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Campus Warning

Guest Josh
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Just got back from Montreal and wanted to warn you all about the guys at Campus. Not heeding previous warnings, I made arrangements with one of the dancers (Jonathan) for a "private show." He said all the right things: "Yes I kiss" "Yes you can fuck me" "I really like to get to know the guys I go with" "Yes, I'll get it hard for you", etc. etc.


Well the guy who showed up was nothing like the guy I met in the bar -- cool, distant, not at all friendly, but still gorgeous. He immediately took off his clothes and laid on the bed. The first thing he said was "I can't suck you" followed by "I have to be somewhere in a half-hour." Then he proceeded to order a straight porn flick on the hotel tv -- "it helps me get off." I guess it didn't help much because he spent the next half hour (and about half a bottle of lube) trying to get himself erect. Suddenly, he announced he was going to cum, shot his load and ran into the bathroom to get cleaned up.


At this point, I just wanted to get rid of him so I paid him his $200. I really think he was a straight Canadian boy just trying to rip off American tourists.


Anyway, I figure it was a $200 lesson in what to expect from lap dancers.

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This appears to be a typical example of what you get from dancers at the Gaiety in NYC and the dancers there to come from Campus in Montreal.There are exceptions. Your experience appears to be with someone who obviously lied to you concerning what he would and wouldn't do. Personally, I would have told him that "this is not what we agreed to therefore, please leave". Yes, I know, will he make a scene and the whole subject of what he will or will not pull on you (?violance, etc) makes you just want to pay him to get rid of him. If he appears to want to give you a hard time, pick up the tel and call security and ask them to get to your room and eject an unwanted guest. In all likelyhood, the hustler will bolt from your room very quickly. On the other hand,........Try to judge the situation. As for dancers at Campus, they are on a par with the Gaiety dancers.....much money for very little.

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Guest JackSFO

Campus Recommendation


I have a totally different perspective of the Campus and their dancers. I've never had your dancer, but Lucas, Brandon and Casey have been everything I wanted them to be and more. Unlike the Gaiety, you get to try the dancers out (more like feel them up!) during a private dance (C$6 per song). If they give me attitude or try to raise the price of the private dance, I move on; there are usually 20 dancers on any given night to choose from, most of whom are available for private shows back at your place. As with the Gaiety, I make it clear what I'm looking for before setting up a date, and I haven't been disappointed with my selections like I have with the Gaiety guys. Remember that a private show costs C$200 in Montreal, which is US$135! The strip clubs in Montreal are like no where else I've found, and the guys are, well, beautiful and accommodating. Enjoy!

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RE: Campus Recommendation


I'm with JackSFO on this one. I have had nothing but good experiences with the dancers from Campus. Again be sure to be specific about what you want. But I have had some of the best experiences ever with my French-Canadian friends. Maybe we are just better shoppers.

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Guest Skeptic

RE: Campus Recommendation


And you can count me in Jack & PG's camp, too!


I spent four never-to-be-forgotten days shuttling back & forth between the Campus & the Hotel des Gouverneurs last June, and I can't wait to go back. And some of the very hottest studs I met have never been down to the Gaiety and (for one reason or another) never will. So a pilgrimage is what's called for.


If the walls of that room of mine at the Gouverneurs could talk. . .

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RE: Campus Update


Many of the Campus dancers have moved over to work at Stock. Stock was kind of a minor league Campus a while back, but then Campus started to slip, and many of the dancers and customers became disenchanted.


Campus was owned by a straight woman, who for many reasons lost interest in the club. I noticed that when I was there in March that there was no energy and the dancers were just going through the motions. Stock on the other hand was packed with customers and hot dancers and was a lot of fun.


Campus has now been sold to new ownership. The new owners are gay and are starting to fix the place up, and hoping to restore it to its former glory. I am planning a trip next week to Canada, so I will give an update when I return.

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Guest jeejer

RE: Campus Update


Paul, does Stock operate the same as Campus with table dances. Is that standard in all the strip clubs?

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RE: Campus Update



There are several stripper bars in Montreal and they all operate about the same as far as the table dances. Campus opens at 3:00 pm and the "day" guys dance until 9:00 pm. From 9:00 pm til 3:00 am, the more muscular guys dance. I believe Stock and Taboo open at 7:00 pm and the Adonis at 5:00 pm. Personally, I think Stock has a better mix of dancers than Campus in the evening. Taboo dancers are generally younger, some very hot. Adonis is almost all twinks (is that politically correct to say???), young but not necessarily hot in the body department. There's a lot to choose from. If you like the muscular, Campus type, try Tommy...not a dancer, but on par with any of them for looks and body. He advertises in Fugue, the local gay mag...

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RE: Campus Update



Have heard that Tommy is a nice guy to hire as an escort.....what do you know about him? What does he do (top?Botton?Versatile? etc). Will be going to Montreal next month and am interested in hireing a good, reputable escort....someone who provides "full service" as opposed to the Campus guys who, for the most part, are "very limited" in their activities. Anything you can give me on Tommy, such as asking price, hours, what he looks like (face, who does he remind you of?) etc, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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RE: Campus Update



Whether he's "full service" or not, I don't know. You can call him and discuss at 514-231-5255. I think you'll find his rates to be very reasonable, especially considering it's in Canadian dollars. As far as his looks, he's as handsome and as muscular as you'd find at the Campus. The easiest thing to do is just pick up a copy of Fugues when you get to Montreal. Tommy's ad is usually in it (no face pic, but he was on the cover of the Gai Guide to Quebec last year, or maybe '98 with face and chest).


Another muscular guy in Fugues that I'm pretty sure is "full service" is Steve (he speaks almost no English, though). I know he made an XXX video a few years ago...don't remember the name, but it had a hockey theme; one of those with local Montreal guys. Steve has a little rougher look then Tommy, but still nice looking.

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RE: Campus Update




Thanks for the info. Since I will be staying at the Hotel des Gouverneurs I will try to obtain a copy of Fugues and follow your instructions. I will also look for Steve's ad in there. Thanks for the tel no on Tommy. Info like that can be invaluable and help people avoid expensive mistakes. Thanks

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Guest JackSFO

RE: Campus Update


The Hotel Gouverneur is the most convenient place if you're going to frequent Campus and Stock. During the winter, Stock was open only Wed through Sun. My fave in Montreal used to dance at Stock but no longer. It's Pierre and he's been reviewed on this site; his number is 514-983-0997. For tel numbers of other guys that I met at the Campus, I'd rather not publish them to everyone; e-mail me at jacksfo@hotmail.com. As far as the quality of guys at the Campus, I was happily surprised that there were gorgeous guys performing on Monday and Tuesday nights. On weekends, though, there are a lot more performers (but also a lot more customers). Every one of the performers that I've had a private dance with at the Campus were available for private shows back at my room; that wasn't the case at the Adonis. Enjoy!

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Guest Jonboy

RE: Campus Update


Just returned from Montreal tonite after hitting

all of the stripbars.the campus is still #1 (if

you like hunky guys).The club Taboo, Adonis tend to have young very slim dancers.If thats your type, you will love the bars.But ,the Club Taboo

has a rip-off going on.You pay for a lap dance

and right into a dance, the manger (or some member of the staff) rushs in to tell the dancer that he must stand doing the dance.NO

TOUCHING..But , you are paying for a "LAP DANCE"

This happen to a pal of mind last aturday nite there.So beware. The Stock has inproved over the last 2 years.They now have booths where you get

private dances.Much inproved !Oh, the rate now is $10.00 . They have signs at most clubs saying

$6.00 , but the rate is $10.00 The stock gives you the best for your money.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest strideny

LAST EDITED ON May-13-00 AT 12:39PM (EST)[p]This board is a great exchange of information. I have been to Campus numerous times and though I generally will have only four dancers dance for me, I have only had one of them for privates. I have noticed that quite a few of the dancers are making their way down to the Gaiety in New York City, including the the dancer that I see privately in Montreal. He does not give many privates in Montreal, thought I know that he has done some thanks to responses on this board and the muscle service(MS) board. As a noice with escorts and Campus dancers, thanks to this board and MS, I knew a bit of how to negotiate when this one particular dancer approached me for a dance and subsequently a private. I have had numeruous privates with him and we have establishes a friendship. He is straight and is not that very interactive in our sessions but he does abide by the rules that we first establishe and if I feel that he is deviating, I adjust the pay and tip. After having come to know him pretty well, he is of the Kirk, Justin (Monteal), and Don (Toronto), Gaiety dancers discussed on this board. I think that he will be performing at the Gaiety during the weekend of 5/19. It will be his first visit in quite some time. He has worked on his body and has a nice cock. I don't know what name he will be using but he does have a picture on the Campus website. He is strictly out to get money, so unless you are very firm with him and don't pay upfront, you could be one of his victims. I have tried to talk to him about changing his attitude but it doesn't seem to get thru to him. I just wanted post this warning to help others from being ripped off because I have been a victim of Kirk and I don't think that it is fair that these guys rip off the community as they do. I wish the Gaiety, Next Magazine, HX Magazine, and other gay establishments would better serve the gay community by addressing this issue.

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Guest Newbie

Hey Stride, thanks for the informative post!


Two questions, though. Because of what looks to be an editing glitch in the middle of your post, I was at first unsure if what you meant to say was that this guy you know (and see regularly in Montreal) is LIKE the infamous Kirk, or Kirk himself. However, I suspect you just meant they had the same attitude and M.O.


The other question is: why not tell us which of the guys pictured on the Campus website is the nameless # you're talking about? That way, when he does show up at the Gaiety we'll know him, no matter what name he decides to use.

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Guest strideny


I just meant the he had the same attitude as Kirk and the other two mentioned.

I am grappling with the idea of giving his name but I am trying to protect myself as this may get back to him. There are not that many pictures on the Campus site of dancers that also dance at the Gaiety and it will be obvious if he uses his Campus name at the Gaiety. It has not yet been confirmed that he will be there and when it is confirmed then I will make the gut decision to publish the name here on the board.

My main message was that we should be careful and start making the dancers respect us more. Sorry if that got lost.

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I don't get your point. You have been with this guy many times, and you say that you have become friends; and then you trash him as a hustler. Not-interactive is OK for some, especially if that is what you agreed to.


I think that you should identify the dancer if you are going to post a warning. What good is the warning without a name? I wrote a review of many of the Campus dancers a couple of weeks ago, and this information is only useful to others if the mnames are given.


There are not that many dancers who have pictures on the Campus Website who still dance there, and even fewer who work the Gaiety. My guess is refering to Tristan or Bianky, two true hustlers.


I also am concerned about "not interactive" warnings. I have read some of those, and have had the opposite experience with the dancer/escort mentioned. "Chemistry" is the polite explanation often given on these boards, but it makes me wonder how others treat the dancers/escorts and if that does not invite the return behavior. The dancer often gives the "I'm straight" excuse, but I have had some incredible hot interactive sessions with young men who go home the thier girlfriends.

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Newbi and Paul Revere are correct. Why post your warning if you won't tell us who it is you are referring to. What you did is the equivilant of saying: "Be careful of a certain dancer at Campus. Who that dancer is is your choice of dozens who dance there". Is that what you wanted to say???

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