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Do Escorts Have a Duty to Disclose HIV Positive Status?

Guest Merlin
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Guest Merlin

This question was suggested by a recent review of an escort who initiated bareback sex, leaving you to draw conclusions about his status. I believe an escort who is positive has a duty to disclose it or stop escorting. Yes, we all should assume an escort is positive and practise safer sex. But it is never completely safe; accidents happen. I would not knowingly have sex with a positive individual.

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LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-00 AT 05:44PM (EST)[p]>I believe an escort who is positive has a

>duty to disclose it or stop escorting.


I wonder why Merlin was prompted to bring up the subject again, as those of us who commented on the earlier thread will probably reiterate our comments on this thread, but here goes:


1.) I have the impression that it is now *legally required* in some states for anyone who is HIV-plus to disclose this to their sexual partners. (Escorting or not).


2.) Many of us believe that it is a moral or ethical responsibility to inform our partners of any communicable disease; even simple colds or recent bouts of the 'flu. (I have a steady gig

with sick leave; my partner is a contractor; if he gets the flu and looses a week of work, it's more than a kilobuck of lost income for him).


3.) I have knowingly had great sex with HIV-plus guys and am still negative (as of the last time I checked.) I'm nearly 48 now.


(Hey, HooBoy, if you are renting this software instead of owning it outright, you might mention to your software supplier that if one types in the four characters Cap H, Cap I, cap V, and "plus", that the "plus" gets dropped from the posting.)

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Merlin, It's good to have new blood with us. Now that you've been bitched once, may I do it again? This is the kind of subject that maybe would do better on the other forum, leaving the Deli to questions etc about specific escorts.

Love your hair, hope ya win!


(Somehow it seemed more fitting to my mood.)

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Boy, Bilbo, I bet your underwear and sock drawer is perfect. There must be nothing out of place in your life. I'm trying to learn that lesson. Keep up the encouragement.

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Dear Jake,

Not to discourage you but my home is decorated in early bachelor - piles everywhere. (I've been involved with putting on drag shows and performing in them (the first 7 years dressed as a male) for at least 12 years and I have noticed that most drag queens homes are either piss elegant or a lot like this.) In fact, his fastidiousness and my , um, well ... are one reason among several that my lover of two years (nearly) and I don't live together.

I do enjoy playing little miss hostess every once in a while. I hope I am not coming off to anybody like I feel like I own the place or anything.

Love, Bilbo

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You are truly a fascinating guy worthy of a book. Your kindness registers in all your posts. It's a pleasure to "know" you. Now clean up that mess!

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