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Emmett Andrews

Guest pj
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Boy does this guy look hot or what?

Does anyone know about him? He looks

too good to be real? What are his

limits? I'm getting together with him

soon. Comments appreciated!! Chow!

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I was with Emmett last Sept when he was in NYC. We met at his hotel room. Nice guy,great conversationalist. As for sex, it depends on what you are looking for. He is a total bottom. Never got hard while with me. I felt that it was me who was turning him off but I saw the latest CAN AM video that he has made and he never gets hard in that one either. It was an ok experience but don't think I particularly would want to repeat it. Would suggest you specify ahead of time what you will get. He is a nice person and I'm sure will gladly inform you of anything you want to know.

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Guest William226

I was also with Emmett last September when he was in NYC.


My experience with him was wonderful: he is not only a really nice guy, but is perfectly honest. I reviewed him for this website and gave him an outstanding evaluation. What was good about Emmett, for me, were the following: (1) he's an excellent kisser; (2) he has a gorgeous kissable face and a fantastic body that loves to be touched; (3) he does a great job on your body (etc.) with his mouth and hands.


Emmett is not a "top" (and he says so on his website), but I do not do anal sex with people I don't know. He is most turned on by romantic scenes, and he was "hard" for the second half of the fantasy I had devised for him.


I agree with the previous commenter: ask Emmett what you'd like, and he will give a candid and probably helpful answer.

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It's nice to see that William had an excellent experience with Emmett while mine was just ok. Again, it really depends on the chemistry between people. William wrote: "He is most

turned on by romantic scenes, and he was "hard" for the second half of the fantasy I had devised for him." It is to your benefit to search the "latest reviews" section of this website. (Unfortunately I don't remember the exact date but it was in the past 1 or 2 weeks) that Emmett wrote a review about an escort he hired, I think it was in NYC. This review was interesting in that it involved Bondage and S&M and Emmett stated how he was always fascinated by that type of scene and that he was thoroughly satisfied in the experience. I am not versed in the S&M scene and don't wish to imply anything on a topic I know nothing about but I don't think S&M can be classified as "a romantic scene" Again, Emmett possibly can be turned by S&M and romantic scenes. One does not preclude the other.

All things being equal, Emmett is a nice guy and shouldn't be judged on his likes or dislikes. It is to your benefit to discuss EVERYTHING with Emmett before your encounter with him.

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I was with Emmett last September for a simple dinner-date and then an overnight a week or so later. I asked him for the overnight because I was so impressed with him as a human being over the dinner table. He is a truly sweet person, deeply generous, and absolutely honest. That was my first overnight, and it couldn't have been with a nicer person. I do wish that I'd had the moxy to be more straightforward about my hopes/expectations on the erotic front; but I didn't and the next time I would be more frank about asking him what he likes. To me, the escort's enjoyment is fully 50% of the encounter; and I've felt that I somehow failed Emmett in that way. I'm glad to see that it wasn't "just me." All the same, I would like to know that I was doing as much for him as he for me. Emmett Andrews is a sweetheart.

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Guest mickcool

I agree with Ken. I saw Emmett when he was in NYC a few weeks ago and my experience was very similar to his. He definitely is a very nice guy and tries to "oblige" sexually. I like a romantic scene - and he provided me with that. But eventually, I like the romance to escalate and turn into passion! That, I'm afraid, is something Emmett is incapable of, unlike Rick Munroe, or other more skilled escorts. So, in a nutshell, if you don't care to see your escort get hard and enjoy himself (or at least be a good "faker"!) then Emmett is your man. Otherwise, find someone more "sexual".

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Guest TommyBoy

Yep...I'll agree. He seems like a very nice guy--but there was no escalation from romance (kissing, cuddling) to sex. It was very enjoyable but not passionate or exciting.

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Guest scottness

I met Emmett last year while he was in New York. I've called on several escorts in the past, so I pretty much knew what I wanted, and after speaking with Emmett, we knew each other's expectations. Communication is important when you contact an escort. Hell, you're the one paying, so you should know what the limits are, if any. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Too many times you hear guys say they felt stupid asking questions, and then find out well after the fact that they could have had/done what they wanted if they only asked. Emmett's a real nice guy - and an affectionate bottom! We clicked immediately and I enjoyed our visit very much. We get together whenever he's in town. I guess it all depends on what you're into, but remember, as a client, you need to talk about what you're into so as to avoid any uncomfortable situations and disappointments. Sorry to read that a few guys were not all that thrilled. But Emmett sure does it for me! Can't wait to see him again! Words of advice - if you can't communicate, save your money and just masturbate!!

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Guest bottomboykk

All I can say about Emmett is that a couple of years ago, I e-mailed him several times and he never responded. That indicates to me that he's not very professional.

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You cannot believe the number of reviews I get in every single day that people do not put up their correct address. They leave out important things like @aol.com.


Also, the AOL people have this weird thing about blocking non AOL people, so those get bounced back and I delete the review.


What does this have to do with Emmett? Dude, he may have never gotten your email.


I have had MANY email exchanges with Emmett and he is VERY professional.


Bilbo was correct also - two years? Geez, I don't keep a computer that long.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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A two year old email that didn't go through or wasn't answered because of what Bilbo and I said?


I thought you were smarter than that.


Why don't you do this, Skeptic and all your other aliases -- email Emmett and report back to us.


We'll be anxiously awaiting yours and his response, if we can figure out which dysfuntional personality you'll be using on that particular day



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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Guest Skeptic

Read before you leap, Hoo.


My post had nothing to do with what YOU said. It refers to all those who made it abundantly clear that EA was about as passive a bottom as you can be--making him less eager perhaps to respond to inquiries from someone who calls himself Bottomboykk.


Get it?


BTW, you're getting a bit obsessed about prying an email address out of me, aren't you?

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Guest Skeptic

And I, Hooey, couldn't care less if you do.


(And note, please, the correct form of that particular cliche: "I could care less" doesn't mean anything.)

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Guest bottomboykk

LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-00 AT 02:02PM (EST)[p]You have no idea what my main e-mail address is, so you can't say that's perhaps why he didn't respond. (btw, at least back then he did not advertise as a bottom).


I'm not talking about one e-mail he didn't return, I'm talking several sent to the e-mail address he listed as the contact address.


Even if he wasn't interested in being with a bottom, a professional escort should reply to his e-mails.


As I said earlier, I know nothing about him as a person, but one does not give a good impression by not responding to potential clients.


Also, I was just vaguely referring to a couple of years; it was a little while back, but I don't know when exactly. I was contacting him in advance of a trip to Ohio, and I was interested in him. Some of you seem to think that I've been holding a grudge or something for two years; I haven't thought of him in ages, and only bring this up because the question was asked about Emmett.

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Guest Skeptic

You're quite right about my not knowing what email address you might have used; and, indeed, in all honesty, I didn't really think you had presented yourself to him as 'Bootomboykk'. I was just trying to make a roundabout point about the futility of two bottoms getting together. (With two tops, SOMETHING can be worked out, I suppose. . .)


And you're also right that, whatever the roles involved on either side, a professional escort should always answer any serious inquiry he gets.

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Guest Sicilian

I sent Emmett an email two days ago to find out when he will be in New York, and promptly received a response today.

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I'm the one who started this message about Emmett.

Well, I finally met him last night, and he more than met my expectations. His pictures were accurate; infact, he looked better in person. He was very romantic, and sensual, as indicated on his web site. He was well very muscular (yes he was short, but who cares!!) He was very oral (which I love) and his romantic shower was a complete turn-on. Most of all, he was very clean!! I wish I had the money to see him again before he left my area. My only regret was that he did not have the time to spend more time with me (dinner, movie, etc.), but he did go over the hour agreed, as we just laid on the bed and chatted about each others lives. I can't wait to see him again; in fact, I would go out of my way to see him again. If you live near Cleveland, you're missing out if you do not see him.

What a hunk!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest TED

Emmett has always replied to all my emails. I met him on his recent trip to NYC. He is truly a rare find in a escort. Honest and caring and very sexual plus a real person, someone that you could spend time with just as a friend. I am eagerly waiting for is next trip back East. Remember "If you try it you'll like it"

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