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escorts who require pixes

Guest brad_chic66
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Guest brianrj

"You can ask Stephan, I was with him twice."


I was too, and I did ask. He said "Think Brad Pitt, only better looking." Was he telling the truth? ;-)

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Guest Matt In Vancouver

One day it's gonna happen, I'll get to meet you and show you a good time. I'm not off of the list then, cool, 'cause I wanna give the hoo a try: )


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My first experience wanting to hire an escort, I sent him an e-mail, and his one-sentence reply was, "Okay, go ahead and send a pic and we'll go from there."


This immediately took away any chance that he'd be hired by me.


On the other hand, another escort I'm talking with right now wrote me a nice, long, detailed letter back to me. Since I've never been with a guy, I had plenty of questions. He was patient and nice enough to answer them for me. We e-mailed back and forth a couple times, and then he told me that he tries to get to know his clients before the first encounter, and said that he'd love to see a pic if I had one. He emphasized that it wasn't a requirement, and that not everyone had one scanned, and that he would understand if I couldn't or was uncomfortable with it. This made me comfortable enough to do it, however, and I ended up sending a pic. He just seemed very sincere, and, heck, *I'd* certainly be curious too who I'm going to be fucking.


My one worry was not so much that he'd, I dunno, send the pic to my girlfriend or something like that, but rather that after sending it, that I wouldn't get a response back at all from him. (I'm a young college guy, but I'm not very confident in my appearance -- I'm about 5'11, 240, and it ain't muscle ;)). But his reply was instant and sincere. Now, I'm feeling more confident about our get-together, because I think he's sincere, and because now I know he knows what he's getting into.


So... I guess my point is that if this thread was going on after the first escort had asked me for a pic, I'd definitely be totally in agreement with HooBoy and others and think that asking for a pic automatically disqualified any chance of me hiring someone. But, now I see there's a way to do it with class, and now I feel more comfortable going into it.


Make sense?



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Guest justin

RE: whats the BIG DEAL??????


Before I begin i would like to state that I am an escort who DOES NOT require a pic to meet with someone. Lets first of all be honest about why escorts require a pic from clients before meeting:the escort wants to make the client looks good enough for their to be a good chemistry...not that looks alone predetermines sexual chemistry but it can certainly be a good indicator. If an escort wants to make sure they are comfortable with a client i see nothing wrong with asking someone for a pic. Some of you mentioned this is not PROFESSIONAL behavior. I disagree. If you are a potential client would you rather be turned down before you waste youre valuable time making arrangements or would you prefer the escort walk out on you??? I have NEVER turned down a client but i have had some calls where there was absolutely NO chemistry and felt like I was wasting the clients money. i am ALWAYS nice and respectful to every client as long as i am treated the same way, but obviously most clients are looking for alot more than that. so i ask you this question.....would you rather be rejected as a potential client over email OR spend time with an escort who has no chemistry with you and therefore doesnt perform the way you were hoping? There is nothing wrong with an escort trying to make sure in advance that they will be able to satisfy their client. as far as PRIVACY goes, i will say that any escort who would forward your pic to anyone is definitely NOT PROFESSIONAL. and unfortunately there are more than a few escorts that would probably do that.....well, its time for me to head off to the gym. I fully expect to get SLAMMED for this reply because I can see from most of your comments we are NOT in agreement.....but at least my reply was HONEST(i had to laugh while running through a couple of these posts from other escorts) on a lighter note......was it just me or did Bozo the clown perform in place of diana ross last night??? :^) J

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Guest Merlin

RE: whats the BIG DEAL??????


Justin, I would not hire an escort precisely because it indicates that he will be judgmental. Even if he shows up he is likely to decide that the client has faults and imperfections--and who does not. There is very liklihood that he will be a good escort. I do not fault you for asking for a pic, but I would eliminate you for doing it. I would prefer that you would advertise your limititations (under thirty, thin etc.) in the first place.

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RE: whats the BIG DEAL??????


>>>was it just me or did Bozo the clown perform in place of diana ross last night??? >>>


You may be totally off base and you are off my list of people to call, but you do have a great sense of humor.


It's too bad, but I'm too embarrased about sending my pic. Otherwise, why should I bother to hire.


FYI: I'm 5'8, I weigh 140lbs. I work out at Bally's every other day.


You wanna hire me? Send me a pic.


We'll watch the Diana Ross Tribute and laugh together.



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RE: whats the BIG DEAL??????


As one who has met with Justin in the past and will be meeting with him in the near future, I can tell you that all of my communication with him was via e-mail prior to our initial meeting. At no time did he ever demand or even mention that I provide a picture. In fact, I don't think we even discussed what MY appearance was like.


When he opened the door, it was also the first time that the two of us had even spoken to each other. It was the first time I had hired an escort without at least doing that much.


I'm quite certain that he was just as apprehensive as I was, when he opened the door. Afterall, I could have been a two headed monster!


Seriously, I can see the point that Justin is trying to make, afterall, he is human too.


We are talking about providing a service that requires a great deal of patience on the escorts part. We as clients expect peak sexual performance from escorts. If an escort is uncomfortable with overweight clients, he SHOULD try to prevent an unpleasant experience for his client.


It may seem inappropriate for the client to be rejected in an e-mail, but let's face it, which would you rather experience, a temporary hurt from an e-mail, or being hurt because the escort was unable to perform and thus rejected you in person.


This is not to say that escorts should be judgemental of their clients physical appearance, but I think if the escort is aware of the fact that the client is overweight and accepts the appointment anyway and then is unable to perform, then he is not fulfilling his obligation either.


My suggestion to clients who are older and overweight: be honest with the escort. If he comes back to you with a reply that he may not be the escort for you, then consider trying to build a relationship - meet with him for dinner without expectation of sex a few times. By then, the escort may become familiar with you and will see you in a much more favorable light and therefore, after maybe the second or third meeting, he may be comfortable in fulfilling your sexual desires.


For the record, my experience with Justin was exceptional. He made me feel right at ease as he is one of the nicest guys in the business. Believe it or not, Justin is one of the good guys who really is concerned about the client's needs. It may seem brutal at first, but in reality, he is doing his potential clients a service by being honest with them if he will not be able to meet their expectations.


Let's face it, some guys are out to rip off their clients anyway they can. Justin is one of the few who take the job seriously and wants the client to be satisfied.

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Guest justin

RE: a response to hooboy


>You may be totally off base

>and you are off my

>list of people to call,

>but you do have a

>great sense of humor.


>It's too bad, but I'm too

>embarrased about sending my pic.

> Otherwise, why should I

>bother to hire??



i will make a point to you through the point you just made. YOU are not comfortable sending your pic to an escort. that is your right to feel that way and that right should be respected but for an escort who also feels uncomfortable meeting a client without seeing a pic first thats ALSO his right and should be respected. Its not your call to tell a client or an escort what they should be COMFORTABLE with when setting up these meetings. Everyones feelings need to be respected in this matter.....maybe before you decide to be judge, jury, and executioner of escorts who require pics maybe you should try to be a little more understanding.......

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RE: a response to hooboy


Uh, excuse me...I made myself clear earlier in this post.


I thought the guy was hilarious in his review of Diana Ross/Bozo the clown.


I don't send pictures and I don't tip. If an escort doesn't to be with me, that's his choice. But I'm the one with the money.


Someone had a great "getting to know you" post. Still I would not send a pic. If I was going to be judged on my looks, I'd hang out at a bar.


As far as Diana Ross, I wish I saw it. And I think the guy who posted it is very smart and interesting. Too bad we'll never meet, but c'est la vie.



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RE: whats the BIG DEAL??????


If a guy chooses this profession, then he takes the good, the bad and the ugly.


If he provides CUSTOMER SERVICE - whether he feels like it or not, he's done his job and will get a good review.


Customer service should be first and foremost in his mind. Some people are not photogenic. I for one am not and I'm not about to get turned down because I'm ugly when I'm setting up a date on the internet. If I get to the prescribed location and he says, "eh eh, barf face, eh eh", then he doesn't belong in this profession.


If he wants a pic first, then, it's "Bye Bye Bye." There are other people out there that will hire a hideous dowager.


Can you imagine Nordstrom qualifying their customers?


And I've hired guys without seeing their pic. Sometimes they've turned out bad and I just write chalk it up to experience, write a truthful review and hope guys with similar tastes as me (the Margaret Hamilton type :-) will avoid them.


And is it a big deal? NOPE! The only people I've ever had ask me were young guys on AOL just getting started.

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RE: a response to hooboy


I agree with the statement that if I wanted to be judged on my looks I would go to a bar.


It seems to me that a "professional" does not have the right to select his clients - assuming that they fall within a very wide band of human behavior and physicality.


Escorting is a job. A dentist does not choose their patients from a photo...nor does a driving instructor.....et. al. So why should an escort?


There are few people with a strong enough self-confidence in there looks who would not be devestated by being turned down by an escort because the escort found them "unacceptable" because of their photo. The whole escort thing is about illusion and being told that you are not good looking enough for an escort could be a shattering experience for someone.


This is a large part of a good escorts job...to make anyone feel somewhat desired.

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RE: whats the BIG DEAL??????



I believe that Steve did exceed the 1000 word limit placed on responses, and so, of course, anything he said should be totally disregarded. And, to put your exceedingly correct anaylsis another way, always follow the golden rule. Whoever has the gold, makes the rules. Escorts who require pics up front will get wrinkles before Franklins. Later.

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RE: a response to hooboy


LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-00 AT 07:42AM (CST)[p]Oh, gosh, where to start? I hesitate to respond to this thread because maybe I'm just feeling cranky this morning. But there are so many things in your post that I don't agree with, I have to reply.


"If I wanted to be judged on my looks I would go to a bar." Well, guess what? We're all judged on our looks every day, all day long, by people we know and people we don't know. Walking down the street it happens as many times as there are people passing us. It happens at work, at parties, everywhere. And any one of us who doesn't have gross physical disfigurements can look ok. The young, the middle-aged and the elderly can all look ok (especially if they are not trying to look some other age than what they are.)


If someone is uncomfortable with the way they look, that is probably affecting a lot of the things they do on a day-by-day basis as they go through life. And, in that situation, they ought to do something about it. And I'm not talking about plastic surgery or anything radical. But if someone is 40 pounds overweight and it makes him embarrassed, he should go to the gym and go on a diet and lose the weight -- and he will be amazed at how much he enjoys the difference.


Again, I don't think someone needs to be young or beautiful not to be embarrassed about the way they look. If they are in reasonable shape for their age and are clean and presentable, they should stop feeling embarrassed about how they look.


But -- I'm not saying an escort should be demanding pictures up front and I do think that the ones who do are often the same ones who will prove not so much fun later on. However -- you seem to take the stance that the escorts don't have any right to ask for a picture.


Hello?? Dentists don't have to have sex with their clients. No escort is obligated to take any particular client; the good ones routinely pick and choose their clients because they are often too busy to be able to see everyone who wants to hire them.


Let's try to remember that this is a two-way street and just because we're paying an escort for his time doesn't mean that they become a slave and stripped of all their rights and human dignity. If you were escorting, wouldn't you want to know what the other person looks like? I find it sort of amazing that all escorts aren't now asking for pics ahead of time, not for selection purposes but for verification and identification.


I admit that I seldom send my picture because I don't like the idea of losing control of it. But that doesn't give me the right to tell an escort that he doesn't have the right to ask for it and if he does he isn't being professional. It just gives me the right to say "Sorry, I don't send my pic out, so I guess we won't have the chance to meet. Better luck to both of us next time."


But as for "There are few people with a strong enough self-confidence in their looks who would not be devestated by being turned down by an escort because the escort found them "unacceptable" because of their photo.", I either hope you're wrong or it's a bitter statement about either our society or the people who hire escorts. I mean, really -- anyone who would allow their personal self-image to be nudged an inch, much less damaged, because some, presumably young, escort didn't like the way they looked needs to reevaluate the way they make decisions -- and why they hire escorts.


We are who we are for many reasons. And looks play into it, like it or not, just like intelligence, charm, kindness and all of the other things that make us who we are. But, for God's sake, have confidence in yourself and don't allow a superficial, off-the-cuff rejection from anyone, escort or not, to shake your belief in yourself.

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Guest justin

RE: whats the BIG DEAL??????


>If a guy chooses this profession,

>then he takes the good,

>the bad and the ugly.



Oh Great HOOBOY....PLEEEEAAAAASSEEE dont keep us in suspense!!!! What are the other 9 commandments of escorting??? Im sure God didnt mean for you to keep them all to yourself.....lol I think you lost the fact somewhere that i DO NOT require pics to meet clients(maybe i should just to prove a point...lol) the point Ive been trying to take is that youre NOT taking into account that some escorts are uncomfotable meeting clients without seeing a pic first......you certainly want YOUR FEELINGS taken into account when it comes to NOT SENDING your pic to an escort. What if I were to tell you that YOU needed to loosen up and belittled you for NOT sending your pic. You'd probably feel like i had NO RESPECT for you and your feelings. but i would never do that because i wholeheartedly undertand the point YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE.......do you???

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Guest amadeus

RE: whats the BIG DEAL??????


Justin, I can´t agree more with you....


see my recent posting..


we all don´t want an escort who doesn´t perform how we would like him to...so that´s the reason, even if I don´t consider me as and adonis, I send out my pic the same time with my first attempt to contact an escort....chemistry is important, either if there is money involved or not...let u put down by some of the " I have the money and u have just the body" guys here....stay curious about your potential clients and continue to give them what they are really looking for



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Guest curious

RE: a response to hooboy


I could not disagree with you more.


Firstly, as we all know- we are hiring an escort for their time only- any sexual activity that takes place between consenting adults is just that. Money for sex would not be legal in most areas. Do you feel it necessary to have a certain body type or look to go out to dinner with somebody else?


As far as being judged on our looks everyday, so what. My hairstylist may think I am a troll, but that doesn't mean I will be refused service.


As far as your sage advice about changing what we are not happy with in ourselves- I am impressed. Look at all those idiots out there that have to deal with addictions, imperfections and differences. All they needed to do was stop smoking, or stop drinking or go on a diet and exercise, or date women, or will their hair to grow back. Thanks, that advice alone will save millions in therapy.


Next, your dental metaphor. Are you sure that dentists don't have sex with their clients? Seriously, what does that have to do with escorts? How many dentists do you know that require potential patients to submit photographs? How well do you think they would do if they only accepted clients with perfect teeth? Realize this though- the truly good dentists often have policies that they are not accepting new patients. However, this only occurs because of things like superior service. Wow, maybe your dental reference wasn't that far off.




Let's try to remember that this is a two-way street and just because we're paying

an escort for his time doesn't mean that they become a slave and stripped of all

their rights and human dignity.



Huh? Where do you draw the conclusion that a client who refuses to send a photograph is stripping an escort of their rights and human dignity. Ok, so maybe the stripping thing isn't so far off.


And finally, if escorting is truly a service industry, then an escort should take special care to make their customer feel like the sexiest and most important person in the world. I do agree with you that an escort has the right to ask for or even demand a photo. However, a potential client has every right to simply find someone else. If the escort has a problem with short, fat, old, bald, whatever- it should be their responsibility to include that in the advertising, profiles, etc. This can prevent anyone from wasting each others time, but most importantly, can minimize both the need and occurance to hurt a potential clients feelings, ego, or self-confidence. I firmly believe that this responsibility should fall on the escort.


Well let the bashing begin :(



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RE: a response to hooboy


Hi -


Not only do I not want to bash you <G>, I don't think we disagree very much at all.


You said:


"Firstly, as we all know- we are hiring an escort for their time only- any sexual

activity that takes place between consenting adults is just that. Money for sex

would not be legal in most areas. Do you feel it necessary to have a certain body

type or look to go out to dinner with somebody else?"


Not at all -- in fact, I guess I was even less clear in my previous reply than usual! :-)

I believe that is NOT necessary to have a perfect body or perfect looks to feel good

about yourself. What I was trying to say is that if someone is really unhappy about their

looks, there is often something can be done -- often we obsess about getting fatter as

we get older, for example, and we CAN do something about that. But we can't do anything

at all about some other things, or at least not much (loss of hair, for example) and I

think we should just accept those things we can't change. Much, if not most, of our

ultimate attraction to other people comes from other things: our personality, our smile,

our imagination (think sex), our skills, our compassion, our loyalty, our kindness, our

wisdom, our willingness to share with others -- all of the things that come from living

a life. Obsessing over our looks -- which is what I was trying to talk about, since

the original post I was responding to talked about being "devastated" by an escort's

rejection -- is just not sensible because it values our worth in terms of our looks. I

think that if we make an effort to be age-appropriate (whatever that means) in our looks,

stay in reasonable shape, be clean and neat and not too outrageous and smile at others

then we should feel confident in how we look. That's not the same as arrogant at all.


My reference to dentists perhaps should have been clearer. The post I was responding to



"Escorting is a job. A dentist does not choose their patients from a photo...nor does

a driving instructor.....et. al. So why should an escort?"


My point was that I think it's understandable, from a purely human point of view, that

an escort might want to see the person they were about to have sex with... just as a

dentist might turn down certain clients whose dental problems required skills he or

she does not have or a driving instructor might reject certain students they deemed

unfit for driving, etc. Remember -- I don't think escorts should demand photos for a

variety of reasons, one of which is that it seems not great for business. But I do think

it's pretty understandable when they ask for one and, as a client, I don't go over the

deep end and feel insulted or offended or think that they are rip offs or that they are

going to reject me as a human being when they do ask for one. In a very long-winded way

(no surprise there :-) ), I guess I'm suggesting balance on both sides of the equation.


And I completely agree with every sentence of your last major paragraph (beginning "And

finally..."). :D

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RE: whats the BIG DEAL??????




If I want a date based on my looks, I'll go to JR's in Houston or the Roxy in New York and pick up anyone I want for the price of a drink and some bonvivant conversation.


If I want an escort to pamper me and get paid well for it, he has no more right to have my picture than he does the keys to my home or my PIN number.



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Guest OuterSider

Escorts who need pix


This is just another spin on the subject. I work for a gay video company (sales & rentals - not making em ) who has a wealthy client coming in from Barbados. He asked us to get him in touch with a certain porno star. We did. The star had no problems and they will be meeting later in the month. This client will also be coming to visit our city (San Diego) where we were asked to get some information on escorts in the area (He doesn't use the internet ). No problem .... I thought. It seems more and more are requesting photos and won't talk to anyone about setting up an appointment. A few were gracious to send us their pics/stats/web pages when asked. But there were quite a few that did not want to even talk unless they saw a photo.

I guess my point is that if they are truly in the business to make $$$$ they are certainly throwing away opportunites to do so. It in an odd way is "unprofessional conduct". I will be telling any future customers that ask to make sure that they DO NOT connect with those they may run across who require photo first.

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Guest justin

RE: the LAST word




>If I want a date based

>on my looks, I'll go

>to JR's in Houston or

>the Roxy in New York

>and pick up anyone I

>want for the price of

>a drink and some bonvivant



>If I want an escort to

>pamper me and get paid

>well for it, he has

>no more right to have

>my picture than he does

>the keys to my home

>or my PIN number.





i give up......you win. Any escort who requires a pic to meet with a client should be tarred, feathered, nailed to a stake and burned!!!!!!!!!!! its obvious that we will never agree on this issue. but regardless of who is right or wrong on this subject(is anybody right or wrong) it certainly is clear which of the two of us is more tolerant and openminded. :^) and traveler.........consider our sunday night appointment CANCELLED!!!!!! hehehehehehehehe......just kidding......im through with this...have a good weekend...justin(by the way....i have a HOT HOT HOT 24 year old Czech friend(GAEITY QUALITY LOOKS add a personality and he's NOT a hustler). he is looking for a FEW longterm clients. he's also an ivy league grad.....REALLY!!!! if anyones interested email me at nyhotescort@aol.com. he's getting email the next couple days.....ill forward him any i get.....or if youre looking for this weekend forward me your #..(i can have him contact you) ...he has the JUSTIN SEAL OF APPROVAL...whatever more credibility that gives him...hehehehehe....no mail about escorts and pics PLEASE!!!!!!! :^)

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RE: the LAST word


Justin says: >>>Any escort who requires a pic to meet with a client should be tarred, feathered, nailed to a stake and burned!!!!!!!!!!! its obvious that we will never agree on this issue. but regardless of who is right or wrong on this subject...it certainly is clear which of the two of us is more tolerant and openminded.<<<


Good grief. I don't care if an escort asks me for a pic. He doesn't get it and he doesn't get my money, either. It's NO big deal to me. But for him to be tarred, feathered, nailed to a stake and burned? I never suggested that.


As far as your "clear" understanding about which of us is more tolerant and openminded - I think it's big of you to admit your failings so clearly.


Good luck!



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Guest justin

RE: the LAST word


>As far as your "clear" understanding

>about which of us is

>more tolerant and openminded -

>I think it's big of

>you to admit your failings

>so clearly.


>Good luck!






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RE: the LAST word


I still remember the day I was stuck on you with great fondness <sigh> - perhaps the most beautiful escort in New York City.

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