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Hooboy - Relax

Paul Revere
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I am reluctant to start this thresd, BUT, have people begin to notice that Hooboy has become too stressed out? I often have disagreed with him in the past, but our exchanges were always good natured and usually funny.


I have been away from this board for a week and was surprised to see that Hooboy seems to be getting much more sensitive and defensive than he was when he first started. (His exchange with escort Juston is an example).


I realize that he is under a lot of pressure right now. I would suggest a vacation, but that has only seemed to add to his stress.


Hoo, chill a little. Relax. Engage a hot escort. Do we need to remind you that this is about FUN. We appreciate what you are doing, and we just hope that you are enjoying this as much as we are.



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A suggestion


HB -


It's clear you work very hard to keep this thing together. I suggest you seriously consider reducing the number of reviews you post to a number that you can easily handle without creating stress in the rest of your life.


If that number is only two or three a day, or five or six every three days, the world will keep on spinning. And, if you try to post reviews on escorts who haven't already been reviewed in preference to additional reviews for those who have (unless perhaps a new review greatly contradicts other existing reviews), then perhaps the overall information available here will not be greatly reduced.


And if it allows you to keep up with it for a longer of period of time while staying healthy, sane and happy, then I suggest it would be a good trade-off.



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Guest Skeptic

But he's not, Paul. And a hot escort isn't the answer either.


According to Hooboy himself, such encounters leave him depressed, depressed because he is alone afterward.


I just read that, having visited the Lounge for the very first time. Lots of interesting stuff in there (I'd no idea), but after sampling the full array, I'm left to wonder why the postings couldn't have been made right here, to the Deli.


Anyway, in the midst of this extraordinary soul-baring, H more or less dismantled some escort(whose name eludes me, sorry)with a suddenness and force that unnerved even me. The escort wasn't being especially persnickity, I thought, but H just bit his head off. So that certainly fits in with what you've described.


And I thought his twink-definition post was a bit odd, but that's probably my fault. It went right over my head, mostly because I don't know the entertainment celebs alluded to, and couldn't draw the parallels.


But he's definitely stressed.

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Guest Shooter

You're right, Paul, and it sucks! I'm the only one who's allowed to get stressed by this junk! :-) Hope he takes your advise and thinks on it! Or gets additional assistance. Haven't heard from 'Daddy-in-training' for a while so I don't know if he still has any assistance on the site. Oh, well, I need to get back to stressing out!


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And did you notice on the e-mail section that someone bitched because he hadn't been posting reviews with his usual regularity, even though all of us who read most everything (Have you tried the Masseur section, Skeptic?) knew he was on vacation.

Hoo - we all think you're doing better than we need if you are doing all this to yourself, and we all are still praying for your sick sister, please take care of our friend - you! Do we need to make Regina come down here and take you shopping? But seriously, maybe a vacation on a hammock in your own backyard for a week or so without touching the site? (Would this bulletin board keep going without you? I would guess so. And then one or more of us could make fresh postings each day explaining where you were and why?)

You and I never actually got together for lunch? Would that help? (Does that sound too conceited?)

Love, Bilbo

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Guest Daddy-In-Training

Yes, Daddy's still around....and there is quite a few of us keeping our hearts open for Hooboy and are talking to him often. He is a special person and well worth the effort.


He's going through some emotional moments right now. Loss of someone you love and watching someone you love slowly slip away is gut wrenching. I understand completely where his is head is at because I went through the same things just this past August.


Thank you to all the kind people that have realized what's been going on and have been supportive.


As for the others, be warned that "Daddy's home", and will taking anybody that's been causing Hooboy grief out back for a paddling! }>


-- Daddy

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