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$500 an hour Escorts-Get Real

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Is it just me or is it wrong that I object to paying an unknown, untried Escort $500 for non-anal sex.


I have had 2 altercations in the past few days because I refused to pay the high initial asking price, is it so wrong to try and negotiate down an hourly rate, especially when the escort asks for $500.


Only an imbicile would pay the initial asking price for any untried service, and that is not me, so $500 an hour escorts get real.

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Guest curious

I am not an escort, but I think you are wrong. If you know in advance that an escort is charging more than you want to pay, then you should simply find an escort in your price range. I personally would not even consider hiring someone in that price range, but I wouldn't try to waste their time either.


Depending upon when you bring up this issue makes a huge difference. If you want to try and get an escort to lower his fee before you actually meet, then that isn't so bad. If you pull this "stunt" after the escort has travelled to your location, you are way out of line (and you would probably get lousy service (deservedly so)). And if you try to re-negotiate after the fact, then you are no better than a common crook.


Actions like this almost justify an escort asking for the fee upfront.



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I think that Uncle's first line mentioning the unknown, untried part of it would indicate that he does it over the phone. (I sure hope Curious is wrong in his fears.) If so, there are some people and some cultures where negotiations aren't out of line. It depends on the escort, the time of day, his business load lately, etc. Come to think of it, the snappishness of the replies also depends on those too. Surely you are not doing this after midnight, Uncle? I always think a reasonable no accepted reasonably hurts noone. However, Uncle, I do hope you are taking the first no for the answer. The third time I have to say anything, the volume always goes up.

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As a reply to both the previous posters, all the negotiations were daytime, and in advance, often the escorts involved took a few e-mails before coming up with the high fee. Often they were B rated Porn Gay Movie Stars. But what concerned me most what that they thought their quoted price was a take it or leave it situation. I am sorry to say on the 3 occasions I choose to leave it.No price or service these days is "Set in Stone" maybe thats why, "Priceline.com" is doing such good business. Maybe some ecorts should try the idea. We the Purchasers of the service should offer the price then the escort could choose whether he was available for the fee.

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$500 an hour is currently being asked by Logan Reed, the porn star. I suspect that other porn stars ask the same (if not more). I think it's an utterly ridiculous price to pay and I wouldn't pay Jesus Christ that amount of money for AN HOUR. A dick is a dick is a dick.....yes, I know, it is what it is attached to that counts!. However, if you contact an escort knowing that this is his asking price, you probably shouldn't try to negotiate (unless, of course, you are in the bazaar in Casablanca). As long as there is someone willing to pay that amount, it will be asked. If you don't want to pay that then don't ask to hire someone who charges that. If you dare ask them to lower their charges and they say no, then leave quietly.

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Guest Raffy

This seems to be a case of the old SUPPLY & DEMAND theory of economics. If the $500 guy is getting enough business at that price to keep himself in the style he wants and he's leaving satisfied clients in his wake, who can argue?

Maybe the recent (and probably upcoming) events on Wall Street will make money a little tighter for a while ... and drive prices back down so we peasants can afford some fun, too.

(I can hope, can't I?)

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Guest Quinte

America!! don't you just love her freedom of speech?!!


Before you attack, let me say I am not a $500 p/h escort, but if the market or oppurtunity presented it self, I would take it and give the best performance of my life! Everyman has an "hourly" rate. What they are willing to do for it is another question. Hooboy's rate is $300 p/h, I am almost certain that for that money he will not even touch you. :-)


Some of us choose traditional jobs in an office, and some of us choose to escort (I use the term "choose" loosely as some guys do not have much of a choice in the matter - thats another debate).


For whatever reason, when "we" choose to escort, there are enough issues and BS to deal with that the last thing you need is having someone tell you you are not worth shit, or as much as you say you are. Escorts come a dime a dozen. A keen boy-hunter can get his dick sucked for $10 or even free. Chat rooms are a good case in point. "Hothunk4Hire" & "Azz now!!" are both handles I use. Guess which attracts more attention? Whilst at college, it was amazing what some of my classmates were willing to do for $50, and thats just the Str8 ones. Yes I agree with you, a dick is a dick is a dick, I prefer to go one step futher and check out the QUALITY of said dick.


On the other hand, there are clients who get off on paying. I mean PAYING. This one guy would make me masturbate/fuck my bed as he stood over me jacking off and throwing Benjamins every 15-20 minutes. He would only stop when I come and was totally spent. I soon mastered the intricate art of delayed ejaculation. My point is, he knew my hourly rates and could have easily saved some bucks. There are people out there who want $500 p/h escorts. Call it an ego thing, I don't know. I have some "friends" who escort nationwide and international with rates as high as $5,000. Yes you read right, 5gs. (Their web sites are available upon request). Now the fact that a majority of them are female may have something to do with it, I don't know.


I may not know much, but I know that if $500/hr is out of your budget, you have every right to KINDLY and POLITELY take your business elsewhere. If you respectfully decline, you may even be surprised that the escort may make you an offer. If this is not forthcoming, do not for any reason "debate" with loverboy, you WILL find another and so will Mr Escort-Supreme. Move on.


I live in rural Houston, my rates are not $500 p/h but high enough to have attracted the disdain and wrath of some potential clients and amusement of local escorts. I stuck my ground on my "worth" not just out of need, but also for my own sanity and peace of mind; Now, I see similar rates to mine all over Houston town. Small progress, but we are getting there. See, what ever the rates are, there will always complaints like yours. Its been that way forever. Forgive me for sounding "heated" this is not an attack on you. I sincerely, mean no harm. It is just that haggling or trying to price down an escort, is something that I personally dislike. I like a bargain as much as the next man, but there is a time, there is a place, there is a service/product. There are boys, and there are men.


Like I said before, I will be a $1000 p/h callboy in a minute if my present location allowed me to. Watch this space. There are some con artists posing as escorts, yes, but on the whole, we are nice young men trying to "do" for ourselves. We are diverse, in service and quality. Prices range from $1-an infinite amount. Take your pick. You see, the great thing is, clients and escorts alike can find their niche in this jungle of sex, money, and oh, companionship.




I personally will not "debate" money on the phone.It "kills" it, I loose interest. I will drop the phone like a hot coal. Remember, in life in general, we ALL have an hourly rate. I know mine, do you know yours?



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Guest Merlin

I have sometimes paid $500 for top porn stars, but in general I think is excessive. On the other hand I would not try to negotiate down, since you will probably end up with a cheaper by disgruntled escort. I would prefer to decline to hire him. Some escorts start high with the idea of negtiating. On one occassion in Las Vegas, the excort showed up and said he expected a $500 tip in addition to the agency fee of $100. As I was shoving him out the door he said he would have worked for $200.

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$500 ph is a rather daunting sum, however some are willing to pay without "bargaining" just for the experience. Keep in mind gentlemen that there is another breed to "escort" out there that will never be reviewed on this site and get paid well more than $500 ph. I'm sure some of you know the "escorts" I refer to and for those that don't, well you will continue to bargain.

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Guest MattAdams

I really have mixed feelings on the subject.


There are porn stars that do not normally escort that set their price high as a way of politely saying no.


There are clients that have an unlimited budget for sex.


There are clients that are so driven by particular types they are willing to pay almost anything for the object of their desires.


There are escorts with bodies in high demand that are good con artists.


Quite frankly, hiring an escort in that price range is definitely the high risk end of the business.

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I can't imagine enjoying sex with someone I've just talked down in price. It would have to reflect in his performance as well as in mine. If I can't afford it, I stay away from it.

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Guest bottomboykk

WHile I think $500 is ridiculously high, I'm with several of the others who say that these escorts can charge whatever the market will bear; if they can get it and earn enough to live how they like, more power to them. To me, NOBODY is worth that much per hour, but if you have money to burn, and want to spend it on an escort, be my guest.

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Desire is a very strong motivator. And if a guy can parlay his porn star status or his 11-inch equipment into a high price, that's the American way. Why should a Donna Karan shirt cost $120? It costs $3 to make it in Asia and $15 to market it. If you like the look but can't afford it, there are knock-offs and bargain-basement stores. If you still want the real thing but can't afford the price, that's just one of the inequities we live with every day in a society where the un-wealthy live with acquisitional disappointments. Mr. High-Price Escort is no different from Donna Karan.


More to the point, the escort has a right to ask anything he wants. The buyer has the right to ask whether he will take less. Once negotiations start, both sides have the responsibility to accept a failure to come to terms with civility. (And I would hope the escort would be upfront about any diminution of services that are the result of a lowered fee.) That's my 2 cents.

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Guest Merlin

Of course, the most popular escorts and porn stars may need to charge more just to limit the number of demands on their time. Its all supply and demand.

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Guest Shooter

Well, I can rest easy on this one and not feel bad that I'm sending some '$500-per-hour-dude' to the poor house for not contributing to his cause. :-) I'll leave it to the guys with money to burn to keep them in business! There isn't a guy on earth worth $500 an hour (Okay, you caught me. Maybe one but he's priceless! :D ). And a guy who thought he was worth that much probably has an ego the size of the Grand Canyon. :o


Later, Shooter

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I am amazed at the comments made about the $500 per hour rates charged by certain escorts. It appears that a hefty majority of respondees agree that $500 may be a high price to ask but that they would be willing to pay it for "someone they really wanted". OK, the next question is: HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU SPEND PER MONTH on escorts? As an example, I read the Gaiety Reviews by NY Observer. He routinely tells us that he has had "private shows" with many of these strippers. They normally charge $200 per session. NY Observer appears to hire at least one or two per week. If correct, that would make him spend at least $800 to $1600 per month for the privelege. Do you spend that much??? I for one, cannot afford that amount to spend on escorts in that short amount of time.I can't event afford that in one year. I save my money until I can afford an escort and then, usually pay what appears to be the average stated rate: $200 p.h.(is there anyone out there that charges less?) Am I in the minority here? What is your average budget for escorts? Just how much do you spend on escorts in one month?

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Guest Shooter

How much per month?


At the risk of being accused of hijacking, here goes!


Ken, I put about $200 to $300 per month to escort time. More than I should, less than I wish I could. I hire one escort and, I don't know where you're at but, (shameless promotion here) Jeff in Columbus is $100/in; 120/out. :-)

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Interesting subject. My guess is that the $500 per hour guys are the worst value out there. OK for the free market, and OK for those who can afford it, but my bet is that the inflated ego porn "stars" are not performing as well as many of the highly rated regularly priced guys reviewed on this site.


Some people get carried away with the porn "star" images from their videos and magazines. My guess is most of them are dissapointing in real life, as they are not air-brushed or edited. I would rather go after a real escort, who knows how to do his job.


The budget question is a problem for me. Its not the money for the dancers that kills me, its the cost of staying in a hotel in New York that blows my budget away. That's why I opt for Montreal if I don't have other business or social reasons to go to New York. I can stay four nights in a hotel in Montreal for what one night in New York costs (same quality), and then I am paying the dancers in Canadian money (at $.70 on the U.S. dollar).

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Shooter, to answer your question, I am located in Boston. The escorts I have hired are usually in New York and sometimes in Wash. DC.

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Maybe I'm in the minority of the clients that post on this site, or maybe because I don't expect or want the full service that some of the higher priced "professional" escorts provide, but I've never found that a higher fee necessarily meant higher quality. I've paid anywhere from $60 to $350 for college guys making some bucks on the side to well known models and porn stars. From where I stand (or kneel, as the case may be), a $60 dick looks the same as a $350 one....(the only "professional" that really lived up to my fantasies was Jake Tanner several years ago, and his fee was in line with any of the unknowns...)

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Guest JayMI

I have to agree with MiamiLooker here, though I know that my preferences for "badboys" may incline me to prefer less expensive hustlers over the top escorts. Certainly, I have no objection to escorts getting whatever the market will bear, but even though I could afford $500, I would be very reluctant to pay so much without a pretty near certainty of my satisfaction. One thing I have learned in my years of hiring escorts is that encounters are very unpredictable. Hence, I tend to prefer the lower end of the market. Were I certain of extraordinary performance, then I might be willing to pay more. But in general I have rather simple demands that can be fulfilled fairly simply.

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