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Talvin DeMacnio

Guest pj
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Talvin in coming to the D.C. area. He's originally from this area, but I never got together with hime.

Is he worth $300.00? He seems pretty awesome and the reviews have been positive. I'm not cheap, but for the first time I'm hesitant. Your advice is appreciative. (I normally like bigger muscular guys, but ...they are hard to find!!)

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I've been with Talvin a couple of times. I normally like much taller guys (he's really 5'5"), but he's got a great bod and a great attitude. He's very ripped, an excellent kisser (even tho he's usually standing while I'm sitting on the bed) who really enjoys long kissing seshes, knows how to work his cock and always shoots a big load at the end. If the height doesn't bother you, he's big fun.

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Guest jackboy

I was on Talvin's mailing list for months...heard all kinds of accounts and enjoyed his rather open attitude about how he earns his living. (Even latched onto a review about how much fun it was to have a little guy with a big dick pounding a big man's ass) Then, when I thought we might get together, I sent my email request. I have never received such a rude reply...it started off with a "list" of all his "dos and don'ts," then, an apology for possibly ofending me (it already had). After pricing out any additional minutes that might possibly be spent if we didn't get the deed done in exactly one hour, he proceded to go into another diatribe about the potential for me to have bad breath!!! Like who's going around the country sucking strange men's dicks and other body parts...like I've got $300.00, but go around with bad breath??? I could only imagine the scene...touch this, don't touch that, suck harder, suck faster, stop sucking so hard, etc., etc. My advice...email him for yourself and see what I mean. Then spend the same money and get someone else!!!

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RE: Talvin DeMachio


I got the same type of EMail from Talvin and met up with him in SF. I think that he is just trying to make sure that he doesn't disappoint anyone. So he makes it clear up front what he will do and what he won't do. I wish all escorts were as honest and upfront.

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I've always thought he was incredibly hot in his videos & tried to arrange a session with him last year. but during the course of the conversations, I got the definite feeling that he values fitness in his clients & that my extra 25 lbs. would be a turn-off for him. Since I'm looking for interactive fun, it doesn't work for me if the escort doesn't at least *seem* to enjoy it, so I decided not to hire him (reluctantly). Maybe I misread his attitude...anybody who's not in the best of shape been with him & care to comment?

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LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-00 AT 08:02PM (EST)[p]Well let me first off to start saying that Jack Boy I have a standard E mail that states What I will do and what I won't do. And it simply states that I do not bottom Nor do I get into S&M, Scat, pissing or bare backing. EVERY THING ELSE I WILL DO AS LONG AS IT'S SAFE. I state that I love to kiss however I do not like smokers breath or coffee breath. If I am going to be considerate of the client and shower and make myself smell very clean and be minty fresh. I would hope the client would give me the same respect. So if you could not handle my few don'ts then I guess your looking for the wrong type of escort. I only deal with people of the upper crust.


Seeker630 If you read any of my reviews. I do not turn down anyone as long as there clean. I have had clients who are extremely over weight. Weight is not an issue here. Cleanliness is and safe sex is.


This Standard E mail that I send out to people when they ask about my rates and my do's and don't which you can see above there are a couple don'ts is the same message that I have beens sending since I started escorting. I believe it's best to be honest and upfront and lay everything out on the table before an encounter. I am not trying to be rude....just want people to know where I am coming from and how I conduct business. It's about being safe and having fun. For most people not having scat, pissing ect is not an issue and they do not want it involved in sex. Personally I think its disgusting and very unsafe. That's why to this day I have never had ANY kind of disease. And as far as the bad breath issue. That is just a matter of respect to each other. If I were to smoke or drink coffee (which I do neither) I would be respectful to the client and would make sure I had great smelling breath for him.



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Thannks for the reply, Talvin. I read back through all your reviews & did indeed find 2 reviews in which the clients mentioned that they were overweight to some degree & it didn't matter to you. Not sure why I got a different impression when I talked with you - wish I'd hired you anyway. Everything I've read about you has been positive. Maybe another time!

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Guest jackboy

Well, apparently you just aren't "getting it!" Whether or not I received a "standard" email, I found it rude and offensive. It turned me off and made you appear quite unattractive. And, if you think that directing deliberately rude comments back to me on this message board make you any more appealing, then I know I made the right decision in the first place!!!

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LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-00 AT 07:55PM (EST)[p]Jackboy,


My gosh...if your that offended then so be it. If little things like this offend you then so be it. I was just being direct and to the point. I was not slamming you on here...just trying to clarify what I was stating in my E mail. I am glad we did not meet either. Your the first complaint ever that I have had about my E mail. Apparently you do not "GET IT" Oh well...I cannot please everyone. Have a good one...and try not to be so angry at the world....it really is a nice place to live you know.



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Guest bottomboykk

RE: Talvin DeMachio


jackboy: you need to get a life! If an escort who is honest and up front enough to tell what can be expected offends you, you have some serious problems. I, for one, would rather know an escort's limitations in advance so I could decide if he's right for me, rather than being disappointed when I meet him. There are not many escorts who are that up front.

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Guest Shooter

Talk about putting it in triplicate!


Talvin, you're great and you're right! Nothin' wrong with stating things clearly up front. Certainly didn't pick up anything in your posts that would have offended even someone as sensitive as I am. (My sensitivity meter is renowned the world over!) Still trying to figure out what offended jackboy And your reviews certainly speak for themselves! :D


jackboy, relax, find an escort who is not as direct as Talvin. After all, in this world, it's much easier to find deceitful people than it is straight forward ones! (Oops, did my cynical side rear it's ugly head?) :-)

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Guest Daddy-In-Training

RE: Talk about putting it in triplicate!


Opps, sorry about that shooter...Guys there was three copies of the message there....shooter wasn't going crazy (or was he?).


And in the context of the Thread...I hereby give the game to Tavin 3-Love. Enough, Said.


-- Daddy

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Guest curious1

RE: Talvin DeMachio


I agree. This whole exchange just makes me want to hook up with Talvin all the more. If only I could afford him...


Damn this bank account!

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RE: Talvin DeMachio


It is especially good for Talvin to be so upfront because, for one thing, guys like me who think that he looks like the most wonderful, dreamiest bottom boy in the world (although he's tied with several others, of course) can know that he only does that in my dreams and so I won't bother him by asking him questions I know I wouldn't want anyone asking me.

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Guest Shooter

Going, going, GONE!


Too late, I'm already there! No 'going' about it! Of course, it was sweet of you to protect what's left of my sanity. You could have just taken them down without saying anything and then, boy, when I saw it, would I feel like I'd gone off the deep end!!! :o

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Guest Skeptic

Pussgrapple or Info Exchange?


The back & forth between JackBoy and Talvin is a good example of what makes me doubt the value of having escorts mix it up with the client posters here. (This issue is touched on in the 'where have the escorts gone?' thread.)


I'm sure many of you will disagree with me, but I find that an escort who posts almost always de-eroticizes himself a bit by doing so. No doubt this relates to the fact like I'm most interested in meeting guys who have NO IDEA of the existence of this site, and wouldn't think of contributing to it, even if they did.


This same preference for str8 guys prompts me to acknowledge the wisdom of have separate locker rooms for guys and gals. The gossip that goes on in each is better that way.

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RE: Pussgrapple or Info Exchange?


Talvin's honesty and upfront explanation of what he would and would not do made him even more erotic to me. That includes his participation here.


It showed he has some smarts - something I find appealing in someone whether it's a one hour trick or a poster on a forum.


When I want to go home, I don't click ruby red slippers together, I get in a car. When I employ an escort, I want to know what what to expect. In other words - I want someone real, like Talvin who dispels disappointment upfront, rather than wind up with some figment of my imagination who leaves me with nothing but my dick in my hand.


Talvin, thanks for posting and risking being attacked by the very insensitive cretins I'm sure you try to avoid.



Email: HooBoy@male4malescorts.com

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RE: Value of escort interaction on this Board


Skeptic, for those of us who are not as sure of you about what we are looking for sexually, the communication between escort and client on this board is very helpful. I have just now learned a great deal about Talvin; recently, by reading Rick Munroe's dialogue with various people, I concluded that he was a guy I would like to know better. For me, sex is enhanced by an intellectual component---is this a guy I would like to talk to. If I spend time with him, will he bore me. Sometimes, I learn things from the escorts' questions/comments which help me decide who I should see.

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Guest Skeptic

RE: Value of escort interaction on this Board


Fair enough, Red. All information (insofar as it IS information) has value, there's no denying that.

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Guest Daddy-In-Training

RE: Value of escort interaction on this Board


"Young, Dumb, and full of cum" is only a turn-on for a limited amount of time. When I'm with someone I'm not interested in a "Wham, Bam, Thank-you Man" type of affair.


Let's get down to Brass Tacks here (Jeez, just how many cliches can I get into this message?). Escorts are selling a fantasy. The better defined the fantasy, the better it is for both parties. Talvin would normally be a "Keep on looking" type of person for me He's a top, I'm a top. While I know that I will never be able to top him, the fantasy of doing so, after knowing him better, will be very intense solo session for me after he's gone. :9


He's on Daddy's "A List". Why? Because this boy, knows what he wants, and is upfront and honest about it. He's intelligent and articulate, both of which are a major turn on for me. Is his case I don't have to spend an hour with him to find out if he'd be worth the effort. I already know to book him for the duration 'cause we'll have a major amount of fun even if we don't make into the bedroom.


Because of the interaction we've got a "Win-Win" situation. I know that I'll have a major stud that I can take "Out and about" without any qualms. He knows that the limits are well defined with someone that'll respect them and him.


-- Daddy

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RE: Value of escort interaction on this Board


I can sortof see some of Skeptic's point here. Some fantasies are easier to pull off (ahem) if you don't know very much about the magician/actor. It's the same sort of question as "Will the American public go into the willing suspension of disbelief and buy Anne Heche as a character who has the hots for Han Solo when they know in real life she'd rather be with her girlfriend?" I like to think that they will, as a matter of fact they did, but then again I gotta admit that I myself haven't seen the movie yet.

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Guest Nasaguy

I had the pleasure of meeting Talvin in DC a few weeks ago. I am very overweight and Talvin made me feel like I was a special person. He was kind, sweet and very attentive. I had a fantastic time and was so impressed that I called him up and booked another visit for the next night. Talvin has no airs or attitude but is a down-to-earth regular guy (allbeit one who is build like a god with a smile to just about melt anyone's heart). Thanks Talvin for being the kind of person you are...wish all escorts had his integrity.

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