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Some Ramblings About Escort Reviews (or lack of them)

Guest Jake
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I'm feeling sort of disillusioned by the recent postings about some of the favorite escorts. For instance, Jon Ramsey! While he hasn't been out and out badmouthed here, contrary to his "raves" on the review site, he has been shown to be less than the "complete package." After a number of these posts, I tend to feel that there has to be truth to it. And then I wonder why all the raves. If an escort is self-centered and talks mostly about himself and uses your phone for later appointments, etc., he's probably prone to do it all the time. Why no mention of that in the reviews? I'm not criticizing really, but it did start me to think about my own reviews - have I always been completely honest? or have I tended to shade them to fit in with the majority of reviewers? I will say that the two times I veered off an out-and-out rave, I've heard about it from the escorts. Also, in at least one case, a future review made reference to mine and said that I must have been the one having the bad day. (I wasn't!) So, I think perhaps I tend to block out the negative for the most part (unless it would be an out and out ripoff) to conform with the majority. I'm stating this because I don't want to do it anymore. I pledge to be more honest in my reviews because that is what I would like from other reviewers.


I've also found myself giving higher "grades" to certain escorts, even though the sex itself has been less of the stars and stripes kind. I don't see this as dishonest. Looking back, I think that sometimes the overall experience can be a better one even when the sex itself might not be the ultimate hanging from the chandeleir variety. I was with Pierre, the dancer from the Gaiety, this past weekend. I've written a full review of it and I think it will eventually be posted. I found myself giving him an "outstanding" review even though I've had better sex. It was the total package (something that apparently escapes Ramsey)I was reviewing. He was less experienced than some, but his heart and head were in it. He was truly a great experience, even though I wasn't hanging from the rafters when we both came. Does that make sense? I hope so.


Finally, what's with the chat room? It seems to me to be the perfect opportunity for buyers and sellers to get together. I've logged in and hung around for awhile, never to see another human being. After 10 or 15 minutes, I began to feel stupid and moved on. It would be a shame to lose something as valuable as a chat tool (not that bullshit offered by AOL) in which we could really discuss the scene and be of use to each other on a more immediate basis. So if you see me lurking there occasionally, drop in and say hi. I don't bite (unless you want me to). Just my thoughts. And thanks again HooBoy for giving us the opportunity to express ourselves.

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Guest mickcool

RE: Some FURTHER Ramblings About Escort Reviews!


Hi there! I agree with you about "fitting" our reviews with the others. I have caught myself doing the very same thing. I have hired several (not to say a lot of!) escorts in NYC and have only reviewed the "good" ones to keep with the positive attitude. And in some instances, I was probably more emphatic because of the other outstanding reviews. Could it be our ego? That we too want to show that we can have great sex with a "popular" escort?


There are many areas that are subjective: a hot body is a hot body, a good cocksucker is a good cocksucker. But when it comes to how handosme an escort is (which is very imnportant to me) or how tender or rough, or how good a kisser that becomes really a personal and subjective matter. I almost did post a very bad review of an escort who had only glowing reviews (I won't name him) and changed my mind, because I realized the only reason I disliked him (I never even went inside his apartment)was that I found him profoundly unattractive. Upon re-reading his reviews I realized the reviewers only mentioned his sexual activities which may have been truly great. And these men maybe didn't care about how he looked or actually found him attractive (unless, of course, the escort in question posted the reviews himself?!?!?). All that to say that it's not that easy to post a truly objective review. We can only share our personal perspective of the experience. On the other hand of course, we're not talking about solving world famine here, so maybe I should just quit rambling . . .


I also wish that chat room would have more visitors. Pity I wasn't on it when you were. We could have been "fools" together!!


Take care!

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RE: Some FURTHER Ramblings About Escort Reviews!


I so agree with you. In my case, however, handsome is pretty relative and is not the first thing on my list. I have been with extraordinarily handsome guys and have left feeling fairly empty. I have been with guys less attractive (never dogs, mind you!) and have been humming down the street. Some dudes just really float my boat. Such was the case with Pierre from the Gaiety. I hesitate to name some of the extraordinarily attractive men who did everything they said they would and were great at sex but left me wanting for a more highlighted connection. It's not their fault really; it's just I want more than I thought I did. Maybe I'm not the whore I pretend to be.

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Guest Midnight Cowboy



You're probably right about reviewers coloring their reviews to be more in keeping with what's already been said about a particular escort. I'm sure, once upon a time, I'd have done the same thing. Nobody likes to rain on everybody's parade, and it can be unpleasant to take the heat for a less that stellar review of someone's favorite escort. Last summer I met up with an escort from Chicago who had received raves from everybody on the MSS logbook. My experience was not so satisfying, and I mentioned that on a subsequent thread about this guy. People were not amused. I was told I must be the problem. And to a certain extent, I was - to the extent that the chemistry between me and this escort wasn't so great. He was equally the problem, at least to the same extent. So we didn't hit it off. I'm not then going to slander him, or say that he doesn't live up to the hype or doesn't deliver on his promises (there was only one thing he wouldn't do that I thought we'd agreed to, but it was a misunderstanding). Still, I think it's important to say that I didn't have such a great time. It's a reality check - it says to other guys out there, NOBODY is a sure thing, even when you're paying for it. And maybe it'll make someone else sitting quietly in the corner feeling stupid because he also didn't have a sizzling encounter with this guy feel less like there must be something wrong with him.


Differences of opinion are to be expected; frankly, I'm suspicious of the guys here who only have outstanding reviews. (That's just my nature, I guess!) If you have a fantastic time with someone like Jon Ramsey, and after it's over he asks to use your phone, will it bother you? Probably not; you probably won't even remember that he did so. If you find him to be a wet noodle, and you're annoyed with yourself for wasting money, and he asks to use your phone, will it bother you? Almost definitely; you'll probably resent him even more. We probably all tend to overlook a lot of things that might otherwise get on our nerves when we're in the throes of lust. It's human nature. As someone once said, "God gave men two heads, but enough blood to think with only one at a time."



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Guest brianrj



You make a good point. Part of the problem is that in many instances these reviews may be our first (or 2nd/3rd/4th) time at meeting with an escort. Complicating matters is that some of these meetings are the first time encounters with another guy - so there is not much to compare to. (Hetero sex - lets not go there!) I find that I probably could have done a better job at writing my reviews - and hope to improve - but in most instances it was stupidity on my part of what to expect. Each successive encounter makes it easier to say - that was better than X, but not as good as Y. Fortunately, my motto is "practice makes perfect"!

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Guest DickHo

What a great saying...


I have also been conflicted about giving an unfavorable review to some of the popular escorts. At the very beginning of this site, I posted a favorable review of a not-yet-popular escort and listed his dick size as what I thought was closer to reality than the advertised size. I had a good time with the guy but when asked about size in the review, I couldn't put a fictious number. Hey, I'm into big dicks and I want to know the truth! Anyway, this caused a minor uproar, I got email from the escort complaining, etc. After that, I've only posted reviews that I can be completely truthful about and will not contradict the escort's advertised description.


I guess mother was right: if you have nothing good to say about someone, say nothing at all.

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Guest mickcool

Hi Jake and everyone else!

I guess the key word here, as Midnight Cowboy pointed out, is CHEMISTRY. Beyond what an escort will or will not do and how big his dick is, bottom line is: you either have chemistry or you don't. Because we are paying for it, the chemistry may be "faked" by the escort to earn his money. But there's only so much he can fake. Personally, I want the same kind of hot sex from an escort that I want from a date (I just can't stand cruising bars till 2:00 am anymore - escorts are just so much more direct!!!). Point is, you can't really review chemistry. You either have it with an escort, or you don't. And Jake, of course, you're right about looks. There's no question that I've had less "pretty" escorts who sent me straight to heaven . . .


Speaking of "pretty". I noticed that Midnight Cowboy posted the info. on Todd from Boston. Do you know him? Does he escort? Inquiring minds want to know!


This is a fun subject. Are we going to get nasty and name names of escorts who disappointed us - and why - or are we going to stay noble and nice . . . and discreet!?

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Guest cleverock

I've wondered if people pulled punches---too many "outstandings". Hoo Boy tried changing the scheme to bring in some variance, but this has continued. here and elksewhere escorts do have their fans, so that even mild criticism gets a catty response. I say--heck with it. Try to be realistic.


The comments about chemistry make a lot of sense---the escort can be having a bad day or you might be too nervous, etc. Not every escort is going to score a home run with every customer. unfortunately, escorts fill a fantasy need and at the prices they charge, some guys probably have to justify the experience.


Still, you can learn alot reading between the lines. the very popular Scot from premier in Philly prefers to top and that emerges from the reviews 9and was certainly my experience). Candid responses also turn up here (another thread gives Scott mathews a mild diss).

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The chat room is an experiment for things I want to add later.


For now, maybe a few of you agree to be there at a certain time and see how it works. That's what I've done with a few friends and even an escort or two.


I need to know if you like the features of it. If it seems like a good idea. If that's the software I want to get etc.


The people who are providing it are actually web-cam people and it's nice that they let me leech on to their site.


One of my unabashed faves, JR from Atlanta, has a webcam up there and a chat room. Many of them are muscle boys, so you might find some amusement there.


BTW, if you join any of those sites, do it because you want to, not to try and help me - I am not getting any residuals off of that. Only trying out the chat feature in a gay-friendly environment.



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>This is a fun subject. Are

>we going to get nasty

>and name names of escorts

>who disappointed us - and

>why - or are we

>going to stay noble and

>nice . . . and



Hey Mick - discretion has never been one of my strong points. However, I haven't really had a bad experience with an escort. Also, this is income to people, and god knows I don't want to fuck with that. If they are ripoff artists that's a different story. I have no problem sounding off on that. However, when a guy has only rave reviews and he is beautiful and hot and work hards but there is just that little something missing is it being fair to point that out in a review that will be read by many potential clients? That's an enormous responsibility when you're screwing with someone's money. Most often the really hot dudes I've been with are the ones with whom I experience that missing factor. Maybe that's just me. It's really great to be able to talk about this.

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This is a great topic! Thanks for putting it up Jake.


I too found it interesting to read about people being unsatisfied with Jon Ramsey. Almost all of his reviews were glowing to the point of sainthood. It was suprising to read other than the popular vote. I assumed he did more than rub and kiss...and I'm always suprised to hear from clients that their escorts were on the phone making plans with their next client. That's just rude.


When I read reviews, I always read the little factoids which begin the review (age, height, weight, etc.) to help fill in the gaps which the written review neglect.


I hope to have a career in theater, and here, everyone gets bad reviews as well as good reviews. Like it or not, and written in the spirit of a review rather than a personal attack, you can learn a lot from a bad review (i.e. bad breath, doesn't take time after, phones clients, etc.) things that someone may seem are ok. When a review is really scathing, you know if it's for real or someone venting.


As far as too many "outstanding" reviews, maybe everyone writing them should wait forty-eight hours AFTER the encounter before submitting their thoughts. Maybe too many people are writing while still on their euphoric high. I know I love life and life loves me for a few days after I have really good sex.


It's too bad that "Chemistry" couldn't be an option, along with dick size and color of hair. Of course, it's totally subjective and only useful to the person writing the review. I've been with men who some may not consider handsome but really loved to fuck; it's the one thing they do really well because they love it so much, and it's those men who make my toes curl.


I'm rambling because I just can't focus my thoughts into a cohesive sentence. Trying to list all the things I would want in a man...who can do it all in under one hour...is like trying to put toothpaste back into the tube!


Just my ramblings about escort reviews. Just keep writing them and I'll keep reading them! The Consumer Reports of sex.

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LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-00 AT 10:02PM (CST)[p]i did not post a bad review of an escort to avoid getting hooboy into trouble. i had an extended session with an escort who told me how he sued one of the online sites(about a year ago) to get nasty remarks about him deleted. that escort reads this site and has posted here. it so happens i had written to hooboy to warn him of this escort before there was a posting about that escort on this site. the posting was a bad one and there was a problem shortly afterward. i did not want to add fuel to the fire; that escort left me with the impression he would be mean and vindictive; i don't need the trouble. the bad review the escort got was right on the money.


escorts do treat customers differently. i use a few escorts on a regular basis and have developed comfortable relationships with them. from the other reviews posted here, i know they do things that i like that they do not do with new, one-hour quickie customers. part of it is because of the friendship developed along with the trust of knowing someone. i have given them respect and treated them like people, not like a throw away piece of meat. guess what? i get treated well back. we end up enjoying each other for the companionship as well as the sex.


if you read my postings, i get along with the infamous "kirk" and have had some great sex with him. things well beyond the "limits" he has with some of the other posters here. in his case, paying him well doesn't hurt, but still the sex is very good. i have also posted on jon ramsey. he well deserves to be one of the top ten. i've hired plenty of escorts and he is tops. his companionship is very real. he was with me when he read one of the bad things posted about him and was very hurt by it. i know with me he wants to be sure i am having a great time and he is totally focused on me. i've been seeing him regularly for several years and if i wasn't happy i would move on. there are plenty of good escorts out there like shamus (only been with him twice but a definite candidate for a long term relationship) who could fill in an open slot in my schedule if jon didn't keep me happy.


to the topic at hand. i've posted reviews of the good escorts to reward them for a job well done and to help them with their business and to let all of you know that there are some great guys out there. when a bad one comes along i'll not hold back again unless i feel it'll be unsafe for me or hooboy.

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Guest Midnight Cowboy

Yes, Todd escorts, but I have no knowledge of how he is at it. I brought him up in the first place because I was wondering if anyone else and hired him and how it went.


As for being nice or nasty, in an attempt to be neither one in particular, the guy from Chicago I referred to is former Colt model Mike Betts. He's a very hot-looking, muscular, hairy-chested, well-hung man in his 40s, I think. But we just didn't click. I don't think it's disparaging him to say that publicly. He seems to have many, many satisfied clients and I wish him and them well. I found him mechanical and unengaged, though I also thought he was very nice and how could I possibly not like someone who played so affectionately with my cats? If only he'd played as intently with me!


A month or so after I met him, I was chatting (ahem) with someone online who sent me his "self-pic." It was a pic of Betts. So I forwarded it to Mike, just to let him know this guy was sending out his pics. He sent me a nice note back and said something to the effect of he'd let me know when he's back in town so we could get together again. That made me wonder - did he really think I had such a good time that I'd shell out another few hundred bucks to repeat the experience, or was he just being a good businessman? I do wonder how aware an escort is of how satisfied or unsatisfied he's left his clients.



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Guest Matt In Vancouver

I find this an interesting thread, I'm one of the escorts who's had only outstanding reviews, on one level I find this really flattering, but on the other hand a bit disturbing, it makes me wonder where are the guys that didn't find me to be everything they wanted? I'm sure there are some out there. There are a lot of reasons why a situation can go bad, chemistry, long day, personal issues...whatever, and I know that there have been times when I left a client feeling like i should give them a freebee next time to make up for a poor performance.

In any case, the good reviews have made me feel like I need to live up to them, which is a good thing, because everytime I'm with a client I am subconciously thinking "I need to satisfy"

This has always been the case, but now I have something to live up to, a bit more incentive.: )

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Guest leandream1

LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-00 AT 02:56PM (CST)[p]I find the question of what makes a good escort perplexing. I think many of the things people appreciate about the top-quality escorts should be a given, and nearly everything else is subjective. If that's true then across the board total package equals honesty and professionalism. Everything else about an escort is the accessories that you do or don't care for.


They should be punctual and/or able to account for tardiness. They should be kind, or cruel, depending on what you've discussed. They should not be disinterested. They should kiss if they said they like to, and shouldn't be disparaged if it wasnt discussed (you're both at fault for not discussing it beforehand) and it turns out they don't kiss. Some top, but lets be real, critisize his advertised 8-pak abs as being more like a 2-pak, and his ability to top may fold. Some bottom, but if he has an upset stomach and can't take it for very long, did he really mislead you? Escorts are humans, not machines.


Some do both, from what I have read some like john ramsey don't do either. From what I understand John is completely upfront about it, so if that was discussed beforehand, and it still sounded like a meaningful appointment to you, and it was, then he truly is "the total package" for you. (making phone calls to other clients is a questionable activity, but he meant no harm I am sure). I presume John, and others who don't get anal, liken themselves to courtisans and Geisha...more "companions" than "escorts"--which some read "hustler". If gettting pounded, or pounding, is part of your "total package" clarify that. If you didn't, you probably will next time. And if you're like that abrasive man RO who used to post here, an escort's ability to submit to lots of sex is much more important than an escort with a brain. To him and clients like him, an escort with a brain is an oximoron, so that doesn't factor into his "total package".


Some men-for-hire, like mark wolff, are honest to god body builders, and often body builders have a (nearly) hands off policy. If you have to touch a perfect body to appreciate it, look harder for a less strict policy, or downgrade the physical criteria you are looking for. Can Mark really be criticised for not letting you touch him if he made that clear beforehand? (if he didn't clarify that, then lets continue to trash the musclehead-this is jealousy talking). Many men advertise themselves as body builders, but are just big. You may get more touchy feely dates from them, but let me say this now: LEAN MUSCLE IS REAL MUSCLE. Big muscle does not a body builder make. What do 18" biceps mean if you have 13% bodyfat? In the world of body building nothing, nothing at all.


Some guys have bodies a step (or two) below Mark Wolff. I humbly submit that I fall into this category; we (I) do pleanty of legitimate modeling and have all the same definition as the professional body buildiers, we are just a few inches shy in the bulk department. From this type of guy you can usually expect hands on, but be prepared for a little arrogance and more of a fondness for being serviced, than servicing.


Many escorts are just in really good shape. Mr. Lawrence for example, are VERY sexual and make a great escort because they are professional and pretty damn smart (ok, i suppose his big dick helps :-) ). It's from these guys that you are most likely to get what I think many are suggesting in the expression "total package": friendly, professional, RECIPROCAL, kissing, hugging, good natured, or nasty as hell, depending on expectations, and an absolute love of fucking.


So many men, so many different types. All are the total package as long as they treat you with respect (even if you are on a leash at the time) and are honestly what they said they are and like to do what they said they like to do.



Bringing this around to the original posting (god was that a tangent, eh boys?) your final grade is a combination of your objective assessment of his honesty, professionalism as well as absolutely every subjective thing about him. In the comments section you can clarify that his dick was smaller than advertised, but he was surprisingly tender in bed, and the tenderness did or did not mean a lot to you. Posting the good and the bad is your perogative and entirely in keeping with the purpose of this website. -Hagen

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Boy, Hagen, you are absolutely right about a final grade being heavily influenced by all the subjective things about the escort. When I started hiring escorts (less than a year ago) I was escaping from a long-term (18 year) marriage. I was giddy with relief that I was striking out and now going to be "me" and yet terribly torn by the guilt of having failed in my marriage and leaving behind my 17 year-old son. I thought all I wanted was heavy-duty, panting, grunting, sweaty, hot, hot sex. And I was right .... partly. But after the first flush of hot sex started to fade, I discovered I was looking for many of the things people look for all their lives. Sure, I wanted great sex, but I also wanted friendship, compatibility, patience and understanding. It is only very rarely, in my limited experience, that these two seemingly divergent wants have come together. It is those escorts that really, and I speak only for me, rate the outstanding. It has very little to do with the six pack, the bubble butt or the dreamy eyes. I'm amazed to find out that good sex really is what I'd been taught many years ago: it's a real phsysical and mental connection between two (or more!) people. When it happens, there is nothing like it.

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Guest mickcool


What can I say? You're right again (are you as sexy as you are wise?!?!). Of course, we're not going to turn this into "escort bashing" that would be destructive on all levels and defeat the purpose of this great message center. I wasn't really serious. It's the kind of "unedited" conversation we could have on the chat line - just for the fun of it!

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Guest mickcool


For ONCE, I disagree with you. We all have our reasons why we enjoy hiring escorts. In all cases, it is safe to assume that it is to fullfill some fantasy - whatever that may be - But I think it is important we keep that fantasy on a physical level, because let's face it, how likely is it to truly connect to an escort (or anyone else for that matter)when your first and only contact is purely sexual. I may sound old fashioned, but usually, the kind of connection you talk about RESULTS in sex but doesn't START there. I'm not saying it's impossible to build on a relationshhip based on sex, but it sure makes it more difficult, don't you think?


In any case, this is still a fun "thread" and if nothing else, it looks like you're gathering quite a few fans - I'm one of them! Ah - the power of words!

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You know what, Mickcool? I disagree with me too. It felt great when I was writing it, but now on second look, it's not what I really meant. What I was trying to say is that I don't do well with just old-fashioned out and out fucking and sucking unless there is some connection beyond the big cock. And in reality, I think that's true for most of us. Read the reviews and you find so much commentary about good conversations, snuggling and cuddling, pillow talk, etc. It takes it all beyond just the sex itself. Anyway, I'm rambling too much. Someone stick a big cock down my throat and shut me up!

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Boy, this is a great thread. Some many interesting things being said, especially about "glowing reviews" to escorts who may not necessarily have deserved them but who got them because the reviewer didn't want to be different from the rest. Well, as one of the guys who did not give Jon Ramsey a glowing review and mentioned that he was not the "total package" that he advertises, I somehow feel that I have to justify my review so that some of Jon's fans won't send one of the Sopranos after me. I hired Jon twice. Both times, I was disappointed because of the fact that he did very little. Again, as I pointed out in my comments about him, I had not discussed this with him ahead of time as I was brand new to this business and did not know one could do this. This is NOT HIS FAULT, IT IS MINE. If I would have know ahead of time that all I would get was a hand job, I may have gone with it as I felt (and still do) that Jon is a very attractive guy.In fact, after the first encounter, I felt that it was my fault that I felt somehow "incomplete" and that perhaps the second encounter would be more fullfilling. Afterall, everyone else was giving him "raves" so maybe I should give him another try. It wasn't. His fans all rave about his personality.....with me, I felt that this was all an act....could this be what everyone calls chemistry? He was very chatty and nice but the conversation revolved around his nice body and bubble butt. He did use his phone "on my time" and checked his pager. I was somewhat insulted by this (I did not mention this to him) but pretended that it didn't bother me....it did. Then, on another thread, I noticed that I was not the only person who had had that experience with Jon. Does this make him a bad escort who should be shunned by other guys? Of course not. However, in my experience, he doesn't deserve to get a glowing review of "outstanding". I would have given him something like "C ". I'm sure there are many of us who hire escorts and find most of them are neither outstanding or total flops....most fall somewhere in the middle. There are to many variable circumstances to cause this. They have all been mentioned above.

Personally, I think the reason for these reviews is to allow different individuals to be able to make an informed decision about hiring an escort. He reads all the good and bad things that reviewers say then either goes for it or he passes on.

I could go on and on about other matters but I think I have made my point. As for Jake, I thing that we have to write it as we see it. If we don't then this review section is worthless.

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Damn, all I've got to say is that the first time I actually hire an escort I just hope that he has the professionalism, honesty and the rest of the "total package" that you have Hagen. As HooBoy would say, I need to contact my travel agency and get a flight to the left coast as soon as you have an opening! :9

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Leandream - In your listing of the various types of escorts, you leave out a few descriptions. Some people love older escorts. Some of those fall into the body beautiful, or at least in great shape category. Others fall into another category, the bear. The daddy bear is a bit overweight, but that makes him more 'natural' for some people. And he may have snow on the roof, but there's fire in the chimney - or however that old saw goes. There are not one but at least two magazines devoted to this kind of man. And with the pandemic killing off a lot of our people in their youth, older gay men are not always easy to find, and many that you do find are monogamous, thus putting the daddy bear escort at a premium. True, they don't appeal to everyone, but look all over the reviews on this site and see what a low percentage of them are here. They may not have as large a market to share, but they aren't sharing it with many people either. And I bet they all kiss and cuddle. So leave us not forget in the fight between twinks and BBs that they are not the only two flavors available.

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Guest Shooter

Tale of two ramblings


LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-00 AT 10:32AM (CST)[p]Jake, I liked your first rambling better! More profound, less superficial! Oh, well, another rude awakening from a sweet fantasy!


Keep smilin'! :-)

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