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Do some escorts use Viagra?

Guest Merlin
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Guest Merlin

Something one of the escorts on this forum got me to wondering: are some of the escorts using viagra now? What has there experience been like? Any side effects?

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PROBLEM? Watch-u-mean, problem? I think you meant BENEFIT!


I understand that some of the up & coming gay for pay porn actors are getting through their scenes with a little help from Big V. I'm not so sure I like that.


Also, is it true that when you take viagra you see a very light blue tint--like you're looking through a very fine blue filter--to everything? Just curions; if that's the case I need to not wear yellow when seeing an escort; I look like shit in green! :-)

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Guest Wantescrt4

LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-00 AT 10:40PM (CST)[p]My experience with the stuff is that there ARE some slight side affects, nothing that would keep me from using it,however--and I am sure it differs form man to man. For me, I tend to get some nasal congestion, and a slight headach from using it, with a slightly elevated heartbeat (or would that be from the georgeous hunk in front of me? NEVER use poppers). I have been using it for about a year now--I like it because I can get hard again right after fucking, and do it all again, all in the course of an hour. The bottoms LOVE it!!! (So do I). I have had NO experience with a color change in vision, however, Regina. By the way Reggi--I love your presence here!

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Guest lovemblond



Assuming your not using poppers, cardiac or blood pressure meds, (those could be lethal) the side effects are minimal. Sometimes an increased heart rate, headache or facial flushing. Blue tinting to the visual fields does occur but in less than 5% of those taking it. I used to get a headache but now I take 2 tylenol with it and no problem.

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I responded to a post from our resident doctor and asked him to comment on this subject. Hopefully, he will.


Though it's fun, Viagra isn't for everyone. The noted precautions should be taken seriously. My dad insisted on using Viagra even though he has a history of heart disease and extremely high blood pressure. Sure enough ... he collapsed during a moment of passion with his twinkette. He'll probably be okay, but it wasn't pretty. Poor girl still thinks her snatch nearly killed him.

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Guest assmaster

Reggie I love you....you are very funny!!!!!!!

I tried it one night and went out and wondered why everybody was looking at me strangely....I finally caught a boo at myself and my face was beet red. I mean scarry!!!! I now keep it for the dancing boys. They need all the help they can get when they have to back on stage and I just persuaded them to give me an meringue shower. Love that "stiff peak" stage.

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Guest Dr. DG

LOL...I am a resident again! Wonder what my specialty title would be in here! Oh well...can't help that I love to be a health care professional..


Many escorts do use Viagra. I can say that since I have treated so many. I don't prescribe it UNLESS it is medically necessary. As a doc, I don't like using medications unless they are clearly indicated. And this medication is a nasty actor with antihypertensives, vasoactive drugs and alcohol. Antihypertensives, nitrates (nitroglycerin, isosorbide, etc), vasoactive drugs (amyl nitrate or poppers) and alcohol can cause serious cardiovascular collapse resulting from low blood pressure and tachycardia (rapid heart beat). Men who use certain medications for treating vascular, cluster or migraine headaches may also experience low blood pressure (called HYPOtension) and tachycardia along with increased headache pain when using Viagra.


Many of my patients have obtained Viagra from the internet sites, which typically have little supervision or interventions from physicians or pharmacists. I DO NOT recommend using these sites. If you feel you need Viagra--ask your doctor...he or she will determine if it is appropriate for you. AND ALWAYS TELL YOUR DOCTOR AND PHARMACIST IF YOU ARE USING IT!!!!!!!!


There...now I did my little rant and rave about the drug. I personally use the medication and have had a few instances of blue tinting to my vision. If this happens more than a few times, consult your doctor or pharmacist. This could be potentially more bothersome than dangerous, but it never hurts to check a problem out with your doc.


Thanks for listening!

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Guest Shooter

Doc- as the chronic worrier here, is there any evidence of adverse reactions with wacky tabacky, weed, marajawana? The guy I see pretty regularly indulges in both. Just a little concerned. Thanks!

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You know you have my utmost respect.


However, the Viagra sales here go to defray the very heavy expenses I've incurred. Certainly, I do not want to risk someone's health for my financial gain.


However, would you agree that it would be okay to order Viagra here AFTER your doctor approves your usage of it, since you can pick it up for less money here than you can from your doctor. My personal physician charged me $10 per pill! It's $6 here.


However, he says I'm okay for it, so why not agree that those that have been examined by a personal physician take advantage of the lower internet prices?



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Guest Dr. DG

OKAY HooBoy...you got me. If your doctor says its okay...I guess it's okay. You know I just rant and rave sometimes!


My point is that sometimes the hire-a-doc used by some online pharmacies isn't doing the full evaluation required for proper use of this medication.

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Guest Dr. DG

I do not know of any serious interactions between the active constituents (e. g. tetrahydrocannabinol (aka dronabinol)) of marijuana and Viagra. However, your pharmacist might be aware of new reports. Like any medication, new interactions are being reported all of the time.


As for using Viagra with other drugs...CAUTION...see my comments above.

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Guest bunglepok

Contrary to Hooboy's self-serving claim above, the Viagra he advertises costs $12/pill, not $6/pill. The pharmacy he promotes, KwikMed, says it charges $6/DOSE. But that just means that the buyer is expected to cut each $12 pill in half. That's a lame marketing gimmick.


Walmart charges the lowest price for Viagra, only $8/pill. It's the same price whether you get a 100 gram pill or a 50 gram pill. That means that the best deal is to get the 100 gram pill and cut it in half. That comes out to $4/dose, 50% less expensive than Hooboy's offer.


Read the fine print on those internet offers for Viagra. They are all substantially more expensive than buying it at Walmart.

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Bunglepok-Was it really necessary to begin your posting with such a negative phrase? I don't deny you your opinion, but I think there are much better ways to post your feelings.


Anyway, I personally do not use Viagra; it's not that I'm walking around with a woody all the time, but there are other creative things I can do with my other orifie (I think that's plural for orifice). Also, since I'm a bottom, well...you know the rest. I wonder if they will ever create a pill that makes your butt tighter? (and I hate it when men refer to it as my "mangina").


As with any medication, always check with a doctor first before consuming. I would hate to have someone die in my saddle!


Assmaster, I REALLY don't think you need Viagra; you sound like the absolute bomb stud of the block! }>


I know I would sure love to be looking up at that red face so don't worry about it. I don't think there's anything more hot than deep wet kisses anyway. I'm sportin' a little wood just thinking about it now!

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Hey "bunglepok" Dude:


Did you watch Oprah today? If not, I can send you the tape. Very interesting. It was about kharma (Oh, fuck, how do you spell it?).


I think there's a legitimate place for Hooboy's Viagra poster, and for his promotion of the product, especially if it helps keep this site free. Also, I would buy my Viagra here even if it was free at Walmart.


See, I live happily, successfully, well adjusted & horny in Bumfuck. Everyone knows everyone else and their business. My sexuality is not a secret, nor do I advertise it. Surprisingly, it's never been a big issue. I went to high school with the Pharmacist at my local Walmart. Dated her sister. Lusted for her brother. My nephew is fucking the cute tech-girl at the counter (he asks me to buy the Trojans for him, which I provide in bulk). I know this is probably hard for you big city boys to perceive, but can you maybe understand why there might be more than one reason to buy Viagra online instead of locally? Hell, no, I don't REALLY care what anyone here thinks about what I buy at Walmart's pharmacy, but, to be honest, I probably do care more about their gossip than I do about what YOU think about where I buy my Viagra! Make sense? Nevertheless, I love you and am sending good kharma ... maybe with more good kharma we'd all need less Viagra!! :)


Meanwhile, is the Dr. in? I use Viagra recreationally. I know you think this type of use is wrong. Don't need it for "normal" sexual activity - just when I want to do it all night long. (Or is that normal?) Anyway, it hurts. Pain. It's like I have more blood than I've got dick to put it in. What's up with that? Might my little thing explode? Can I take a lower dose? I now take 50mg. Who's your malpractice carrier and what are your limits? (Just kidding!)


Finally, I don't think enough good things have been said about the Dr.'s professional input & helpful answers to our questions. He's the best!!

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Guest Shooter

Gosh, RO, I wish I needed Viagra so I could write something here to back you up! That's why they call me 'Shooter'. ;-)


BTW, the guy I visit on occassion breaks his into small pieces (unless he knows it's gonna be hard for him to keep it up with a certain guy then he swallows the bottle--only kidding doc!). It 'enhances' the experience without the annoying side effects. Believe me, it definitely has the desired effect or maybe I'm just a total turn on!! :-)


Bunglepok's just on the down side of his roller coaster ride. He's done his thoughtful, well composed thread. Not it's time for some blunt, coldness. :-(

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I believe I read someplace that a lot of people use only a quarter of a pill. Remember, pain is our body's way of trying to say "Don't do that!" (This from an occaisional SM Master, but there's pain and then there's pain. Never harm yourself or you partner.)

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Guest Dr. DG

Thank you for the kind comments, RO. You are correct when you say that those of us who live in the city and have a million pharmacies around sometimes cannot understand the need for discretion in that context. I was born and raised in a small town and can certainly appreciate the nosy neighbors and the local gossip. Many legal cases surrounding compromised medical and legal confidentialities have arisen out of this environment.


To answer your question concerning Viagra--it is possible to have the hard-on of death that hurts. This is a sign that you probably do not need the medication and it is actually having an adverse effect on you. A hard-on that won't subside is called priapism--it is a condition that can be dangerous and painful. If your erection does not subside after stimulation (don't rub your dick thinking it will go soft!) for 2 or more hours--go the emergency room. An emergency detumescence procedure is painful, as it involves needles and pain relievers such as Demerol and Versed. Reconsider using Viagra if you do not really need it. The long term side effect profile of this medication is still being described in clinical literature. So far it seems relatively safe when used as directed, but the potential for misuse is very high. But as a gay man, I can certainly understand why men of every age would enjoy a health hard-on. Sorry if I don't sound clinical using "erection"...but I just like the plain old-fashioned term hard-on (or boner or woody or stiffy as you wish!).


My patients who use Viagra come from every age range and health status. I prescribe it as appropriate. Under state law and the codes of medical ethics, I cannot recommend one pharmacy or another to dispense the medication--that is your choice. But if you need confidentiality, consider usinga source that you feel is reliable and ethical.


Guys...I appreciate your attention as an audience. And thank you for listening!

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Guest paulnyc

Dr.DG. I take Procardia and also Atenolol. Would it then be dangerous to also take Viagra? One of the side effects of the the procardia is difficulty in getting a hard on; so the Viagra would be a real help.

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Guest Dr. DG

Atenolol, Procardia (Nifedipine) and Viagra


Atenolol and Nifedipine (Procardia) are both antihypertensive medications with significant cardiac side effects. Atenolol, as a beta blocker, slows down heart rate. Procardia can have similar though somewhat reduced efficacy slowing heart rate. Viagra was originally developed as a medication to treat angina pectoris, but was explored for use as a treatment for erectile dysfunction when researchers noticed men were not returning their unused supply of medication during clinical trials, and it was found to have a beneficial effect on men with ED.

(Thank you to Bob Dole for the help in getting that term to replace "impotency"!)


I would not recommend that you use Viagra without consulting your physician for possibly lowering the dosages of your atenolol and procardia. Adding Viagra could potentially cause hypotension and exacerbate the side effects of the atenolol and procardia. Many physicians place their patients on lower doses of antihypertensives to get the full beneficial effects of Viagra while still controlling blood pressure. It's a delicate balancing act, but one that works wonders in the lives of some of my hypertensive patients of all ages.


Please be careful and do NOT mix Viagra into your antihypertensive drug regimen without consulting your physician.


Thank you for listening!

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RE: Atenolol, Procardia (Nifedipine) and Viagra


Hey Doc,


I was using Rogaine for awhile because my beautiful thick hair was beginning to not be so thick.


Does that inhibit sexual performance - like they say Propecia does? I quit using it and I noticed my orgasms were more enjoyable and I don't know if there are any studies on it or any correlation or if its just because I was with better boys or my hand has been in a better mood. :-)


I'd rather be bald and unable to keep my eyes open during orgasm because of the intense surge than have a head full of hair and only have a so-so feeling when I cum.


And if I mix Rogaine with Vodka, will it make hair grow on the palms of my hand when I jack off?



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Guest paulnyc

RE: Atenolol, Procardia (Nifedipine) and Viagra


Thank you very much for your explanation, Dr. DG. It is wonderful to have a doctor online who understands gay issues. I can't talk to my own physician about these things. When I brought up the subject of ED, his feeling was that I was beyond the age when I should be thinking about sex and that my health was the important thing. I'm 57. I take 30 MG of procardia a day (time release) and 12.5 mg of Atenolol a day (half a pill). Once one is on these drugs, is it ever possible to get off of them? I think they make me tired and also give me ED. Is taking these two medications a recommended course of treatment for high blood pressure and two episodes of tachycardia?

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Guest Dr. DG

RE: Atenolol, Procardia (Nifedipine) and Viagra




LOL! Seriously...the studies done with topical Rogaine showed only a slight potential for drug interactions. Minoxidil, the active ingredient in Rogaine, is an antihypertensive medication and would (very highly theoretically) have the potential to cause hypotension, but this possibility is remote.


Then there's the old joke about what happens when you take Rogaine, Viagra and Propecia together: your newly grown hair stands on end!


Ok...bad joke...sorry!

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Guest Dr. DG

RE: Atenolol, Procardia (Nifedipine) and Viagra


There are several other treatment options for hypertension, but there may be other underlying reasons why your doc is keeping you on this particular regimen. 12.5 mg of atenolol and 30 mg of nifedipine time release are both on the lower end of the dosing scale. Antihypertensives of different types often have an effect called synergy--that is they work together to lower high blood pressure in lower doses than you would require if you were taking either medication at a higher dose. Ask your doctor about other medications that might be appropriate for you--diuretics, alpha-blockers and other medications are sometimes used. Be aware that your particular combination and dosing (if working they way your doc wants them to) is in a comfortably safe dosing range, so he might not want to fool around with what works for you. That's plain old fashioned conservative (not in the political sense) therapeutics at work.


As to his questions about why you wish to have a sex life--don't be afraid to tell him that it is your choice and not his. Being in the medical field, I encourage my patients to question their physicians if they do not understand the logic of a decision or recommendation. It's your body and your health. You probably came from the generation that was taught never to question a doctor, and that's allright if you agree with your doctor all of the time. I rarely agree with my doc only because I tell him he goes wrong with some decisions. Health professionals are the worst patients! Seriously...it really is not his decision to make about whether or not you have sex OR with who...but keep him informed. If you do not like what he has to say--either look for another physician or see a urologist. Make sure you tell the new doc EVERYTHING about your health including the antihypertensives. Always tell your physician(s) everything...we have heard it all (and then some...) and really cannot make informed recommendations and diagnoses without hearing everything from patients.


Thanks for listening!

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