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Fed Up With The Canadian Boys

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I made the big mistake of going to The Gaiety two weeks in a row and going with another one of these Canadian boys. I'm sure they must talk amongst themselves and brand their suckers cause this one dancer, Travis, must've seen me coming. I talked with an employee who agreed they are the worst. Again I feel Denise is ultimately going to hurt business. These Canadian dancers make lousy escorts cause it clearly isn't their specialty. After being suckered last week by Nicholas, I found myself fooled by this Travis. Of course he buttered me up and played the same, familiar game, but I fell for his friendly, "ready for anything" approach. When it was all over, I'd blown 200 just to see him pose and allow me to basically touch. You gotta be nuts to pay money like that just to touch! I didn't get my money's worth and want everyone to know what a waste this guy was.

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Guest sexpert

LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-00 AT 12:03PM (CST)[p]I couldn’t agree more with the above poster in his opinion about Travis. Like him, I’ve had Travis for a private after his persistent attention and flirtation with an attitude that suggested he was eager to please. So it was a BIG disappointment to find that his repertoire of allowed “activities” in a private to be so limited, especially after he gave me clear indication that “anything goes” (you can read the details of that frustrating encounter in my review that appeared today -April 1- in the escort reviews section, along with that of another disgruntled customer). Still, I don’t want to pass a judgment on all the Gaiety dancers (Canadian or otherwise) based on my bad experience with Travis. In fact, two of the most satisfying experiences I’ve ever had with escorts (and I’ve had many) were with two dancers from the Gaiety; Pierre and Christopher. They are both gorgeous, professional and really do their best to give you your (considerable) money’s worth. And they are both Canadian! At the end of each of my encounters with these two dancers I was jumping off the wall with excitement. $200 dollars seemed like $20 to me with Pierre/Christopher since I knew I got much more in terms of sexual gratification. As for Travis, the aforementioned price of admission seemed ridiculously expensive for what you get. The $10 (Canadian)/song that he charges for a back-room private when he dances in Remington’s in Toronto (my favorite male strip club) looks much more reasonable with respect to services rendered.

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Just as is the case everywhere, there are worthwhile Canadians and those who are less worthwhile.


I have had some very good experiences with Canadian boys at the Gaiety.


I have also had some not so good experiences.


It is pretty hit or miss but by sharing experiences we avoid people making the same mistakes as we made.


I have gone with both Travis and Nicholas. I wouldn't put either in my top 5 list, but I had an ok time with both (not sure I'd go with them again though).


From personal experience, I would recommend quite a few of the other Canadians. I have heard rave reviews about others on this site.


It's very unfair to categorize all of these guys based on a bad experience or two.

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Guest Matt In Vancouver

Thank-you for sticking up for us!

I'm not a dancer at Gaiety or any other club, but I am Canadian, and well not all Canadians are assholes, some of us are decent.

I've made comments in the past about dancers, but hey sometimes I like to repeat myself...

Most (not all) dancers, are not escorts, they are dancers, you cannot expect the same level of service in a 'private' dance that you can when hiring a reputable escort. Again this is a not the case always, but based on the posts on this site, most of the experiences with dancers, have been bad. So why keep hiring them, cause they are good at hustling, that is what they do for a living, but there are good guys and bad guys everywhere, just learn the signs and you'll save a lot of money.

But as a Canadian I can attest for myself only, I'm decent, hard working, honest, intelligent, and worth every penny, but hey you wont get to see me strut in a club before you hire me, you'll just have to wait and see it all in person. : )


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Guest torjon

Matt,once again you have said it so well. This fellow Canuck is in total agreement. I'm sticking with the pros..the escorts who value their clients. (BC is looking more and more like a good place to visit with every post you make!)

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Guest Matt In Vancouver

Aw shucks! Hey where are you? I'm going to be in Toronto in the coming weeks.... are you anywhere near there? We could arrange something if your interested... canuck to canuck : )

e-mail me matt_escort@yahoo.com

cheers. and thanx for the nice words.


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It is too bad that you had some bad experiences with Canadian dancers from the Gaiety. I have almost always had great experiences with Canadians. But maybe others can help me here, I generally have a great time with French-Canadians from either Montreal or Quebec City. The English Canadians from Toronto seem to be more of a hit-or-miss proposition. I have had disappointing sessions with those from Toronto, but rarely with those from Montreal. (Actually my French-Canadian friends told me to stay away from Nicholas - they thought he was a hustler too.)


Do any others have opinions of French-Canadians vs. English Canadians?


Maybe I am just lucky, or its that I have cultivated some of my favorite French-Canadian dancers over many visits to the Gaiety, and to Montreal.

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Dear Ready...


I too must agree that it is unfair to label all Canadians as bad folk. It has been my experience that Canadian men are incredibly passionate and always make me scream with joy. I hope you give them another chance; perhaps check out the reviews from NY Observer as he seems to be the eyes and ears of the Gaiety scene (and I mean this in the nicest of possible ways). Also, check out Mike Conway's website if you want to see a REALLY HOT Canadian. I view it often and it's all I can do to keep my hands off myself.


Good luck and happy hunting!



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Guest Skeptic

I'll join in the general salute: 'O Canada!'


Of course it isn't right to condemn all our charming visitors from the north for the bad behavior of a few. I've always felt that the Canadians were the lifeblood of the Gaiety for the 10 years or so I've been going there, and I have happy memories of being with guys from both Montreal and Toronto.


Now it may be because I'm looking to hire straight guys wherever I may be (and require nothing of them beyond having a big, preferably uncut, dick) that I get on with the Canadians so well. But I can imagine that someone who wants reciprocal sex--and even displays of affection--(the majority of clients, I suppose) might well feel that $200 is too much to pay for what most of these guys are prepared to do.


Even so, what's expected on both sides really should be spelled out clearly before you go with any of them. If a dancer reneges on such an agreement (or a client suddenly insists on more action than originally stated), that's clearly unacceptable behavior.


However, I don't agree with the distinction Matt made earlier between 'dancers' and escorts. The Gaiety guys are 'dancing' (some well, others not), but they're definitely in NYC to turn tricks, NOT to honor Terpsichore. So they should be judged exactly as you would any escort. Either they're honest or they're rip-offs.

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I live about a five-minute walk from the Gaiety, and I've been going there for over 25 years. It's my opinion (and only an opinion) that the problem is not with Canadians, per se, but with the kind of boys Denise wants to hire these days. And it so happens the Canadians fit the bill.

The manager at the escort agency I've used for a few years once told me that the reason Denise hires mostly straight boys who don't live in NYC is that they're less trouble for her. They don't quit in the middle of the week. They don't get in tussles with her clients. They're there to earn as much money as they can for a week and that's all.

Many of these guys are gorgeous eye candy. But I stopped hiring then for "private shows" about 5 years ago, when it became clear that almost none of them would give me the kind of reciprocation that makes the experience pleasant.

It seems there are exceptions, based on a few favorable reviews here. But I suggest that one make no assumptions about real sexual exchanges at the Gaiety unless there is evidence to the contrary in advance.

I don't blame Denise. She does what she has to in order to keep the establishment open in these most trying of times in the Big Apple. And if hiring hunky Canadian straight boys keeps this venerable Times Square institution open, then that's what she has to do.

But do not think of the place as an escort agency with a runway. Any boy whose goal is to make five $200 fees per day is a machine, not an "escort" in the best sense of the word. I go there every few weeks and look at all the bulging biceps, pecs, and glutes, but that's all. And while I'm sure there are cases where the private show given was exactly what the client hoped for, it's not the norm. I'm only saying that newbies to the place should lower their expectations unless there's cause to think otherwise.

That's my 2 cents. I'm sure there ae lots of differing opinions.

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LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-00 AT 05:23AM (CST)[p]Call me naive, but I'm wondering if it has more to do with the guys being straight than Canadian. I mean, set up a chorus line of American beauties, send them out to dance, tell them they can make $200 by "having sex" with gay dudes and I seriously doubt you'd get any better service than with the Canadians. I broke my "no Gaiety guy" rule recently with Pierre of Montreal and could not have had a better time, but he truly is an exception, and after all, rules are made to be broken!

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Exactly! And good advice, too, Skeptic.


A while back I was in NY for a few days and I was curious about the Gaiety, since I'd heard so much about it and I was staying across the street at the Marriott Marquis.


So one night I went over and ended up hiring one extremely attractive young guy -- who did happen to be Canadian -- and we went back to my hotel room. To make a long story short, he left with my $200 in hand less than 15 minutes later, despite our previous understanding. I was a bit annoyed, but more amused because I had been caught in exactly the trap I had been watching out for, having been forewarned so many times about the Gaiety dances. Amused mainly because I'm not naive and not inexperienced and his whole technique was so slick that he almost left me speechless.


Nevertheless, if the point of my stay or my evening had been to go to the Gaiety and pick up an escort to have fun, I would have been either very, very frustrated or very, very angry.


The next night, to see if this could be avoided easily, I went back and found another, equally attractive guy -- also from Canada, as chance would have it. I told him I was staying across the street and was interested in hooking up. However, I also told him that I expected him to be in my hotel room for not less than 45 minutes. I also told him what I wanted him to do, with great specificity. And I gave him a brief run-down on the prior night's experience.


I finished by telling him that I would be happy to pay him his $200 -- if he did exactly what I had just said I wanted, including staying for a minimum of 45 minutes in the room. If he left early or disappointed my, I wasn't going to pay him anything. And I would only give him the money at the end of the time.


I told him that if he wanted to leave with me under those terms, I would be happy to go right then. If not, then I would talk to the others and, if no one was willing to accept my terms, I was quite happy to walk out the same way I came in -- by myself.


He was a bit shocked initially, I think, at having someone state so clearly both what they wanted and the fact that they would withhold all payment if the agreement wasn't honored. (Please note that I wasn't going to not pay him if he didn't satisfy me -- just if he refused to follow through on what we agreed to while standing in the Gaiety.)


But he laughed and said "let's go!" We did, he was very nice and followed through completely and left me with a smile on my face.


Those were my only experiences at the Gaiety and quite possibly might end up being my only experiences there because it's not really my cup of tea. If I'm looking for company, I'd much rather hire someone who isn't rushed, who has both the time and the inclination to talk a bit so we can become acquainted, and who can then stay long enough that they whole experience is not just "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am!" There are certainly lots of escorts in NYC who are both very attractive and willing to be attentive while it seems that the Gaiety boys are under some very real pressure to move things along in half-hour increments. And, generally, I would be looking to get together for at least a couple of hours.


So I doubt I'll be back at the Gaiety. But for those who do go, my second experience demonstated to my satisfaction that it's possible to go and get what you're looking for, if you're willing to be extremely firm (and fair) in your negotiations. But you must also understand that you might have to walk out alone if no one that night is willing to accept your terms. To me, walking out without being ripped off is by far a better deal than having 20 minutes of unsatisfying sex at a rate that turns out to be $400 per hour or more.

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Guest Skeptic

Boston Guy's very interesting account of his own Gaiety experiences reminds me of something I should have put in my own earlier post.


Arranging a 'private' BETWEEN shows is probably to be avoided at any cost. This will definitely keep the guy's eye (or mind, at least) on the clock, even if he intends to give you full value for your money. And as the time constraint usually means going to his place (a hotel room) that has its own drawbacks, too--principal among them, another dancer sharing the place & needing time there for his own clients.


Almost invariably, I've arranged to see these guys AFTER the last weekend or Sunday night show, and sometimes even early Monday afternoon, just before they set out to the airport to get back to Canada. (I used to see Big Frank that way all the time.)


It might work to set something up between marathon appearances, too, since the 'free time' spread must inevitably be wider. But since they've got to do the finale as well as their own slot, I expect that only the first and the last dancers have significently more free time to use for privates.


Obviously living in NYC & having your own place is an advantage, but even visitors staying in hotels can avoid the rushed session by sticking to my after-the-last-show principle.

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Guest brianrj

Thanks Skeptic and BostonGuy for your posts. I have the opportunity to go to New York in August - and was wondering if you (or maybe NYO?) could answer a couple more questions:


1) Do they only do privates at their hotel room? Or if the client were staying close by would they go there too?


2) Would a person want to stay in that area - or is it not a good idea?


3) I believe it was probably mentioned before, but what are the "slow" times?


4) Are the guys that actually do what they say they will do so popular that they are impossible to get for a private show?


Not sure I'd do a private - since I'd be too petrified to ask - but who knows what effect raging hormones might have on my normal, reasonable judgement. Seems like I'd have to at least stop and soak up the "atmosphere".


BTW Skeptic - "Terpsichore" - you had me on that one til I could get to the dictionary, where do you come up with these?


Your collective wisdom is appreciated,



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Hi Brian -


Skeptic or the others can answer most of your questions with considerably greater authority than I, since it seems clear they have more experience with the Gaiety. (Skeptic's last post is a good example.)


However, I can offer you at least my own observations about the neighborhood. The Gaiety is located on West 46th Street, just a few steps off Broadway, right behind the Howard Johnson's restaurant. This is the new "cleaned up" Times Square, with a great deal of shiny new construction and what seems to this observer to be a homogenization of the old Times Square character.


It certainly feels safer than ever and I wouldn't hesitate to wander about at literally any time of the day. And there are many fine hotels within a few blocks, offering a wide range of amenities and equally wide range of prices.


For proximity to the Gaiety, you can't beat the Marriott Marquis. It's really rather a nice hotel, with a eighth-floor lobby that has an Atrium lounge with a 40-story ceiling. (I kid you not.) It's also pricey at certain times and a room can easily cost more than $350 per night. But, like all hotels, they have their slow periods and, if you time it right, it's not hard to get a room for around $220 per night -- a very good value in mid-town, at least in my opinion. You might also check out the hotel discounters on the web: http://www.hotres.com will often have the Marriott listed at reasonable prices.


Other name-brand hotels in the area include two Sheratons (the Sheraton New York and the Sheraton Manhattan, which are across the street from each other and a few blocks from the Gaiety) and a

Novotel. A few blocks farther away, but still within 10 minutes walking time, you will find both a Howard Johnson's hotel on 8th Ave at something like 51st Street and a Holiday Inn on (I think) 57th between 8th Ave and 9th. When they are available, you should be able to find a room for around $150 per night. Both offer the kind of rooms you'd expect from chain hotels, although the Holiday Inn's rooms are a bit small and the Howard Johnson's has certain floors that have the unique feature of doors that stop once inch above the floor -- not terrific if you are a light sleeper.


There are also a few boutique hotels in the Times Square area. One you might check -- it's on the web -- is the Casablanca Hotel on 42nd Street just east of Broadway. It was newly renovated a couple of years ago in a North African motif and is quite small -- I think less than 70 rooms. It's well run, clean and has a 24-hours lounge with complimentary snacks, a good continental breakfast in the morning, complimentary bottle of wine in the room when you check in, etc. It's not like staying in a Marriott or a Sheraton -- you won't find some of the glitz you'll find there -- but if you like small hotels, it's really rather fun.


Hope this helps!

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Boston Guy's recomendations are all very good. I usually stay at the Crown Plaza on Broadway and 48th. It is only two blocks from the Gaiety and very convenient to everything in Times Square. I am usually doing Theatre when I am in town, so it works for me. The Crown Plaza also has a great gym (a New York Sports Club franchise) that is free when you are staying there. Its a great additional benefit if you care about such things. The Marriott does not have good work- out facilities. Prices in August are very off-season and will be as cheap as you will get in New York, but still high compared to the rest of the world.


I generally bring the Gaiety boys back to my hotel room. I like having home field advantage, and I know everything is clean. Then when we are done, I can just send the boy(s) off, and clean myself up in the comfort of my own room. I ususally get a room with two beds, one for sleeping and one for sex.


I have only gone to the dancer's room a couple of times for logistical reasons, and have never had a problem with it, I just prefer my own room.

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Guest WantEscort@aol.com

I always stay at the Doubletree Suites across from the Broadway Shows Same Day Ticket Booth (what a mouth full). Prices compare to other hotels and you have a living room. Again, like the other locations mentioned here, it is only a couple of blocks from the Gaiety.


By the way, I have never asked, does the Gaiety have wheelchair access? I have a friend who is interested in going with me on one of my trips and wondered if there is a way for him to get there.

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Guest Skeptic

The hotels suggested by BostonG & P.Revere are all fine choices. I'd add one more--the Paramount--right down 46th from the Gaiety on the same side of the street, going west (towards 8th Avenue). It's a smart-looking, relatively small place that was refurbished about 10 years ago (by Shrager, I think), and its charming visual touches include humpy-looking doormen who look as if they might be as talented (and available) as the Gaiety guys.


The lobby also includes one of Manhattan's most fascinating men's rooms. It's not a t-room in the sleazy sense; it's just that all four walls are mirrored top to bottom, and given the modest space involved, you find you're cruising (or being cruised by) anyone else who's in there with you--whether you want to or not. Not recommended for the piss-shy. (What WERE they thinking when they designed this one?) Attached to the hotel is a 'beautiful people's' bar (lots of models of both sexes) and the restuarant, Coco Pazzo.


I have no idea about current room rates, but a few years ago there were incredible bargains to be had. While I'd be surprised if that's still the case, I know at least one Gaiety dancer who stays there every time he comes to town. He wants to be in a nice place and doesn't like sharing quarters with his colleagues; so, while it's obviously pricier than, say, the Milford, it must seem reasonable enough to him to stay there, even if it does cut into the week's revenues. (The classy dancer in question, BTW, is Jake from Toronto--a compact powerhouse of muscle with a great, big dick. He's both str8 and the sweetheart of all time, so I'm sure he's as accomodating as he can reasonably be to everyone--even guys who require a lot more in the way of reciprocity & action than I do. Ask him; he'll tell no lies. Skeptic's Seal of Approval. Highly recommended.)


As for Brian's question about 'your place or mine,' I'd say that the only reason a dancer would want to take you to his hotel is because it's a stone's throw from the Gaiety. If yours is, too, he'll be just as happy to go there, I'm sure.


All things being equal, I'm also sure they'd all be happier to go to your apartment (if you live in Manhattan), but only for an 'after-work' session (i.e. following the last show of the night, as discussed above).

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I must agree with Matt, though I know that it's quite some time since he said it. I been busy this weekend, ya know? It also ties into something that was said in one of the threads over under masseurs.

Dancing, escorting and massage are three different jobs. Yes, many people do more than one of these, and can even be good at more than one of them. Remember the old Broadway triple threat man as opposed to a dancer-who-sings or an actor- who-can-move (that is, dances just well enough to make the audience thing that he can dance)? However, though the person is the same, the job is not. I have friends who talk about which hat they are wearing at the time - ie, 'Oh, don't talk to me about Court Board of Directors issues right now, I'm wearing my Colt 45's Disbursements Secretary hat.' Same kind of thing!

All three jobs are exactly what we want at one time or another. All should be honored. Just make sure that you know what you want and go looking for it specifically. As this thread has made clear, there is a world of difference between an unrushed escort and a gotta be back for the next show dancer-who-escorts, let alone a real hot dick dancer at Broadway Bares. (And write me if you got a bad back, are over 40 and need a regular digital prostate massage, or whatever, but not if you got a hard cock - That's a gland, not a muscle. Adress in my profile.)

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