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Dancers from the past

Guest pistol
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Guest pistol

Does anyone remember a dancer at the Gaiety named Shane? He was from Toronto and I don't think he has been here in at least a year. He had the most beatiful ass in the world. Any info or experiences?

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There was a Shane from Miami (by way of Michigan) was blonde. He hasn't been there for a while. But he is a cutie. His boyfriend also danced at the Gaiety. He is name was Freddie.

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Guest longtimelurker

LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-00 AT 01:39AM (EST)[p]Yes, I remember Shane from Toronto--he had straight, glossy brown hair, a smooth,rather pumped physique, and a face so handsome he was almost pretty. He was a business major in school, very intelligent, very friendly and sweet. He was at the Gaiety no more than three or four times, during school holidays--I was with him twice, perhaps nine months apart--and has not returned in over a year. He gave me his phone number in Toronto--and I lost it. A tragedy.


You're quite right--the ass was a marvel.

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Guest longtimelurker

LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-00 AT 01:36AM (EST)[p]While we're reminiscing--does anyone else remember a Boston boy, living in Las Vegas, who appeared at the Gaiety no more than twice under the name of 'Adam'? (The body was indeed by Michaelangelo.) Very tall, exquisitely proportioned, he was dark haired, and his favorite movie was "Good Will Hunting" --he thought he'd try his luck in LA. I hope he's doing well.


Some of the nicest and most beautiful boys appear only once or twice and are never seen again.

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Guest Skeptic

>Some of the nicest and most

>beautiful boys appear only once

>or twice and are never

>seen again.


So true! Some seven or eight years after what must have been his one & only Gaiety appearance, I remember an adorable little long-haired monkey from the outskirts of Montreal named Stephane (needs accent aigu on first 'e') whom I made love to all night long. Cute, compact, muscular (and blessed with a beautiful uncut dick and an ass to make the angels weep) he spoke barely any English & was quite new to the escort scene. Married & the father of a baby girl (whose pix he , he was uncertain about how soon he'd be back in the US. Alas, he never showed up again at the Gaiety as far as I could tell. (If I'd known Denise better at the time, I would have asked. Maybe I still should. . .)

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Guest Skeptic



The phrase left incomplete in my post above is "(whose pix he showed with a wonderful mix of pride & shyness)".

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I do not know Shane from Miami via Michigan, but as long as we are being nostalgic, I did spend some quality time with his lover Federico.


Federico was from Miami via Venezuela, and is one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen or been with. He was one of my first Gaiety experiences, and still one of the best. I saw him a couple of other times, and he told me the both he and his lover danced at the Gaiety.


If Shane came back after two years, maybe Federico will too.


I also don't beleive that Shane from Miami is the same Shane from Toronto that this thread was originated about.


But the thread got me to remember my pleasant visits with the oh so hot Federico.

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That is why I love the French Canadians so much. Regardless of their situation, there are many who have been given incredible physical and sexual gifts. And they are happy to show them to us, and better yet, share them with us. I don't really care who they go home to, but if they share thier gifts with me, I am a happy man. And they do it with such passion.

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Guest pistol

Longtimelurker: I think you and I are talking about the same Shane. We were together a number of times and I just about fell in love but he didn't come to NY often. He was by far my best experience with a dancer ever. I could eat his ass from here to eternity. I just came across his photo. Would you reminisce with me. How well did you know him and what did you two do together?

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i hired federico a few times including a weekend at my home. really an increditable man; he was so good looking that where ever we went, heads turned. he was a model for international male and the catalog was worth it just to see his pictures. no body fat, huge dick but most of all he was intelligent. he was the opposite of the boy next door, blond and blue eyed man i usually like; in fact after federico, i started to like the darker men and didn't mind uncut(before him i didn't like uncut men). often wondered what became of him. just fond memories.

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Guest longtimelurker

Pistol, I didn't really know him well at all--I certainly didn't have his picture. I was only with him twice. But there was just something about his personality that I found so attractive, his physical beauty was an almost absurdly funny, over-the-top bonus (of which he seemed COMPLETELY unaware--that Canadian modesty, if I may generalize,is so endearing.)


Anyway, I remember that he loved to kiss, to talk about the stock market (!) and again, yes, the ass was to die for--the ultimate bubble butt.




There certainly IS something about this thread that stirs up memories--there was another boy, gone at least a year, never here more than twice,whom I had nearly forgotten: Blond, wearing white chinos, not tall, with a polite, business-like, not unfriendly but very no-nonsense manner and the body of a god...


And another boy, who, shyly, amazed and amused both at once, told me as we walked towards the Great Western that he had just seen his High School Biology teacher in the Lounge of the Gaiety...


Wonderful thread, Pistol--I hope others contribute as we spark their memories--

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Guest longtimelurker


>was another boy, gone at

>least a year, never here

>more than twice,whom I had

>nearly forgotten: Blond, wearing white

>chinos, not tall, with a

>polite, business-like, not unfriendly but

>very no-nonsense manner and the

>body of a god...


a P.S. to my own post above--I've remembered the name: the handsome, reserved man from Toronto with the body of death carved from purest alabaster--does anyone else remember CURTIS?


He couldn't have been more straightforward (or less offensive) about his simple, sensible goal of making as much money as quickly as possible--


and yet...


I think he was rather surprised to discover that he liked having his ass eaten as much as he did--


In fact he seemed rather surprised--even thoughtful-- that he had allowed it to happen at all...


And does anyone else remember the charmingly accented, brown haired (and delightfully hairy-chested) JOHN from Montreal (only one week-long visit of which I am aware)...



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As long as we're talking about dancers from the past, does anyone know what happened to Tyler (a Gaiety dancer who lived on Long Island and played the Gaiety every 8 weeks or so). He use to play the Gaiety approximately one or two years ago. He was blond, nice looking and accomodating. I haven't heard of his being there at Gaiety for some time.

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Having only returned to the Gaiety in the past few months, I remember it as far back as when private shows were given right in the back room. I was married back then, and used to sneak off because I thought it was my only chance to get together with an extraordinarily handsome man. The bar scene took too long and I couldn't be away for hours. While it was a sad time in my life, I did have many a beautiful muscle guy. I am talking at least 10 years ago. There was Bill and Butch and TJ (whom I still see occasionally spinning the records in the music booth). Many, many beautiful guys - I hope they are all well and maturing gracefully.

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Guest assmaster

I know just about all the boys from Toronto and can't think of who either Shane or Curtis is. They all use different names there. Did they dance at Remingtons?

How about TAYLOR from Toronto? or Jay? Both gorgeous . Both retired. although I did see Jay a month ago in T.O.

Anybody remember DINO? or Rocky? or Tony Marquis?

Federico is definitely one of the best, you all are right about that.

Also very Hot is Beau Hopkins.

SO many great memories.

TJ from Florida also is one of my alltime favorites.

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Guest pistol

I remember Curtis. He also went by the name Curtis in Toronto at Remingtons. While Curtis was quite stunning with a magnificent body, he was just too much of a businessman for my liking. He just didn't allow the fantasy to take place.

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I have seen Federico on a regular basis for the last 3 years. I met up with him for a 4 day weekend in Las Vegas. He is as gorgeous as ever although he does have a pair of sunglasses for each day and outfit :) But he is definitely a cutie. He is spending half time in Michigan and half time in Miami these days.

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Guest longtimelurker

LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-00 AT 09:32PM (EST)[p]Curtis wasn't unfriendly--he just wasn't warm. Perhaps it was the challenge, perhaps it was the perfect pecs, but I literally counted the days until his scheduled return. He didn't come, and, I think, caught Denise by surprise, as it took an extra day to fill the hole in the lineup with some local regular. It may be that he has been disinvited from ever returning as a result. Too bad.


Tyler (from Long Island) was here as recently as last November, and I thought he was great: a big, handsome boy-man, half German, half Cuban, funny, macho, surprisingly affectionate (at least I was surprised to get a big hug and a heartstoppingly friendly wet kiss on the cheek as I prepared to leave one evening) A thoroughly nice guy who really enjoyed sex. I hope he is well and I hope he returns.

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Guest pistol

Longtimelurker: Your recent comment about Curtis possibly being disinvited has suddenly refreshed my memory about Shane. I seem to remember hearing that he was there one week but left before the weekend. Perhaps he was "disinvited" as well. Maybe we should speak to Denise to get him back. Were you ever in the jacuzzi with him or did you just let him entertain you as he liked to do?

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Guest Skeptic

I have vivid memories of Rocky, whose heyday was ten years ago or more. In fact, it was because friends had described him so enthusiastically that I started going to the Gaiety again after having stayed away for a while. (A comparable box office draw at the time was 'Montreal Tony,' but that's another story.) Brooklyn-born, half Puerto Rican & half Irish, he had the beauty sexiness of both sides of his heritage (which also seems to have provided him with a lovely uncut cock & an equally lovely butt).


I went with the Rock a couple of times & thoroughly enjoyed being with him. He was a sweetheart in every way, both with his colleagues & the clients, and it seemed like virtue rewarded when Madonna 'discovered' him and swept him off on one of her tours. After that, he had a brief period of media fame--some magazine stuff, a few TV appearances, and even a book, I believe, about his career as a boy toy.


Finally, just a few years ago he made a short-lived comeback at the Gaiety, but, alas, the bloom was off the rose. He'd let his body get out of shape (not disastrously, but subtly) and somehow seemed to lack his old magic. The very last time I saw him he was at the Gaiety as a spectactor (or perhaps to visit old colleagues), and he was, as always, sweetness itself. But there was a touch of the melancholy about him, too.


I hope he's well and happy, and a success at whatever he's doing now.

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Guest longtimelurker

LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-00 AT 11:15PM (EST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-00 AT 11:11 PM (EST)


LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-00 AT 11:09 PM (EST)


I'm beginning to get a bit jealous--first no photograph, and now no jacuzzi!--No, with me Shane prefered to discuss--the stock market.


I guess I really know how to bring out the passionate side of a guy.


Denise, I believe, is a rather strict den-mother who rules with an iron rod. Can her chilly favour, once lost, ever be regained? And is she at all responsive to requests from her clientele?


Perhaps one day we might hope to see a special Gaiety Reunion/Homecoming Week? Something like those special anniversary performances of A Chorus Line which featured crowds of alumna dancers who had since moved on to other roles and other lives...


Another memory, another boy: (Do I imagine he went by the name of Paul?) yet another citizen of Toronto, dirty blond of hair, not overly tall, INCREDIBLY buff, who appeared ONLY on weekends, never on Sunday, and never more than twice or three times a year.


He NEVER came for the week, and NEVER took a hotel room (at least not one to which he would take a client). When approached to do a private performance he would canvas his fellow dancers until he found one willing to lend his room.


Once in this borrowed room, and once undressed, this incredibly buff, naturally hairy man would WRITHE on the bed,thrust his pneumatic ass skyward until it met one's tongue, and moan and thrash about like a thing demented.


It was wonderful.


He first told me that he was a friend of Denise, and was filling in for missing dancers as a favour to her. But something he said a second time made me think the favour was hers to him, and that he did it for the kicks rather than the money...


a fascinating case, and another member of "The Disappeared"!

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Guest assmaster



Dear Rocky...

What a pet!

He was living part time in Miami I think.

How well I remember dining on that great dick and desserting on that beautiful butt.

He was a true courtesan. And great to be with. I loved his BBQ accent. Sort of Tony Manero mixed with Rocky Balboa and Antonio Banderas.In those days he was just $100 out or $40 in the back room. I never did go back there(believe it or not even I found that sleezy)

Do you remember Dino?

I still can't figure out who Curtis and Shane are. You guys are making me crazy. I thought I knew them all. Don't tell me a few have slipped by me. I'm distraught.

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Guest pistol

Longtimelurker: Now I'm starting to get jealous too! I may have been having some temporary fun but you were getting the stock tips. All I have now are memories while you probably have a nice retirement portfolio. Or were you giving him the tips? I can't believe you were alone in a room with that young man and all you did was talk about the stock market!?!

I have no recollection of the Paul that you speak about.

The idea of a chorus line of former dancers has my head spinning.

It was Curtis that liked talking business with me, although not really the stock market. Actually, he was talking about taking a securities course in order to possibly become a stockbroker. Maybe he succeeded.

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Guest pistol



Assmaster: I am new to this forum but if your name is any indication of your interest, then Shane certainly slipped by you. There is no possible way that you could have been exposed to that ass and have no recollection. Curtis, on the other hand, was stunning from the front. Neither of them spent much time at the Gaiety.

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