat the somewhat quirky, somewhat boring experience.


I found myself in agreement with other posters who found him a bit sad rather than the embodiment of evil...


He has served a purpose as archetype in our little tribe, you must admit, and provided much entertainment! Whom will we talk about in such shocked tones of disapproval now?

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Guest assmaster

Could Paul be JAY/ Jonathan?

Sounds like him. Sort of Slavic?

GREAT ASS that he knew how to use?

Nice big uncut dick. I saw him recently in Toronto. Still Fabulous!

Do you remember David Paris (or Lance) from Toronto? also an anal fanatic.

Still can't figure out Curtis and Shane. NYO help me! You know all the Boys.

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Guest assmaster

Anybody remember Greg Steele from Vancouver?

Or Donavan also from Van.

Both were in Playgirl at one time or another.

Donavan had a twin brother who did not "dance"

Never went with Donavan because he had too many rules. Must have gone to the Mark Wolf and Scott Sloan school of Customer Service.

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I agree with you about both Kirk and Pascal, I found Pascal to be extremely sexy, I'll have to try to hunt him down in Montreal. I believe Denise uses the eye of a former dancer in Canada, I have to admit he does a good job. I think I'd like that job :) It's amazing to me that there are so few American boys, guess the exchange rate for the Canadians is an overwhelming consideration.

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Yes, Denise is the woman in the booth. I think she runs hot and cold, personality wise, but I know that she cares for the dancers. She doesn't answer my questions either, so don't feel special. I have heard many stories about how she has helped dancers out when they were in trouble. I know that a lot of the guys feel she is a good friend. She runs a good business, and I'm sure it's not an easy one.

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Guest Skeptic

Re 'Eddie from Canada,' if you mean that little Portuguese powerhouse from Toronto, he was another sweetheart in my book. (Like many another guy with a truly huge dick, he was a good-natured, easy-going sort.) Before his last Gaiety stint a little over a year ago, I managed to get together with Eddie on three very happy occasions. There were so many charming things about this guy. One such was his willingness to appear onstage wearing his glasses from time to time: I guess when you're hung like that, you don't worry that no one will make passes at you in the green room!


As I recall, Eddie got married sometime last summer and retired from the business. I'll certainly miss him.

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Wow. This is one of my favortie threads so far. All these memories of boys from the past. I do remember Rocky - have fond memories of him.It's nice to hear he is doing well in the computer business- perhaps he reads the message board :-)


But does anyone know where his friend Vinny is ? They use to share an apartment ( instead of doing the hotel route ) I remember Vinny wa sa favorite of Denise's , and he was ALWAYS the first dancer in the roster. I hope he's doing well as well.

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I don't remember Vinny, could it be Vito? He and Rocky used to share an apartment on 45th between 8th and 9th. I know later Vito used one on 48 between 9th and 10th. Vito was usually the first dancer. Vito was a struggling actor who still lived with his mother at one point trying

to do the tv pilots on both coasts.



He proved a rule I went by when I went to the Gaiety. I never went with a dance based solely

on face, dick-size or body type; I went by how well they danced. I don't mean how well they took

off their clothes. If they could truly move on stage, they were usually very good in the sack.



>But does anyone know where his

>friend Vinny is ? They

>use to share an apartment

>( instead of doing the

>hotel route ) I remember

>Vinny wa sa favorite of

>Denise's , and he was

>ALWAYS the first dancer in

>the roster. I hope he's

>doing well as well.

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Guest jeejer

Now that's an interesting idea I'll have to try out your theory next time I'm at the Gaiety.


jim-does any one remember an afro-american dancer Jim, who was a prison guard from upstate NY. He came to dance only on weekends and had a big following at the time. this was back in the old days when the private shows were behind the stage and $50 seemed like a small fortune.

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>I don't remember Vinny, could it

>be Vito?


Yes. It is Vito. ( Vinny was his real name )


Does anyone know what happened to him. I know

that he was a struggling actor ( Even briefly was in the chorus of the Lane/Prince revival of Guys & Dolls )



>He proved a rule I went

>by when I went to

>the Gaiety.


Yes. You are absolutely right ! Also, he was

extremly professional that way. Whenever he would see that i was there, we woul djust have this unspoken understanding that he was going with me. HE would never qoute prices afetr a while, he accepted whatever i gave him ( although i would never really give him anything under the lowest "going rate " over there )


Sigh. The men that got away.

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Guest assmaster

Yah I remember Jim. He always did the last song before the finale. He was of mixed ethnic background.

Also, That Vito he was hot.

Doesn't anyody remember Dino, or his buddy who did some JO videos Under the name Kirk Van Damme? Both did great privates. I took Dino to California once for a weekend. We had sex so often my dick fell off. Its now at Forest Lawn.

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Guest Skeptic

Funny, I had a flashback about Jim at the end of a marathon a few weeks ago. While nobody's idea of a major sex symbol, Jim was much beloved by the management, and I remember once, toward the end of his long 'run' at the Gaiety, when they brought a birthday cake with candles ablaze onstage to honor him. It was actually quite touching.


My friends and I would groan (though not very audibly) when he'd show up at the end of the marathon (we used to call him 'the closer,' like John Franco for the Mets!), but clearly he was a good guy.

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