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Please do New York like you did Toronto

Guest sam
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The messages about Toronto and Remington's were very helpful. I am going to New York and the Gaiety for the first time next week. Would appreciate the same sort of detail and information about how to "do" the Gaiety :-) Hope you regulars out there will give good info like they did in Toronto. Thx

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Guest assmaster

You are going to think that I am the biggest perv in the western world. First Toronto and now NYC. Actually the resident expert on the Gaiety is NYObserver.He's got it down pat. Read his reviews they are very good and except for his foot fetish fairly objective.

The boys at the Gaiety are mostly from out of town especially Canada and other 3rd world countries like Brasil.(only kidding "beaver" lovers.) They invariably share a room in a nearby hotel where they do the deed.OR you can take them to your place but it better be near the Gaiety or they object.They are mostly straight. for the most part honest, clean and gorgeous in varying degrees. You would really have to go far to find a better selection.One thing for sure they are there for the money and really have to work hard for their money. I know some of the guys and by the 4th or 5th day they are wrecked. Try to get them early in the week and after their last show if you want them to shoot. Mostly they give hand jobs and few kiss or get oral or very anal. There exceptions though so ask and you might receive. The going rate for one hour including travel is 200. Thats why you got to stay close.

They come out and dance a fast song with some clothes on and then disappear for what always seems an eternity while they look at girlie magazines back stage to get their dick hard. Then they come out and sashay around to really show their wares. THIS IS MARKETING. Ten youmeet and greet them in the lounge next door. This where the pitch happens.Dont worry they'll find you especially if you have wrinkles and dollar signs on your face. Be a little careful though as the odd time there are cops in there but the management usually knows and a warning sort of gets around. Some of the boys are real hustlers so watch out. Find out ahead what the deed is likely to include and how much. There are a few

there with delusions of grandeur and wpuld like to charge more but unless they are prepaired to go further than the usual dont pay them. There are a few unscrupulous ones that you need to watch out for. Read NYObsevers columns and go way back and of course any of the boys reviews marked Gaiety. Theyre in the N.Y. section by region.

Theres no point in telling you which are my favorites as we all like different types.,and who knows which dancers will be playing that week.

There what did I miss? Hey NYO how did I do?

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Guest brandon

Why are most of the dancers at the gaiety

straight? is it possible that they use this

as an excuse in order not to do more than the usual hand job? why wouldn't management find

more gay guys to dance....this must be a pretty

tough job for a straight guy.

are most of the guys who dance at remingtons

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Guest brandon

Why are most of the dancers at the gaiety

straight? is it possible that they use this

as an excuse in order not to do more than the

usual hand job? why wouldn't management find

more gay guys to dance....this must be a pretty

tough job for a straight guy.

are most of the guys who dance at remingtons or the campus straight? most of these guys

get pretty hard when doing a lap dance.

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I thoroughly agree with Assmaster's review of the Gaiety dancers. In my estimation, you REALLY have to be completely overwhelmed by someone in order to pay him the "customary" $200 for the privelege of touching him and having him give you a hand job....something that will probably last 20 minutes or so, then off he goes back to the Gaiety. They are gorgeous to look at and really tempting BUT beware, you will get very little for your money. If, after Assmaster's advice, you decide that you do want to hire them, by all means, make sure you know ahead of time what you will get for your money. As the saying goes, "buyer beware".

I strongly suggest that you read NY Observer's reviews of the Gaiety. Of course, you won't know who is there until you've been there.


Incidentally, is there any way to find out who will be dancing there on a certain weekend......something that I don't think is available until you've paid your admission

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Guest Raffy

>Incidentally, is there any way to

>find out who will be

>dancing there on a certain

>weekend......something that I don't think

>is available until you've paid

>your admission



The Village Voice usually has a small ad for the Gaiety on the movie ad pages. It lists first names of the dancers performing that week. It comes out Wednesday mornings, and in Manhattan it's free. Enjoy.

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Guest assmaster

RE: Bi/Straight/Gay ??????????????


Over the years (too many) that I have been hiring escorts I would say that 75% of them were straight or Bi.

It's a job. They usually start off being a gogo boy or stripper because one of their gym buddies told them how to make some extra cash. They all love to be worshipped so it's just a matter of time before they are giving hand jobs to tired old perverts like me.

Most of them say they are Bi because that covers all and gives them an excuse to not get too involved. I can tell you though that some of these guys get pretty adventurous. Few of them kiss and even fewer will go down. Only fags do that! HOWEVER I am here to report that almost without question you can do almost anything to them.I am seriously into ass eating and general ass playing and they all love that. Once they find out how good it feels you can put the mosting amazing things up there. It all takes

a certain finesse however. Why do you suppose THEY call me the assmaster?

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Guest assmaster

RE: Dallas?


Of course they do.

What turnip truck did you fall off of?

( please excuse my dangling participle )

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Guest assmaster

RE: Bi/Straight/Gay ??????????????


Over the years (too many) that I have been hiring escorts I would say that 75% of them were straight or Bi.

It's a job. They usually start off being a gogo boy or stripper because one of their gym buddies told them how to make some extra cash. They all love to be worshipped so it's just a matter of time before they are giving hand jobs to tired old perverts like me.

Most of them say they are Bi because that covers all and gives them an excuse to not get too involved. I can tell you though that some of these guys get pretty adventurous. Few of them kiss and even fewer will go down. Only fags do that! HOWEVER I am here to report that almost without question you can do almost anything to them.I am seriously into ass eating and general ass playing and they all love that. Once they find out how good it feels you can put the mosting amazing things up there. It all takes

a certain finesse however. Why do you suppose THEY call me the assmaster?

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LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-00 AT 06:24PM (CST)[p]Sammy,


In addition to the Gaiety there is Stella's, conveniently located in midtown Manhattan, just steps off of Broadway. The upstairs bar is full of alcoholic shrieking queens discussing their favorite song of Liza's or what Betty Buckley said the other day. However, in the evenings, there are go-go boys working the basement. They will be VERY upfront with you (what they will and will not do) while they are straddling your lap and shoving their hard dicks in your cupped hand, surreptitiously of course! Although they are not stripping nude due to a stupid city ordinace that prevents nudity in a bar--I guess Mayor Giuliani thinks we all get stupid and mistake someone's dick for a swizzle stick--when their crotch is in your face, literally, you learn to adapt. Just don't mess with their minds (yes I'll meet you, no I've changed my mind, yes I'm sorry, no I really shouldn't do this) as they may have declined other offers based upon your comments only to end up with nothing.


Check out this forum in previous listings as the topic has been discussed; in fact I asked the same question. I've been to the Gaiety and find it unnerving when I'm watching a stripper in a room so bright you could read a bible painted on a pin head. Read NYObserver for more info on the Gaiety goings-on, and, of course, you can always call to find out specifically who's appearing that evening.



266 West 47th Street

(between 8th & 9th)


call to confirm event of the evening

for example, tonight (Sunday)

go-go boys


$5.00 at the door


If you go to either stip club, you must eat at Virgil's Barbeque or Carmines, both are also located in midtown Manhattan. Virgil's has the BEST chicken nachos AND wonderful chicken fried steak and Carmine's offers HUGE amounts of Italian food. Not something for everyday, but, hey, make a night of it!

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Guest assmaster



Regina,how about the mashed potatoes? They are the best not to mention the ribs.

As they say "The best Butt on Broadway "

They obviously haven't been to the Gaiety.

Thats where I get my Takeout. Now theres some good eatin' from that place.

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Guest assmaster



Regina,how about the mashed potatoes? They are the best not to mention the ribs.

As they say "The best Butt on Broadway "

They obviously haven't been to the Gaiety.

Thats where I get my Takeout. Now theres some good eatin' from that place.

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Gaiety Miscellany


Thanks for all the good words. Assmaster, you can cover for me anytime (one day I might even get to meet ya). I do this for fun, to try to help other guys make good selections. I think if we all communicate with each other, the best guys will be rewarded and hopefully the worst ones won't have that much business (with so much tourist traffic, the worst guys will never be found out, when I see someone talking to the guys I think are scam artists, I want to scream out, "no, no, don't go" but I don't think it's my right to deprive the guys of their income (even if undeserved).


I don't think I have a foot fetish, Assmaster. I do think that a guy who comes out barefoot is very sexy, sensual. I do exaggerate it now, just because it's become my trademark.


I don't know why Denise won't reveal the weekend dancers, maybe it's some deep secret. I suspect it's more because it's a lot of names to have to read off.


I think many of the dancers claim to be straight, but other than the ones who do only body worship, I'd have to think they are at least bi. I suppose that by not admitting things, clients are willing to settle for less than they might expect if the dancer was gay.


Thanks for all the dining tips, I really like Carmine's but the wait is horrible. For a less filling (Italian) meal and no wait, I like Amarone, on 9th, I think it's between 47th and 48th. JR's isn't a bad inexpensive choice.


As always, I'm happy to answer whatever questions people have and I love hearing comments about the guys, even when I don't agree. You can email me at NYObsrvr@aol.com

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RE: Gaiety Miscellany


And I once again would like to publicly thank NY Observer for his hard work :-), consistency and integrety. He doesn't take advantage of his position as the Gaiety Field Correspondent. No one there knows who he is, except, I understand he's been considering wearing a mask and a cape to further conceal his identity. Of course, his bare feet in 20 degree weather should be a tip-off, but that's normal for Canadians. And most of those hunky dancers at the Gaiety are from the beautiful country to the North.



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RE: Dallas?


That was a stupid question, assmaster. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I intended to request comments about the Dallas dancers similar to those given from other cities. Don't know how I got off track - was probably dreaming about the dick dancers.


As for turnip trucks, I'm in the oil business out here in Bumfuck. Darlin', at $30. / barrel, even our turnip trucks are so fucking luxurious (and paid for) that it doesn't hurt when you fall out of them. We went that route because there were so many of us with repetitious falls. Otherwise, the entire town could be rich and brain dead (an escorts dream cum true).


Now that you've mentioned it, I do recall asking one of the more attractive dancers just how much it would cost to take him home. This was at least 15 years ago. I think he said, "$350." Of course, I thought that amount was absurd. Today, for that amount, I'd have his jock strap wrapped around my neck & his legs headed towards the ceiling in a New York minute!

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Guest texguy51



So are the go-go boys at Stella's hot? Are they a better value than the guys from the Gaiety? Would I be OK going there alone, or do I need a buddy with me?

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Guest assmaster



Hey Regina!

NYO and I want to go to Virgils with you.

Do you charge by the hour for your dining tips or would a Chopin Martini with 3 olives do?

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If you think Virgil's has the best mashed potatoes, you haven't been to Acme Bar & Grill on Great Jones (in the Village, by NYU-Tisch School of the Arts, Public Theater). On Monday night they have fried chicken night...all you can eat...and let me tell you, they truly are the BEST. Take out from the Gaiety might be better if it didn't cost so much and didn't run away for the late show!


And no, I don't charge by the hour, strictly by the margarita...nothing like licking that salty rim...of the glass too! :o


Wet ones on you and NYO.

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Texguy51-you can certainly go alone to Stella's. I personally love having a big hot latino that I can sink my teeth into sweeping me away with his charm. A friend of mine, however, one time went, made tentative plans with one of the go-go boys. When it came time to leave, however, he thought twice about it and withdrew his offer. The go-go hunk grabbed him by his throat to make him understand that was bad business.


I believe that was an isolated incident and the dancer was dismissed. As long as you're honest and upfront with them, you shouldn't have any problems. Remember, this isn't fun and games with them, it's their job. You will be treated as you treat them. Just be honest...and hungry!


Good luck!

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Guest assmaster



So, Regina, Do we have a date or not?

How about March 17? or do you have a leprechan that you have to do for good luck? NyO and I want to meet you..... You have so much to say!!!!!!!

By the way, does Regina rhyme with "cunt" or with "Perugina" as in Bacci. Whether it's kisses or cunt we still should say hello.

For sure I will be at the 6:15 show on St.Pats. In actual fact I'm Orange and my Grandfather is probably spinning in his grave to hear me even acknowledge St. Pat...........................

Virgil's is at least close to the big "G"


It would be fun to compare notes on the boys. I've been doing them a LONG TIME.


I was thinking of bringing green martinis to the Big G.

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RE: Bi/Straight/Gay ??????????????


I have bee going to the Gaiety for over 20 years, and have always hated the change from local gay boys to out-of-town mostly straight guys. When I once mentioned this fact to the agent I use for hiring escorts, he said that Denise prefers this new type of guy because they are a lot less trouble. They are less likely to bale out in the middle of the week and less likely to make trouble with the clients. He spoke as if he knew this from Denise's mouth. Whether that's true or not, I have no idea, but I thought it's interesting if it is, so I'm passing it along.


Thanks to everyone for the great chatter on all topics. Love ya all.

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Many thanks for the invitation, but most of my free time is spent being a cater-waiter (part time work that is flexible with classes and stuff) and St. Pat's day is a holy day in the food business!


Have a green martini, or two, or three...for me. And don't have too much cabbage if you're planning a mid-town encounter; it could get ugly!





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I think a dinner with you in tow would be a hoot.


Waiter! TWO pitchers of margaritas, please! ;-)


I look forward to your comments continuing to spice up these proceedings.

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