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Hooboy Savaged at MuscleService Site!

Guest Newbie
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Guest Newbie

Over at Ace Bannon's MuscleService.com site there's been a certain amount of commentary yesterday & today about this site & how Hooboy runs it. Seems someone was royally pissed when Hooboy, he claims, played games with his review (a negative one of someone called Troy), seemed to side with the escort, and then, worst of all, gave him the reviewer's email address!


In the wake of all this, someone called Jimbo posted the following:


"Hooeyboy's site is mostly a crock. It's run by a fussbudget auntie type who until recently lived (I think) in Vernal, Utah, & is now in transit to NYC, but had to flee the country because of death-threats from a disgruntled escort. (I'm not making this up.)"


"Anyway, this character (who shows every sign of histrionic personality disorder detailed in the DSM-IV) makes a great show of impartiality & 'truthful judgment' but betrays biases at every turn--twinks are what he favors, the more simpering the better--and has already been caught out several times protecting his darlings. In that, & several other ways, he's manipulative & dishonest. And when challenged on this, his favorite defense is exactly that of the rip-off escort, Troy: he talks PAST the charge, doesn't refute it (he can't) & brings up something wholly extraneous to the beef under discussion."


"No, he's not Aaron Lawrence [some other poster had opined he was]--though I suspect he's just as scary-looking in his own way. He certainly doesn't seem to have AL's business savvy, and right from the start his site has been one long soap opera of travails with perfidious servers, imploding message boards, reviews & photos gone astray, too much email to answer, crushing telephone bills, lack of sleep, & now death-threats--a great, big, hysterical miasma in which everything leads back to Hooboy himself. Indeed, he's the central figure in the site even when he's just hawking stuff like Viagra--where he begins the ad with 'Personally I don't need [Viagra] but...' or somesuch endearingly personal touch."


"Compare this to Ace's handling of his site [MuscleService.com]. Where Ace is a benign, genuinely impartial but seldom-heard-from presence, Hooboy turns M4M into some auntie's domain, littering the place with antimacassars of smarmy comment & bowls of candied fruit (like Aaron Lawrence & BillyBoy), while being cheered on by fans much like himself, sentimental johns for whom 'kissing & cuddling' is a top priority in choosing just the right prostitute."


"That said, there's a certain amount of value in the messages posted on the message board--at least those posted by guys other than the Hooboy fans. There's useful information to be had, once you get to know the sources & evalaute accordingly."


"However, true to form, Hooboy installed an absurdly fussy control-freak state-of-the-art board, so nagivating it is a real pain in the ass. The old one (yanked in January after accumulating some hilarious attacks on the creepy Lawrence, that most sacred of Hooboy's sacred cows) was a pretty straightforward operation, and so the exchanges were far, far more amusing, informative & freewheeling there."


"But who knows what will happen to M4M? Once Hooboy returns from exile, he'll likely try to make it a pay-site. But he probably fears (and rightly) that lots of people who now check it out for free wouldn't consider paying for it. (I know I wouldn't.) And he can't stand not having an audience."


"BTW, there's remarkably little overlap between the Hooboy market & the one here [at MuscleService]. With very rare exceptions, twinks rule over there."


Several MusclewService regulars chimed in with Amens to this appraisal. But if you want to read more on this flap, go over to that site, go to the Logbook (the message board dealing with escorts), and back-button a few panels till you get to the threads around number 50 or so--postings from March 7 onward. You'd probably better do it now, since I suspect that this posting may get yanked at any moment.

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Why bother ...


I read the first few messages that showed up on the MuscleService board and then completely ignored that topic - I have better things to do than read the rantings of a few obsessed individuals who for some reason seem to think that their pathetic opinions actually *matter* or that anyone even *cares* what they think - I certainly don't.

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Guest Monopolizer

Ridiculous Diatribe


The posting above is ridiculous. Somebody must be very jealous of this excellent site, because they went over the top in slamming Hooboy.


I for one am very grateful that Hooboy devotes so much time to this effort. Thanks again, Hooboy!

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RE: Ridiculous Diatribe


I couldn't agree with you more, Monopolizer!


I must admit that I check out the website at Muscle Service when I have an ache for a neckless wonder, but I ALWAYS cross-reference my desires with Hoo-Boy's wondersite.


I was suprised by the length of the tangent on the Muscle Service website, considering that most of their hard-core followers communicate through a series of grunts and clicks. And if they don't like my assessment, they can just rim my cat's ass.


I know I should be a bit more Christian, but it burns me up to see blatent shade being tossed at the innocent, or in this case, Hoo-Boy (just yoking...) Anyway...


I always appreciate the witicism of a fellow sistah. Being the hypocrite that I am, however, I will always check that website just to see how the musclehead of the month competition is going. Besides, it's always good to be well informed; knowledge IS power.


So there.

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Some of us have found this information to be quite useful. Hooboy has done us a great service by providing us with a forum to discuss the pros and cons of various escorts.


I think both boards have positive and negative aspects; to me, finding out about someone I might want to hire is a great benefit.


You people who have nothing better to do than slam someone you don't even know should get a life.

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Guest Diogenes

While I don't agree 100% with everything that Jimbo, the poster from the MuscleService logbook, put into his blast, I must say there's plenty to mull over there.


I'm pretty new to visiting this site, but even in so short a time as a month and a half, I've been put off by some aspects of Hooboy's 'style,' both personal and as the webmaster here. Some of it (his penchant for self-dramatization, or the open and gushy flirtation with escorts he finds appealing) doesn't really detract from the value of the site, I suppose. (BTW, regarding the value issue, I do agree with Jimbo that the posters' contributions - at least the ones that don't suck up to Hooboy - are what make it worthwhile to visit here.) But some other elements of the Hooboy style aren't so easily overlooked.


I noticed that no one who has come to H's rescue so far (the 4 or 5 posters preceding me) bothers to address the issues brought up by Jimbo. Like Hooboy himself, they side-step or otherwise ignore the specific criticisms in favor of huffy irrelevancies of the 'Get a life!' variety.


I for one would like to know if Hooboy, as part of his 'Hooboy Investigates' response to that Troy imbroglio, actually did pass along the reviewer's email address to the escort. I'd also like to know if he really did misrepresent the reviewer's 'I stand by what I said' as a non-response, thus creating the impression that the original review was a dishonest hatchet job against a maligned Troy, and so justify his yanking it. (A veteran of this site told me he did the same thing last year in connection with a bad review for Aaron Lawrence.)


I put special emphasis on this since I remember all to well the peculiar handling of the Billy Herrington flap of a few weeks ago. (There, Hooboy's reason for discounting the negative review was on very shaky ground, considering the totality of the review, not to mention the overwhelming evidence against BH from a mountain of other similarly bad reviews. It was as if he was determined to believe Billy's alibi at all costs, no matter what anyone said. Why?)


Finally, my own, lone exchange with Hooboy made me wonder just how up-and-up & impartial he was in administering the site. When I asked why Rentboy.com was allowed to use the message board to advertise its paying clients (under postings by a 'tommyweiss' who is in fact Tom Weise, manager of that escort service), Hooboy blandly answered something to the effect that Tom was a nice guy & that escorts were allowed to hawk their wares on the message board as long as they were truthful. In other words, he completely sidestepped the real issue: that Tom Weise should have been made to identify himself as the Rentboy manager, instead of creating the impression that he was just another poster like you or me, offering disinterested advice to others.


I realize that I'm now going to get irrelevant sputterings & gettalife putdowns from Hooboy's faithful, along with the usual 'It's-his-site-he can-do-what-he-wants-with-it' invitations to get lost. But the fact is, Hooboy needs the posters on this board (and those who submit real reviews) more than they need him: THEY are the real substance of the site, and the reason (I assume) we're all here reading this stuff. And if you doubt that, watch what happens (as Jimbo suggests)if and when Hooboy is forced to make this a pay-site.

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Diogenes - actually I agree with a lot of what you say - I just don't see the point of posting it here since it isn't going to make a damn bit of difference.


HooBoy is going to run this site the way that he wants to and that's it - I don't like everything about the way that he does it, but I'm damn glad that he *is* doing it. So far, for me at least, the positive aspects of this site outway the negatives by about 10 to 1.


So, I look for and appreciate what is good here and try and ignore they things that I personally don't like.

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Guest Diogenes

Hi Michael!


Well, now I realize that big 'YAWN' you offered earlier was one of resignation! Yes, I suppose you're right in saying that it's finally pointless to object to (or even question) Hooboy's policies since he can and will continue to do just as he pleases. However, I notice that he did bow to poster-pressure just the other day when he reversed his own ban on posting escorts' fees. So you never know...


In any case, I agree with your wise decision to let the plusses outweigh the minuses here, and thus make the most of what's useful (and even just entertaining) about the site. And I'm going to do the same.


A propos of one bit from the Jimbo rant (which, however, hasn't anything to do with this discussion), whatever happened to Hooboy's flight to safety after the death-threat? I tried to piece together the history of this from 'News& Updates' and 'Read H's E-mail,' but the whole dramatic tale seems to have been expunged at some point.


Bottom line question: is H still 'abroad,' or finally installed in his new New York digs? (Maybe Regina has the answers on this one...)

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Hey Dio...


Sorry, but Hoo-Boy's whereabouts are a mystery to me too. I mailed my check to Texas like everyone else and I hope he gets it!


I've just spent the last few hours wading through all those messages on the Muscle Station website as really had no idea what all with controversy was about. Such a fuss over a few missing forum entries, and I really have a hard time taking advice from someone named Pig Nipples. (and I thought "Regina" was too much!) After wasting a few hours going back and forth to get to the next message I figured "Fuck it. A pox on all their houses."


Anyway, where ever Hoo-Boy is, I hope he's safe. It's too bad he wasn't able to attend the video awards. I hope someone here fills us in on all the dirt and goings on at the video awards and post parties.


One interesting statement and response from the Muscle Service


Mr. A-Wants to know about parties and orgies after the video awards. He heard that Scott Matthews had an orgy.


Mr. B-Interesting. He thought the only think Scott Matthews had was a bad attitude.



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With all of HooBoy's faults, there still is only one really reliable place to go for info on escorts: who's worth the bucks and who's not. I could see myself falling for a scam like Reno here in New York or that repulsive Nick in Atlanta. Also, the reviews are often detailed here and I like that. For me, all this far outweighs the silly cheerleading crap that goes on here.

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Guest Newbie

Sorry to differ with your take on the situation, Regina, but the complaint being aired over at Ace Bannon's site was NOT about a few missing entries in the forum. It's about Hooboy's very questionable decision to yank somebody's review, and then side with the escort who'd been described as a rip-off to the extent of providing him with the reviewer's email address. This last bit is really, really bad.


As a well-documented Hooboy cheerleader, you can make light of this all you want, but it seriously undermines the credibility of a site that makes so much of being truthful & impartial. It also helps explain the undue emphasis over here of such personal faves of Hooboy's as Aaron Lawrence, Rick Munroe, Billyboy, Rick Hagen et al. Speaking of Billyboy, whatever became of that extraordinary thread on him & his soul-bearing letter (50-plus fascinating postings as I recall)? As far as I can tell, it never even made it to the archives. Another blow from Verio?

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Guest Diogenes

Jake, I agree that much of the poster input here is very, very worthwhile (if you discount such BS as the twelve reviews--a record!--of that Sean creep of LA & NYC fame), but this is hardly the only site where you can get reliable info on escorts. Ace Bannon's MuscleService - while obviously ignoring the twinks who figure so prominently here - had PLENTY of warnings on both Reno & Nick, and long before they appeared here.(I'm assuming the 'Reno' you allude to is that evil gnome who has surfaced over the past 15 years under many guises, recently as a one-man service called 'Maturity Muscle' or something.)


Besides, over at MuscleService you can run a search on any & all of the escorts and find out PLENTY of details in a matter of minutes. Here, such info is needlessly & confusingly dispersed over too many parts of the site (not only in the official 'review' section, but various parts of the message board, as well News & Updates & Read Hooboy's Mail, and--for all I know--Advice from Aaron!) And if you know how to make that Pico search engine here work, please let me know. I'm going over there right now to check of 'Reno' for instance...

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Guest Diogenes

Sorry! My mistake!


Sorry, Jake! I spoke too soon about the trusty li'l Pico engine! Just went there & found the stuff on Reno: yeah, he's the one all right.

(Seems to me, though, the Pico lacked it's 'search' tab last week...unless I hallucinating.)


But, as I said, there was full, rich documentation on this particular bit of bad news

months ago at MuscleService--and some of it very funny indeed.

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I agree, Diogenes, about the search engine. It is an on-again-off-again thing here. But in HooBoy's defense, this is a new site and he is trying to get things going. I have used Bannon's site as well, and find it also very useful. Unfortunately, I think a lot of those muscle worship dudes take the whole thing too damn seriously. God forbid you say a negative word about one of their darlings - you'll be chewed a new asshole promptly. Here, at least, the fawning and attacks take place on the message center, so you can stay away from it for the most part if your stomach is not up to it. Both sites have great value and both have their flaws (as do I!). I do notice this morning that there is a "chat" feature installed here. That could be a wonderful asset. I hate AOL and don't want to give them any of my money (would rather give Reno money than AOL!). If escorts start using the chat feature here that could speed up many things and be quite interesting. All in all, this is a good place when I'm looking to play(and pay) and too lazy to go out for the free stuff.

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Guest brianrj

RE: Was Hooboy bSavaged at MuscleService Site?


LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-00 AT 11:16AM (CST)[p]Diogenes,


I've used the muscleservice site for over a year. You are correct that the logbook contains information on a lot of escorts but it is definitely focused on muscle - leaving alot of escorts and clients in the dust. (And it doesn't mean just the "twinks" are left off.)


I did searches on "Vincenzo" and "Hagen" two escorts that I don't consider "Twinks" and yet have several reviews on this site. Vincenzo came up with 5 posts - two of which provided info - but only the basic "yes I hired and we had a good time". Hagen came up with 5 posts also - 2 about CopenHAGEN, 2 with requests for info on Rod Hagen and a very useful post suggesting the person requesting this information visit the male4malescorts site. (Ironic that the title of this thread is that HooBoy has been savaged at the MSS site and yet there are MANY posts on MSS that refer people to his site. He couldn't have asked for better marketing!)


Anyway, both sites are useful but have very different objectives. I consider this my "main" site for escort information - it provides much more information on the escort and covers a larger variety of escorts than MSS. I look to MSS strictly for muscle escort info and warnings.


As far as this site goes - I think the purposes of the "review" section versus the message board are not well defined. If everyone who had experience with an escort posted a review - and if everyone who was looking at a particular escort read the reviews first, it would eliminate some of the "Does anyone know of a good escort in ..." type questions that arise here. At the same time I can understand that people - for whatever reason - may not be comfortable doing a formal review and I for one appreciate their input on the message board.


I also believe one of the original MSS savaging comments was about this message board compared to MSS. God forbid HooBoy ever goes to the type of message board used at MSS - it is SLOW, is poorly organized and though a matter of personal preference just doesn't have any visual appeal at all.


I hope both sites thrive and extend sincere thanks to both Ace at MSS and HooBoy here for their extensive contributions to the development of these sites.

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RE: Was Hooboy Savaged at MuscleService Site?


Brianrj-I couldn't agree with you more about the message boards. First, you're lost as to which board to approach, then downloading each message, reading, then having to go back...it was all I could do to keep from putting my fist through the moniter because of some stupid punch the monkey ad that kept running back and forth.


Glib or not, I stand by my thoughts of Muscle Service. I look at the pictures, check out a few websites, but rarely go through all their messages. And if they claim we rant about things, check out the listing on Dennis Newman (is he homo, homophobic, hates gays, has gay friends, made out with some other guy at a holiday party...). He's a bodybuilder who's made some poor choices in the past. Whether or not he's cleaned up is conjecture.


I think Hoo-Boy has been pretty honest with his problems with the computer. I don't believe he's a programmer or anything like that, and I think that sinking $4000.00 into something like this is pretty sweet and shows true dedication. When asked about missing links (i.e. one about Billy Harrington) he thought it was lost in the shuffle but certainly didn't hesitate to offer a summery (the man is a cheat and a snake).


Am I a fan of Hoo-Boy's? Guilty as charged! You're right Nembie, my support of Hoo-Boy is well documented. I think his work on this project has been astronomical. I think anyone who promotes free speech and the forum for it is a hero. I believed in Scott O'Hara, although I don't know him I believe in Ace Bannon, and I believe in Hoo-Boy. I enjoy his comments (as I did Ace Bannon's comments; seems like a good guy).


If something is on this forum I don't like or don't agree with, I have the choice of going to another website. Oh, and by the way, as far as this website being filled with "twinks", what do they consider Steve Teron or Rick Pantera or Matt or Rico or Eric Daven or Eric York or Rod Hagen...


"Have I said too much, there's nothing more I can think of to say to you..."

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>It also helps explain

>the undue emphasis over here

>of such personal faves of

>Hooboy's as Aaron Lawrence, Rick

>Munroe, Billyboy, Rick [sic] Hagen et



I have no idea how you got that impression. I am not a "personal fave" of HooBoy. I have never met him nor has he (to my knowlege) written any of my reviews. He has not given me the "HooBoy Seal of Approval" nor has he ever written anywhere that he would like to hire me or that he has hired me or that I am his type. As far as I can tell, I am not. As I've written here before, I have nothing to do with this website or the way it is run, other than when my clients write reviews of me, or when I feel the need to comment on the message board, such as right now. If you're inferring from the fact that I have 11 reviews that I am part of some stable of escorts being promoted by HooBoy, then you're mistaken. The amount of positive reviews for my services indicates that I have many satisfied clients, not that I am being promoted by HooBoy.

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Guest danny

As the one who reviewed Troy, I did not appreciate the fact that Hooboy injected his own commentary and passed along my e-mail address to the escort in question.


First, Troy misrepresented himself to me and that was the whole jist of my review. To bring to light the fact that he is a fraud.


Second, the review was put up in less than 48 hours. Hooboy states at least a 7 day wait, well, my review went up right away, which is highly questionable in itself.


Third, Troy's response says NOTHING that REFUTES what I had written. Instead, he used the tactic that I cheated him out of his fee. Hooboy added his own commentary about me not replying back to these charges, which was completely untrue. It wasn't until I sent numerous messages that he changed the review. He then tried to discredit me as well by making mention of me accusing him of catering to Troy.


Fourth, he passed along my e-mail address to Troy. I know this because in Troy's response, he invites escorts to contact him so that he can warn them about me as a client. An escort that I have been meeting with for years wrote to Troy and confirmed the e-mail address that I created just for the purposes of the review.


Fifth, Hooboy e-mailed me saying that he was "disturbed by some things" and wanted to personally speak with me. He gave me his phone number and I called and left a message. He did not return my call.


Now, what further evidence is needed for proving that Hooboy is hardly impartial. He caters to certain escorts. Aaron Lawrence, Billyboy, TROY, all because they are twinks. Let's face it, every pic that he puts up on the newest reviews page is a twink escort. Impartial? I don't think so.


The MSS message board is not without its own favorites. Many of the messages cater to bloated BB's on roids. If that floats your boat, then fine. But it's interesting, both this site and the MSS go to the extreme to promote a certain type of escort, which pretty much excludes the sexiest men because they are well-built and and defined (read: not a twink) and not on the juice.


Just my own opinion.


Bottom line: Troy is a FRAUD and Hooboy is hardly fair and impartial as he claims.

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Only Danny knows what went on between him and Troy, and him and Hoo-Boy. One point though---Danny offers a 48 hour review (instead of 7 days) as proof of Hoo-Boy's bias. I think this misunderstands the situation. So far as I can tell, the "7 day rule" only applies to cumulative reviews for escorts--i.e. to avoid the Sean in LA mulltiple-suspect-reviews problem, once a review is posted for a particular escort, it will be another 7 days before another review is posted for the same escort. For other guys, a "new" review will be posted whenever Hoo-Boy has the time and energy to get to it. Lastly, although I am most attracted to the bodytype offered at Muscle Service, I find the Logbook there to be really difficult to use. And the same 10 to 12 people seem to offer all of the reviews.

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Guest brianrj



Are you talking about the Troy (in DC) review from February? If so, I read the review, Troys response and what you refer to as HooBoys commentary. I'm not sure who or what to believe, but there are some things that I guess I read differently than you:


1) Red has given his interpretation of the 7 day "rule" in another post and I have to agree - that is how I have viewed the handling of multiple reviews for the same escort "flooding in" as was the case with Sean of NY/LA.


2) I would be curious to know if HooBoy's statement that Troy "immediately identified the email address of the individual who he says stiffed him" meant that he asked Troy if that was the email address or if Troy told HooBoy the address and it matched the one given with the review. If the latter is true - then HooBoy didn't give out anything Troy didn't already have. (BTW, you also indicate in your review that you sent Troy an email? Wouldn't he have your address from that?)


3) As far as Troy warning other escorts about you - what a total bunch of bullshit. (sorry - it's late) I'm not sure who is fooling who on that one. Even if he wanted to there are a zillion free email services out there - you could come up with a new name everyday and never run out of options. Get over it.


4) The review by you indicates that you only had him for 1 hour (or at least you indicate at the bottom that you always do this before hiring for longer periods.) Troy's response says the guy who stiffed him was an overnighter. You indicate that the review was up within 48 hours, yet Troy says the overnighter happened more than 2 months ago. Did you take two months to write it? You don't seem to deny in any of this that it wasn't you?


Sorry that you did not have a good time with Troy - regardless of the rest of this, that is the most unfortunate part. Beyond that,

I guess we'll have to send our special investigative undercover super secret quality control guy out to Troy to see what the real scoop is? 007 are you out there?

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Well guys, since I saw my name pop up in this conversation I thought I'd put my two cents in here. First off in my own defense. I have been the victim of a serious stalker situation. I was notified by one of my regular clients that someone was smearing my name on this site. I of course investigated and sure enough there it was. I immediately picked up the phone and called several of my good clients (and yes most are up in the morning) and a few that I caught on line and asked if they would come to my defense. They said they would be glad to and they posted those reviews of me and wrote what they believed with no input from me as to what to say. I wouldn't stoop so low as to post them myself. I then contacted Hooboy about the situation and asked that he remove that ridiculous lie. After discussing it with him he agreed. Now as for those of you who are suspect of my reviews e-mail me and I'll be more than happy to give you my clients e-mail so that you may verify as Hooboy did. What disturbed me most about this site is the fact that Hooboy didn't contact me to get my side of the story before posting that nasty review. Always remember guys there are two sides to every story then there's the TRUTH! Now as to the validity of these forums its a no win situation. Anyone can post anything on these boards without any merit of truth whatsoever. Its like that clown who posted on the MSS that I stole from his wallet. WHAT A BLATANT LIE! Nothing could be FURTHER from the truth. I can buy and sell half my clients before the crack of dawn. I don't need to steal! But there are those who take what's written on these boards as the gospel truth. Nothing I can do about it. But when someone deliberately sets out to do me harm I'm going to defend myself. PERIOD. Wouldn't you? Head's up Hooboy! Life's a bitch then ya marry one! Peace Guys :)

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Guest lovemblond

Danny boy....I feel I must respond to you since you just won't let this go. I cannot speak to anything regarding Hooboy's communications to you or Troy. I can, however speak about Troy from personal experience.


>"First, Troy misrepresented himself to me

>and that was the whole

>jist of my review.

>To bring to light the

>fact that he is a



I went back and read your review...several times. While Troy is not a body builder, he does have an athletic, ripped build with nice pecs, biceps and a very real 6 pack. I counted all 6 with my finger and my tongue several times during the 24 hours we were together.


Troy is definitely in his 20's and looks it. I have no idea what "35" y/o face you were looking at but it either was not Troy or you need a new Rx for your glasses.


Troy's hair was tipped lighter blond which I found attractive. I would not call it "bleached" which makes it sound more like a skater look.


Troy is definitely around 8.5 inches and thick. I too have had over 9" and he is close. His dick was in my hand, mouth and ass multiple times during the 24 hours and it was 8.5 every time.


Feminine? Who were you with? Troy is very masculine. He can be and was affectionate but definitely was the MAN in control in bed. Nothing about his speech, mannerisms, demeanor, etc. are effeminate. I didn't take note of how he crossed his legs but if that is your sole measure of masculinity then an awful lot of masculine men need to be reclassed as fems.



>Second, the review was put up

>in less than 48 hours.

> Hooboy states at least

>a 7 day wait, well,

>my review went up right

>away, which is highly questionable

>in itself.


BrianRJ has already clarified the 7 day rule for you and it does refer to consecutive reviews on the same escort. What I am curious about is your statement that the fact your review was up in less than 48 hours "is highly questionable in itself". Questionable regarding what? Sounds a tad paranoid to me.




>face it, every pic that

>he puts up on the

>newest reviews page is a

>twink escort. Impartial?


What site are you looking at? Every new review is a twink? That needs no response since the reviews and pics speak for themselves. Do you define a twink as anyone other than big body builders? Look at the 3/12 reviews again.



>Bottom line: Troy is a FRAUD


Maybe you didn't see the same Troy as the rest of us. Maybe Troy just didn't meet your expectations. Maybe he just wasn't what you thought or was hoping he was. He is NOT, however a FRAUD. He is what he describes himself to be. I and other reviewers have verified and testified to this.


If he wasn't what you were looking for, OK. It happens. Get over it and move on. You don't need to call names and make very strong and unfounded accusations. Stay home with your wife.

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Guest danny



To clarify things, I did pay Troy for his services. When Hooboy sent me an e-mail about Troy's response, he told me that Troy claimed I stiffed him and how do I respond? I replied back immediately that I did pay him and I stood by what I said in my review, that he misrepresented himself to me.


As to the point of making up an e-mail address, that is exactly what I did. I created the e-mail just for the purpose of the review, and never communicated to Troy under that address. My point is, there is only one way that Troy would have known such an address, and that is that he was given the information. That is what is most disturbing and should be a concern to all. If you give a negative review of an escort, do you want the escort to know it was you? I don't think so.


Instead of refuting what I said, he chose to attack my credibility by stating that I never paid him. It's a common way of deflecting the negative attention and the truth of what was said. He never stated that he's 25, ripped or hung in his reply.


As to when I posted the review, I waited a couple of weeks before posting it. The review went up in 48 hours, because I also posted a review of another escort a few days earlier that took 2 weeks before it went up. My review was Troy's 4th, not his first which would make it get up any sooner.

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Guest danny

I have no problems with my vision.


I was with a 24 y-o escort (Builtscort) in Miami a few months previous. He lived at the beach and was in the sun all the time. Obviously no wear and tear on his face. Contrast that with another escort I met on the same trip, Brian Score. Brian also spends a great deal in the sun and looked every bit of the 30 years old that he claimed to be. The skin on the face of both Brian and Troy appeared to be dried and wrinkly, common effects of too much sun exposure over long periods of time. Now remember what I just said about Chris, he lived at the beach and told me he spent hours upon hours in the sun, and he did not have that same dried up, prune-like look. The blond look is just what I described - it looked very un-natural and bleached.


As to his physique, look at the picture at the top of his reviews. There is no definition and no evidence of a 6-pack. That can't be denied because the proof is in front of you.


As for my personal preference, I prefer a very well-built, well-defined body -- not bulk or a bloated BB-type.


As to his dick - well again, it was not thick as you described and certainly not 8.5 or even close to 9 inches. If you look at the picture of his dick at the escorts4you site, you can see he is not thick. Thickness is very obvious in a photograph, where length is not.


One thing that would solve the issue: current pictures of Troy, including a face pic. He'll never do it, because then it would prove that he misrepresents himself to potential clients.


I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with Troy, but I was greatly disappointed by the man who claimed to be him showed up and looked nothing like a 25 y-o. I stated facts, he stated nothing to refute them.

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