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Porn Stars as Escorts:Who's hot? Who's not?

Guest assmaster
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RE: Porn Stars as Escorts...TONY DONAVON


So Lovemblond, have you ever hired him, or are you his business manager, or are you him? The mention of giving you three to five days notice sort of makes me wonder.


Anyway, I think he's a cutie and looks sort of my size, I mean HEIGHTH. I always end up with big guys and thought it would be nice to not get a crink in my neck when making out.


So anyway, does anyone have the 411 on this hot little man? Lemme know! :-)

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Guest lovemblond

RE: Porn Stars as Escorts...TONY DONAVON


Regina.... I'm certainly not either Tony or his business manager. If he really gets that rate and is busy, I would love to manage him though. I just copied and pasted what was on his ad at the URL I gave you. Thought you were looking for a a web site that listed him.


As for being with him, 'fraid not. I would love to but wouldn't pay that for anyone. Plus I'd have to fly him to Chicago. Big risk for a porn star and while the market is up I wouldn't want to divest part of my portfolio in order to afford him. :D

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RE: Porn Stars as Escorts...TONY DONAVON




Thanks for the scoop lover! Hope you're staying warm in the windy city. I know it well; miss shopping at Watertower Plaza.


Oh, according to Alan Greenspan, now might be the perfect time to divest that portfolio. If Mr. Donavon were only a physician, you could come down with a horrible case of itchy colon and write it off your taxes as a medical deduction! :*

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RE: Porn Stars as Escorts...TONY DONAVON


Tony was based in "central california" for a while. Does someone have reason to believe he has left my home state? I used to see him online on AOL using the screen name TonyDonaovan2000 (or something close to that) but that screen name is no longer valid on AOL. Any e-mail contact for this cute guy?


P.S. I also chatted with Ashton Ryan on AOL the other day! Alas, he said "no private appearances".

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Guest ChubbyTopGuy

RE: Porn Stars as Escorts...Eric Manchester


This took place several years ago:

I played phone-tag with Eric for a few months, till he told me when he'd be in NYC for a visit. He said, he "preferred to come to my hotel" instead of me going to his. So, we confirmed the day, and time. I contacted him, when I was in the city, and he had to "postpone it for an hour, or so". Close to 2 hours later, he showed up. He asked for the money up front which I gave him. He said he wanted me o be "squeaky clean" So, I took a shower while he was there.

When I came out of the showee he had VANISHED, along with my money. I tried to call him at the hotel he was staying at, but kept on getting a busy signal. So, I went to the hotel where he was staying. I waitd, and waited over 3 hours (in the lobby) for him to come back, or come out. When he did show his face, and saw he, wit a glazed look in his eyes, he started pushing from the hotel and strted calling me names. I asked about my money, and he denied taking it. I asked why did he leave, while I was in the shower? "I had something to do".......He then told me to "stay away from this hotel, or I'd be sorry!" Well, I left.....

Late last year I found his # in "Frontiers" and called him. I told him about our "previous encounter". H said he was sorry, but "I was messed up back then, but I'll make it up to you" Well, I have called/pagd him a number of times since then including twice when I was gong to be in San Francisco, and have heard nothing from him to this day.

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RE: Porn Stars as Escorts...TONY DONAVON


This guy may have a big dick, but I see nothing else attractive about it. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder (or what to be)

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Guest ChubbyTopGuy

RE: Porn Stars as Escorts.....


Earlier I gave a review (here, at this forum) of Eric Manchester and what transpired between us.

I have been wit Eric York, not bad, accomadating, but a little bit distant (as you can tell by my "handle" I am not a model, or gym bod) but it was good, if a bit rushed.

I also have been with Rob Cryston twice, once for 2 hours, and once for overnight. (Both times took place in New York City) They 2 hours were fun, the overnight was fantastic. Rob was very nice, we had sex, dinner, saw a show, had a snack, more sex, went to sleep, more sex in the morning before he left.


Both these events (or all, if you include Eric M.) happeneda few years back, as Rob has retired (Damn!)!

Finally, does anyone know if Karl Thoas does escort work? Or, a way to contact him? If anyone does, please email me: JAS1957@webtv.net


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LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-00 AT 11:34AM (CST)[p]1. Talvin Demachio - several times, short, but big fun, excellent kisser, very nice guy, intelligent to boot, fantastic bod (not too muscled yet). Still see him when he comes to NYC.


2. Tom Chase - numerous times, huge dick, but always bottomed for me (yes, there are some that I can't take, hard as that is to believe), but he's getting too muscled, very nice guy tho, pretty good kisser. Always see him, at least socially, when I'm in SF.


3. Scott Matthews - several times, big fun, but could lose a bit around the middle.


4. Dereck Bishop - once, pretty decent bod, good kisser, very nice also. Would see him again if there wasn't so much new to choose from when I'm in LA.


5. Michel Lucas - numerous times, great looking, great kisser, nice dick, lean and firm bod, retired, but I still see him at his place in the Village every few months.


That's enough for now.

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Traveller -

Please fill out your profile. Your really have piqued (Spelling?) my curiosity this time. Now that I am no longer paid for my discretion (and you never have) I'm dying to ask things like what city you live in, what kinds of pets and hobbies you have and how the hell you have such a huge entertainment fund. Can you say what kind of business you're in safely?

Love, Blade

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Guest wander0069

RE: Porn Stars as Escorts...Eric Manchester


I had a very similar situation with eric a few years ago. He was in an ad and I had always been intrigued by him. I called and he came over and at the door demanded money for the cab that was no longer there. (for the amount he wanted I could have gone cross country). He then wanted all the rest of the money up front.


I had told him I wanted a bottom that really was into it and from videos I knew he could be. He was not into it...told me that....told me to bug off and that the money was his for the trouble.



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Guest Newbie

While waiting for the Traveller himself to fill you in, I can tell you that he's a lawyer--which probably explains his outsized entertainment budget. And I'd say his hobby is pretty obvious.

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LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-00 AT 09:51PM (CST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-00 AT 09:20 PM (CST)


You want my profile, look under Sasha in New York, or reviews for Luke 2 (New York), Spider (New York), Alex (Miami), Bryan (LA), Antonio (New York), Troy (DC), Sergei (Berlin), Tony 2 (New York), or Alex Carrington (LA), Johannes (Salzburg), or Guy (Hong Kong). BTW, Cory (huge dick, awesome attitude), Matt Top, Rico and Collin are also excellent choices in NYC. Bryan (pantsdown.com) was also great in LA, but I don't believe he escorts anymore. I've also reviewed several of my repeat porn stars under that section of the message center. I'll being seeing a few of my favs in the City tomorrow and Sunday, as well as some new ones for reviews next week. Remember, fuck always, often and safe. Peace, love and rock and roll. Later.

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LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-00 AT 09:29PM (CST)[p]I already identified myself as an attorney. And being a relatively young partner in a big firm helps with the entertainment expenses. I also invested in EMC, Cisco, Qualcomm, Intel, Microsoft, et. al. very early and very, very often. And, of course, hunting has always been my passion. I still want to know when Hagen is going to make it to the City (even if a few of you identify him as a Hooboy fav, which is totally immaterial). His bod is working for me. Later.

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Guest cleancutphillip

HEY TRAVELLER...get a life guy!!..it seem like an overindulgence...sure, i love to meet hot new escorts and experiment, but jeez

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Thanks, Traveller, for indulging my nosiness. As a person without much ambition who decided to try to live my life as a middle class actor/masseur and ..., I can only dream about living your life. Right on, grrl!

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Guest WetDream

Eric Manchester has an ad in the current B.A.A. (3/30). The phone number given is 415/251-3752. Rate is $150. Good luck!

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LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-00 AT 03:18PM (CST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-00 AT 03:06 PM (CST)


LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-00 AT 02:59 PM (CST)


As I've always said, nothing succeeds like excess. BTW, regarding this weekend, they're already too over-reviewed, but Justin (of the famous speedo beach shot) is as delightful to talk to as he is a total stud in bed. Definitely a top 5 topman. And Shamus (yes, I top every once and a while also) was also true to his pics (very hot bod), and a very, very nice young guy. Excellent technique in bed. Both were great looking, great kissing, romantic and fun to get to know. And, as always, Luke 2 and Cory should be on everyone's weekly to do list.


And cleancutphilip, your reward shall undoubtedly be in heaven (I'll bet you also knew where Vernal, Utah was); but, as I've already bought my handbasket, I won't be able to assist you in clipping the rosebushes once you're there.


In addition, you can also go to theater, movies, restaurants or play frisbee in Sheep's Meadow with escorts, as I did this weekend. And when you're about the same age, and have about the same looks and build, as the escort, no one takes any notice. Also, a lot of escorts are actually fun, interesting people. Who knew?


Remember, variety is the spice of life. To paraphrase the late, great Mayor Daley, "Fuck early and fuck often."



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Guest DickHo

"Cory should be on everyone's weekly to do list."


I was with Cory years ago (when he first moved to the city) and loved it. Since his review appeared here, I've tried to contact him to no avail. I call and the calls don't get returned. Yesterday, I came closest when I actually set up a date for 8pm but he called about 30 minutes after making the date to cancel.


Traveller: what's the secret to getting a date with him?

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I admit that in the beginning he could be a bit of a flake in keeping appointments. I've got his home phone now, but can't give that out, of course, without his permission. I'd say keep trying the beeper number in Unzipped, around late afternoon or early evening is probably best. His CA, totally laid back attitude and outlook makes for fun and much different conversation than typical East Coast Speak; and, you undoubtedly remember the rest of the package is also very fine. Good luck.

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Guest longjohn

RE: Porn Stars as Escorts...Eric Manchester


I had a bad experience with him myself. I live a 40 minute drive from SF (in reasonable traffic), and had an appointment to see him, and he simply didn't show up. I called him later, but he never answered nor even apologized for blowing me off. Too bad for him. I coulda been a regular.

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Guest longjohn

As you can see from the comments of a few people above, he seems to have a little sociopathic streak. Watch out.

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