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cancelled appointment/travelling

Guest Reed Parker
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Guest Reed Parker

I'm not "spooked" meeting with strangers in my home city for a couple of hours. Escorts can easily do well in a big city without travelling out of town to visit clients.

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Guest Skeptic

RE: Personal questions for Skeptic...


Dear heart, I know that the 'poor me!' bit is integral to your persona, but please don't make yourself into my victim. Not only do I NOT have it in for all escorts (as you must surely know, puss), I don't even have it in for YOU: I'm not against BillyBoy as an escort or as a person; I'm against bogus postings from ANYONE, and, unfortunately, you seem to issue them at regular intervals.


When I get that commission check I'll contribute it to the ASPCT (which tries to keep people like me from driving twinks to tears). You see, I don't think I should be paid for keeping you in the limelight. It doesn't expand the circle of your potential customers, anyway. Twink-lovers are a breed apart, I'd say, and anyone here who'd be interested in seeing you has probably done so already. Moreover, the notorious clannishness of twinkophiles is not unrelated to that of NAMBLA members, so they've probably spread the word on you as far as it needs to go.

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Guest Reed Parker

I brought it up because we all know this isn't the first time something like this has happened. There are numerous stories of clients losing serious money to escorts who maliciously ripped them off. I think it's good to talk about bad situations like this so that we can all learn how to avoid them. That's what this website is all about, isn't it?

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Guest Billyboy

RE: Personal questions for Skeptic...


Thanks for the clarification. I'm sorry you didn't see my motives were as genuine as Reed's, although not stated but rather understood. I was indeed trying to contact a client. I really would love you to email me. Thanks. By the way. I'M NOT A TWINK!!

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Guest Shooter

Hey, cleverock.


I'm gonna step out of character here and say, BULL SHIT! I specifically changed the subject line so that everyone would know this didn't relate to Reed's situation. I responded with my input to Reed's dilemna (#6). You'd be a trip in the chat room 'cause once someone started on a subject, no one could digress unless they went to a different chat room. BORING! I have to agree with my ole buddy, Skeptic, here! No one 'hijacked' anyone's thread. Billy called on Skeptic to respond, by name, and he did. So, if anyone 'hijacked', instigated, or baited, it was Billy!


Speaking of Billy, please clue me in on what a TWINK is anyway. I always thought it was a hairless little kid. No older than 21. When Skeptic called Matt a 'dire looking twink', Matt's response was 'no one would mistake me for anything under 25'. But, in all the Skeptic, HooBoy, Billy, Aaron bantering, not once, until now, has Billy stated: 'I'M NOT A TWINK!' He's probably over 30 so, does 'TWINK' refer to age, appearance or activity.


Now, cleverock, since this was directed to you, I rely on your explanation as everyone else will realize, from the subject, that this is directed only at you and has nothing to do with the thread's original subject!


Thanks, Shooter :-)

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Guest Skeptic

RE: Personal questions for Skeptic...


Now wait a minute, Billyboy! You're NOT a twink? I've been looking at the wrong picture, the wrong reviews? What are we talking here? "Master Billyboy--Chicago's best-equipped dungeon--Limits Respected and Expanded--second executioner available" ? ? ?


How could I have been so wildly mistaken? Who IS a twink, then, if you're not? Is that term considered an insult, no matter what the context? (Admittedly it's not a word I've been aware of for more than 7 or 8 years, so perhaps I'm not using it idiomatically. I'd always assumed it was a replacement for 'chicken,' mainly because that word had acquired too dangerous a connotation vis a vis the law.)


But rather than send you any email, Billy, let me wonder aloud (in the presence of our fellow-posters) about ANOTHER bit of email.


While the posts/counterposts were still flying in "What Do I Do?" you suddenly announced that the problem had been solved because the client (as you & Hooboy had hoped) saw the thread here & was thus warned of your imminent departure.


Hurrah! Happy ending!


But surely, if that client DID see it, he must have read all or some of the postings it generated. So am I the only one to think it odd that this man--of all people--hasn't yet posted a message here TO DEFEND YOU from the vicious attacks of Skeptic and his ilk? Is this how trying to be caring & compassionate--and in the face of such heartless abuse--is properly rewarded? I'm scandalized, shocked.


(Now please, Jake, Shooter, NYO, et al., please don't volunteer to play the role of the john! That drama is over and done with by now.)


And with regard to this one, I'll now say no more. (Truly. Unlike Josh D in the 'Weird' thread he started--but couldn't handle--when I say I'm done sounding off, I AM.) But look for me elsewhere--pleasant & helpful for the most part, but reserving the right to be caustic when the circumstances call for it.

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I'm with Reed on this one. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it.


If this guy had $1200 to pay Reed for the weekend, plus airfare, plus his extensive rural Missouri land holdings, then he can get himself to New York or Montreal or L.A. or San Francisco or Las Vegas or Chicago or where ever for an escort experieince. Then if he has a good experieince, he can fly the escort to Kansas City. I would never pay an escort to travel if I did not previously know them.

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RE: Personal questions for Skeptic...


>(Now please, Jake, Shooter, NYO, et

>al., please don't volunteer to

>play the role of the

>john! That drama is

>over and done with by



Sweetie, don't worry about me playing any role. I learned my lesson some time ago. Do not have an opinion other than those who rule the roost here or you will be put in your place very quickly. In fact, Skeptic, you are becoming more appealing to me as time passes ... perhaps a sure sign of my mental deterioration.

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Guest nickandre

Just want to say that I think Reed was in his right to change his mind. If he doesn't feel secured enough to meet a client (whether it's out of town or not), then no money in the world should make him change his mind.

I believe that it's the client who's asking the escort for his services; the final decision for the appointment should go to the escort. That's right, he's doing his job, but let's not forget that it's not a regular job and if the feeling isn't right, that's reason enough to decline.

The situation Reed has explained with his cancelled travel plans gave me the feeling this client was kind of strange, and had enough money to do whatever he wants.

So, thanks to Reed to be extra careful. This way he'll be around for a lot of us to appreciate him.

I plan to do just that when I visit SF in September !

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Guest Merlin

Well Reed I guess I'm all alone in believing you were wrong to agree, then back out for no real reason without being able to tell the client. Let's turn the facts around and suppose the client just didn't feel right about it at the last minute' and just didn't show up, leaving you at the airport with notwhere to go but home. I doubt if you will agree that client has the same right to no-show on a whim that you claim. I am sure as many clients have been hurt by escorts as the reverse.

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I'm not sure how Reed will feel about your question -- it would be interesting to hear from him or any of the other escorts. But I would encourage any client who has a bad feeling about a meeting with an escort to definitely back out, even if the escort is standing at his door.


I don't mean to say that people should cancel because someone was 5'10 instead of 5'11 or anything like that; rather, if someone suddenly begins to feel unsafe or otherwise uneasy, he should end it right then (and the same thing is true for the escort). If the client cancels like this, I think he should probably pay part of the fee, since the escort did show up, unless there are other extenuating circumstances -- perhaps the escort really misrepresented himself or something.

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Guest Reed Parker

From the day I began providing intimate services for guys, I have always told clients that if within the first few minutes things just don't feel right, let me know and there would be no charge, and no hard feelings. The same policy would have applied even if I had flown to Missouri.


To address your comments, Merlin, people are not robots. When you say that I cancelled for no good reason, I'm not sure what you mean. I've made it clear that I felt uncomfortable when I faced the reality of meeting with this guy. If I had his phone number, I would have called him. I should have asked for it when he and I first made our plans, but on the other hand, I think he should have offered it--most clients do. In fact, when I knew I couldn't meet with him, I frantically searched through the e-mail messages he had sent me, thinking that he must have given me his phone number at some point. Unfortunately, he had not.


I've obsessed over this for the last 3 days, and now I feel very confident that I made the right decision. I appreciate all of you who have had something constructive to say. I have received e-mail messages with specific advice as to how I should handle travel calls in the future. I will save those messages, and use their advice. I've learned that I have to be more assertive and to pay attention to my gut instincts. Communication is very important! In my efforts to please the client, I ignored my own needs.


I'm sure this topic will be discussed again, and I hope that it is. The "how-to" books on the escorting business have only become popular in the last 2-3 years, so I think we're all still learning "the rules."


I lost a lot of sleep Thursday and Friday nights thinking about all of this, but it's time for me to move on.


Thank you all again. This will be my last posting on this thread.

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Guest Daddy-In-Training

LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-00 AT 01:31AM (EST)[p]Reed,


You did good! I understand your point and agree with your actions. Your honesty and candor are to be applauded. You still remain on my "A list" and I look forward to meeting you. I really am trying to free up some time to meet you! :-)


As for the few that have been taking pot shots at each other, stop it now! You have been warned! Daddy has a short fuse right now, and you don't want to try his patience. I want none of that BS about who started it first. I'll send you all to your rooms without supper and anybody that talks back will be spanked! }>


-- Daddy

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"He said he would make sure that everybody who looks at this site knows what I have done."


Reed, just curious why you think the client hasn't posted a response on this site. You mentioned you would try to contact him again, giving him time to cool down...have you?


I guess by now you've learned some basic rules of the road when it comes to agreeing to this type of call. Just because you felt uneasy about the situation, you did ultimately agree on the client's terms (which he may have thought were perfectly reasonable for $1200). Assuming this guy wasn't a potential axe murderer, your canceling at the last minute with no time on his part to hire someone else, probably ruined his trip.


You were right to change your mind since you felt so uneasy, but maybe it would have been better just to have lied and used the old "family emergency" as the reason.


Sex in a cornfield has never been one of my fantasies, but now I've been thinking about it....

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Guest Daddy-In-Training



I don't know, I think I prefer the way that Reed handled it, (i.e. the truth). My confort level is partially based on their comfort level. In my case, I would have toned down to a level where both of us would have been confortable. That way the next time around, it'd be a easy decision (for both parties).


As for "probably ruined his trip", It wouldn't in my case. I always have another string for the bow because you never know what may come up.


-- Daddy

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